7:47pm May 23 2011 (last edited on 8:05pm May 23 2011)
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I think you can figure out this is our roleplay, Moo. ;3 -pets ti tle- So you be man, I be woman? '3'
7:49pm May 23 2011
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wuss poppin jimbo
7:51pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Oh, I should probably let people know this is private. X3 -goes to write it in top post-
Where should we start? How about in a big city somewhere where the woman (her name shall be Hilary) is picking up supplies because her sample-tester thingymajube is broken? How should she meet her apprentice?
7:58pm May 23 2011
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LOL. How about he owns the shop where she's buying the thinger majig, and starts rambling in geek speak. So then she's all "omg he knows stuff. U BE APPRENTICE NAOW?" and the thing you wrote at the top made me laugh. o3o btw. This be our geek:
I shall name him Wells. Riven Wells.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:11pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
I wrote that because I realised MOOn. XD FullMoo power! 8D
Sooo, Hilary is a hot redhead. Her hair is chin-length, ragged cut, and she wears glasses, and has a little bit of freckled, and chocolate brown eyes, and wears a white lab coat and jeans and is tall and skinny and has very nicely rounded.......... You get the picture XD. Youstart with him twiddling his thumbs at the store? Oh, it's in a big city, and it's raining and miserable outside and it's autumn. And it's really early in the morning, like three AM.
8:20pm May 23 2011
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Riven had his cheek pressed against the counter, his skin sticking to the clammy surface. His glasses were crooked, the thin metal framing digging into the side of his face, but he didn't care. It was far too early in the morning for his brain to be functioning properly. He watched the door anxiously, hoping somebody would enter his father's shop. His eyes stung, tears rising as he remembered his father's newest speach about how he should do something with himself. How he brings shame to the Wells' name. How he should be more like his older sister, Danica, a wealthy doctor. Sitting upright, he began to fiddle with the cash register, ears pricked in case he heard the rare but familiar sound of the bells on the door. He forced the tears down, determined to make something of himself today. { Yay. :o Geeky sensitive dude. }
wuss poppin jimbo
9:00pm May 23 2011 (last edited on 9:02pm May 23 2011)
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Hilary tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for the traffic light to go green. It was raining so heavily, that even with her windshield wipers on, the only thing she could see was the beaming red light on the traffic signal. It was an abysmal day, and only three twenty. Hilary sighed, and finally, as though hearing her inner frustration, the light turned yellow, then green. She sped on, intent on getting to her favourite shop, Well's Merchandise. It always had what she needed, and more. She was sure they could either fix her alecrometer(it sounded impressive when I said it, so I wrote it down. I made it up, so don't bother looking it up.),or sell her a new one for a decent price. Hilary parked in a free-parking space. She had a knack for finding them, even in cities that were lined with rows and rows of paid parking. She put her arms in her black trenchcoat and went out into the rain. She walked quickly into the store, relishing the bell's tinkle she loved so much. "Hello?" she asked the skinny, dark-haired boy at the desk, putting her hair behind her ear. "do you have any alecrometers?"
((She's famous, BTW, so he aught to have seen her face somewhere. ;D )) EDIT; Ohlord you changed your signature and avatar when I did this, I was all 'Who the HELL IS THAT and why did they post on Fullmoo's thread??!' and then I realised that it was you. XD Hi fellow Freak!
9:16pm May 23 2011
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The first word that came to Riven's head was something his mother would shun him for saying. He swallowed, adam's apple bobbing, adjusting his glasses so he could see properly. It couldn't be... no. Realising he'd been staring, the awkward young man nodded in regards to her question as his cheeks began to heat up. "Yes. We've got a few right now. Would you like a retractable one, or the standard fourty centemeter one? I'd suggest the retractable one; it's made of less material which means it's lighter and can be kept in smaller storage areas. But if you want something more durable..." He stopped speaking, realising he'd begun to ramble. Reaching under the counter, Riven pulled one of each model out and placed the alecrometers next to the cash register. Again he blushed. "I'm awfully sorry for being a bother. Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." He swallowed again, tugging at the neckline of his sweater; why was he sweating so much? (( LMBO. I tend to change my siggy/avatar a lot. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
9:28pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Mine has been the same for.. like, half a year, methinks. XD))
Hilary smiled. "If you've read any decent non-gossip magazine, then yes, I believe you have seen me." she thought for a moment. "Retractable," she said finally, "it'll fit better in my belt." she grabbed her purse and thunked it on the counter. "Ho much?" she asked. "or do you take debit?" What was funny was that Hilary didn't know this man. She would've expected that the person at the counter was Hailey. "Do you know Hailey? Last few times I was here, she was working up at the counter." She examined the boy. He seemed shy, but intellegent. Then he was looking at her funny. A look many people, most male, gave her when she walked by or talked to them.
((That was a fail. :c ))
9:41pm May 23 2011
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{ Heh. xD } { T'was not fail. This is fail. } "That'll be $29.95," Riven replied, placing the item she didn't want back in its spot under the counter. "We don't take debit, actually. There was a little mishap last week and...well, you don't want to hear about that." He ran a hand through his ruffled, messy black hair and gave her a slightly puzzled look. "Hailey... yeah. That's my mom. She ah... well, she's not here anymore." Glancing downwards, he paused for a moment. Riven's voice was quiet when he next spoke. "You're not... are you Hilary? I've read all about you. And your work...! Especially when you discovered that underwater cavern...!" Blushing, he looked up again and began to tap away at the cash register. "Sorry. I guess I'm just another fanboy to you." It chirped, the drawer sliding out. "So. That $29.95. I could take that now so you can be on your way again."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:51pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Hiary handed over thirty dollars, and nodded. "That's me. In that cavern, I discovered there was a family of rare Chinese Leopard Seals living there, so now that area of ocean is protected. One less place for humans to destroy." she sighed, letting her mind go off for a moment, then quickly brought it back. "Oh, I almost forgot.... do you have any travel-tough vials, preferrably a set of them, all sizes? I seem to have misplaced my previous set...." Hilary pushed her hair behind her ear again. She felt a peculiar itching in her nose, and then let out an explosive sneeze. "oh, I'm sorry!" Hilary laughed. "I think I might be allergic to something, it's happened before." ((Incorrect, THIS ^ is a fail. Very very infinite+one fail.))
10:08pm May 23 2011
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Riven, startled, did nothing but wipe a small speck of snot off of his cheek. "It's nothing," he insisted, turning around to inspect the shelves behind him. "There's a lot of dust in this shop." Carefully, he stretched out his arm and reached for the case of vials on the top shelf. He knocked them loose, catching them in the other hand like an expert. "Have you ever considered working with other people?" he asked, turning to set them on the counter. "I'm sure your line of work is really lonely." Again, his fingers danced across the cash register. "And these ring up to $34.87." He took her thirty dollars, shoved it in the tray, and handed her a nickel back. Riven blinked, leaning against the counter.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:19pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"It is quite lonely," Hilary admitted, grabbed the vials and handing over the proper amount of money needed for them. Suddenly, she got an idea. "Say... would you be interested in a job with me? I'd need to test you first, of course, make sure you have proper skills and know how to work certain machines.... but, you need to do that for almost any decent job!" she stuffed the items she bought in her special bag, ready to reject the offer of a plastic bag. "So, what do you say?"
10:26pm May 23 2011
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Riven didn't know what to say. He thought, numbly, of his father's harsh words, and something began to burn inside him. A feeling he'd never felt before. "That sounds... like a dream. I'll do anything you want, honest." He stuffed the rest of her money into the cash register and slammed the drawer shut. "So. When are you leaving? Right now? Right now sounds like a good time to leave." He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply. "Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself. How about we meet at the Train Station tomorrow? I've got to get my things, of course." Riven ran a hand through his hair again, realising how badly he needed a haircut. "That, and I've got to break the news to my father. You've met Daniel Wells, I hope?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:32pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Hilary smiled at Riven's eagerness for the position. "Yes, I've met him. He's a nice man, but I think he's a little hot-headed. So, you are a Wells, but is your first name?" she looked quickly in her bag and grabbed a pen and paper. Train Station: October, 11, 2020. She looked up. "what time?" she asked, her pen ready to write the date.
7:19pm May 24 2011
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"Riven. I'm Riven." He thought for a moment, as if attempting to calculate the shortest amount of time it would take to get his things ready. "Around 3:30 PM would be nice." Riven replied slowly, "As long as that's fine with you." "What exactly am I to bring? Clothes, I'm sure, but is there anything in particular I'll need? I've never left the city before. I'm quite excited."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:26pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((What's that in your signature? It looks like a marowak mukip mix. XD))
Hilary quickly scribbles do the time Riven said and then put it in one of the many pockets in her coat. "No, nothing in particular. I have most of the stuff that you'll need if you are going to be working with me," Hilary said, patting her bag. "See you at three thirty." She exited the store and got in her car, in a rather good mood. Riven was a peculiar name, or at least, she had never heard it before.
7:28pm May 24 2011
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{ lol 'kay. :u } { You start this time. With her waitin' at the train station or somethin'. }
wuss poppin jimbo
7:39pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Hilary waited at the train station for Riven.
((You go now.))
7:48pm May 24 2011
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{ ... Not what I had in mind. :u } Riven glanced at the watch on his wrist, a parting gift from his father. He thought nothing of it. Looking up, a breath taking smile spread across his face once he spotted Hilary waiting for him at the Train Station. She had come after all; his encounter yesterday had not been a dream after all. Today, he was dressed as he usually would, not in the rags he was wearing yesterday. He looked impressive in his long coat, a fedora on his head, contacts in and hair combed neatly. Almost handsome. Riven approached Hilary, sporting one bag of luggage: the few clothes he owned. "The weather's awful today, isn't it?"
wuss poppin jimbo