11:00pm Jun 3 2011
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Elizabeth allowed herself a smile, nodding as she fiddled idly with her riding cap, an elegant piece of black suede leather with lace and trimmings to match the rest of her ensemble. Despite being a century or so behind the times, the vampire believed herself to be quite fashionable. In a last minute decision made while watching Rain eat she let her hair loose, shaking it free to fall at about her waist. She feigned modesty, blushing prettily enough. "Oh, thank you. You look quite dashing, yourself. Now answer me this: Have you ever ridden a proper horse before? One can never be sure these days, and I want you to feel quite at home. Now, as you can see I'm the slightest bit old fashioned, which means that I like everyone I live with to be the same. I believe it would be more comfortable for you that way." Smiling she batted her eyelashes, keeping her ex pression light and casual. -------------------- Scott jolted awake, nodding. Stiffly he moved to his closet, changing into clean clothing before going to stand in front of Lacey. 'Just do it. Don't be a wimp. It's easy. Just two words, you dolt.' With blush quickly spreading across his cheeks, Scott dropped his gaze, appearing as contrite as he possibly could. "Excuse me, Miss Lacey. I'm really sorry for how I snapped last night. It's just... I felt like I was... Betraying my people. By being so... Accepting. You know, about all this. About being a slave." He really couldn't help it. The last word oozed from his lips, dripping with disgust. It was perfectly natural to hate slavery. To want to be free. Why was he even apologizing? Scott didn't know, but it didn't stop him from woosing out.
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11:34pm Jun 3 2011
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After Andy finished, the maids quickly came in and swooped up the couples finished plates. He looked at April, who was looking at him. He rested his chin on his upraised palm and sighed. "Have you given up so easily? I thought we were having fun." Andrew said, chuckling lightly. --------------- -i'll edit this. my mother needs my laptop.-
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:46pm Jun 3 2011
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ooc:// Urgh. This thread...
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9:05pm Jun 4 2011
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Rain smiled. "I used to live on a cattle ranch, you know. Of course I've ridden horses. I don't know what you mean by proper, though." Sure enough, Rain lived in Texas before the vamps took over, working on a cattle ranch. He was used to western-type saddles, and rowdy horses that were always full of energy. ~~~ Lacey smiled to herself. "I forgive you." She then turned around and said, "You look handsome today." She yawned and said, "I didn't sleep last night. Although, I didn't need to. Sleeping is just a habit for me." ~~~ April shook her head. "You're so confusing. One minute, you complain about me being too fiesty, and the next, you're saying that you miss all the fun." She frowned. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, her neck exposed. Although, she didn't notice it.
Love is all we need~
2:34pm Jun 5 2011
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Love is all we need~
3:09pm Jun 5 2011
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Clapping, a touch of Elizabeth's Old World British accent crept into her words, eyes positively glowing. "Oh, joy, a real Old West cowboy! I am a truly lucky woman. Well, dear Rain, I think I shall give you choice of my favorites. Just be careful with my precious loves. They are worth much more to me than you are. Please don't take it personally, but well bred horseflesh is much more expensive than a human slave on the market. And these I have truly bonded with. Well, come down!" She grabbed his wrist as gently as possible, practically flying through the stately house to the stables, which were buzzing with the morning's work. Stablehands and grooms hovered like drones around a beehive, keeping a safe distance from their Lady. Without a second glance Lizzie went to an especially large barn, having released Rain from her grip. A true horseman would be drawn enough by the promise of a quality animal to follow of his own accord. True to Lizzie's word, the horses in the barn were of utmost, the majority of them being old European breeds. There was a striking silvery grey dappled Andalusian, a massive red creature of unknown breed who was built for racing and endurance running, the Friesian pair, and an elegant bay Arab. However, out of pure amusement Elizabeth had purchased a pair of beautiful native horses, one a coppery palomino Mustang, the other a black and white blanket pattern Appaloosa. Elizabeth went at once to to the Andalusian, a clever mare with a regal carriage. "Well, I shall take my darling Jezebel. The Mustang is called Hidalgo-" She giggled at her own little joke before continuing. "-and the Appaloosa mare is Anevay. You may take any of the others, if you like, but I figured you'd rather have one of the Americal breeds. As soon as you decide, one of the grooms will tack them out Western style for you." She set to work tacking her own mare, the black leather of the English tack gleaming. --------------------------- Nodding politely Scott smiled tentatively, finally meeting Lacey's eyes. "Thank you. For forgiving me, and for the compliment." As for the second bit, he really didn't know how to respond. How did one respond to a statement? Not being able to think of anything, Scott just nodded again, shrugging.
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3:30pm Jun 5 2011
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"Come with me to the animal room. I have some things to show you." Lacey led Scott to a room that was decorated with oriental furnishings. Inside of the room were several large cats. On the other side of the room was a door that led to a different room, where her exotic canines were kept. She sat down in one of the plush crimson couches, and her siberian tiger, Lily, jumped up into her lap, purring. ~~~ Rain smiled and immediately took the palomino mustang. He tacked the horse on his own, and insisted that he used a western saddle. He finished and mounted the horse, looking like a cowboy again. He smiled at the thought. The only thing that he lacked was a dog who would herd anything.
Love is all we need~
7:12pm Jun 5 2011
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Seeing Rain in the saddle sent a swell of pride through Elizabeth's chest. This was her slave, this talented young man. This cowboy. With a grin she lept into the saddle, Jezebel arching her neck magnificently. She sighed, stroking the neck of her steed lovingly. Motioning for Rain to follow she trotted jauntily out of the stable, leading the way to a clear track of land. "Well, cowboy, shall I purchase a dog and some cattle to make you feel more at home here? Surely it can be arranged if you so desire." Lizzie smiled dotingly, like a mother at her favorite child. "Perhaps a contest of sorts is in order?" --------------------------- Scott supressed a shudder, eyeing the big cats a little fearfully. This woman must've really wanted him dead. Luring him into a room of wild animals with huge teeth and claws. Still, after a moment of being paralyzed with fear he got to thinking. She couldn't still be mad at him, and if Lacey wanted to she could very easily defend him should one of the cats decide to attack. He quietly approached one of the cats, a snow leopard, who had been regarding him with icy blue eyes. Tentatively Scott scratched it behind the ear, making soothing cooing and shushing noises all the while. "There we are. Nice kitty. Good kitty."
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7:21pm Jun 5 2011
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Rain didn't make his horse hold its head up high. He scratched the mane of Hidalgo, and trotted after Elizabeth. He wondered if this horse could canter. He would figure it out later. "It wouldn't hurt to get some cattle. Plus, the cattle would help keep the grass trimmed. Have you ever done barrel racing?" He smiled excitedly. He won the texas state rodeo's barrel racing contest three times in a row. That is, before his horse died, and before the invasion happened. He felt his heart ache a bit, but he shook it away. ~~~ Lacey smiled and said, "Don't worry. They won't hurt you." She got up from the couch and said, "I raised them from kits myself." She walked over to Scott and patted the snow leopard, Winter, affectionately. "Ever since I figured out that I couldn't have children in the eighteen hundreds, I started buying animals and treated them like my children." She sighed. "After going through all of the dog and cat breeds, I resorted to more... exotic ones. Ones that would give me a challenge. Ones that nobody else wanted. I took in the most dangerous ones, and made them lovable."
Love is all we need~
8:06pm Jun 5 2011
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Elizabeth had to keep herself from sneering, feeling some snooty comment or another about how civilized folk didn't run through barrels, and she quickly bit it down. Instead she merely listened, then shook her head politely. "I practice steeplechasing and show jumping, mostly, though I do have a spectacular racer. He is my crown jewel and I intend on racing him regularly this season, with a fine, tiny little thing to jockey him. But now, barrel racing is not quite the style that suits me. My taste is too distinctly British for it." She grinned, shrugging and hoping not to offend Rain. --------------------------- A touch more heartened Scott set himself on the ground, laughing softly as Winter wrapped herself around him. "That's really cool. And she's just so soft, like a cloud. A big, fluffy, man-eating cloud." He began to snuggle-wrestle the massive feline, twining himself in the silky fur. At some point a cougar and black panther joined the rumble, until Scott found himself in the coziest kitty-pile ever. His laughter grew in volume, mixing with exclamations and playful threats against the tails of whatever cat had decided to bat at him gently. "Oooh, who's a good kitty? You are!" He felt like a kid again, only these cats were much bigger than the ones he'd grown up with. As Winter took the oppurtunity to lick kis face with her sandpaper tongue Scott giggled, trying to push her away in vain, ending up pinned and covered in cat-kisses.
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10:18pm Jun 5 2011
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Lacey whistled, and the cats ceased their playing. They came to her and she said, "Let me properly introduce you to the ones that you don't already know." She pointed to a black panther and said, "This is Nyght. The cougar is Render. The siberian tiger is lily." She patted a large male lion's head and said, "And this is Simba." ~~~ Rain said, "You should try it some time. It's a lot more fun than it looks. Although, I can't make you, so..." He smiled and said, "I used to have a horse that could run like the wind. He could make a cheetah cry in defeat, I'll betcha." He patted Hidalgo's mane.
Love is all we need~
10:38pm Jun 5 2011
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Smiling, Elizabeth nodded. For the first time since Rain's arrival, her smile was genuinely warm and pleasant, feeling horriby out of place on her face. She never showed such an emotion to a human, least of all a slave. Rain's fond reminiscing reminded her of her own early years, before her turning, even before the part of her life that had put her name in the history books. Her face clouded with memory, and the buzz of emotion surrounding the vampire was enough to alert her mare, who snorted with a shake of her long, lustrous mane. This was enough to jolt Lizzie from the memories, and she leaned forward to hug the mare around her proud, elegant neck. "Aw, precious. I am dreadfully sorry I caused you worry. But you know, you were part of what caused the flash, my dear beast." Turning to Rain, Elizabeth's smile returned, softer now. "When I was a very young girl I had an andalusian mare who could have been Jezebel's twin. Isn't it a wonder how horses seem to follow you through life like spirit guides? They always find a way to reincarnate themselves into one's life. I hope your beloved stallion finds his way into my barn, for the sake of your happiness." The weird thing was... she meant it. --------------------------- Scott nodded, still breathing a bit heavily. "Thank you for bringing me in here. I really do love animals, but after the takeover..." He paused, wondering how to continue that train of thought. "It was very hard to get away with a pet. But now I get to be around animals again. Really, thanks. Nothing could have cheered my up more than these furry lugs." His eyes glittered, meeting Lacey with a beaming smile.
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11:08pm Jun 5 2011
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Lacey smiled. She actually liked Scott; something that she had only experienced once. Her eyes then glazed over as she remembered her past. She came back and shook her head. "Would you like to see the canines' room? If you like cats, I'm sure you'll like dogs." Without waiting for a response, Lacey hooked her arm under Scott's and walked him to the door. She opened it, and it led into a room that had numerous exotic, endangered dogs in there. They all came to her, their tails wagging. ~~~ Rain smiled. "That's interesting. Well, my old stallion was a beautiful liver chestnut american quarter horse. His name was Shadow because he would follow you around the pasture wherever you went, just like your own shadow." Rain sighed, reliving his years as a cowboy. "He could win barrel racing against any horse you could name."
Love is all we need~
1:43pm Jun 6 2011
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Upon entering the canine's room Scott fell to his knees, bracing himself for the kisses. Sure enough, several canids of species he didn't recognize showered him with love, knocking him over. It was a dog play-fight like he hadn't experienced in a very long time. There was gentle nipping, pawing, pushingm swatting, and the like. Scott softened his blows, pushing and grabbing and rolling as if he were just another dog. This was what he'd missed. Not food, not warmth, not safety. Pets. Fur. The unconditional love that only an animal could provide. --------------------------- "He sounds gorgeous, and like a sweetheart to beat. You must have been very close to him." Her face went thoughtful for a moment, a sly grin crossing her patrician features. "Do you... remember your old address, perchance? Many of those who, during the take over, secured properties, kept the animals. Anything is possible." A blush crept across her cheeks, her gaze turning to a point between Jezebel's ears, hyper focused. She wanted only to make Rain happy, a sentiment that she had not felt since her childhood, when she'd married young to please her mother. She shook the thought off quickly, smiling sweetly to Rain and trying to simply enjoy the smooth feel of Jezzy's gait.
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2:08pm Jun 6 2011
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"Shadow died before the takeover. He got yellow fever and died." Rain's smile dropped. He nudged Hidalgo's side with his heel, making the horse go faster. If he was going to be sad, and possibly cry, he was going to do it alone. He sighed. Hidalgo was going at a fast run, but not quite a gallop. He stayed in sight of Elizabeth, to ensure her that he wasn't running away. ~~~ Lacey smiled. She got down with the dogs and patted their heads. She then layed down next to Scott and started rough housing with the dogs. Then, she got up and patted a maned wolf's head. His name was Leon, due to the long fur around his neck. She sat down next to her wolf, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She almost wanted to cry, for reasons from the past.
Love is all we need~
3:05pm Jun 6 2011
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As Rain heeled Hidalgo away, Elizabeth sighed, nudging Jezebel to a steady, rhythmic canter. She wracked her mind for an idea, then grinned. At some random signal a groom came to her, matching the pace of his stately breedless gelding to Jezebel so that he could recieve orders. "Yes, my lady?" She turned to him, once more devoid of ex pression. "I want my cowboy to be as happy as possible in his new home. Find me a purebred liver chestnut American quarter horse, a barrel racing champion. I don't care what it takes. Find him and bring him here. He must be the best, or he won't do. And keep in mind-" The groom cut her off, the ghost of a smile twitching on his mouth. "I know, Mistress. Money is not an obstacle. As you wish." With that the groom left, and Lizzie gave a whoop, giving Jez her head. The mare sprung into a gallop, shaking out her mare with a joyous whinny. She overtook Hidalgo in a sparse moment, Lizzie tucked tight against her body. Turning a little, Elizabeth yelled into the wind. "Care to race, cowboy? --------------------------- Taking one look at the ex pression on Lacey's face, Scott did what came naturally to him. He inched towards her through the dogs and wrapped his arms around her. There was no conflict in his heart. It was pure instinct. He'd always been the comforting sort, and that would never change, regardless of race. And so he held his mistress, making the same shushes and coos he'd made to the cats moments before, his voice soft. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here for you. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
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3:34pm Jun 6 2011
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Rain smiled as Jezebel and Lizzie passed him. He nodded at Elizabeth's question, nudged Hidalgo into a gallop. It was bumpy, so he lifted his butt slightly off of the saddle, so that he was not thrown off. He then passed Jezebel and Lizzie with a smile. He was happy to be around animals, especially horses. ~~~ Lacey leaned into Scott, her face still buried in the fur of Leon's neck. She sighed, and one tear ran down her cheek. She didn't want to talk about the past. It would only make her cry more. The tear was quickly absorbed into Leon's fur, and the large fox-colored canine let out a sigh of his own. All of the dogs gathered around the three of them, and sat down, looking at their master with eyes full of worry.
Love is all we need~
3:58pm Jun 6 2011
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Lizzie leaned into her mare, watching Rain and Hidalgo pass. "A little more, darling. Let's show those men where the power truly comes from, shall we?" As if understanding the prompt, Jezebel gave more engergy into her long, powerful legs, hoofs beating against the earth with a sound like thunderclaps. A thrill ran through Elizabeth's veins, the thrill of speed and recklessness and throwing caution to the wind. "Hyah!" The surge of equine power and grace was exhilirating, and Elizabeth just held on and hoped for the best. --------------------------- Wiping away the tear Scott, lifted Lacey's chin, smiling down at her. "We're all here for you. All of your pets." He attempted to make the last word a joke, grinning. This place was changing him, and he didn't know how to react. So in the heat of the moment, he just continued to let instinct carry him along, using body language to convey peace and soothing tranquility.
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5:21pm Jun 6 2011
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Rain and Hidalgo held their own for a few minutes, but Hidalgo was more of an endurance runner, rather than a speed runner. Hidalgo slowed to a walk, and sighed. He put his head down and began to graze on the grass in the pasture. Rain dismounted, and patted Hidalgo's back. "You had a good run." ~~~ Lacey smiled at Scott, her fangs flashing. She let Leon go, and they all sighed once they saw their master smile. They knew that she was okay now. She hugged Scott and said, "Thanks for comforting me." She got up, sat on an ivory colored love seat, and crossed one leg over the other.
Love is all we need~
9:54pm Jun 6 2011
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Love is all we need~