11:58pm Apr 2 2010
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Daemon was slightly upset. Love. Ha! never. Love was for people who didn't have anything else to do. He followed Crim and snorted loudly when he heard his talking about himself. "She's not my girlfriend." He said angrily, coming out of the trees. "Just cute, that's all." He sat down and eyed Crim, he should've known that Daemon wasn't a 'Love' type of wolf.
12:05am Apr 3 2010
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Blade chuckled. "You know you can't deny it Daemon" she said, wagging her tail teasingly. Gruff smiled at Daemon. "I want to meet the she-wolf that succeeded in making you happy."
12:15am Apr 3 2010
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"Oh shush up Blade," Daemno said with a small grin. He stuck his tounge out at her before turning to Gruff. "Well... I have to find her again... I sorta left her at the stream..."
12:36am Apr 3 2010
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Blade's jaw dropped. "You just left her?!" She said, her voice high. "That's terrible! I can't believe you!" she said, almost growlng. Gruff chuckled. "Easy Blade. It's not like I never leave you." "Yeah, well your gay so it's different." Blade shot back. Gruff burst out laughing. "Ouch Blade, that one hurt" he laughed.
12:49am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 117
Smirking, Crim couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of him. He sniffed at Daemon, trying to recognize the new wolf's scent. Then he sniffed the air, leading the three to where she could be. "Smells of rosemary and musty mist jumbled together. She'll probably be around here." Crim said to the others.
12:54am Apr 3 2010
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Blade and Gruff followed and scanned the area. "I guess she's not here." Blade said. "I feel bad for her. If I had a mate, and he up and left me at random, I'd be pretty PO'D if you know what I mean" Gruff shrugged.
2:30am Apr 3 2010
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Daemon growled at Blade. "She. Is. NOT. My. Mate." He growled at her. It always made Daemon mad when people as.sumed. "Anyways," He said as he cooled off, "Uhh... We should probably go find her... I do feel kind of bad for leaving her alone..."
3:28am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 117
((Crim loves to sniff.)) Taking in deep breaths, Crim nodded, "Yeah. Her smell is faint. By the way, where's Angel?"
3:31am Apr 3 2010
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"Who knows...?" Daemon said with a small laugh. "She usually runs off to smell flowers and stuff." Daemon grinned stupidly at his own joke. "She'll show up sometime soon." As if on key, Angel walked into the group, a dazed, yet happy, look on her face. She had a small flower tucked behind her ear: a red carnation. "Oh Hi guys," She said in a dreamy voice; the usual Angel.
11:15am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Floviza! *squeezes RP until it chokes* Shall join.)) Name: Impulse/ Risk Age: Adult/Adult Gender: Female/ Male Looks: Glossy, shiny, soft silver fur. It isn't very thick, despite her being born in the mountains. Her eyes are a beautiful, but unusual, sky blue./ His fur is smooth, thick, and black. His eyes are fire-coloured; gold, orange, and red. He has five tails, and is adorned with silver chains. Power: Snow /Nightmares Personality: Kind, friendly, stubborn/ Caring, flirtatious, compas,sionate History: Risk was born first. On the snowiest peaks of Floviza, in the Crystal Cavern. It was a harsh winter day, and the sun's rays were blocked by blobs of dark grey clouds. He lived a comfortable life. In his second summer, his family wanted to move to a warmer place. But suddenly, his older brother got extremely sick. Hoping that they could cure him, Risk's parents stayed in the mountains. Risk wished he could help them, but he was fairly young and still had to train to catch prey properly. He wasn't good at it, and now, he was sure, his skills would be put to the test. One day, his parents were out for a very long time. Risk lied down, pelt pressed to his brother's. Risk remained silent, waiting patiently for his parents to return. The only sound that he heard was his brother's terrible cough. It was like a a nightmare. Terror and hopelessness clawed at him. As soon as the sun set, Rick sprinted off to find his parents. No luck. By the time he returned to the Cavern, his brother had died. "Dhvreth... I'm so sorry." he whispered. If he had stayed with his brother instead of going off, Dhvreth would've survived. Pain clouded his eyes until he fell unconscious. Warmth? Risk forced himself to open his eyes. When he finally did, his parents were standing in front of him. But this was not Crystal Cavern, because Dhvreth was with them, too. "Oh, no, no, no, please!" Risk wailed. His mother placed a silver-furred pup at Risk's paws. "Please take care of her." she murmured. Risk curled up around the pup. "We've had her a few seasons after you but... Her fur wasn't enough for the mountains you were able to live on... So we brought her to the forest and raised her there. She eats meat, at least." his mother murmured. Risk closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was in his den. A squirming? Oh, yes. The pup. "Your name is Impulse. You will remind me of why I went off. But even if you remind of terrible things... I will always love you." he mumbled to the pup. Other: They're siblings.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:02pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 117
"Hey Angel. You look lovely today." Crim shied a bit, for Angel was really the only wolf in his age group, and she was beautiful. "So, uh, did you see any new wolf around here?"
3:29pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Blade laughed in response. "Not yet anyway, I see you're sensitive on the subject. Stage One: Denial" she said teasingly. Gruff frowned. "Blade, let it go, if he insists it's not true than it's not, lets try and find her hm?" ((Bios Accepted. :D)) Blade scented the air. "I smell Impulse nearby, maybe she's the one Daemon met." "I doubt it, I've scented Impulse before, and the two scents are completely different. " Gruff pointed out.
3:35pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel looked at Crim and smiled. "New wolves in the forest? Hmm.... I can smell her scent.. Heavily on you Daemon. And why is that?" She teased lightly. Daemon half growled half snorted at Angel. He didn't answer her question. "I smell Risk too," He said after smelling in the air. ((Fail posts. D:))
3:44pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Blade shrugged. "Well, go ahead and find them, but leave me out. I'm in need of some food after plucking countless porcupine spines out of Gruff, and having not eaten in days." she said. Gruff stuck his tongue out at Blade. "You just don't want to see Risk" he said teasingly. Blade rolled her eyes at him. "Please, I'm not that immature. I'm just hungry is all." "Well, why don't you wait and greet him like a good girl?" Gruff said. Blade snorted. "Whatever."
3:48pm Apr 3 2010
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Daemon couldn't help but laugh at Blade and Gruff's little exchange. "Now you know how it feels, Blade." He teased her lightly. A soft twinkle appeared in his eyes.
3:51pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Blade chuckled. "I suppose you're right, sorry Daemon." she said. Gruff wagged his tail. "Did you catch this she-wolf's name Daemon? I might know her"
4:06pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon smiled smugly at Blade. He then turned to Gruff and looked at him. "I uh... believe her name was something along the terms of Dawn..." Daemon paused. "I think..." He turned a soft shade of red from not really remembering her name.
4:07pm Apr 3 2010
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Gruff thought for a second. "I think there was someone in my old pack with that name, but it could be anyone." he said. Blade shrugged. "Maybe you'll find her someday." she said.
4:18pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Daemon looked at Gruff curiously. "Hmmm... Maybe, probably soon since she's just down the river it seems." Daemon said with a laugh. He sat down and pawed the earth with his... paw. ((xD))
4:24pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((lol.)) Gruff nodded. "Well, I suppose you're right." -fail-