2:07am Jun 1 2011
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((I will start now.)) April was lying in a cage that was about 6 feet wide, and six feet tall at a local slave market located somewhere in Vegas. Her hair wasn't its normal snow white color. It was now a cream color, due to the dirt on the bottom of her cage. She didn't have any shoes on, and wore a tattered white dress. Her cheeks were sunken in, and you could clearly see her ribs if it weren't for her dress. She hadn't eaten in days. That's how the slaves were treated. Her last meal consisted of some chicken broth, and a slice of bread. She was hungry, starving, even. She got to her feet, and sighed. Today was another day that she would be looked at like livestock by multiple possible buyers. ~~~ Rikku, being one of the richer vampires, was riding around in his very expensive BMW car. He stopped at the local slave market. He needed a new slave. His last one ran away, so he was getting hungrier each passing minute. He scanned the multiple cages, his amber eyes resting upon a neglected-looking girl with white hair. He passed her up, deciding that she wasn't the slave for him.
Love is all we need~
2:08am Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 2:09am Jun 1 2011)
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Love is all we need~
2:08am Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 2:09am Jun 1 2011)
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Love is all we need~
2:08am Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// I yam heah, silly.
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2:26am Jun 1 2011
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Elizabeth approached the cages holding slaves with all her usual pomp, thick black hair tied into a neat bun on her nape. Her clothing was of traditional Victorian style, since she felt that in this new, vampire-ruled era she could safely flaunt the period fashion into which she had been born. The colors were her usual: deep saturated red silks against black, the darkness of the colors emphasized by shocks of white and silver, their contrast stunning against her fair complexion. She carried a parisol to keep herself that color, and wandered with purpose. Recently Elizabeth had run into a bit of an accident with one of her slaves, ending in the girl's death. Shame, really, she was almost indifferent to the girl. Then again, such occurences were common at the Bathory house. "Maybe I should find myself a boy this time." In his cage Scott shuddered, his shirt long missing and what had been respectable-looking khaki shorts torn to shreds. His skin was caked with dirt, hair matted. This was humiliating. He wanted to throw himself against the bars that closed him in and yell all manner of indecencies at the soulless monsters milling around him, but the energy to do so had long been drained from his system. Scott clenched his stomach, trying to silence its now-constant rumblings, pulling his knees up to his chest.
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2:39am Jun 1 2011
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Knightrus awoke by the sound of people. The Slave Market was busy today, yet no one had stopped by her cage. If they had, she would have been awoken. They always liked to prod and poke at her, just to see her squirm. Knight sat up in her cage and listened to the various growls of her stomach. She hoped feeding was soon, even the small amount of food they gave would suffice. Knightrus growled as the many wealthy vampire strolled past her cage, and felt thankful that no one ever stopped. To her they were all the same, heartless, cold, practically bloodthirsty animals.
_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ Andy was in need of a new slave. His past one, Cindy, wasn't good enough. She never fought back, too calm of a girl for this daredevil. Andrew sold her for half the price she had been bought at to some fat old man. Not that money mattered of course, Andy had enough to last about a human life in exquisite luxury. But Andy would earn more to sustain him throughout his whole time on this planet. "Hmm..." Andy muttered as he passed by boys and girls of various ages, amazed by the variety. But all looked extremely sickly and unpleasent. Not that any would be the picture of health or anything. (( Fail, and sorry it's late.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:31am Jun 1 2011
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April finally gathered up the courage to go to the edge of the cage. She swallowed and said, "Hey, you. Yeah, slavemaster." Her voice was hoarse, yet it was loud. "Could we please get some food and water? We haven't eaten in days," she said, her voice desperate. The slave master looked at the girl and laughed. "Feeding time is tomorrow, you stupid little girl." April shook her head. In this place, there was no hope for mercy. She got in the middle of her cage again, and laid down, curled up in a ball, and tried not to cry. She had been stuck in this dang place for months now, and she wanted out. ~~~ Rikku had just pa.ssed up the cage of the sickly white-haired girl when he saw a girl with platinum blonde hair, Knightrus. He stopped in front of her cage. Due to the cages not having any personal information about the slaves, he had to ask her. "Hello," he said, a sadistic smile on his face. "I'm Rikku, and you are...?"
Love is all we need~
11:47am Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 3:26pm Jun 3 2011)
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Knightrus cursed something under her breathe and growled a warning as a male vampire neared her cage. Just when I thought I might not be bought... He put on a smile full of evil and asked her Knight her name, to which she replied, "Go to Hell!" She paused, moved, and held on to the bars near his face. "Like I would ever tell a scumbag like you anything about me!" She hissed, letting go of the bars and shuffling back to the the corner of the cage. _-_-_-_-_-_-_ Andrew passed the cages, and noticed a white haired girl. She looked rather sad and unhealthy, and in need of a master. He took note of her cage number so he could come back later. And then he went his way looking at more human slaves as if it were a grocery store. ((I honestly didn't know what to write for Andy))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:55am Jun 1 2011
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"Fiesty..." Rikku said, smirking. "I like it. But, I still need to know your name." He but his index finger under her chin and lifted her head up slightly. "C'mon, love. I just need to know your name." Rikku was looking straight into her eyes, his pupils dilated. He would get a name out of her. ~~~ April heard feet walk by her cage. She looked up to find a tall man standing there. And then he walked off. She sighed. She thought that she was going to get out of this hellhole for sure. She stood up, and began pacing her cage. Her stick-thin legs looked like they couldn't carry her, but she made it work. Little did the people here know that April was very much a fighter. April would fight her way out of this place, if she knew she had a chance. But when you're stuck in an iron-barred cage, it's hard to have hope.
Love is all we need~
12:05pm Jun 1 2011
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Knightrus tried to struggle, but his eyes. They were so beautiful...."Kn-Knightrus, sir." She stammered, deep in a trance. She just floated there for a few moments before snapping out of dream world and back to reality. "Hey! Don't, Don't touch me!" She screamed, flailing her arms and spatting curse words at the man.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:12pm Jun 1 2011
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"Thankyou," Rikku said calmly. He walked over to the slave master and pointed to Knightrus. "How much is she? Money is no ob ject." He was being honest. With Rikku, money really was no ob ject. He used it freely, and treated his slaves fairly well. "Four hundred dollars," the man said, excited that someone was finally buying a slave. Rikku stood there, stroking his chin. "I'll give you five hundred," Rikku said, plopping a wad of money into the man's hand. The man took the money greedily and gave him the key to the cage. Rikku walked back over to the cage and unlocked it. He wasn't phased by Knightrus's potty mouth. He grabbed her, and threw her over his shoulder. He across the street to his fancy BMW and put her in the back seat. The windows were reinforced with some strong material, due to Rikku having experience with slaves. "You'll like my mansion."
Love is all we need~
12:21pm Jun 1 2011
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"Huh, what?" Knightrus exclaimed as the man threw her over his shoulder "Hey! S-stop!" She yelped, banging her fists on his back. But her struggling didnt help. He just flopped her down in the backseat of some fancy car like she weighed nothing. Knight cursed at the man from the backseat,going from mumbles to full-out death threats. They trip wasn't even over before her throat got soar and she felt light headed. She hated this. Being someone's slave, forced to do what they wanted...Knightrus help back sobs, pushing her nails down into her flesh until she bled. ------------ (( Sould Andy take April? If he does, then Rein would have to take her own charcter...8P))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:31pm Jun 1 2011
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((I'll create an extra pair of slave and master so that Reina can have someone else's slaves, and Andy can take April. Oh. I forgot to mention in April's bio that she sings, quite well, actually.))
Love is all we need~
12:34pm Jun 1 2011
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((Kay. :) Knightrus feels left out. Besides cursing and beating the heck out of people, she has no talent. XP))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:35pm Jun 1 2011
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Rikku looked at Knightrus. "Hey, hey," he said, "calm down. I only feed off of the slaves that did bad things. Such as being murderers. That's how I believe that justice should be taken." He stopped the car, and put her in the front seat so that he could watch her. "Oh my god, Knightrus. You're bleeding. He said, frowning. Inflicting self pain isn't how you stop yourself from crying. I won't hurt you, as long as you don't commit crimes. I'll even let you roam around the mansion freely. I take most slaves in to give them a home."
Love is all we need~
12:54pm Jun 1 2011
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Knightrus wanted to trust this man, but knew she couldn't. She couldn't let her guard down. He seemed honest and caring enough, but Knight doubted it. As Rikku spoke to her she wiped the blood off on her already tattered shirt, adding yet another stain. Knightrus wiped non-existing tears off her face and sat quietly next to her new master. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~ After browsing the whole market, only the white haired girl stuk out to Andy. Her cage number popped to his head and he hurried her direction, hoping she hadn't been bought. When he arrived at her cell he let out a sigh of relif. She was still there. Andy immediately walked up to the slave-keeper and asked for her price. He mumbled a number and Andrew handed it over with a smile. Then he strode over to her cage, unlocked it, picked her up bridal style and loaded her into his car. She wasn't exactly what Andy was looking for, quite the opposite really, but she looked unhealthy. She needed a good home.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:22pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// Sorry. I had to get some sleep. So, Bloody Lizzie is still browsing and Scott is still whimpering and pathetic in his cage.
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2:07pm Jun 1 2011
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((New bios will be up soon.)) April was surprised when she was picked up. Halelujah. Here was her chance to get free. She was quiet, not wanting to get slapped like some of her previous masters did when they got tired of her threats. She began humming a tune in her head. She smiled hopefully. She was going to escape before the day was over. Or so she thought. ~~~ Rikku pulled a chocolate bar out of his glove compartment, and handed it to Knightrus. "This should help with the sadness. Chocolate always cheers me up. Although, eating it is pointless, to me. My body only gets nutrients from blood." He sighed and said, "When we get to my mansion, the maids will size you up, get you some new clothes, and you'll eat a good meal from the cooks."
Love is all we need~
2:25pm Jun 1 2011
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Name: Lacey Blorethe Age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Looks: Lacey stands at a mere 5'7". Her hair is thick, dark reddish brown, and it travels to her shoulder blades; however, if she were to straighten it, it would reach to her mid back. It is uncontrollably curly. Her skin is tan, and she has no freckles. She dresses normally, although she was born in Victorian times. Her eyes are of the darkest green imagineable. Given her short size, Lacey's legs are quite long, and she is very skinny, given that she only drinks blood. Personality: Rp it out. History: She was born in victorian times, and got bitten at a ball. Other: Meh. ~~~ Name: Rain Kirandiel Age: 25 Gender: Male Species: Human Looks: Rain is a tall man, standing at over six feet tall. His figure is tall and lanky, with a few long, lean muscles along his arms. His torso is well toned, but he doesn't have wash-board abs. His skin is an average tone, and his eyes are a light spring green color. His white-blonde hair is somewhat spiky, but not kingdom hearts spiky. Personality: Rp it out. History: He prefers to keep what happened in the past, in the past. Other: Nope.
Love is all we need~
2:25pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 2:28pm Jun 1 2011)
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Love is all we need~