2:30pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// :3 Yay.
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2:36pm Jun 1 2011
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Lacey walked around the slave market, looking like a vampire goddess in her black dress that made the red tints in her hair pop out. She ran her fingers along the bars of the multiple cages. She immediately passed up all of the girls. The last time that she had a girl slave was when all that mattered to her was staying alive off of the blood. Of course, she couldn't mess with a girl's head like she could with a boy. She stopped in front of a boy's cage, Scott's cage. She bent over and said, "Hello. I'm Lacey. Just what is your name?" She had a deceiving smile on her face. ~~~ Rain was looking at the passers-by. He simply didn't care any more if he got bought, or he died and rotted in these metal cages. He simply didn't care. He had escaped numerous times, only to get caught again and towed back to the market. He leaned against the bars of his cage and sighed. He was in better condition than most of the slaves here, given that the slave master that was in control of the market took stronger males, and made them build the metal cages.
Love is all we need~
2:37pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// Ummm... Something weird is going on with the thread...
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2:39pm Jun 1 2011
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((Yes, something weird is going on with the thread... Maybe I should put it on a new board.))
Love is all we need~
2:40pm Jun 1 2011
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((Nothing's wrong for me...Maybe Im the cause. XP))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:41pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 2:42pm Jun 1 2011)
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((I'm going to give it a few more posts, and if it keeps messing up, I'll post it on a new thread.))
Love is all we need~
2:44pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// Nevermind. bic:// Scott shivered involuntarily, trying to conceal himself from the woman's eyes. He hated this, being on display. Even worse, he hated how beautiful they all were. So perfect. But he knew that their perfection was only skin deep. Still, Scott couldn't help but respond to her smile, casting his gaze away and forcing his voice from his raw, parched throat. "Scott. My name is Scott." It hurt, burned, and rasped, but he couldn't stop himself. The feeling was strange, and he detested it. He should be stronger. Strong enough to resist. But he wasn't, and he hated himself for it. ---------- Finally, something caught her gaze. It was a pair of fiercely beautiful pale green eyes, bold and haunted. The pathetic thing in the cage didn't look quite as emmaciated as the others, which was good. It would mean less time he's have to spend regaining his mass, and she could use him sooner. Elizabeth took a few steps forward to bring herself in front of the bars, smiling as her fellow vampires parted before her. Smart. She leaned in, the smile twisting in on itself and becoming a mockery of the ex pression used to purvey happiness. Her voice dropped to a seductive purr, eyelids drooping languidly. "What have we here? A fit, strong young man. Tell me, young man, do you happen to have a name?"
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2:54pm Jun 1 2011
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Knightrus wanted to smack the candy right out of his hand. Did he think she was only a child? But she didn't do anything rebellious. She just took the candy and wolfed it down, glad that she had food. She knew this new life wouldn't be fun, but atleast she'd be healthy. That old slave-keeper treated them like stray animals, but now she'd have new clothes and pleanty of food. Maybe those simple luxuries could distract her fom the thought of being a slave. __________________________ Andrew listened to the girl hum the whole trip. She seemed lost, crazy almost. But that was alright. Andrew was sure she'd get better once she took a long bath and had a good meal.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:58pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 3:04pm Jun 1 2011)
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"Scott is such a good name," she said, smiling sadistically. "Oh, slave master," Lacey yelled across the room in a sing-song voice. The man came up to her. "Yes, Miss Lacey?" He asked. "How much is Scott?" She asked, still smiling. The man mumbled a rather large number. Lacey sighed, and handed him the money. After all, she could have some fun with this boy. He seemed to be a bit cowardly, though. She unlocked his cage, and grabbed him by the arm. "If you try to run, it will be a very, very bad decision," she said, looking at him. She walked a few blocks down, to her large country-style house. Her maids met her by the door, and she took her shoes off. She told the maids to give Scott some new clothes, and show him to the bathroom. After spending weeks in an unclean cage, you would probably want to take a shower... ~~~ Rain looked at the girl and said, "Rain." He then looked away, unphased by how seductive her voice was. He had experience with female vampires. They always try to seduce you into wanting to be their slave. However, it didn't matter to Rain if Elizabeth bought him or not. However, it would be good to get away from all of the sadness of this place. ~~~ Rikku stopped at his large mansion, and opened the door for Knightrus. He led her inside, and told the maids, who were also slaves, to take care of her. The maids knew what to do. They immediately pulled out a tape-measure, and measured Knightrus's waist, and such. After they did that, they handed her a pair of clothes, and led her to the bathroom. Before they let her go inside the bathroom, they said, "Don't worry. Mister Rikku treats good slaves like people, not like slaves." ~~~ April turned to look at Andy and said, "I'm April. Thanks for buying me." Her eyes looked out of the window after saying that. She watched multiple buildings pa.ss by, and smiled at it all. She hadn't seen a change of scenery in months. The only scene that she saw were iron bars.
Love is all we need~
3:13pm Jun 1 2011
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Now April was opening up. And she actually wanted to be bought...Usually the slaves would always hide from masters. Never had Andy seen a slave willing to be bought. "My name is Andrew. But most call me Andy, I'd appreciate it if you did too." He said to her, with a hint of a smile. After about an hour they arrived at a large estate. Pillars lined the drive way, and a large ivory mansion sat at the end. ----------- Knightrus tried not to fuss much as the girl took her measurements. Knightrus nodded as the other slaves assured her Rikku was a kind man, and she entered the bathroom. She stripped down, took a long warm shower, and dried off. She rolled up her hair in a towel and exited, wearing her new clothes.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:19pm Jun 1 2011
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The maids led Knightrus to the dining hall, and sat her down in a comfy, plush chair. All of Rikku's good slaves came to the table, and were served a whopping plate consisting of a T-bone steak, a baked potato, creamed corn, and green beans. For desert, they would each get a slice of cherry pie. ~~~ April unlocked her door herself, and got out. When she saw that Andy wasn't watching, she bolted, however, she wouldn't get far. Vampires were much, much faster than she was. She smiled when she felt the wind on her face. It made her feel happy to run after being cooped up in a cage.
Love is all we need~
3:24pm Jun 1 2011
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Scott followed the Lacey quietly, silently cursing himself for not running despite the warning. He should have, even if it killed him. Better dead than a slave, he'd always thought. But now it was too late. He allowed the maid to lead him to a bathroom, and had to keep himself from collapsing with relief. It had been far too long since he'd had a warm shower. Slipping out of his rags as soon as the door closed he climbed into the shower and turned the knobs. First he just let the water run over his entire body, watching the top la yer of grime wash away. He then took a bar of soap and a scrub, working off the rest of the dirt -caked on thick- and the filth from his hair. Watching the last of it swirl down the drain Scott sighed, standing there a moment longer before stopping the water and wrapping a towel around his waist. Clean clothes were folded outside the door, and he put them on gratefully. Just an ordinary t-shirt and jeans. Perfect. With a sudden burst of rebelion Scott began to wander through the halls of the mini-mansion, looking for any possible exit and just becoming hopelessly lost. That blood-sucking witch had probably set it up that way, of course.
-------- Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and pursed her full ruby lips, trying to come to terms with the human male's resiliance and resistance. Still, she loved a challenge. "Well, Rain, I don't know whether to consider you incredibly lucky, or incredibly unlucky. Regardless..." She raised a hand, and the dealer rushed to her side. "Yes, Lady Bathory?" She gave him a smile drenched in sickly sweet honey, not quite reaching her pale eyes. "I'll take this one. How much?" A greedy spark flashed into his eyes, and he grinned maliciously. "Well, I would normally charge at least two thousand for such a specimen, but considering how often you come 'round to replace them, I'll discount you. Seventeen hundred." Elizabeth's smile became genuine, though dark in its humor, and she laughed. "Very well, sir." Handing over the money, she wrenched the lock off with her bare hands, if only to demonstrate to the human her strength. She reached in, taking Rain by the wrist. "Come, now. My carriage awaits." Sure enough she led him to a a plush carriage, staying true to her period. It was pulled by a matched set of Friesians, which she thought to be a touch of irony, considering that in her day they had primarily been used to pull funeral carriages for the wealthy. Well, she had died at some point, so it was only natural that she be transported by the death-horse. The interior was crushed velvet of pale ivory, a shocking contrast to the black, gilded exterior. She leaned out to pat the side, and the carriage took off. The ride was smooth and swift, with Elizabeth watching her new slave hungrily. Without a word she led him up to the manor house, built in, as with everything else, the Victorian style. A butler waited to greet them by the door, with the same cruel ex pression as his mistress. "Welcome home, my lady. I shall take him to his quarters at once." Elizabeth nodded, smling dotingly to her faithful retainer. "Very well, Sebastian. Take good care of him, won't you?" He bowed deeply, taking a firm grip on Rain's shoulders to lead him through the labyrinthine corridors, ending in a room of pale green, gold, and ivory. "This shall be your suite. The Mistress likes her pets to feel most comfortable." The suite, made up of a sitting room, a study, and a large bedroom with attached private bathroom, was filled with every luxury. "She shall most likely bring your dinner to you. Make yourself at home, sir." With another bow Sebastian excused himself, leaving to return to his normal duties.
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3:26pm Jun 1 2011
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"Shat!" Andy screeched as april bolted off. He started chasing after her and caught her quickly. He swooped her up over his shoulder and brought her inside the house where he was welcomed by a group of maids. "Keep a close eye on her. Fit her, and make sure she gets a bath." The women swarmed around her, taking her measurements, handing her clothes, and leading her to the bathroom. -__________- Knightrus wolfed down her plate in record time. The food was amazing, she had to admit. After being fed only broth and bread, everything tasted like heaven. They delivered her a slice of by as desert and she ate it in two bites.Knight rubbed her belly to help her food settle as they others ate.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:38pm Jun 1 2011
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All ate except for Rikku, who had slipped off into a seperate room to feed on a mass murderer. He came out, his thirst quenched. He walked to Knightrus, and said, "We have an entertainment room on the third floor, if you would like to watch television, or play some games. I let my good slaves roam freely. Most of them don't want to escape. However, if you escape, the consequenses will be dire." ~~~ Rain looked around his suite, and found a seperate bathroom. He took a shower, and walked out, a towel around his waist. He looked through the closets, and found some clothes that fit him. The word, 'pet' didn't really bother him. It wasn't like he could be treated any worse than he already had. ~~~ April beat on Andrew's back and said, "Put me down!" However, he didn't do such a thing. She let the maids measure her, and give her clothes. She walked into the bathroom and screamed a scream of pure anger. She thought she had it. Freedom was so close, yet so far away. She then got into the shower, and cleaned herself off. She slipped on the clothes, which were a pair of straight-leg jeans, and a fitted t-shirt. Of course, due to April being so skinny, the t-shirt hung about her instead of clinging to her skin like it was supposed to. She walked out, her face blank. ~~~ Lacey tapped her finger up on the doorway which was just in front of Scott. "Tsk, tsk," she said, examining her fingernails. "You're such a bad, bad slave. C'mon. Your quarters are in this room. The maids should bring you your meal. After that..." She smiled deviously. She led him into the room, her hand tight upon his wrist. She closed the door and locked it. Only the maids had keys other than hers.
Love is all we need~
3:51pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 3:54pm Jun 1 2011)
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"Andrew likes it when his slaves get angry. You're only making this worse for yourself." A maid warned to April,and walked past with sorry eyes. The same group of maids who had fitted April came to her and escorted her to the dining room. They served her various peices of turkey with sides of gravy, green bean stew and biryani. And for desert, Mince Pies. _____________________________________________________ Knightrus left the table, headed for the entertainment room. She tried to hurry, in case any maids wanted to follow her. She could handle herself. After getting lost a couple times, Knight discovered the room. It was an immense room with multiple gaming systems and flat screen tv's. Knightrussat down on a comfortable couch and flicked through channels.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:06pm Jun 1 2011
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Scott's eyes widened at Lacey's presence, and then he dropped into the defensive. Not like it mattered whether or not he tried to fight back. Her grip stung, and the force of her swinging him into the room knocked Scott against the wall. He collapsed where he'd been left, hugging his knees to his chest for comfort without even bothering to inspect the room into which he'd been thrown. This was most definitely He.ll. --------------------------- Figuring she'd given Rain enough time to prepare himself, Elizabeth knocked once on the door to the suite before letting herself in. She took in his cleanliness and clothing, allowing herself some disappointment that he hadn't tried to run away. She'd been expecting a little a little more spirit than that from the not-too-weakened male. Ah, well. Beggars can't be choosers, as her mother always used to say. Not, she thought with a giggle, that they had ever been beggars. "I assume you find everything to be in good order? I want you to feel as welcome here as if you'd lived here your entire life. Please, be at ease." Clearly she took her own advice, settling herself into one of the overstuffed couches. "You're very lucky, you know. I know plenty of vampires who force their slaves to all sleep in a barracks. Well, here's your dinner." Setting down the gold tray she'd brought into the room, Elizabeth removed the lid with a flourish. "Angus steak with a red wine reduction, hearty potatoes, green beans in a light balsamic vinagrette, and my personal favorite for dessert, tiramisu. Please, enjoy." She placed the silverware neatly beside the plates, as well as a bottle of Fiji water, a bottle of very expensive sweet red wine, and a glass.
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6:15pm Jun 1 2011
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April didn't respond to the maids. She sat herself down at the table, and shoveled her food down. She was starving. She didn't let any emotion show, though. Once she was finished with the main course, she ate the mince pies in record time. She leaned back in her chair, looking for Andy. ~~~ Rain sat on a couch across from Elizabeth, and ate his food. He didn't wharf it down. He actually ate normally. After eating his fill, he poured himself a small glass of wine, and drank it slowly. He hadn't had wine in years. ~~~ Lacey, feeling a bit sorry for the boy now, walked in. She didn't know her own strength. She looked at him and said, "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm stronger than I think I am. Please, forgive me." Her eyes were sincere. Of course, she was still going to feed off of him, and play around with him. She just didn't want him to get hurt. An injured slave was useless to Lacey. ~~~ Rikku gave Knightrus some private time. He didn't want to be intrusive. He walked over to his chambers, but ordered some of the maids to stand in the halls, to make sure that Knightrus didn't try to pull any funny business. When Rikku got into his room, he changed into some more casual clothes; a pair of blue jean shorts and a white wife beater shirt.
Love is all we need~
6:28pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 6:29pm Jun 1 2011)
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(( Wife beater shirt...That sounds nice. Just kidding. :D)) Knightrus ended up watching Spongebob. She didn't like it very much but it made her smile. A joke was interrupted by footsteps coming down the hall, which then stopped near the room. It wasn't surprising Rikku had people watching over her. But Knight still didn't like it. Instead of becoming angry she turned up the volume and drowned out the rest of the world.Before she knew it, Knightrus was drifting off to sleep, accomponied by the blaring TV. *-*-*-*-* Andrew came down stairs after everyone had finished eating, and all the servants had cleaned up. April was still sitting there. "It's nice to see youre still here." He said to April. Andy gestured towards a maid, "Ava, escort April to her champers. And make sure she has new sleep wear." The maid nodded, took April by the arm and led her upstairs. They stopped at a rather large door engraved with vine-type designs. The maid slipped out a key and unlocked the door, revealing a luxurious, silk-filled room."Here's your room." She said plainly, and shortly aftr that came another servant with a pair of white silk pajamas.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:36pm Jun 1 2011
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April didn't put the pajamas on. She was going to get out of there. She walked around the room, pacing. She liked the room, with all of its luxuries, but she didn't like being restricted and restrained. Plus, she was scared that she was going to be eaten. She clenched her fists, and sighed. ~~~ Rikku waited a while to see if Knightrus was going to come out. Eventually, he got worried. He walked up to the entertainment room, and found her asleep on the couch. He turned the television off, picked her up bridal style, and walked into her chambers. He laid her on the bed, and sat in a chair beside the bed.
Love is all we need~
9:43pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 9:46pm Jun 1 2011)
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Knightrus was lost in a nightmare when she felt herself being picked up. She guessed it was Rikku, none of the maids looked strong enough to carry Knight. She ignored the outside world and melted back to her dream. Knightrus was in a pitch-black room. She could hear hisses and growls and see yellow eyes glaring at her. Her stomach churned in fear as she heard a group of beings come near her. She wanted to move but her body was paralyzed with fear. They leaned closer and closer to her face until they... Knightrus awoke with fast-beating heart and a man at her side. Well, In a chair. Rikku in a chair. Watching her. Knight rubbed the grogginess out of her eyes and mumbled something before looking her master in the eyes. "Mneh."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andy sat in his office, only a few rooms away rom April. She was feisty, that was for sure. Within the moments he had know her her personality had blosommed. Andrew likeher anger, and her struggles. As if she really could escape. His estate was guarded by trained vampires, and it's not like she could get out any way. His gate was guarded with a password that only he knew.
Why the cloud, Sunny?