12:45am Jul 16 2010
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Kenny was the only one who wasnt laughing.
Butterz went over to see if he was ok.
"You ok K-ken..AH AH!"Butterz screamed running down the hallway with his eyes closed and his hands in the air.
What happened was went Tweek flinched at the sound of the bell, his pencil got jabbed deeply into Kenny's ear.
It killed him within minutes.
12:53am Jul 16 2010
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Cartman growled and stood up. He brushed himself off, muttering the worst curses he could think of under his breath. "All of you shall DIE!" He glanced around one more time, and ran away.
12:55am Jul 16 2010
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Tweek jumped again as Cartman spat the word 'Die'. He picked up his books and tried fast walking past Cartman quickly before he got violent. Stan continued laughing. He thought in his mind that Cartman wouldn't do anything. Then he thought of the incident with Scott Tennorman and stopped laughing that instant and sat up. ((I just realized I love Scott Tennorman xD lol He was amazing))

1:05am Jul 16 2010
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Butterz ran all the way home still screaming about Kenny full of pencils, dead.
"Butterz! You stop that screaming this instant."his dad shouted from his chair in the living room.
"Y-yes sir."Butterz said, running to his room.
1:11am Jul 16 2010
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((Dani: Lol yea xD)) Kyle had stopped laughing too. He remembered what happened that other time he laughed non-stop at Cartman for having HIV. Thats enough laughing at the fat a** for today. He covered his mouth, trying to suppress a chuckle.
1:15am Jul 16 2010
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Stan got up and slung his backpack across his back and walked over to Kyle and Cartman. "So we still going to my house to play XBOX?" he asked them, smiling. ((Hehe, Dreameater. BUTTERS YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM OR YOUR GROUNDED, MISTER!))

1:15am Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 1:15am Jul 16 2010)
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1:30am Jul 16 2010
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((Lol xDD)) "Of course dude!" Kyle replied. Then glanced at Cartman, wondering what he was going to say. Cartman mumbled something under his breath. "I can't." He said, "For I have urgent business to attend to." Kyle rolled his eyes "Does this 'urgent business,' have anything to do with laying in your bed and eating cheesy poofs again?" "No! Well... A little." Cartman replied, "But it's mostly about getting that son of a b**** Craig what he deserves."
1:32am Jul 16 2010
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Butterz later went down stairs for a snack.
"I made you a snack Leopolde."he mom said as she washed dishes.
"Heh, oh boy! Thanks mom!"Butterz said happily as he got into the chair at the table.
"Yum! Carrot sticks and wieners."he said picking up his fork.
"Hey, hold on a sec."he said staring at his plate.
It looked oddly like Kenny and the carrot sticks looked like pencils.
He reached for the ketchup and put it on the carrots and wiener slices.
He freaked out and tried to run away.
"Butterz you eat your food or your grounded!"he mom shouted
"Yes ma'am."he said sitting back down.
1:33am Jul 16 2010
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Craig looks at him sarcastically. "Fata**, what're you going to do to Craig?" he asked him. "He does this s*** every day, just stop getting mad and ignore him and he'll stop. he told him. He knew Cartman wouldn't listen but he didn't care, he was just trying to give advice.

1:49am Jul 16 2010
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"I will do... Something I have never done before...." Cartman said, "I.. am going to play along." Kyle stared at Cartman for a few seconds. "What?" He asked, confused. "You see, if I laugh when I fall, it will be less funny, then Craig will fail. HE WILL FAIL HARD!" Cartman replied, and started to laugh. "That... Is the most retarded idea I have ever heard." Kyle growled.
1:53am Jul 16 2010
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Stan looked at him, puzzled. "What, Cartman?" he asked, beginning to walk towards the door before Mr. Garrision started running his mouth.

2:00am Jul 16 2010
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"You do not understand my genius!" Cartman replied. "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS! GRAAAA!" He got on his knees. "Dude, Seriously?" Kyle said, raising an eyebrow. "What too dramatic?" Cartman asked.
2:08am Jul 16 2010
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Stan rolled his eyes and sighed."Come on, Kyle. Ignore him" he said as he kept walking to the door, watching them.

2:12am Jul 16 2010
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Kyle glanced at Cartman one more time, then followed Stan. "You'll see! YOU'LL ALL SEE!" Cartman yelled, and a group of kids started to crowd around him, wondering what he was doing. "Go away you f******!" Cartman growled and ran away, accidently running the opposite way of where the door was.
1:19pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Stalkbump. xD This is fun to read.))
2:21pm Jul 16 2010
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When Butterz finished his snack his parents made him go outside to play.
Butterz began to walk around and as he did he began to see Kenny dead every where.
"Hello Butterz."a butcher shout from a store
But what Butterz saw was the butcher griding Kenny up in the beef grinder.
"Reow!"a cat in the street screech befor it got run over.
But Butterz saw Kenny get run over.
"Ahh! Kenny!"he screamed running away.
"Whats wrong with him?"a man asked
"Aw, I think hir cat, Kenny, got ran over."a woman replied.
"Thats aweful. We should do something! Quick everyone! Grab the cat and follow me!"the man shouted as another man picked the dead, bleeding and deformed cat.
5:29pm Jul 16 2010
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Kyle saw Butters running and screaming. "What now?" He growled to himself and went over to where Butters was. "Why are you screaming?" He asked. "I think I know why." Cartman cut in, appearing out of no where. "Wha- Where the hell did you come from?!" Kyle exclaimed. "That doesn't matter, but as I said, I think I know why Butters is acting like this." Cartman said. "It is because he has found the Jew cave." "Wha-" "Stop torturing Jesus you f****** Jew!" Cartman yelled.
5:59pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Lmao! XD))
Butterz was was shakey and in a panic.
"W-well you guys arent gonna believe it."he stuttered. "Earlier, at school, I s-saw Kenny die!"he explained not hearing Cartman's fat mouth for some reason.
"And now every where I look, all I see is Kenny dieing."he finshed
6:16pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((*Lurk* *Gets popcorn* this is so much better than the shows XD))