10:54am Aug 3 2010
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((Paper Roses. Join as Medicine Cat Apprentice and a few warriors?)) Name: Panthergaze Age: 35 Moons Gender: Tom Personality: Panthergaze is a very laid back cat most of the time, cracking jokes at inapproporiate times and enjoying to live life at it's fullest. Though not exactly the smarted cat in the bunch when it comes to socialization he is strong willed and a quick at learning new things. But he has a quick dark temper and is a very avengeful cat. Appearance: He is a very large cat with a solid build and lean strong muscles and long legs.and m*censored*ive paws. His fur is short and slightly spikey along his back as well as being solid black with a white spot on the very tip of his black nose. His eyes are a starling green, giving him his name. Mate: None Crush: None at the moment. Kits? Nope History: Theres not a lot to tell here, he was born in Roseclan to a well respected queen and flew through his apprenticeship with flying colors. He quickly became a warrior and a good fighter. Other: Nope -- Name: Starpaw Age: 21 Moons Gender: Tom Personality: Starpaw is a very giving cat, willing to sacrifice just about anything for his clanmates, including his own life if he could. He is very smart in just about everything he does, saying that what he lacks in physical abilities he makes up for in brains. But inside he is slightly bitter, wanting to be a warrior and explore the forest instead of being cooped up in the Medicine Cats den all day. He has a close bond with Silentheart. Appearance: Starpaw is a few small cat, being no more then the size of a young apprentice, with abnormally long, skinny legs and tiny paws. He is very awkward on his feet and tends to trip over his long legs when just walking over flat ground, and he practically has no claws. His fur is short and unkept, matting in places and even missing in others, giving him a raggedy look. His is also unnaturally skinny, almost all of his bones showing and making him look even smaller, no matter how much he eats. His eyes though are what gave him his name. They are silver in color with no pupils, making him look blind, but he can see everything clearly. Mate: Forbidden Crush: Fobidden Kits?: Forbidden. History: He was not born to the clans. His mother was a loner and his father a rouge. His mother was exteremly young to be having kits and only two out of four survived. Him and Silentheart. She was killed a few moons after the two brother were born while defending them from a fox attack. A queen later found the two kits beside their dead mother and took gthem into the clans. Starpaw knows he was not born a clan cats and accepts it. Due to his mothers age and size when kitting Starpaw was born with a severe birth defect, making him unable to become a warrior. Other: He is the Medicine Cat Apprentice ((If thats alright)) -- Name: Silentheart Age: 21 Moons Gender: Tom Personality: Silentheart got his name because he is a very quiet cat, hardly ever speaking or showing any sort of emotion once so ever. Though loyal to Roseclan, he has little to no problem with killing clan cats in battle if they oppose him and does not aggree or like the warrior code. He does not speak to any cat except his brother, Starpaw, and confides everything in him, even the fact that some times he'd wished he had died alongside his other littermates. Silentheart thinks little of life, and does not beleive in Starclan. Appearance: He is a large cat, though not muscualar like most other toms. Instead he is very lithe, with long strong legs and a long bushy tail. His fur is semi-long in length and a dark, deep brown. Black tabby patterns run across his body and a white spot adorns the middle of his forehead, his chest, and the tip of his tail. Silentheart's eyes are a cold amber. Mate: None Crush: None Kits? Nope History: The same as Starpaw's. Only Silentheart never got over the fact that life was cruel to him and his brother from the very beggining, taking their siblings tghen mother away, and throwing them into clan life that he does not bleive is fit for either of them. He's tried many a times to try and conveince his borther that life away from the territories would be better for them. Starpaw does not aggree. Other: Nope -- Name: Gingerfox Age: 16 Moons Gender: She-cat Personality: Gingerfox is a very quiet cat, but is very gentle, sweet, and innocent. She is always trying to help others with something or condoling those when hurt. She is shy and spend a lot of time around the nursery or medicine cats den where she feels useful. She does have a bit of a temper when annoyed, but always feels stupid or guilty afterwords. She would not harm a fly, and during battles will lay down and let the enemy pound on her rather then fight. Appearance: She is a small cat, though lithe and quick with long legs and small paws tipped with sharp, black claws. Her fur is a deep russet red, with fur long, thick, and soft. She has large ears, pointed at the top with turfs of black fur sticking up. A black lines runs down her spine and ends at the tip of her long fluffy tail. Her eyes are a gentle sea foam blue. Mate: None Crush: Icefox? Kits?: None; wants History: Nothing really of importance. She was born in Roseclan and was a apprentice for longer then most due to her inability to hunt well or strick at a opponite. Other: Nope

12:49pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Bluepaw // Robinpaw // Leafstorm // Strikekit // Eagleshine
Age: 15 moons // 12 moons // 26 moons // 5 moons // 26 moons
Gender: She-cat x3 // Tom x2
Personality: Bluepaw is a very outgoing and social cat, though she does have her occasional mood-swings. She's considered caring and sweet, and doesn't enjoy the thrill of battle like many other cats. // Robinpaw could be described as an introvert, with her shy and mouse-like attitude. She spends her time memorising hunting techniques rather than battle skills. // Leafstorm is an engaging and forward she-cat, with a strong personality and a temper to match it. // Strikekit is war-like and fierce, claiming again and again that he will single-pawed destroy all of RoseClan's enemies when he is a warrior. // Eagleshine is moody and dark, spending his free time hunting in the forest or sunning by himself. Appearance: Bluepaw is a long-legged blue-furred she-cat with white socks, chest fur, ear tips and tail tip. She has large green eyes flecked with black and gold. // Robinpaw is a red-brown tabby with white socks and emerald green eyes. // Leafstorm is a pure white she-cat speckled with black spots all over her back, stopping at her flanks. She has amber eyes. // Strikekit is also white with ginger stripes on his flanks and black paws and tail tip. His eyes are gold. // Eagleshine is black with a cream belly and a few light speckles on his back, ending with a cream-ringed tail. His eyes are gray. Mate: Open x5
Crush: Open x5
Kits? No x2 // Strikekit // No x2
History: Clanborn Other: Apprentice x2 // Queen // Kit // Warrior Paper Roses

1:25pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Twint; Its fine with me. Stray; Fine with me.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:41pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; How does starting sound? :D
8:01pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Paper Rose Desired Name: Rainfeather Position: Warrior . Family: e Mate: none Crush:Open Age: (not needed)about 16 moons Additional Info Gender:female Personality: Kind but can totally get mad at you easily, thinks bad things will happen when she is around kits. Very good fighter and hunter, but not very strong... Like a windclan cat. Appearance: , Name: Cardinaltail Position: warrior. Family: doesn't know Mate: Too young. Crush: [OPEN], Age: 15moons Gender: Male Personality: Respectful young cat witch honors the warrior code above all, he is polite and wishes he could have met Leopardheart. He is soft and kind but, beast in battle and protecting his clan. Appearance: Desired name: Nightfall Gender:Female Position: warrior Family:.. Crush:open Mate:no Additional info... Personality: rp it out Looks: down
Name: FeatherStorm Position: Warrior Gender: Female Crush: OPEN Mate: nope, Age: 12and a half moons other info: Kina creepy.... Personality: Very sharp, angered all of the time, vicious, savage... Looks: Exept red eyes/ Desired Name: Riverbreeze Position: Queen Family: other clan Mate: OPEN Crush: no Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance:
Personality: Can snap easily and can sometimes have a very short temper. But She is very like able according to her clan mates. Her kind and even judgment could make her a perfect mother for kits, but she always seems to know what is right for her clan even if she will break the warrior code to do it..
8:02pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Mahahaha!! How do you like that East?!))
8:30pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Good Eklipse. Dood, if Wind(youknowwho) cancels on me tomorrow wanna go to the swings? and I liek the drawing for Riverbreeze :)
10:44pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Thanks East! And I am busy tomorrow, Family stuff all day :S You know what thats like right? =] Nightfall padded through the RoseClan camp, Thing were busy today. "Hmmm... A price of fresh-kill would do me some good..." she meowed to herself, her black tail high behind her. She selected a mouse from the pile and began to devour it in small gulps, savoring every bite of the rich taste. She looked up at the sky, light puffy clouds where there, I wonder what they taste like... she thought then padded to under a Rose bush, her black fur not visible in the slump of thorny twigs.
11:08pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Dreamsplash lay down in the middle of the RoseClan camp, sunning herself to get ward. After her recent encounter with a eagle, she was feeling a little stiff, since it had dropped her. The warmth felt good on her muscles and she purred quietly. __ Adderstrike padded into camp without being noticed. He didnt like it when cats tried to talk to him. Thats why he didnt sleep in the warriors den, he slept in a tree not far outside of camp. He didnt feel safe in camp, which was opposite of what it should be. Since he was in PondClan as a kit, many distrusted him, which was odd because they loved his sister, who was also born in PondClan. But he as.sumed it was because he was much larger than his sister(who wasnt much larger than a young apprentice, where as he was rather big and muscular, even for a warrior,) so he was more threatening. He glanced at his sister. The Clan underestimated her. She may be small, but she was a skilled fighter, using her small size and superior speed to her advantage.

11:29pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Eklipse I think your pics are stretching the page, could you possibly fix it? Or does it still not work on your comp?
3:45am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Det! -attacks- Um, you do remember that apprentices become warriors around 12 moons, right? o.o]]
7:12am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Edit: Soulkit is now not in this RP as a kit, but as a apprentice.)) Name: Amber (Amberpaw => Amberleaf) Age: 12 moons Gender: she-cat Personality: Wants to be in a clan, and when accepted, thinks that the others don't trust her as she was a rogue. Appearance: Ginger colored with a white tummy, paws, muzzle, tail-tip and ears Mate: Wants Crush: wants Kits? none History: Doesn't remember Other: Rogue => clan cat Rainheart's eyes flickered open, realizing that yet another morning came. She looked at her mate, Flamestripe, realizing he was still asleep. She licked Flamestripe's ear gently, hoping not to wake him up. Perhaps they would go hunting together later on. The fresh-kill pile was getting low, and she wanted to make sure each cat in the clan got it's share. She padded into the clearing and watched as a ginger-colored figure sat cleaning itself near the borders. This cat had not even a faint Clan scent. A rogue, Rainheart presumed. As she advanced closer she could see the cat took no action to escape or attack. "What are you doing on Roseclan territory?" Rainheart demanded, too much of a demand to be a question. The ginger she-cat took no notice of Rainheart until she called out. Presuming the demand was directed at her, the ginger cat mewed humbly, "Roseclan territory? I have no idea. I am Amber."

8:39am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Nope They aren't, I checked already...
8:59am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Umm, do I have to repeat? Apprentices become warriors at around 12 moon, Twint.]] Coalpaw was already out hunting, wanting to impress his clan members. He had already woken up Owlfeather, who came grudgingly. The young apprentice was dancing around the gra-ssy floor. "What shall I catch today, Owlfeather?" Coalpaw asked, excited. "Perhaps a large rabbit, to impress my mentor! Or maybe I could bring down a bird!" His eyes stretched wide, ecstatic. "What are you doing on Roseclan territory?" Coalpaw's ears picked up a warrior's mew, most likely Rainheart's. "Owlfeather, did you hear Rainheart?" Coalpaw asked. His friend nodded. "Let's go help her! Maybe she found a band of rogues!" Owlfeather shook his head lazily. "Nah, Rainheart's a strong warrior. Plus, you already dragged me out of my comfortable den, Coalpaw." Owlfeather sighed, but Coalpaw was already racing towards Roseclan's borders. Coalpaw was charging towards Rainheart, and skidded to a clumsy stop in front of the warrior. "Did you find a rogue, Rainheart?" Coalpaw asked, curious. He saw a ginger she-cat, probably around her age. 'Not much of a challenge.' The smoky apprentice thought. He looked around, and saw Owlfeather slowly making his way to the three of them. "I told you she wouldn't need help, Coalpaw." He heard Owlfeather call out, exasperation thick in his meow.

11:26am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglestar padded out of her den between dawn and sunhigh, getting ready to organize a mid-morning patrol when she saw Addesrtrike walking into camp, she padded down and talked to him, "Out for dawn patrol? Or sleeping outside of camp?" her voice wasn't tough but sympathetic, she knew what it was like to be an outcast, to be judged for no reason at all.
11:35am Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 5:48pm Aug 4 2010)
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Posts: 6,948
Duskkit lifted her head and gazed blindly at the cat standing next to Adderstrike. She sighed, Eaglestar knew that a moon had p*censored*ed since she had turned 6 moons and now she was 7 moons, so why wasn't she an apprentice yet. Duskpaw knew why, it was because she was blind. She looked like a helpless little kit, but she wasn't. She was a dangerous kit who had expierenced way to many bad things to be called helpless anymore. Dusk help!!" A scream came from a cat, gasping for air. Dusk, in a tree, gazed sightlessly at the water below her. She tried to pinpoint her mother, Swellow's cry, but by the trime she did. Swellow, Bug, and Flame had been swept down the river. Dusk stands there wondering why she is still alive. "NOOOOOO" she yowls into the sky as the flash flood subsides... Duskkit sighed, that was 4 moons ago today and she still didn't know the reason behind what had happened. Didn't Starclan care about her at all. She growled in frustration and stalked back to the nursery without bumping into anything and she brushed past Eaglestar as she did so...
 <-- Click me
3:15pm Aug 4 2010
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5:47pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Feyth. Duskpaw is already an apprentice on the charrie list. Shes not a kit.
5:49pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I fixed it because I realized I hadn't even made her profile))
 <-- Click me
8:44pm Aug 4 2010
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Adderstrike shugged, "I don't like the warriors den." he said quetly. He glanced around camp, a little nervous, as he always was. He was always afriaid some one was going to attack him. Just because his mother was a PondClan she-cat. In truth, he was shocked that he was allowed into the clan at all all those moons ago.