10:11pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 12:02am Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
Yes. A South Park RolePlay. The end is near. Plots are welcome, and can be about anything, and be based off of any episode. Even episodes from other shows. We can even have our own made-up episode... thing xD. So... Yea. ~ Plot: Currently plotless ~ Rules: I know South Park has swearing in it, but this is a kid's website. Bleep out everything besides the first letter for words other then crap, damn, and hell. Do not fight over who gets who. Made up characters are allowed. Whoever plays Kenny and dies can come alive the next page. KYLE IS MINE. Respect mah authoritah. More rules may be added. ~ Taken characters: Kyle {Ribunny123} Cartman {Ribunny123} Craig {MagicalDaniPantz} Tweek {MagicalDaniPantz} Stan {MagicalDaniPantz} Butters {DrEaMxxEaTER} Kenny {DrEaMxxEaTER} ~ Made ups: None. ~ I hope people join c8
10:19pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,724
I wanna be Craig and Tweek >:3

10:20pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Okay ^.^ <3 *Adds to list*))
10:27pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Sweeeeet I can't wait. Also if anyone is Clyde. Uhm. I'm for Cryde xD; ((craigXclyde)) Just figured I'd ask if we could do Cryde xD

10:29pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I'm confused... o-o but sure xD))
10:51pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Join as Butterz and Kenny?))
10:55pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Yup ^.^ *Adds to list*))
10:58pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
11:00pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Hm... I guess we can start now... xD *Is impatient* xD))
11:13pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,724

11:16pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Yeah, but we need a Stan >.>))
11:22pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Oh yea... hm... Lets just say he is sick until someone claims him. XD So... Who is going to start?))
11:30pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Lets start at school))
11:44pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
((M'kay xD)) Cartman growled under his breath. How long is this going to take?! He thought. He had no idea what Garrison was blathering on about. Something about... crap that he wouldn't ever use. He groaned and glanced around, seeing if anyone noticed him. He groaned louder, and some of the kids started to stare at him. "Shut up fat a**." Kyle snapped at Cartman. "Some people want to pas.s the test this week." Cartman rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by Garrison snapping a ruler on his desk. "Do we need another detention?" Cartman sighed, "No I don't." He growled. Then muttered something under his breath.
11:58pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((FFFFFFFFFFNFNFFNF I'll be Stanley <3333 I love him ;u;)) Stan looked at Kyle and Cartman and glared "Shut up you guys, you'll get in trouble." he told them and turned back and continued taking his notes. He didn't care about Cartman but he didn't want Kyle getting a detention. Craig and Tweek were also taking notes, Tweek's handwriting was terrible and shaky due to the fact that he twitched constantly as it having small seizures or tourettes. He made small groans as he twitched occ*censored*ionally and he dropped his pencil. "AUGH! MY PENCIL" he twitched.

12:18am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,029
"Well, dont chu' worry Tweek."Butterz said as he got out of his desk to get the fallen pencil.
"Butterz, you have detention for getting out of your desk." Mr.Garrison shouted.
Kenny laughed and pointed at Butterz.
"Aw, shucks. I was just picking up Tweeks pencil."Butterz explained, taking his seat.
"Alright, no detention Butterz. Next time let Tweek bend his lazy a** down and get his own pencil"
"Yes sir."Butterz sighed.
12:19am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Cartman growled and muttered things under his breath. "Can't tell me what to do." He growled. "This is hella stupid." Kyle growled, scraping his nails on his desk. I told him a million times not to say hella! He thought, resisting the urge to yell at Cartman. The bell rang and Cartman let out a sigh of relief. "See ya' suckers." He laughed and slid off his chair and walked out the door. Not even acknowledging Garrison talking about a project that was going to be due the next day.
12:28am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Tweek twitched and grabbed his pencil "AUGH!" he cried when the bell went off, it startled him. He got out of his seat and looked around. Craig watched Cartman carefully and stuck out his foot to trip him, as a wide grin grew across his face. Stan pushed himself up, he knew what Craig was trying to do, he tried it every day, and every day, Cartman would trip and the cl*censored* would laugh. It just kept getting funnier everytime they saw it happen.

12:35am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Cartman, who was too busy trying to think of new mean things to say to people, didn't see Craig's foot, and, just like every day, he tripped and fell. He screamed dramatically as he hit the ground and his hat flew off his head. Kyle laughed at Cartman. "Be sure you don't break the floor fat a**!" He snickered. "Damn you all!" Cartman yelled. "I'll get you one day Craig, mark my words, I will, get you."
12:43am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Craig's grin turn to a frown in seconds. He lifted up his hand and flipped Cartman his middle finger as he did to everyone, not saying a word, he walked off. Tweek jumped and yelled loudly at the thud of Cartman hitting the ground, he stayed in his des and cowered, he didn't know what the loud noise was. Stan began laughing almost uncontrolably until Cartman said what he said to Craig and then Stan lost it. He fell out of his desk, laughing, ROFLing to be exact ((XD))
