2:26am Jun 27 2013 (last edited on 8:44pm Jul 3 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
Welcome to Port
This little town of Port is only one of the Seven major cities that are scattered across Oblitus. The human population has dwindled to a very small amount that now occupy one of the Seven towns. There are smaller settlements that are scattered throughout the Lands, but they are not very large so they are difficult to find. Port is the main sea side city. It is quite large and the houses are spacious enough to home at least five families comfortably. They are all made of wood and come are made from concrete. The roof is almost always made from clay shingles so that the rain water runs off smoothly. There are two major buildings that are in Port. The Town Hall, which is the only towered building in Port. Town Hall serves many purposes. It is a dining hall for the town's many folks when they get together. It serves as a meeting place for the town board of governors when they must discuss what they will be doing for the people of the town. It has many more purposes, but they are smaller than the ones listed. The only other major building is the shrine of the Forgotten. The Shrine serves as a place for people to go and summon a Vindex, which is their Guardian. Each Vindex is unique to a person and it requires the help of the Undertaker to bring them from the Forgotten Realm. Now, I have a story to tell you children. Gather round while I tell you the Tale of Oblitus.

Legend of Pollicitus - Across the world and the seven seas of old, there is said to be a place that is abundant with food and never ending supplies of water. There is no famine and peace is plenty. The grass is always lush and the mountains contain ore that people have been harvesting to create many items that they deem to be useful. The ore never seems to run out and the government actually listens to their people. They are not greedy and they honestly look out for the people that they govern. Farm lands are always fertile and crops grow larger than in any other place. Everything is fresh and used as soon as it is picked and washed. The weather is always fair and the winters are never too chilly and never too cold to have winter crops die. People are friendly and don't seem to get angry, if at all. They are peaceful and they tend to keep to themselves. Hundreds have heard of this land and hundreds more have tried to reach the lands. Many of those that have set out have never returned and people never know what happened to them. Their journeys are passed down as legends for many years. However, there are only a handful that have reported of reaching this land and they have all but confirmed that Pollicitus is what they have heard of in legends. Your World - Now, everybody is told of this legend and many children dream of making their ways to Pollicitus. However, the adults have seen the strife and death that it takes to make it there. Many have heard of the monsters that terrorize the sea and more of the monsters that tear up the land. Of all the monsters that they have been told of, each adult still fears one that isn't even all that big. People have heard stories of the animal and pass these down to their children to keep them safe. The animal is said to curse the trails that people take to get to Pollicitus and even curse the seas that lead to the Lands. They fear for their children who are determined to get themselves across the lands and seas to get to this beautiful and bountiful land. The only problem is that they must first get passed all the adults who fear what is outside Port.
The Forgotten Lands - The Forgotten Lands stand in the way of many that head out for Pollicitus and it is a trial just to get through the lands with yourself intact, much more your insanity and self. The Forgotten Lands have very little vegetation and when it does, it's dense forest that contains deadly land animals. There are deserts as dry as the sun and they feel just as hot. There are mountains taller than the clouds and their rocks are not always sound. Creatures of all kinds also roam the lands and they tend to attack anything that moves through their territory. These Forgotten Animals are said to be the cause of the Greater Beings when they were disappointed with humanity. They are said to also get more dangerous as people venture closer and closer to the true location of Pollicitus.
The Vindex - Now, it may seem like it's impossible to get to Pollicitus, but there are people out there who are able to protect others against the Forgotten Beats and even said to help people out in return for a piece of their prospects once they are at their destination. These being are said to only be legends, but there is one person who knows whether or not these kinds of beings truly are legends. This person is also said to be the only one that can bring these beings down to the Human Realm. These beings take a lot of energy to bring down and take an even bigger amount of trust to be between the being and the person it accepts as his or her Master. These beings are very picky with who they choose as a Master, but once chosen, it is said that the beings will do all in their power to protect them. These beings take the shapes of animals that are found throughout the world. They can take the shape of a human if they would like to. These Beings are said to go by the name of Vindex.
Who You Are - Do not fret little human, for you are also highly trained with a weapon of your choosing and do not solely have to rely on your Vindex. The humans of Port and the other Seven Cities are trained to master a weapon or two when they are able to. They train at an early age and usually end up mastering it before they are of age. Once of age, a person may be deemed worthy to control their own powers of the Forgotten. These powers are earned and granted upon you if the Beings deem you able to control it and use it for good. If you should use it for Evil, the Beings are unable to do anything about it, but there is another who is able to. You are also more likely to be attacked by the Forgotten Beasts. Now, will you choose to leave Port and heard for the land of Pollicitus or will you try to hinder those who are trying to get there? That choice is up to you. However, head the warnings of those who you visit. They may hold secrets that you want to know.
The Rules:
1. Be considerate of the other players: if you disrespect the other players, I will warn you once, but once it happens a second time, i will ask you to leave.
2. Do not create/be a Mary Sue: I cannot tell you how much I dislike the perfect character. You will be told to change it. And you must have some flaws in your character.
3. Please keep this clean: I do encourage romance and violence, but let's keep this within the rules of the forum.
4. Let's try posting frequently: I do want this to go on for a while, so please try to keep posting. That is all i ask.
5. Do not get too far ahead: I know not everybody is on the same time zone nor same continent. So, let's post a bit, but don't go too far ahead of me since I will try to be on very frequently.
6. Please be Literate or at least Semi-Literate: I do understand writers block but no one liners. They are just way too short to give anybody anything to work with. I would like at least two paragraphs per post.
7. Have fun.
Character Sheet: (Human)
Name: Age: (13-20) Gender: Appearance: (Picture or Deion is acceptable.) Personality: (Please give us all a good deion of how they act) History: (optional. Type N/A if you're not making one.) Likes: Dislikes: Weaknesses: (anything that you deem a weakness to your character. be it a personality trait, etc.) Weapon: (guns are acceptable and anything before a gun. Picture acceptable.) Fighting Style: (up close and personal, ranged, etc.) Potential Powers: (give me three and I'll pick one. List from most wanted to least wanted.) Sample Write: (You are in Port and you have some time to kill before the Undertaker can give you a Vindex, how do you keep yourself occupied? At least a paragraph.)
Character Sheet: (Vindex)
Name: Age: (young vindex are 100, old Vindex are 1000) Gender: Appearance (human form): (picture or deion) Appearance (animal Form): (picture or deion) Personality: (give me a good deion of how they act.) History: (optional. write N/A if you're not making one.) Likes: Dislikes: Weaknesses: (anything that can kill you since you are powerful and anything you deem weakness to your character.) Weapon: (only able to use as a human) Fighting Style: (up close and personal, ranged, etc.) Potential Powers: (You are given one. Give me three. I'll pick one. List from Most Wanted to Least wanted) Sample Write: (For some reason you are separated from your Master in the Port Marketplace. Many people are there and you need to find your Master. How do you go about finding them?)

2:56am Jun 27 2013 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 3 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
Characters and Players
Humans: 1. Ceres Ku (M)(lightning) - RuRu13 2.Colette Uco (F)(Illusion) - UniqueSoul 3. Isedon Miashimi (F)(Fire) - Dragonstar 4. Zakeru Tokage (M)(FearBringer) - Dragonstar 5. ??? doesn't get a master.
Vindex: 1. Cheshire Moore (M)(Ice) - RuRu13 2. Skorri Kah (M)(Wind) - RabbitWings 3. Ura Serpentine (M)(Propagation) - MistAbyss 4. Sabastion Quell (M)(Darkness) - UniqueSoul 5. ??? (M)(Poison/3 Death's Kisses) - RuRu13
2:59am Jun 27 2013 (last edited on 6:12pm Jun 27 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
My characters:
Name: Ceres Ku
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ceres stands at 5'4" and has skin the color of ivory. He has shoulder length black hair that he normally ties back with a short green ribbon. His bangs are dyed an amber color and the dye never ventures any farther than his front bangs. He has a diagonal scar that runs from just next to his right eye down to the middle of his cheek. His eyes are oddly colored in the sense that they are different colors. His right eye is deep red, almost as dark as an uncut ruby and his left eye is the color of amber. Each eye has a ring of the other color on the outside. (red eye had amber ring, amber eye has red ring.) He has a slender build but he does have some muscle on him. His body is meant to be nimble and quick rather than strong. He has a few scars that litter his back, but many aren't visible. As for clothing, Ceres tends to wear a deep red shirt with a black vest over it. His pants are made from durable jean material and are always black. He wears boots that come up to his calves and they lace in the front. Around his neck he wears a black choker with the crudely cut out word: Seeker. He has a pair of bands on his wrists that he tends to keep laced up. He hardly takes them off.
Personality: Ceres is a rather quiet person. He doesn't like to draw attention to himself because people tend to just ignore him anyways. He does talk, but that is very rare since he learned at an early age to not speak unless spoken to. He is a nice young man that hardly ever has a negative thing to say about people. He has manners, but not many. He is a quick learner but he tends to do things his own way. He is rather rebellious when it comes to people telling him what to do. If he feels like it, he'll do it, otherwise he probably wont. He can be loud when he wants, but he doesn't yell often. He is nice to those he knows and when he tries to make friends, he will be as nice as he can. If you are someone who he doesn't end up liking, he will ignore you and give you dirty looks. He is quite intelligent, but that doesn't come from school. He is more street smart than book smart. He is protective of people he likes and will fight for them. He prefers that people not be chaotic when they are trying to do something, so he has little patience for people who rush into things. His tolerance level for those he doesn't like is high, but he will let you know once you get on his nerves.
History: Well,let's start out with his early years. Ceres was born to a family of middle class standings. They worked hard and did what they could to support themselves. Ceres never had to work when he was young. However, once the Forgotten Beasts started to populate the land and wipe out many cities, the Ku family fled. They went town to town, trying to find better work and buy supplies that they needed with the money they already had. Once the money started to get low, the family decided they would drop a family member off at the next town. That town was Port. It was the last town they would be getting to that week. The next week, they would leave across the sea. Well, the Ku family had two sons: Ceres, who was no older than six at the time and his older brother, who was around twelve. When they got to Port they decided that kids would get more sympathy and decided to have Ceres work. They helped him get a job as they found their own. However, when the day came for the Ku family to leave, there was a murderer in Port. Both Ku parents were slain and the older brother fled the city in fear, leaving his little brother.
Ceres grew up like that. His parents murdered and his brother had gone missing. He lived with an older couple that had lived in Port long before it became one of the Seven Cities. They were very kind to him and he later became their adopted son. He didn't mind it. He worked to help pay for whatever they needed and was able to live a happier life than the one before. His happiness lasted until he was fourteen. The older couple died of natural causes, healthy lived people. Ceres ended up inheriting their home, but he didn't want to live in it by himself. He would take in people who needed a place to stay and he would allow them to live there as they needed so long as they worked. He heard of Pollicitus and decided he would go there and start up his own lands and home. The adults in the building warn him against it, but Ceres is determined to go.
Likes: sweets, baby animals, patience, quiet, stuffed animals, guns, swords
Dislikes: spicy foods, ignorance, impatient people, loud noises/areas
Weaknesses: Ceres weaknesses include his short temper. He can get very emotional around people at times too and the emotions tend to override any good judgement he has. His short temper will have him going off on people when he doesn't mean it. He also has a weakness for adventure and dangerous situations.
Weapon: Ceres has a .9mm Glock handgun that he uses only rarely, so he isn't specialized in it. What he is specialized in are his twin katana blades. They are on his back, held in place by crossed sheathes and buckles that cross his chest in an X shape. The blades themselves are black and rather durable. While the hilts are red. The two swords are about two and a half feet long.
Fighting Style: Ceres is an up close fighter since his katanas require him to be close to the target. He is nimble, so that really isn't a problem for him. He tends to go int the fight with some kind of strategy and he wants to end it quickly. He will make quick slashes on the enemy so that they are constantly bleeding and weakened. He will deliver the final blow should he have to, otherwise he will take out his pistol and deliver the shot that way.
Potential Powers: Lightning
Sample Write: Ceres looks around the marketplace, unsure of what he should do at this moment. The Undertaker can't give him a Vindex until a few hours from now. He looks around some more, scanning the shops and stalls. He hears his stomach growl and gives an embarrassed smile, though nobody around him really cares. He shakes his head as his stomach and heads off to find some food. He passes by a stall that seems to be selling some kind of meat. It smells delicious and Ceres definitely wants some. Once he is satisfied with his cut of meat and he eats it, he is bored once more. He sighs heavily and thinks for a bit. What could he do to make him less bored? He thinks long and hard, wanting to keep himself occupied for a while. He huffs and sits down on a statue that is right in front of the marketplace. The idea finally hits him when he sees a few young boys playing Pirates. He smiled happily and looks around, looking for a roof to get onto. He takes a running start and leaps into the air, managing to catch the roof ledge with his hands. Some kids stare in awe as he hoists himself onto the roof and begins to run down the line. He loves how the wind feels in his hair and he loves to do this often as well. He can hear shouts from people telling him to get down, but he ignores them. He can hear the shouts of little kids as they follow him on the streets below, telling him he's so cool and to run faster and where to go next. The roof road is running out and he sees a large tree up ahead. It looks thick with branches and leaves. As he leaps towards the tree, he pulls out his katanas. The kids wait as they heard rustling and a few branches fall out. They hear an 'oof' and watch as Ceres hangs onto a branch by his hands. He laughs at himself and drops down to the streets below. The children crowd around him and he tells them to not try that. He's done it before but he had never attracted so many kids. He winds up playing with them, killing time and having fun.
Name: Cheshire Moore
Age: looks: 19-20, real age: 350
Gender: Male
Appearance (human form): Cheshire stands at 5'9" and has ivory colored skin. His eyes are a neon green color with a dark green burst that originates from his pupil. It creates a sort of 'crown' around his pupil but it's rather small. His hair is a magenta color with a few streaks of deep dark red in it and it goes down to the middle of his shoulder blades. He will normally tie it up with a black ribbon he carries around. He has a scar that runs from his left eye brow straight down to his left cheekbone. It goes through his eye and you can see the scar as a complete line if he closes his eyes. He has a medium build and can muscle on him. His muscles are visible but they aren't big. He is lean and tends to keep it that way. He has scars that little his back, chest and arms but they aren't too visible since he's been alive for a while. As for clothing, Cheshire tends to wear form fitting pants that are flexible enough for him to move freely. His shoes are boots that come up to his calves and they don't appear to have a way to get on besides to slip them on, however, they do lace up the back. His shirts are merely tank tops that fit his form. They are different colors every day since he doesn't like wearing the same shirt. He wears a red collar around his neck but he never tells anybody where he got it or why he has it on. (it hides a scar on his neck. :3) He also wears a pair of metallic red earring that hug the lobe and top cartilage of his ear.
Appearance (animal Form): Cheshire's animal form is that of a large jungle cat. A tiger to be precise. He is at least four feet at it's tallest while standing on all fours and a length of five and a half feet from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. He is larger than the average tiger, enough for someone to be able to ride him. His fur is the same color as his hair, magenta and the stripes that run the length of his body are deep dark red. The same red collar is still present around his neck, and it larger to accommodate his neck being larger. His paws are purely red like a 'boot' on a cat. His claws are sharper than normal and harder so that they do not break as easily. His teeth are razor sharp and his two canines are larger than a normal jungle cat, making them poke out from his mouth like smaller saber tooth tiger teeth. His eyes are still neon green but the pupil is now a slit. The earrings in his ears are still present but they can be removed if he wants them to be. He has a little more muscle that the average tiger but not much and his fur is sleek, allowing him to move quickly and still swim like a normal tiger.
Personality: Cheshire is a nice young man, well, he appears young anyways. He is well mannered but rebellious. He likes to do things his way or not at all. He may listen to you if he respects you enough, but he hardly does listen to anybody. He is a fun loving guy that tends to just want to have fun. He wants to run around and be free, not be told what to do and how to do it. He is a free spirited kind of person. He can be calm when he wants to be. He enjoys relaxing after a big meal or even after a fight. He likes to be outdoors and around the wild life. However, Cheshire is also a huge prankster. He loves to play pranks on people when they aren't looking. He likes to pull the pranks that won't hurt people and if they do end up hurting someone, he feels very guilty. He can have a guilty conscious when he knows he did something really bad. He craves attention from certain people and wants to be accepted by people, but he knows that his pranks are the things that hold people from accepting him. Cheshire is out going as well and he will tell you what's on his mind and he won't sugar coat it for anything. He will speak what he wants even if it hurts people's feelings.
History: Cheshire's early years were filled with him trying to become a summon-able Vindex. He trained hard and learned all the needed to know. He wanted to be able to help people and keep them safe since they wanted to brave the Forgotten Lands. He was determined to be able to be summoned. After his training was over, Cheshire ended up staying with his parents, who were Vindex as well. At one point, the Forgotten Beasts tried to wage war with the Great Beings and all Vindex were summoned to help. He fought long and hard to keep his home safe. Once the war was over, Cheshire learned of his parents' fate. They were killed during battle, a noble death. He lived in their old home for a while before rogue Beasts began to attack the Vindex again. Cheshire was injured in this battle, gaining a large gash in his neck, however, he only survived because another Vindex happened to be there and they were able to heal him up, leaving him with a scar. Cheshire, after the battles were long done, decided that he would just live out his days training and trying to be a good Vindex, however, boredom hit him. He tried to keep himself occupied, but he couldn't, so he ended up playing pranks. He loved them so much that he did that in his spare time. Other Vindex merely shake their heads at him, but they do find him entertaining.
Likes: sweets, spicy food, fighting, pranks, attention, pranks, shiny objects, PRANKS
Dislikes: bitter tasting things, boredom, loneliness, quiet places, sitting around
Weaknesses: as a Vindex his weakness is extreme heat since he can't sweat as a tiger. As a human Cheshire's weaknesses are how impatient he gets because he'll rush into things. His want for attention can lead him to do stupid things and get himself hurt. His most troublesome trait that is a weakness is the fact that he will do what he wants when he wants how he wants. He won't listen unless you give him a good reason.
Weapon: The weapon is called a Frostbite blade. The hilt is pure black and the blade itself appears to be icy blue and shimmering as if a crystal. {tle="" target="">Frostbite}
Fighting Style: Cheshire is an up close fighter because of his blade and because he doesn't like to feel like he's weak by being a ranged fighter. He found that being up close to the enemy gives him the advantage of being able to throw them off balance and out of their comfort zone. He likes to get his enemy to drop their defenses and if he can't do that, he will try disarming them before attacking.
Potential Powers: Ice, hence Frostbite blade.
Sample Write: Cheshire cannot believe what just happened. One minute he's standing in the marketplace with his Master at his side and the next, his Master is nowhere to be seen. How could he let this happen?! He calls out his Master's name, wanting to see if they will respond. No answer. The marketplace is too loud for Cheshire to even hear if his master called him anyways. He lets out a low growl and then sighs. He can't get worked up here. He has to remain calm and find his master. He breathes in deeply and begins to walk around. He asks various people if they have seen his master by describing how he looks. Hardly any have seen his master and those who have, can't give him a definite direction. He puffs and continues walking around. He finally decides, after a while of looking to just head back to where they all said they would meet before heading out of Port. He starts walking there, when he notices a partially open door and a nice bucket of water. He grins and grabs the bucket, placing it just right on the door. He runs to hide and ends up on the roof of the building where the door is. He smiled and waits until the door opens. When it does, Cheshire lets out a noise of distress as the bucket lands on the head of his Master.

3:17pm Jun 27 2013 (last edited on 2:41pm Jul 13 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Could I join Ru? 13. I figured that I don't need to send you a sample of my writing since we are already in a rp together, but if I do, let me know and I will be happy to send one. I started on my human but didn't get very far, and I won't be home till later tonight, so I will have to leave you with these incomplete bios for the time being. Sorry >.<]]
Character Sheet: (Human)
Name: Colette Uco Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Raven black hair tumbles down in straight locks and would fall to the small of her waist if she didn't keep her hair up in pig tails all of the time. Instead, her hair lingers slightly above the bottom of her shoulder blades. There is only one time that she would ever have her hair down completely, and that is when she sneaks off to the docks. The raven black hair that sits on the 5' tall girl's head also gives way to thick bangs that cover her forehead directly across and touch the tops of her eyelashes when her, very pale ocean blue eyes, are open. Colette's eyes mimic the moon's light as it reflects across the ocean and her face shape mimics the moon when it is full. You see, although Colette is 18, she still looks like a child, with full cheeks and big eyes. Her face shape isn't because she is overweight, it is merely hereditary. Anyone who has seen Colette can clearly tell that she is a lean girl with appropriate curves and a healthy build, and though it is barely noticeable, Colette has some leg muscles and arm muscles. One might be able to notice these features on Colette if she wasn't always wearing dresses that go down to her ankles and follow through until they reach her wrists. Her dresses are usually various shades of grey, although her over sized cloak is a deep scarlet. Personality: Dreams are something that one should never hold back, but for some reason Colette does. She is a passive girl who obeys her parents and those around her regardless of what is said, not defending herself when harsh words are thrown at her, or harsh commands are served to her. Some might call her a respectable daughter, but in all honesty, she is just afraid to speak up in fear of losing the only people who has ever cared about her. That statement might seem to be a little exaggerated, but it is more or less the truth. You see, Colette doesn't have friends, she claims she doesn't need them and she doesn't even attempt to try to make them. When people try to talk to her, she usually flushes red, stays silent and walks away, being shy and unsure around strangers. This all might be because she dreams of going off and seeing Pollicitus and she knows that it's not worth making friends that she would end up leaving. It might be because she is easy to trust people although she knows that people aren't always trustworthy. Maybe it is both; it is probably both. Colette isn't scared of doing things alone and her way, it is just hard for her to do something that she had always been compliant to. The chains that bound her to her parent's shop have been on her for such a long time that she doesn't know how to break free, even though the idea seemed quite easy when she was younger. But ever since she turned 18, on clear nights she would go down to the docks and dance to her hearts content, slowly but surely, loosening the grip her parents have on her, History: See the sample write to get a gist of her family/history. Likes: Dancing, open areas, night, cooking, pastries, freedom Dislikes: Being confined, rules, fear, people, tart and bitter food, Port Weaknesses: For some odd reason, Colette has always had an obedient nature and is quite gullible. She would jump off a cliff if a random person told her that it would save her family. I suppose it isn't that she is gullible, but she is too quick to trust people and although she always gets hurt, she finds some reason to trust someone. Sure enough, this will be her down fall. Weapon: Colette wields a Indo-Persian Jumbiya dagger. It has a wavy double-edged curved steel blade with medial ridge and kneed point. It has a waisted steel hilt, chiseled with gold engravings. It is 18 inches long and lays in its steeled scabbard chiseled, yet again, with gold engravings. Fighting Style: Close combat is how Colette fights, and with such a elegant and smooth manner, almost as if she is dancing. Since the young girl is so passionate about her dancing and sees it as the most beautiful thing in the world, she incorporates it in the ugly habit of fighting and shedding blood. He moves are quick and she dodges easily, being perfectly balanced with her small dagger to allow her to do so. Potential Powers: - Illusion - Psychometry - Water Sample Write: Under the late September moon and the crisp fall stars, a small girl with hair as dark as night, makes her way through the town shrouded in a dark scarlet cloak. The ocean moans with warning but the girl pays no heed to the unsettling caution. The girl knows the trouble she would get in if her parents should find out about her sneaking out yet again, but she was determine to take a bite out of freedom, no matter how small. Her parents had always put her to work at their pastry shop, not letting her go enjoy her childhood, in fear of her big dreams of exploration. This was Colette's first mistake; telling her family about her longing to see Pollicitus. "But the stories!" They would always warn. "You are never to leave the Port, you are never to venture out of this city, do you understand daughter?" Would be their final response. Colette, being the passive and shy daughter she is, would only nod and go back to work. Her parents never had to worry about their daughter defying them, for she was always compliant, too scared to speak up and speak her mind, in fear of loosing her love ones. However, that was Colette in the heat of the sun, where her defiance would burn a hole right through her chest. At night Colette was different, protected by the shadows and the mystery of her identity. She kept her hood low, covering her face from the people of the city as she made her way to the docks. Here, like any clear night, when the moon was bright and the sky was cloudless, Colette would remove the bindings of her cloak and dance. Her night gown would constrict her movements and cling tight to her legs, but still, she felt free as she danced to the ocean, her eyes matching the color of the water when the moon shone upon it. Her parents were strict when it came to the happiness of Colette, they would never let her dance or do anything that made her smile, that made her think of venturing of to the promise land of Pollicitus. But what they didn't know was that by keeping tight chains on her, her dreams grew bigger and her dancing grew more passionate as she yearned for freedom and adventure.
Character Sheet: (Vindex)
Name: Sebastian Quell Age: 300 (17-18) Gender: Male Appearance (human): Sebastian towers over most individuals, being the 6'1" man he is. Most people look at him and see him as a tree considering that his hair is a dark mossy green with roots that are a deep chocolaty brown. His hair is like a mop on his head, it falls down over his eyes and covers the back of his neck. He usually bobby pins one side of his hair up in a 'x' form with two bobby pins, but keeps the other side hung over his eye so it fits the fake personality he wears. Though Sebastian may look like a giant tree, his eyes would beg to differ since their coloring is so strange. His eyes are this hazy and murky purple color. His eyes take on different shades of purple that gives it the hazy and foggy look to it. However, his eyes, that have slit pupils doesn't change the fact that this Vindex is tall and sturdy with a decent figure that is muscular but not so much that it bulges out of his dark jacket that he always keeps zipped up half way and refuses to wear a shirt underneath. The same goes with his leg muscles, they don't bulge out of his manila colored cargo shorts that hangs down slightly below his knees. Sebastian also wears black knee high combat boots that lace all the way up and cover his olive colored legs, meeting the ends of his cargo shorts. Appearance (animal): It may not seem like it but Sebastian's animal form is a Panther, though his short fur is a deep, deep green, way darker than his hair and almost black, though it does have shimmers of dark brown here and there, just like the roots of his hair. Even though the color of Sebastian fur changed slightly in animal form than it was in human form, his eyes are still the same misty purple with the dark slits. The same goes for his height; he would normally tower over other Panthers. Since he is so tall in human form, he is also tall and long in animal form. Sebastian is 10' from the tip of his tail to the point of his nose and about 5' tall on all fours. Personality: Upon meeting this young looking man, one would think that he is a coward who is always nervous and can't muster up any courage, thus following in others footsteps. He is always looking around, his eyebrows knotted together with worry and jumping whenever he is startled in the slightest. However, in truth, he is quite the devious Vindex, though no one is around him long enough to realize this side of him. Some humans might use the phrase 'wonderful actor' to describe him, but in actuality, he is a pathological liar. His poker face is fool proof and although around groups of people, he seems like he has a guilty conscious and would never hurt a fly, he has the ability to slaughter a whole village and sleep like a baby the next night. This Vindex truly has no filter, and will show his true nature only when he is alone with a person. Of course, who would believe that he was a crude man with no heart when he has put up a great act thus far? His success in being a summonable Vindex just goes to show how great he is at putting up a fake front. Though it wasn't like being a Vindex worthy of being summoned was his idea, it was actually his grandfather's idea, and the sound of it just sounded nice. His grandpa was a wise old man who was everything Sebastian wasn't and he looked up to him a lot, however, during one of the power struggles, his grandfather lost his life. So this Vindex now lives to fulfill the old Vindex's wishes, for he was the one who told Sebastian to hide his true self at an early age and put up a fake front to protect himself. Though, if anyone ever asks this man about his grandfather or any other part of his past, he wouldn't be inclined to answer, seeing as he sees memories as bad omens and he lives in the moment and let nature run its course. History: See sample write and personality to get the gist of everything. Likes: Freedom, secrets, oranges, riddles, puzzles Dislikes: Nice and honest people, vegetables, commands, commitment, humans Weakness: Since Sebastian was to maintain his unsure and worried personality for some unknown reason, his weakness would most likely be his abrupt and rude personality, the side he keeps hidden. Watching his tongue and maintaining his crude temper has always been something this Vindex has been mindful of. However, no matter how he trained himself, there is bound to be a day when his true colors are shown. Weapon: Sebastian wields a Nagamaki. The hilt of the blade is wrapped in tight bounded leather and is 2ft long. The one-sided blade is also 2ft long so in total, the weapon is 4ft tall. Fighting Style: Up close and personal baby! Against an enemy, Sebastian is allowed to let his fake front melt away and his heartless nature settle in. He is nasty when he fights and actually enjoys seeing the life spill from his foe. One couldn't do so from far away, could he? Plus, the long sword that he fights with doesn't allow for far ranged combat. Potential Powers: - Duplication - Darkness - Animation Sample Write: Goodbye baggage, hello freedom. He didn't know why he thought it would be a good idea to become a Vindex worthy of being summoned if he just found it to be a pain in the neck. No, actually he knew the reason and his idea of being a summonable Vindex was completely different than what it actually was. He was sure that freedom was going to be plentiful, but no, they had to stay with their master and help them make their way to Polliticus. This is what Sebastian got for halfheartedly going through training and the courses and filling his short term memory with all the junk they taught, just to forget it all when he didn't need it. No matter, his master was now missing and he could have all the freedom he wanted. The young Vindex was stalled in the middle of Port's biggest road. Humans were swarming around him and his fake front played on his face as he looked around nervously. His eyes jumped quickly to various places around the road looking for an exit and following the flow of people slowly. Ah, there it was an alleyway that wasn't taken over by street vendors. Sebastian hesitantly made his way over to the dark escape rout and once he submerged himself in darkness his fake front melted and the worry creases that lined his forehead were now smooth and his big nervous eyes were narrowed with hatred and spite. How he hated humans and their dreams and the way they always relied on others to fulfill them. He scoffed in the darkness and threw his hood over his head and shoved his hands in his pockets fiercely and strode forward. What was he to do now that he has gained freedom? He knew that he wouldn't want to go back to the Vindex Realm, since nothing there awaits him or cares for him, so what was he supposed to do on Earth? Maybe he would make his way to Polliticus himself on his own and show up his master who needs his help. Sebastian let out a harsh chuckle and pondered the idea more. Humans were weaklings who can never decide anything for themselves, so why not? A devious smile played on his face and his narrowed eyes looked up at the glowing light ahead. Once he reached the end of the alleyway he would start his own adventure and ditch his master, though he wondered if that was even possible. With a shrug Sebastian stepped out of the darkness, his eyes going back to their frightened fake nature and his eyebrows knotted with fake worry. Once again his eyes darted to various spots beside the road, looking for a way out of the god awful city, but what he spotted wasn't a way out. There stood his master. But of course, it was inevitable that he would run into his master with the luck he had. Under his breath he hissed but it was gone as quick as it slipped out of his lips. He had no choice, he had to return to his master, that is what fate has decided, or so his grandfather would say.

3:24pm Jun 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{Of course Unique. :3 And I know how literate you can be. So I accept Colette. And You don't have to make a Vindex if you don't want to. I probably should have put that in the first post. But nonetheless... Welcome to Port, Colette. :3}
5:33pm Jun 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[hunnig I might as well join :u I'll read the plot and stuff and then make my bio tomorrow morning.]] [[1234 :D]]
5:56pm Jun 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{Alright, fine with me :3}
1:10am Jun 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
I just finished Colette's bio and I don't think I will be making Vindex, since I don't have to (I know, I am lazy and a slacker D:), although if we end up needing one to start, then I will make one ^^
Woah, I just noticed that both Annette (from our other rp) and Colette both have the '-ette' ending. Totally didn't do that on purpose.
8:10am Jun 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[lol; it's Ceres! :D hey you~]] [[And I think we all know you did it on purpose, Leo; there be no reason to deny it. :I]] Name: Skorri Kah Age: 404; looks about 21 Gender: male Appearance (human): Semi-long black hair with blue feathers twisted in the sides, and black eyes. Normal height; about five feet, seven inches tall, but he doesn't really care enough to constantly check. He wears loose clothes that are either black, grey, or dark blue, and he won't to wear anything else. Skorri refuses to wear shoes, and he walks around bare-footed, so the bottom of his feet are calloused. Appearance (animal): tle="" href="http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/gallery/data/500/magpie2.jpg">x or tle="" href="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Korean_magpie_in_Daejeon.jpg">x; just a normal European magpie (quick background: songbird, but in the crow family. Very, very intelligent; passed the mirror test. Are omnivores, eats grains, insects, and meat like young birds, eggs, and carrion. Are known to attack and take down other songbirds like a bird of pray would do.) Personality: ...Fluttery and fickle. He isn't emotionally unstable, but Skorri sometimes has issues keeping one emotion for a long amount of time, and he's quick to go from excited and ecstatic to anxious and depressed. He isn't that much of a loyal person, but he keeps telling himself that once he gets a Master, he will try his best to settle down, even though that is very unlikely. Not a very regretful or remorseful person; he has turned his back on allies before in the past without so much a single thought of grief. Skorri knows he's like this, and he blames his somewhat darker nature on his magpie side History: n/a Likes: Flying, shiny things, sweets, staying dry, crows Dislikes: Being grounded/unable to fly, being wet, broken bows, broken wings, most songbirds Weaknesses: LOVE~! (no, not really). For one, water and humidity because his composite bow has a tendency to die on him if it gets wet. Some places, like caves and large buildings that don't have many windows, are like dead zones for Skorri, and he can neither fly in them or use his powers. While in those places, he has a tendency to get claustrophobic and start hyperventilating. He is quite useless most of the time. Weapon: He uses a composite bow, which he prefers, and a long bow. As well as arrows. Fighting Style: Ranged; he enjoys flying to a high places, and then picking off enemies one by one with his bow. Potential Powers:-Wind (since he's a bird, and he used a bow and arrow) -Simple weather (can slightly alter weather; if there are clouds above,he can make it rain; ect.) -Can control the emotion he's showing (I don't know...) Sample Writing: (referring to master as 'he' because I don't know what gender it will be) Master was gone. He had been right there, standing beside Skorri, and then poof! he disappeared, and all that the Vindex could do was think Master's gone, Master's gone, Master's gone, Master's gone, and try to force himself not to begin hyperventilating. Try being the key word here, because he was failing at it quite marvelously. As he gasped for breath, the people around him (innocent bystanders, he told himself, who did not take part in the abduct Master), gave him strange looks and started moving away from Skorri. But that didn't matter. None of it mattered. All that he cared about was the fact that Master had gotten himself kidnapped and was now across the country and and was going to be tortured and have his powers sucked out of him and was going to die all because Skorri didn't do a good job at keeping him safe.
With a screech of anguish, Skorri launched himself into the air, his body morphing into that of a magpie. He flaps, and calls upon a gust of wind to take him to where the evil doers are holding his Master. The air around him responds immediately, and it shows him the way... Which happens to be across the marketplace. He looks down at the bobbling heads of customers and passer-by-ers, wondering what had he done to make the wind hate him so. But then, he spots a familiar hair color, and there is Master! [[One of these days, I'm going to end up being rejected because of a crappy bio attempt xD]]
4:49pm Jun 28 2013 (last edited on 4:52pm Jun 28 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{lol, well, not this time. I could not stop laughing at how cute he is when looking for Master. XD and yeah. I had to bring him in at some point and this was like.. perfect. :3 he's going to be tougher. :P}
10:01pm Jun 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:01pm Jun 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{sure. Post a bio here. :3}
11:02pm Jun 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Awesome. And do you want me to send you a sample of my writing/roleplaying?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:34am Jun 29 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{that would help me determine literacy for this Roleplay. Thank you. :)}
12:40am Jun 29 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Alright. Although, I don't have many roleplay replies just sitting in Word, I'll just send you a chapter of a story I'm working on.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:45am Jun 29 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((13; join? I can rmail you a sample, if needed. ^_^))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:20am Jun 29 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{yes pelase just to make sure. :3 and yes you can join.}
10:38pm Jun 30 2013 (last edited on 12:37am Jul 9 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
:: Humans ::
Name: Isedon Miashimi Age: Eighteen Gender: Female
Appearance: Isedon has shoulder-length russet hair with black stripes that go down to her jaw, but the black stripes are spiked up going towards the back. Her eyes have dark russet irises with a circle of deep crimson around narrow, slitted pupils. And her eyes always seemed to be narrowed. A jet black tank-top covers her torso and on the back is a tribal design of a snarling wolf. Lightly hugging her waist are camouflage cargo pants that go down her slender legs and end three inches from her ankles. On her feet are black, knee-high boots that have her pants tucked into them. Also, the heels on her boots are two inches tall. Tied around her waist is a light blue denim jacket that she seldom uses. On both hands are black fingerless gloves and go up and end right below her elbow. The gloves are made out of leather. Isedon’s right ear is pierced with a bear’s claw that touches her shoulder; the claw is the colour of ivory. She stands five foot eleven without shoes on and she has a dark olive skin complexion. But marring her skin, are a multitude of white scars. Defensive scars line up on her lower arms. Whip lacerations mark up her back. Stab wounds litter her chest, stomach, and right leg. The worst of the scarring she has is a continuous burn mark from the tip of a red-hot fire poker. It starts on her left foot, circling around the knuckles of her toes before wrapping around her foot, up her leg until it reaches her hip before curling around her stomach twice. After that, it goes straight up before curving over her left shoulder blade and wrapping around her upper arm, ending at her elbow in the same way it starts on her foot. Personality: Isedon is seen as a distant person, her eyes being one thing that people have to get used to, like an acquired taste. She is also indifferent to many things, and the only people she shows a shred of emotion to would be her closest friends, after they get around her caustic nature. Isedon shows the cunning mischievousness and maliciousness whenever she fights, it’s basically her way of saying “If you’re going to fight with me, you will lose.” She also likes to throw out taunts when she fights to get her opponents all riled so they act on anger instead of reason.
History: The Miashimi name goes back before the humans were forced into the Port. Their bloodline is that of a Samurai, a skilled and honourable warrior of old. Now, after the entire family relocated to the Port, they specialize in making and selling high-tech weapons. They are called the Miashimi Weapons Corporation. Isedon was born to the eldest son of the current owners of the business; her grandparents. However, during her younger years, she was experimented on by her own parents. They implanted several devices throughout her body after she showed an innate aptitude for fighting. She has these devices in her fingertips, her tailbone, along the outer length of her lower arms, along the outer shell of both her ears, vocal cords, and the spots above/below all four canines. It is also believed that her parents genetically enhanced both her physical attributes (strength, stamina, senses, agility) and her mental capacity. Though, Isedon does not remember any of this since they hid the memories of the experience deep within her subconscious and used plastic surgery to remove any of the scarring they have caused.
Around her fifth birthday, everything started to change. Her little family of three suddenly moved from their immaculate house that housed their Clan to a small building in the slums. Once arriving in the little house, Isedon suffered through the physical, verbal, and mental abuse that her five-year-old mind couldn’t comprehend. Eventually, she stopped coming home after two very close brushes with Death. But her body was laced with scars no normal eighteen year old would have.
When she stopped coming home to her abusive and substance-abusing parents, a local gang by the name of Auphesix (pronounced U-f-eh-six) took her in and raised her they best they could. She spent more time in the local libraries than other her age. Her school life was relatively boring despite she took all advanced classes and kept her number one spot in each one despite numerous fights and suspensions. She ended up graduating earlier than she realized.
All throughout her high school career, she kept to the street fights. Isedon earned the name Black Fox when the devices her parents placed in her so many ears before activated. She gained canine-like attributes in the form of plasma weapons. She also gained, from the device in her tailbone, nine black as night tails made solely on energy and they are connected directly into her nervous system as she can “feel” them, as well as move them. When she fights, she often uses a fox’s cunning mischievousness and maliciousness. Isedon also gained the name Lady Death since her opponents usually end up losing their lives.
As soon as she had graduated, her parents found her a few nights later. They were a combination of drunk, high, stoned, and something else. But, before they could even do anything to her, she killed them. Merciless, efficient, clean. To say she regretted doing it would be the wrong thing. She’s just finally happy they’re not going to bother her anymore.
Likes: Animals, being alone, fighting, reading, loud/angry music, death (she's a bit morbid) Dislikes: People in general (they tend to ask too many questions and are rather noisy) Weaknesses: She tends to get a little too involved whenever she's fighting, keeping her focus solely on her opponent, leaving her vulnerable to other attacks.
Weapon: She has two swords. One is a traditional samurai katana and the other is a short sword known as a tantō. Isedon also carries throwing needles, shuriken, and kunai knives. Fighting Style: Isedon is mostly a close-combat type of girl. Though, she can perform ranged attacks, hence the throwing needles, shuriken, and kunai knives.
Potential Powers: Fire, Death Divination, and Weapon Summoning.
Sample Write: Its not time yet. Isedon scoffed, walking around the Port with her hands tucked into her denim jacket pockets. Hell, she decided to wear the thing since she'd probably get stared at if she just showed off all the scars she has on her skin. But even with the covering, she still felt the stares of other people. She felt them burn holes into her back as she walked away from them. Whatever. Though, she had to stay in this Godforsaken place to get a Vindex from the stupid Undertaker. Her boot clad-feet halted in the middle of an empty intersection.
How did she end up here? Glancing around with dark russet eyes, Isedon figured that her feet might've brought her to this place just to get away from the people. The stupid, fat, nosy people who talked way to much and asked way more questions than needed.
"Hey, girlie."
She twitched at the grating male tone to her right. But she didn't look. Oh no, that would just give the boy more provocation to continue talking. Just keep quite and maybe the boy will go away. Right? Oh so wrong.
"Girl. I'm talking to you."
"Yes, but, you're annoying me," she responded in a harsh tone, the corners of her lips tugging into a slight smile as she watched the male start to get angry. "Leave, before you end up loosing something oh so dear to you."
"Oh? And what will that be, b****?" he demanded, male ego damaged and red-faced.
Removing her hands from her pockets, she flicked them in a sudden movement. Between her fingers were slender white needles, their tips drawn into a fiercely sharp point. "You're life," she stated simply as she let them fly, a twisted grin curving her lips as she started to laugh. Because... one couldn't have slaughter without a little laughter.
Name: Zakeru Tokage Age: Eighteen Gender: Male
Appearance: Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights and the locks have two black stripes that fr ame his face. His hair ends at his jawline. Despite its relatively short length, he can put it up in a small ponytail above the nap of his neck to reveal a tattoo. It is inked in black and form the characters "トカゲ" which is his last name; Lizard. Zakeru has dark tawny skin even though he does not spend a lot of time out in the sun. Covering his top is black fishnet. It ends at his hips and his wrists as it circles around his neck in a T-shirt like collar. Covering the fishnet is a tight black t-shirt with a slightly stretched collar and a crimson coloured Anarchy symbol on the back. The shirt ends at his waist. Starting just below the fishnet are a pair of denim jeans. They are tight, black, and end at his ankles. They are comfortable and allow for a whole range of movement despite being form-fitting. Unfortunately, the knees are a bit ripped and he has two chains on his left side; going from front to back by attaching themselves to the belt loops. One is slightly shorter than the other. Covering his feet are black combat boots with silver fastenings in the shape of small shields. Also, he always wears black eyeliner around his orange eyes and will sometimes wear black polish on his fingernails. Zakeru is muscular, if that counts for anything, and he can move rather quickly despite the bulk of muscle and his taller fr ame. He stands at six foot three and has burnt orange eyes that bear a dark ring of crimson around his pupils. Personality: Zakeru is that silent leader type. But he doesn’t let others walk all over him. It’s more of that firm, commanding silence that can be worn as a jacket that everybody knows and respects. He talks, just not as often as most people would like. And when he does speak, people pay attention to it. Zakeru is very calm. All the time. Sure, he may put on a mask of some other emotion, but he is always calm. And he isn’t quick to anger, but he is a touch impatient. When he snaps, it isn’t something visible. More something internal, but it shows in his eyes and his tone. Despite that, he is extremely protective and often gets himself hurt to protect those he cares about.
History: Zakeru’s mother was seduced by a convicted felon and he was produced roughly a year later. His father, who shared the same ethnic background as the Miashimi’s, stayed around until Zakeru was around three. After his birthday, the man vanished without a trace. His mother became a single parent and worked two jobs to keep food on the table for both of them. When he was around six, his mother started to date a relatively good looking man – despite the heterochromatic eyes – who builds and commissions custom choppers (motorcycles). Instantly, Zakeru was drawn to this profession and the male himself since the boy lacked a father figure in his life. After three years of dating, his mother – Eridanus – and her boyfriend – Faolan – married. Two years later, Zakeru started accompanying Faolan to his chopper shop, occasionally helping build a chopper or help design one. He liked and as he grew older, Zakeru spent more time at the shop learning more things until he was able to design his own choppers without any help; at the age of sixteen. Though, at the age of thirteen, his kid twin brothers – Zackari and Trisdane – were born. So he spent time split between the shop and home to look after his brothers.
Likes: Smoking, his motorcycle (its his baby, he named her Spade), lizards/reptiles Dislikes: Rude/obnoxious people, abuse, closed-off vehicles Weaknesses: His motorcycle, he doesn't like seeing a scratch on her pretty surface and his penchant for a stick of tobacco.
Weapon: Weapons isn’t something he usually brags about, but he does carry a few dozen throwing knives and two daggers on his person. Fighting Style: Ranged and close-combat.
Potential Powers: Bone Manipulation, Precognition (only a few seconds before the event happens), Fearbringer
Sample Write: He was told to wait. And so he did. Zakeru leaned against his sleek motorcycle, both arms crossed against his chest and his head tilted up so he watched the smoke from his cigarette spiral upwards before slowly fading. Closing his odd, burnt orange eyes, he exhaled a puff of smoke from his lungs before he opened them again. His thoughts drifted from the Vindex he would soon be receiving to his two younger brothers. Twins, age five, and adorable as all get-out. He hoped they were listening to mom and Faolan, and not getting into trouble as they had an affinity for.
Search and Destroy seemed to be an apt name for the pair. Since whenever they went looking for something, they ended up tearing apart an entire room to find it. Zakeru thought it was rather hilarious. His mother... not so much.
Breathing in another drag, he blinked once as he exhaled. Tilting his head down a bit, a lock of gray-black hair swung into his vision as he removed the short stick of tobacco before flicking it away. He'd have another later. Right now, he needed some food. His stomach had just started pro*censored* about not having anything in it.
With a sigh, he pushed himself off the motorcycle and went off in search of some food... after he made sure that Spade wouldn't be bothered.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:05pm Jun 30 2013 (last edited on 11:13pm Jun 30 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{awesome, Accepted.. And I think I know your Vindex. I'll see once we're ready to start.}
3:11am Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 3:43am Jul 1 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 10
Could I RTJ?? Vindex Name: Uria Serpentine
Age: 250 years
Gender: Male
Appearance (Animal):Giant Anaconda
long and 330 lbs. Natural color scheme of greenish brown with black spots along
its body length. Natural ability to strangle and swallow whole, though will
only do so if commanded or within self-reasoning. Prefers eating in human form,
but will eat small mammals such as squirrels and rats. 30 km/h (18 miles per
hour) swim speed; 8 km/hr( 5miles per hour) land speed. While in swamp and sea,
Uria is able to move freely amongst the muk and debris and can his breath
underwater from 10 to 45 minutes, depending of water’s purity, though he can
use his tongue as a means of sensing others, both on land and under water,
through vibrations.
As a means of fighting, Uria uses stealth to sneak upon its
prey/target, quickly striking and constricting until the prey is neutralized.
Enlarged Form:
10ft/round 250ft max
Favorite Attack: Suffocating Embrace
Damage reduction: Slashing. Being a snake of pure muscle and
being able to tighten his muscles, his serpentine body offers a natural defense
against slashing weapons, though very little.
Appearance(Human): 5’6’’
and slender build with dark blond hair.
Though in human form, Uria maintains some aspects of his serpentine form. Due to his serpentine vision and hearing, as
a human he is near sighted (unless wearing glasses) and partially deaf (hearing
range as human:25ft). Though not
extremely muscular, Uria shows little to no trace of fat on his body. His doesn’t
have an intimidating image, but more of a frightful presence. Despite his animal colors, he wears a red
torn cloth around his wrist.
Personality: In both
forms, Uria is observant of his surrounds and protective of his master. Though
he will use his own judgment , he will listen to his masters’ orders. Uria prefers to observe and strategize while
fighting instead of rushing into things without knowing anything of the
situation. The more reckless his master
is, the more stubborn Uria becomes while obeying orders. Uria enjoys books and reading, as they supply
knowledge, entertainment, and because he can’t read them in serpentine form. He
shows no interest in other animals that snakes would normally be interested in
consuming. He is agile will in and out of combat, in both forms. In human form
his is civilized and well mannered. Gets sea sick if traveling by boat.
History: As a giant creature of great size, most creatures
fled from Uria whenever he approached, so he spent most of his moments alone.
On many occasions, humans would flee or attack Uria, either out of fear or
Like: Strategy and patience. Enjoys reading and acting civil
while in human form. Favorite food: Chicken.
Dislikes: Impatience. Crocodiles. Alligators. Traveling by boat.
Weapon: Chains /
element (Propagation)
Weakness: Cold
weather or terrain. Cold tends to make Uria more sluggish at everything. Not
entirely hibernation, but a definite close second.
Uris looked around vigorously searching for his now missing
master. He cursed himself for allowing his master out of his sight, though he
can’t see far without his glasses. He ran about the market both asking and
searching for his master, but to no avail. Being in the city, he had no access
to his animal form, though if he could transform it would probably cause some
sort of chaos. The idea was appealing, but one he could not commit himself to
do, even if he could. Doing such things
were above him, but his masters impatience and lack of attention was annoying. Many thoughts crossed Uria’s mind
as he computed multiple ways to find his master. He could run about searching
aimlessly for the simpleton. He could simply wait for his master to come to him
as he often did in animal form. There were much too many people in the market place
for him to try to sense his master through vibrations or heat signature. He
spotted a lonely fountain where few people were gathered. He sat and waited.
Patience . Patience.