Name: Eesou Sebani
Nickname: Souma, Eease, but most people in town call him Bones.
Age: 19
Gender: Dood. Only one so far...
What are you?: Dragon rider.
Looks: Eesou Sebani has a tall, lanky frame, although not weak. He tends to walk around with ahooded, bored ex
pression on his thin, olive-skinned face. Eease's hair is a dark, brown-green, with bits of bone braided through it. Even though he has no elf blood in him, his ears are slightly pointed, as are his teeth. Souma's ears carry several earrings in them, mostly made from bones and bright white rocks. His eyes are a bright green, and flecked with black. Souma isn't from around here, and has just come to town, so no one really knows him well, although they tend to keep away from him, since he usually smells of rotting meat and blood. He works at a tannery and slaughter house in the town. There are a lot of rumors swirling about the strange, tall boy, and just why he came here out of the blue, with no family, and why he tends to disappear for hours on end.
Persona: Uhn. I'm terrible at this.
Dragon companion: Souma's dragon is one that isn't usually seen around these parts, and made entirely of bone, with no scraps of flesh or skin remaining. Thus, his dragon cannot make sound, owing to it's lack of vocal chords. The dragon is smaller than usual, but greatly agile and hard to hit with arrows and the like, for the simple reason that there is less of it to hit. The dragon's name is Ghama, and is currently full grown and prowlingth eoutskirts of town, and just might happen to stray into the quarry...
Other: Souma likes tall boots. Also, I seem to remember the name Roiben....