5:10pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Vampire's aren't sparkly, they're monsters. -Or something like that. xD-
Anyways, Join as a human? -Sees a lack of-
Oh, and I love Daybreakers! Hate Twilight... Liked Vampires Suck though. C<))
5:12pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Kink, sure you can join! :D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:18pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 2,927

Name: Kre Ian (Pronounced Cray)
Age: Just turned 20 Gender: Female Looks: Uhm... Look up Species: Human Part of as.sociation or not?: Yes Are they captured by vampires? (if they are human): Nope History: (I'm going to shorten this up a lot. xD) So, her brother was first part of the order but then was savagely killed by vampires which made Kre want to get revenge... Blah Blah Blah... Yeah. Personality: Kre isn't one to be messed with, that's all I can say. Other: My bio is short 'cause I usually never follow it. xD
5:22pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((Hehe. I will use Aurora for this one...Maybe make her sister too.>D))
Name:Aurora Hawk Age:18 Gender:female Looks:Above Species:Human Part of as.sociation or not?:She was part of the human as.sociation...She was actually one of the ones that helped make it. Are they captured by vampires? (if they are human):Yes she is and she hates it. She has been planning her ''big escape" for a little while. She has already escaped a few times but each time she is recaptured. History:Aurora was born ready ready for the world. She knew what she wanted and how to get it and wasn't afraid of anything! She didn't have a lot of emotions for people but the most important thing in her life is her sister ,Kitty. When she was 14 both of her parents and her older brother was killed leaving only her and her sister. She protected her sister the next two years when she helped start an organization to kill vampires. Her sister didn't want to join it at first but after a vampire had nearly killed her her sister joined it hoping that it would also help protect her. Aurora would go out some days alone and come back with two or three vampires tied up to be burning the next day and it was when she killed one of the strong vampires that the vampire as.sociation realized how dangerous she was. The next day when she went to go hunt vampires she was capture. Personality:Aurora never gives up. Her personality makes it very hard for her to loose and usually she will fight until she is nearly dead before giving up. She has a big opinion and she also has a big mouth. She is great at convincing others and has a way with words. Other:Her sister is Kitty Hawk, who I might add later.

5:45pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Should we wait for Dust and Loki or start now? :D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:47pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lets start NOW! I am too impatient to wait for people!>( Jk. I don't care whatever other people want to do.;D))
5:50pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((I want to start too. xD But I need everyone else's opinion because i'm weird. c:))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:51pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 776
Ooc:// Anything is fine with me. ^.^ I can be patient.
5:52pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Sep 4 2010)
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((A lot of my friends tell me I'm weird...One of my friends said 'Your weird, but that's a good thing because it means your unique and different.'))
5:53pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Weirdos unite! 8D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:54pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 776
Ooc:// Aww. That sound like what my friends tell me all the time, Ssather. ^.^ It's great to be unique and different.
5:56pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Sarya:Lol. We should make a fan club for weirdos...>D Immortal:Lol. It is good being different even though some people think I am 'strange'.))
5:59pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 6:03pm Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 776
Ooc:// I know how 'strange' can be. I'm in a group of friends and all of us are outcasts. We all have different color hair. ^.^ My friend, who has blue hair, was called a witch all her highschool years. I was a vampire because of my red hair, and my puple hair friend was the devil. ^.^ No we were not these things but were were titled because of our looks and actions. *shrugs*
6:00pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Omg yes a fanclub for weirdos! :D That would be epic! xD))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:01pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 6:02pm Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((Immortal:Wow...At Summer Camp I told everyone I was a vampire monkey and they believed me for a little while...Me and my friend tell a lot of lies sometimes so we had a lying contest of who could tell the least lies. I won! ^_^ Sarya:Yes! I want one!>D))
6:03pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 776
Ooc:// That is awsome. Its funny when people start to beleive you. I had fake vampire fangs I got from 'Vampfangs.com' and wore them to school for a week. I scared a LOT of freshmen when I smiled at them. It was ammusing, but my teacher yelled at me telling me to stop messing with the new students. Hehe. I just think I got yelled at because it creeped him out too. ^.^
6:06pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Immortal:LOL!!! Yea, it is very funny when people think your serious...Some of my cabin mates were so stupid though. The one girl i had the lying contest with said she owned a pet hippo and the other two girls thought her parents might have worked at a zoo or something and she really did have one.))
6:07pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 6:08pm Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 4,685
((Last Halloween I pretended to be a vampire. xD I looked a lot like a vampire queen, because my outfit was a red and black dress with a cobweb-like long skirt and cobweb-like sleeves. :D It made me look pretty, too. :P))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:09pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 776
Ooc:// lol. I was a vampire at halloween for the past four years. Hehe...wait. I take that back. This last year I worked at a haunted house and was the grudge girl. I dyed my hair black and terrified people. I sat still as a doll then jumped at them when they p*censored*ed. That was amusing too. ^.^ Sometimes I think I'm an evil person, although it was for a cherity for children in the hospital. So it was for a good cause.
6:11pm Sep 4 2010
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((I didn't dress up last year, because me and my mom were going to stay home and watch scary movies when it became dark...Mom ended up whimping out so we watched 'The Mummy' for the tenth time. The halloween before that I dressed up as one of those dolls that people make them say rude comments and I wore white makeup, eyeline to make the mouth lines, and a clown wig...I looked prettyb epic and weird and scared a few of the little kids.))