7:59pm May 24 2011
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"Not as awful as this morning. I heard thunder," Hilary said, greeting Riven. He didn't look at all like he was when she had entered Wells' merchandise. He looked wel groomed, and he had a fedora on. She noticed a hair was sticking up out of his fedora. She put it back into place.
((I don't know what to do now. XD))
8:01pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 2,422
(*lurks* Hehe *scurries off*))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:03pm May 24 2011
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8:10pm May 24 2011
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{ -nibbles on Bloodrose- You're being eated by a Moo. :u } Riven blushed, averting his gaze to avoid awkward eye contact. "Er, um, thanks. Where will we be heading this fine evening?" He blinked a few times before looking back at her, finding his mouth to be abnormally dry. "I hope it's not rude to assume we'll be heading somewhere a little more... tame, to begin my training." He ignored a few people as their heads turned towards them; apparently they knew Hilary as well. A young man shot him a hostile glare.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:25pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"We'll be heady to my study," Hilary said. "I don't go there often, as you know, I am an explorer scientist, and I have wanderlust, so Ihave to move around or I'll go crazy." Hilary glared back at the man, and he quickly looked away. "You'll need to be intellegent enough, and know how to use certain equipment and such. If you do get the job, I warn you, I wake up very early, and I don't need to stop as much as most people do." Hilary laughed. "Nice fedora, by the way," she said, admiring the rather nice hat.
((Moo, I'm supposed to crush her first.))
8:35pm May 24 2011
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{ He's not crushing. x3 He's just nervous. He's never been around a girl before, nevermind an older, hotter, smarter woman who also happens to be his rolemodel. } "Your study? That sounds... superb!" Riven was in awe; the day had gone by quickly, and here he was, chasing after his dreams. Nothing could ruin the feeling he had in his gut; finally, he had a chance at being an explorer scientist. Holding out one hand, he added, "I'll take whatever bags you have, if you'll be so kind as to get our tickets. I'll pay you back for mine once we're settled on the train." He brushed away her compliment, assuming that she was just being kind. It actually made him feel slightly uncomfortable. "I run the shop at three in the morning, don't I? Mornings aren't a problem at all. And I'd like to assume I'm rather intelligent."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:39pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Hilary nodded, handing Riven her bag. "Don't touch anything in there," she warned, and she vanished. She came back, holding two tickets. "There," she said, handing Riven his. "and you don't have to pay me back, or anything. Money's not really a problem for me." She looked at her watch. "I think... twenty minutes until the train comes, if my watch is right."
8:46pm May 24 2011
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Riven offered her bags to her, wondering faintly what could be so important that he wasn't allowed to look; but, knowing Hilary's line of work, he didn't press. "Alright, then." He took his ticket, glancing quickly at it before turning his eyes to his watch; she was right, there was still twenty minutes until the train pulled into the station. "What will we do until the train arrives, then?" Twenty minutes felt like a life time, and more than ever he felt like he wanted to get up and burn some energy.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:56pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Well, there is a food place somewhere close to here," Hilary suggested. "why don't we go there? It's not a fast food place, by the way. I think it's a family-run resaurant." Hilary took her bag and slung it on her arm. She waited for Riven's opinion on the restaurant.
4:30pm May 25 2011
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"Sounds like a plan," Riven agreed cheerfully, pocketing his ticket. He wondered where they would put their bags, but seeing as he wasn't carrying much he wasn't worried about it. "I'm starving." It was true; he'd been to anxious to eat, his stomach churning with anticipation all day. Perhaps it would be wise to eat something now, before boarding the train. "How long is the train ride, by the way?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:36pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"About two hours," Hilary replied. "We won't be making any stops on the way." Hilary started walking towards the restaurant, beckoning Riven to follow. Having glasses doesn't mean he's smart, Hilary thought to herself. She was one of those people who jumped ahead without thinking, and she was trying to get out of that. Hilary looked up at the name of the restaurant, Tessier Jardin. She smiled. Hopefully Riven liked french dining.
7:43pm May 25 2011
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Riven followed her like a lost puppy, adopting a more blank look. once he saw the restaurant, though, he couldn't help but feel slightly pleased. He liked French dining; not necessarily a lot, but he still liked it. "Tessier Jardin?" he asked, echoing his thoughts. "I've eaten here a few times. Nice place, actually." Pushing open the door, he waited for her to enter before walking in himself. It was how he was raised; to be a gentleman at all times.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:47pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Hilary went through the door, and smiled at Riven, pleased to see he had some manners. She sat own at a table, thumping her bag beside her. As if on cue, a small woman appeared, with a pencil and notebook in her hand. "Woold you like anysing to dreenk?" She asked, with a slight french accent. Hilary nodded. "Just water, please, with a few ice cubes." The waitress turned to Riven. "and fur yoo?"
7:57pm May 25 2011
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Riven sat down, hanging his fedora and coat on the hooks provided. A few drops of rainwater fell onto the carpet. Smiling shyly, he told her, "I'll have water as well please." He set his bag on the ground next to his feet, and folded his hands on the table to keep from twitching slightly. He hoped Hilary wouldn't insist on covering the bill for their meal, but knew she would probably offer: as she said, she didn't have a shortage of money like his family did. Fidgeting in his chair, he tried not to blush as he stared at his hands.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:21pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Riven, you okay?" Hilary asked, noticing he was looking nervous and staring at his hands. The waitress walked away, and Hilary looked at Riven for a while. The waitress came back, as quickly as she had left, with two glasses filled to the brim with icey cold water. "Thank you," Hilary said, and began drinking quietly. It was really cold, and so good. She stopped and wiped her mouth, then began to look at one of the two menus the waitress had put on the table without noticing.
8:29pm May 25 2011
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"Hm?" Riven inquired, jumping slightly. He hadn't been paying attention. "Oh, yes. I'm alright. Just distracted I guess." He nodded at the waitress and took a sip of his water. He could feel the cold liquid slide down his throat and settle in his stomach. It felt beyond good. Picking up the menu, he scanned over it quickly. There were a few things he wanted, but the French Onion Soup looked the best. He glanced over the top of his menu and asked with a polite smile, "What do you think you're getting?"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:36pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"I think I'm getting some stew, or properly said, Pot-au-feu," Hilary answered, looking over her menu. "I find it really good." she returned to her menu. "or maybe I could have something different...." she mumbled, her eyes flicking over the menu again. ((FAIL))
8:41pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 9,944
"That sounds delightful," Riven replied, turning to their waitress as she returned. "I'll be having the French Onion Soup," he told her, smiling politely as she scribbled his order down on a pad of paper, her writing a delicate sort of cursive. He always found people's handwriting interesting. "And Hilary will be having...?"
wuss poppin jimbo
9:50pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"I'll have the french beef stw, please," Hilary said, putting down her menu to smile at the waitress. The waitress nodded and bustled off to the kitchens to place their order. "So," Hilary said, turning to Riven, "I'd like to know about your education. College, university?"
10:40am Jun 4 2011
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Riven felt his face heat up, and his throat constrict. "High school," he admitted sheepishly, beginning to play with the cutlery on the table. "My family never had much money to spend on my education." He felt utterly embarassed, and couldn't look at her. Now she thought he was an idiot; great.
wuss poppin jimbo