9:24pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Ermmm... I was going to start. *snarlgrowl*))
10:08pm Mar 31 2010
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((*sigh* whavs)) Blade laughed at Gruff. "Stop it Gruff, you're going to get us in trouble" she said. Gruff wagged his tail. "It's just a porcupine, what's the worst that could happen?" Gruff replied playfully, making air swirl around the porcupine, lifting it into the air. It struggled and growed, it's spikes dangerously flailing as it tried to escape the wind. "Cramp!" Gruff moaned, and the porcupine fell, right on his rump. He yelped in pain as the disgruntled porcupine scurried off before being terrorized by the insane wolf again. Blade chcukled. "Smooth move knuckle-head, let me help you get those spines out" she said, plucking a few spines away from the base of his tail. Gruff shrugged and pulled the ones he could reach. "Thanks Blade." he said with a smile, air blowing her fur and ears up and away from him as she plucked the last spine. Blade fell backwards and laughed. "It was no problem, but don't mess with the porcupine anymore." she said. "You don't have to tell me twice." Gruff said.

10:13pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Sooo..." She said swaying her tail, her cheeks were bright red. She looked at the ground then glanced at Daemon. "Whatcha wanna do?" She asked, her voice was high with embarras.sment. She giggled. What are you doing? You idiot!!! Stop, just get to the point... She pushed the voice away, and smiled at Daemon.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:10pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon couldn't help but grin back. "Uh... How about going on a hunt?" He offered. "Maybe a swim, uh, we could walk around...?" Daemon was just throwing Ideas out there, not really knowing what he wanted to do.
11:31pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"A swim would be nice..." She was actually sweating, it'd be nice to cool down. She smiled, and waited to see if Daemon wanted to.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:43pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"Swimming it is then," Daemon said with a small chuckle. He looked around and sniffed the air. "I'm pretty sure that the stream's that way." Daemon jerked his nose South. "Shall we?" He asked with a small grin.
11:52pm Mar 31 2010
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"We shall." Dawn hesitated, and shot off, she wasnt the quickest, but she was fast. Maybe too fast, she saw the stream coming up towards her. she stopped only a few inches away from the edge of the river. She dove in, and quickly went above the surface.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:13am Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon laughed as Dawn ran off towards the stream. He always loved a good chase, even though he was kind of slow. He was right on Dawn's tail but stopped abruptly when she did to avoid running into her. As she dove into the water, Dawmon took a step forward, tripping on a stump and falling clumsily into the water. He came up coughing and choking on water. "Well... That wasn't graceful."
5:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 117
Crim had been sure he had heard Daemon's voice, but no sounds of footsteps could be heard. Snorting, Crim padded around the tree he was sitting by, and, after several minutes of pointlessly walking around the tree, he decided to take a drink from the nearby stream. ((*sniffle* sorreh.))
6:40pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Shayd stepped silently through the shadowed forest, his evil appearance causing the birds that saw him to send out alarm calls to warn the rest of the forest that he was there, that something dark and unknown was walking within their domain. With a soft growl, he surrounded himself with a veil of shadows to hide him from the world outside. He took a moment to pause, shaking off his body, which made his chains rattle loudly, the sound echoing through the forest, much tot he male's displeasure. He hadn't meant to try and draw any attention to himself. "Ah...what's done is done, I suppose," he murmured, lowering his dark veil before he continued walking, his steps light and graceful despite the heavy chains he bore, wrapped all around his body by cruel humans who had wanted to torture him. Well, he sure had surprised them. ___________________ Tigris stalked through the dimly lit forest, ears swiveling around as his large paws lightly thumped against the ground. He paused in his walk as the sound of rattling chains caught his attention, the tiger-sized male looking down at his own chain before deciding against going to investigate. Instead, he sat down, tilted his head back, and howled. Well, it came out as a roar, but still. ___________________ Amor padded through the trees quite peacefully, her paws moving in a set rhythm as she hummed to herself, bright red eyes glittering with the warmth and kindness she had in her heart. ((Blegh. Couldn't think of anything for Amor. e.o))

9:29pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Blade jumped when she heard a startling roar. It vaguely sounded like a howl, and it made her nervous. "Gruff, we should go, there could be a big cat in the area." she said. Gruff laughed, and blew wind in her face again. "We can take any lion that comes near us... If they would dare." he said. Blade rolled her eyes, getting tired of the wind stirring up her scent. "Stop that Gruff, I'm serious. We should go." "If we see a lion, then we'll leave." Gruff promised, sitting down stubbornly. Blade groaned and washed her paws in the stream.
9:36pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 117
The stream water was refreshing. He took long, large gulps of fresh water and a few splashes to the face. Then, he sniffed. He smelled Daemon. Grinning, he started bounding across the s*censored* of the stream and came to a sudden halt. He smelled another scent, something or someone new, and close to Daemon. Ears pointed and paying close attention, Crim muttered, "Who could that be..?"
9:43pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon sniffed the air and grinned. "Crim!" He called out into the open. "One moment," He said to Dawn. "Crim?" He called as he walked down the stream, sniffin the ground occasionally. Finally, he caught his buddy's scent. "Crim!" He shouted as he saw his friend.
10:22pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 117
"Daemon?" Crim turned towards his friend, who oddly smelled of the same scent he had smelled. He was also overjoyed, unlike the usual Daemon. "Why do you smell like some other wolf?" He paused, sniffing more. "A.. she-wolf?!"
10:54pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"Oh, I met this one wolf in the forest," Daemon started to explain. "She's pretty cute," He added with a grin. "Anyways, I think I left her near the deeper water though..." Daemon laughed half way. "Oh well... She'll live. So... What have you been up to?" He asked as his usually self, dreary and depressed; yet, he still had that twinkle in his eye.
9:27pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 117
"Nothing much, cept for your overjoyed state." Crim snorted. Sniffing around Daemon and swishing his tail back and forth, Crim huffed in disbelief. If Daemon says she's cute, she must be damn pretty. "You mind introducing me to your girlfriend? Don't deny it, bud, I can smell the scent of love just pouring from you right now."
10:05pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((*groan* Can someone try and include me?))
10:47pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 117
Sniffing even more, Crim turned its head towards the upper part of the stream, "Never mind.. I smell Blade and Gruff. I'll catch ya later." Crim started jogging towards where Blade and Gruff were, wiping off the water on his paws with the soft, mossy ground. When he saw the two, squabbling like always, he woofed, "Hello Gruff. Hi Blade." Then, wrinkling his nose slightly, he turned his head towards Blade, who noticed his ex pression, "Sorry. My nose is acting up on me."
10:56pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((:) Thank you. )) Blade smiled. "Hi Crim!" Blade barked, tail wagging slightly. "Hows it going?" Gruff asked.
11:20pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 117
"Seems like Daemon met some rogue wolf or somethin. He's reeking of love. I think he's waiting downstream. Would you like to come with me to greet this newcomer?" Crim asked with a slight annoyance in his voice.