((Wow, lots of drama...and none of it RP orientated. This will be interesting.))
Slinking through the ferns, black fur dragging slightly over the ground, Panthergaze watched the squirrel ahead of him intently. The tiny animal was idily nibbling beech nut paying no heed to it's surroundings. Stupid creature, your incopitence will be your death. Bunching his muscles Panthergaze leapt at the squirrel with starling speed for a cat his size. Landing flat on it's back, the tom bit the helpless creature behind it's neck. "Not bad, but your yowling will have alerted the rest of the prey in the territory. A kits mistake." A sneering voice spoke for the shadows, laced with venom. Panthergaze bristled slightly. Something about that cat really spooks me. Maybe his old indiffernce to others suffering, or the hatred he sends in glares towards pretty much every cat.
Whipping around, Panthergaze locked a cold eye with Silentheart as the smaller tom padded from his perch. The sight of those evil amber eyes sent a shiver down Panthergaze's spine and he swollowed his fear. "A kit's mistake perhaps but at least the food will go to clan bellies and not to some rouge." He knew it was a low blow to bring Silentheart's lineage into their quarrel, though he had no idea why they hated each other so much and swiftly regretted it. Pain eruppted on his right shoulder, though he did not see the brown tom move, and the surpirse at being attacked by a clanmate, though not the nicest one, stilled him.
"Do not bring my mother into this clan cat!" Silentheart spat, swatting him again. Then to his utter astonishment Silentheart shoved him into a nearby thron bush. "She did what she had to for me and my brother, no matter what the cost to a bunch of selfish clan cats. So until you know anything keep your fox-dung eating mouth to yourself." Yowling into pain Panthergaze finally wrenched himself form the bush and whipped around to find his adversary. Silentheart was gone. He leaned over to lick his new wounds. Their short and deep, looking a lot like thorn jabs. He's smart, and knows ways not to get caught. Crafty cat. To bad he's so cold, or his mind might be of some use to us. Grabbing his prey, Panthregaze started towards camp, having to stop twice to jerk thorns for his pads.
Starpaw flinched as Silentheart padded into the camp, front paw's stained with blood. Who'd he claw now? Probably Panthergaze, seeing as he's mising and Silentheart hatd him, though I do not know why. Staring over, Starpaw tried not to flinch at the ruthlessness and aggression in his brothers eyes. And the growing seed of instanity. Starclan took my ability tobecome a warrior, aka my physical strength from me. But they took Silentheart's right mind from him. I worry for him. Padding over he touched noses with Silentheart then ushered him to the mecicine cats den. "Wash your claws off Silentheart, and pray to Starclzan no one saw the blood on them."
He was glad when the larger tom complied, then flicked his ears back in anger. "Starclan! You mean you beleive on those foolish stories brother?" The annoyance and sneer in Silntheart's voice made Starpaw flinch. He chose to igniore the jibe. Padding into the herb supply den Starpaw grabbed a small thing of mouse bile and set it at Silentheart's paws.
"Stick your feet into it it will hide the scent of blood on them. Also tell cats that you went to collect it for me today, that will cover up your mistake." Silentheart nodded and did just that, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "I do beleive in Starclan, even if you do not." He rose a paw to stop the words for his brothers mouth. "No more pestering me, I have work to do and so do you. And try not to hurt anyone else, I cannot keep covering for your wrong doings." He hissed, leaning into his hind paws to look into Silentheart's eyes. "The only reason I do it now is because I love you brother, and do not want you to be seperated from me."
Gingerfox pricked her ears form her shadow spot on the edge of camp where she was eating, catching a new scent on the wind. Getting to her tiny paws, deciding she was not longer hungry, the ginger she-cat padded closer to the main group of cats and blinked in surprise at the newest she-cat in the clan, a rouge. Her eyes scanned the crowd for angered faces. Her eyes landed on Adderstrike and she blinked in sympathy. Poor Adderstrike, beleiving all of us look down on him for being born to a pondlcna she-cat. I pity him, though I do not detest him. Fianlly looking away she grinned as she watched Eagelstar jump onto the high-ledge and give Duskpaw her apprentice name. About time, the poor she-cat deserves it.