8:50pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Ohhhhh... I remember that... Thats where I first created the winged chihuahua Ribunny and the birth of all my ideas came from 8D *Sniffs* I miss WolfLover D8 And thanks ^^))
8:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((That was pwnsome. :) I miss Shep too.))
8:58pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Name: Silence Age: teen Gender: female Looks: snowy white fur and bright blue eyes that can look very menicing when she glares Power: The force Moving stuff with her mind (Uncontroled) Personality: She is very er 'snappy' or would be if she could talk. She easily gets frustrated and hates when other wolfs treat her different just because she can't talk History: When she was born her mother died D8 Other: Born without vocal cords
9:00pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted, shall we start soon?))
9:09pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I would like that ^^))
9:14pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((I hope so! xD ))
4:27pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 117
((MUAH! Sudden start!)) Crim sniffed the damp air as he walked to a tree to rest. He stopped as he smelled a familiar scent, one of his friends -- Daemon -- he decided. Letting out a slight bark of greeting, Crim awaited for Daemon under the gleaming moonlight.
6:10pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 40
Ekora let the warmth of the sun wave over her smooth black fur. She had been stalking the perfect Elk. It was a young female which were one of the easy ones. Ekora controlled the wind to wash under her paws as she aproached the Elk, scilencing the sound of her footsteps. The Elk paused and Ekora dove behind a bush.
I am currently : Offline D:
Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD
6:18pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((If you make Alexei into Aleksei, you get a Russian boy's name that means 'To protect'. C: I'm gonna make a couple wolfehs. |D))
6:43pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon heard a familular sound: Crim. He barked back, needing direction to where he was. "Crim?" He said into the darkness, with only the moonlight to help him see. He padded off in one direction, sniffed the went in another.
6:50pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn heard the wolves, she sniffed around curiously, almost like a cat. "Hello?" She called out, the wolf was looking for someone by the name of Crim. She ran in the direction of the wolf. She saw the blur of fur running quickly towards the other wolf. "Hey!" She called out and tried to keep us.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:54pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon stopped corruptly. "He... Hello?" He called into nothingness. "Who's there?" He shouted out. He turned around and sniffed. Well, at least it's a wolf... And it sounds female... Couldn't be that much of a threat. He thought to himself. Daemon sat down, waiting for a reply.
6:56pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
" Hi. My name's Dawn." She said as she stood next to him. She licked her sharp claws, geting off unwanted mud. "Don't worry, I wont hurt you." She sat down casually, wating for him to speak.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:58pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"I'm Daemon," He said with a small smile. "And that's good... I don't like it when people intend to hurt me..." Daemon laughed, at himself. "Say... Have you seen any other wolves around here?" Daemon asked Dawn curiously.
7:17pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Huh, well youre in luck. Like I said, I am not going to hurt you." She looked at him and then continued rambling on "Except for you, I havent seen any wolves lately." She said, she didnt know why she was talking soo, weirdly. "Im sorry for my rambling, dont know whats going on with me." She said as she blushed lightly.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:22pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"It's all good," Daemon said with a smile. It's kinda cute, he thought. Daemon couldn't help but blush too. He usually, almost never, flirted, even in his head. "Well... Uh... Were you going any place special?" Daemon asked Dawn randomly, trying to make the akwardness go away.
7:26pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Nice of you to ask." She said and smiled. She noticed he blushed, she giggled playfully. "Im not going anywhere in partcular, how bout you?" She asked swayed her tail nervously. Am I falling for him? He is cute...Agh Dawn!!! She argued with her self silently.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:32pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:38pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"Uh... Nope, I was just sorta roaming around," Daemon said shyly. "Thanks for asking anyways," He added. Daemon pawed the ground and sighed. "Uhh, So...?" Daemon didn't know what to say so he akwardly chuckled.
8:11pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Tigris Age: Adult P: Gender: MAle Looks: He has the exact coloration of a Bengal Tiger, and is around the size of one as well. His tail is slim, like a feline's, and he even has retractable claws and big tiger paws. HE has deep amber eyes that have slitted pupils. In fact, the only thing about him that isn't tiger-like is the way his face is shaped. Around his neck is a heavy chain that looks like it used to be used to hold him to something, but he had broken it off and now has to live with it attached to his neck for the rest of his life since it was much too tight to remove by then. Power: Um. Speed? :D Personality: Fierce, feral, and protective. ouo History: He...prefers to leave that under wraps. THe only ones who are going to know anything about this will be him and his mate, if he ever finds one. Other: Non. oUo Name: Shayd AKA Grim Reaper Age: Adult Gender: MAle Looks: His fur is midnight black with two patches of scarlet that look like wings, one on each side. He has silver eyes that, if they catch the light just right, seem to shimmer like liquid mercury. He has white markings on his face that come together to form a skull, and the whites of his eyes are black. He is slender, but muscular. He also has chains wrapped all the way around his body, starting at a shackle-like metal collar from his neck and winding around his legs where shackles are placed, only to end at the base of his tail, where a shackle-like ring in placed. Along with all this, he also has a crescent moon scar on his right flank, received in a battle he fought for his survival. Power: Darknessss. oUo Personality: Mm. He's not as dark as he looks. He's just greatly misunderstood. Oh, and he has a severe fear of females that was caused by his mother trying to kill him when he was a pup. ono History: When he was born, his pack saw it as a bad omen, so his mother tried to kill him when he was a few weeks old. He managed to survive and ran away, his mother's unprovoked attack on him causing him to develop a fear of females. He was found by cruel humans who placed the heavy chains on him that ultimately caused their downfall. He grew stronger over the years by being forced to bear the burden of his chains, and now he can even move quite gracefully despite the fact that his chains wind around and through his legs. In the battle he fought against those humans, one managed to slash his flank, leaving behind the crescent moon scar that still stings from time to time. Other: He's a gay wolfeh. owo He's to afraid of females. P: Name: Amor Age: Adult Gender: Female Looks: She is pure white with a bit purple heart on her right flank, a blue heart on her left, and a black heart on her forehead. She has bright scarlet eyes that shine with warmth and love. Wound around her slim, lithe form are pink ribbons that end in a bow on her tail, and begin at a bow around her neck. They do not wrap around her legs. Power: The atmosphere. You know, the emotional atmosphere. She calm two feuding males, even. :D Personality: WArm, welcoming, and extremely loving. <3 History: Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Other: None. P:
