Rob smiled. Her name fit her. It was unique and pretty. "Yeah. Just enjoying one of the last few morning walks I will be having here for a while." Rob's smile faded. He wasn't ready to go back over seas. He tried to get it off his mind. He didn't want to think about it, and she probably didn't want to talk about it.
"Why is it one of your last?" Jacey asked curiously. "I don't mean to pry, or anything..." She quickly added. Her hands instictively fiddled around with the strap on her old bookbag, and her eyes slowly wandered around the park as she walked alongside Rob. She thought he seemed nice, and for some reason, she was just intrigued by him.
Robert looked at the ground as they walked. He was silent for a moment before he answered her question. "I leave for Afganastan in 3 months." Rob put his hands in his pockets. 3 short months... he thought.
"At least you two will have each other. You can still support each other. That's always nice. To have family, I mean." Rob didn't have family anymore. His dad was his family, and now he was gone.
Rob needed to get his mind off the army. He smiled at her. "So what were you drawing over there? Or is it a secret?"