Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
Name: Night
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Tsukaiga (One of the many made-up Pokemon I have. :D. It's a three-stage evolution cycle, too. <3)
Your looks: He is just a little smaller than Arcanine. He has long, Sabertooth fangs that reach a full foot past his lower jaw and his fur is silver, his stripes a dark blue while his wings are now colored white with red stripes. His eyes are soft, kind, yet at the same time ferocious, and are colored to match the ocean.
Your Past: Was born at the Starter Center and had a Trainer for a while,but then he ran away to find adventure. He soon found and mated with a female Tsukaiga, while he was still only a Tirak. They had a Shiny Diga for a daughter, but his mate died soon after when a Tauros decided they were in hi territory. Since then, Night has been leading his daughter to where he believed the Starter Center still was. But, after finding that the Starter Center was no longer there, he has wandered freely with his daughter, raising her on his own. P:
Any Other Info?: He is Dawne's father. :D
Name: Dawne
Age: Teen, almost old enough to evolve. :D
Gender: Female~
Species: Shiny Diga (Another one of my self-made Pokemon. P:)
Your looks: She's the size of a five-month-old tiger cub...And basically is a tiger cub, with a few differences. Her fur is a stunning silvery-blue and her stripes are a beautiful shade of light violet. She has a pair of feathered, black wings and has big, innocent honey-colored eyes that are flecked with gold and silver.
Your Past: See Night's bio for further information. |D
Any Other Info?: Is Night's daughter. P:
Name: Answers to Experiment Number 426, as well as Change. YEah....they didn't really care enough to give him a good name. e.o
Age: Unknown for sure.
Gender: Male
Species: Riolu....thing. Appears to be a mix of Riolu and Eeveelutions, though. Poor baby. D:
Looks: A bit smaller than your average Riolu and is colored black where he should be blue, and blood red where he should black. He has an X scar on his muzzle from a fight at the lab, and has bi-colored eyes like Inferno, purple and forest green. He also has blue stripes, almost like an umbreon's, located on the areas of his body that correspond with the Umbreon's rings' locations. He still has shackles around his wrists, if you can call them that, and his 'ankles' from when he was at the lab. Along with all of this, he has a violet gem in he middle of his forehead that changes colors with his emotions. He's also got a fur-ruff not unlike a Flareon's, making him the strangest-looking Riolu you'll ever get to meet.
History: Was born in a lab and kept chained up because, like Inferno, he's very unstable. He ran away when he was only two weeks old, or something like that.
Persona: He's very antisocial, but has a bleeding heart on the inside. HE really doesn't know how to act towards other Pokemon, since he was always by himself...chained to a wall...
Other: Can use almost every type of move, thanks to those freaking Scientists. I personally blame Team Rocket. e.o
Name: Inferno
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lab-born Flareon
Looks: Inferno has darker fur than most flareons, and hisfluffy things are black with red streaks. He has bi-colored eyes, one forest green and the other bright purple. His head-puff covers his purple eye, leaving his forest-green eye, which is the left one, out for all to see. He also has a 69 branded on his right flank, showing he escaped from a lab. He was the 69th experiment, and the only one to survive to adulthood. Oh, he's also bigger than your average Flareon. oUo So if he has any kids, theire DNA is gonna be real messed up. e.o
History: He was created in a lab and started out life a little black Eevee that was actually a lot smaller than regular Eevee. At first, he had others to play with, but they all steadily died until he was the only one left. He grew lonely, as well as fearful of his own power. He may have been smaller, but he was also more powerful than the others, which was the whole reason he survived. After six months, he escaped form the lab, a 69 branded on his right flank, which would remain as a scar for the rest of his life. He eventually came upon some Trainer's bag and stole their Fire Stone, hoping he could be normal if he evolved. Well, he just became weirder. Since then, he's kind of avoided unneeded contact and really doesn't want a mate, knowing their children could end up worse off than he was.
Persona: He's very silent and to himself to the point of seeming cold and uncaring. But you can't really blame him, can you?
Other: He is more powerful than regular Flareon and has a hard time controlling his own power. If he gets mad, he will actually burst into flames.He also despises humans for doing what they did to him. >w>
name- Shayde
personality- Dark and serious, but has an air of mystery around him that drives the females crazy.
looks- He is dark as night with eyes that glow brighter than fire. He has large feathered wings that are coal black with the tips of the feathers red as blood. His paws are red as well, and his tail is thinner than most of other other Eeveelutions and eds with a triangle, like a demon's. He has long fangs, like those of a Sabertooth Tiger. He has large ears that are topped with violet tufts of fur, the same color making up arcane markings on his back. He is built to fly and run at high speeds, and made to blend in with the shadows.
species- Archangeon
name- Lyte
gender- Female
personality- Very kind and loving, basically.
looks- She had all the same markings as Shayde does, but her's are more positive, like an actual angel's. Instead of black, her fur is a stunning silvery white, while all the red is a light, soft shade of blue. What had been dark violet on Shayde is a bright lime green.
species- Shiny�Archangeon
Name: Dark Pyromania (Pyro)
Gender: Male
Species: Eevee
Looks: He has a totally white coat with bi-colored eyes. His right ear has a golden earring in it, and he has s tuft of fur that covers his left eye, which is bright purple, while the right eye, the one that can be seen, is colored a bright red. He pretty much radiates danger. He is very unstable, being created in a lab instead of in nature. He is very, very powerful, but he really can't control it. Around his right paw is a sensor band to show that he escaped from the lab where he was created, though the band no longer works.
Personality: He is very to himself and withdrawn. His personality is as unstable as his power, making him very dangerous to be around. He doesn't mean to do it, but it happens. Sometimes, others get hurt when he loses control, and each time its happened, he's slipped further and further into insanity.
Crush: Nope. .3.
