10:30pm Apr 5 2010
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"I was too, for about a minute." Gruff said. "And did you dream well Daemon?" Blade asked curiously.
10:33pm Apr 5 2010
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"Ha... Yeah Gruff..." Daemon said lazily. "And I didn't dream, nothing unusual. I don't dream often...." He sat down down on the ground, trying to wake himself up.
10:38pm Apr 5 2010
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Gruff shook out his fur and then made a blast of cold air right in Daemon's face. "Any better?" he asked brightly. Blade laughed."Probably he's just annoyed now."
10:47pm Apr 5 2010
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"Gruff, if I had a right mind, I would have attacked you just then," Daemon growled playfully. He pawed at Gruff's tail, trying to pin it down. He laughed lightly as he kept missing. "Darn you tail... Stay still!"
10:49pm Apr 5 2010
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Gruff laughed, leaping up and getting in the cl*censored*ic canine playful pouunce position, tongue lolling out and tail wagging. Blade sighed. "And now I look away as the pair of idiots completely kill off the last of their dignity." she mumbled under her breath.
10:58pm Apr 5 2010
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"Hmmm.... I really like to watch." Angel said with a small grin. "Even though violence is bad... this is still an interesting thing to watch..." Daemon growled easily and leaped towards Gruff, nothing too hard though. After all, it was only play.
11:05pm Apr 5 2010
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Gruff let Daemon have access to his shoulder and back for a second before grabbing his scruff roughly and throwing him back. Creating air cushions so he wasn't hurt.
11:13pm Apr 5 2010
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((Yo, I gotta go. ): See ya!))
11:34pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 117
11:53pm Apr 6 2010
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Daemon couldn't help but laugh as his face was about hit the ground, but stopped. You see, most wolves would have been frightened or perhaps angry about this, but Daemon knew Gruff too well. "Gruff.... Set me down." He said in an angry tone, his face staying straight for about four seconds before he burst out laughing.
12:14am Apr 7 2010
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Gruff laughed loudly when Daemon tried to be serious, releasing his flow of magic suddenly, sending him crashing into the dirt.
12:19am Apr 7 2010
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Daemon felt the force stop, and him hit the dirt. "Oh yuck!" He said angrily as he spit dirt and a small weed out of his mouth. Daemon growled menicingly before choking. He spit out a small rock and coughed. "Darn you Gruff...! I'll get you one of these days..."
12:19am Apr 7 2010
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Gruff stuck out his tongue playfully. "Good luck with that Daemon!" He said, wagging his tail.
12:24am Apr 7 2010
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Daemon sat there with a smirk on his face. "Or maybe I'll just sick Angel on you...." Angel looked up from the flower she had been staring at. "Me? Fight Gruff...?" Angel had a look of both shock and awe on her face.
8:41pm Apr 7 2010
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Gruff snorted. "Oh please, I could never harm Angel." he said.
9:03pm Apr 7 2010
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Daemon couldn't help but laugh. "Exactly my point!" He winked at Angel who looked shocked at the action. "Daemon, you're so mean to me..." Angel complained with a small laugh. She stuck her tounge out at him and laughed again.
9:05pm Apr 7 2010
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Gruff chuckled. "Daemon, I doubt Angel would fight me anyway."
9:12pm Apr 7 2010
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"I wouldn't..." Angel said with wide eyes. She laughed quietly at herself. "Yeah, we all know Angel," Daemon said sarcastically. He huffed at her and sighed.
9:22pm Apr 7 2010
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Blade shook out her fur. "I'm heading to the stream to cool off, it's hot this morning." she said. "Anyone want to come?" "Nah, my thin's fur enough to handle it" Gruff replied.
7:55pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((What has Rika missed? -has had a really bad day today-))