3:36pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
((Uh, bump? I forgot it was my turn. Whoops. XD)) "Strange," Bryn murmured, before turning and sitting on the chair between William and Adon. Absently, she watched the flames dance across William's fingers. "Would it burn if I touched one?" she asked, curiously. It had nothing to do with the situation, but it was just something that had popped into Bryn's head, that she said without thinking. Her face reddened. It was fire, of course it would hurt. ((Yes, random, I know. ;D))
5:28pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
William looked up at Bryn curiously. "It's fire, of course it would burn your hands unless you had a fire proof glove on." He said as he continued to shift the flames around. Such a destructive thing he thought remebering a house that was burned down on his block. After that fire he learned that he had the power to control it. He had a temper tantrum since if her found out about it earlier he could have stopped the house fire. William chuckled at the memory. Holly looked at William as he played with fire. Her mother always told her to never play with matches. She never understood why since William was allowed to play with fire all he wanted to. As she became older things became clearer and she realized it wasn't such a great gift. "So..." She said trying to start a conversation.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:10pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
"Right," Bryn said, blushing as she looked down at her feet. She sure looked smart now. Really, why was she at this school? "Are we just going to wait here for her to wake up, then?" she wondered, outloud. She was perfectly fine waiting, but how long would this take? They'd have to leave at some point. Adon looked up and watched as Will played with the fire. There was something mesmerizing and calming about watching it. Maybe this is why Bryn would doubt the fire's ability to burn you. How could something that pretty hurt you? Adon glanced over at Aza, the thought echoing.
8:18pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
"Well it would be nice for her to wake up but nothing is certain." Holly said yawning siting on her brothers lap disrupting his bending. He growled and pushed her off. "I'm not your pillow." he muttered getting up. Holly stuck her tongue out at him and took his seat. She started to fall asleep before she remembered Mr. Snufflies and that led to her roommate. "I should tell Ritz!" Holly exclaimed running out of the room and down the hallways trying to reach her room. William watched his sister bolt out of the room with an amused look on his face. He took his rightful place on the chair and started to flicker flames again. He looked up a Bryn and wondered what her talent was. Many people had drawing from what her had heard in the hallways along with other things. Perhaps she was one of them or perhaps she has some special power.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:35pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn watched Holly leave the room in a rush. Most things she did seemed to be in the same hurried manner. It was almost comical. Sitting in an uncomfortable silence for a bit, Bryn felt William's gaze on her. Her face grew hot. Had he discovered her family relations? She turned to look at him, puzzled. "What?" she asked, curiously, her forest eyes studying him. She repressed the urge to ask if he knew what she thought he knew. If he didn't know, then she'd ruin everything by asking. No, she had to pretend like everything inside her was normal, and not spazzing and bouncing off the metaphorical walls in her.
8:46pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
"What is your power?" William questioned looking at Bryn curiously. "Holly thinks hers is prophecy and my is fire. I have heard of people haveing art gifts but I want to know yours." William smiled softly knowing she probably thought that he was thinking something else. He shook his head slightly hoping no one would see the gesture. Holly was close to reaching her dorm door when the man that had tripped her earlier tripped her again. He laughed and she growled seeing a vision. the boy was walking down the hallway with a singed arm. She blinked as he retreated before she picked herself off and went over to her door.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:50pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn sighed an inward breath of relief. She cocked her head to the left before she answered. "I don't think I have a power," she admitted, a sad smile present on her face. "I'm just normal," she continued with a shrug, her gaze wandering off to look into the window behind Aza's hospital bed. She stared outside, zoning off into a thoughtful state. After Holly had let, Adon had quickly risen from his chair to stand over at Aza's bedside.
8:58pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
William nodded looking over a Adon who had quickly risen to stand at Aza's bedside. He chuckled knowing Holly was behind this. He took an IPod out of his pocket and started to play some random rock song before closing his eyes. He yawned streatching before opeing his eyes again. H lower the volume and took one earbud out of his ear. "what kind of music do you two listen to?" He asked sining the loos earbud around. Holly finally got the door unlocked. She ran over and hugged Mr. Snufflies whild looking to see if Ritz was still there. If he was she would ask him if he knew Aza. She would still probably drag him down to the nurse anyway but she wanted to check first.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:10pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
((I'm guessing he was talking to Bryn, since Adon's a little preoccupied. ;D Aza should probably wake up soon...)) Bryn blinked before turning away from the window to look at William. "I'm sorry. I zoned off," she apologized, a small smile crossing her face. "I listen to all different genres," she answered. "I like pop, rock, and some country and cl*censored*ical. Even some rap," she continued with a grin. Bryn did enjoy music. She wasn't great at playing it, but listening to it was one of her favorite things to do. She loved to find the little messages hidden in the songs, or just tune out the world. Sometimes it was easier to pretend you lived in a normal family, with music. All the screaming fans and flashing cameras disappeared, when you let yourself fall into the music. Bryn blinked a couple times, to prevent herself from zoning off again. "What are you listening to?" she asked William, curiosity sparking in her eyes. You could tell a lot about a person by the music they listened to.
9:17pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
((Depends on when Leo wakes her up.)) "Rock and some pop." William said offering her an earbud. "You want to listen?" He asked. Usually he never shared his music with anyone except Holly since she would steal his IPod from time to time. She liked to annoy him with simple things like that. His IPod was his property and he liked to keep it to himself. He was in a generious mood so he offered Bryn a chance to get to know him. He thought that you could learn a ton from someone's playlist. His music defines him. He usually is calm but his ture nature comes out in his varing songs.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:27pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
((Yes. ;D Uh... *Tries to think up random rock song to put on Will's iPod*)) "Sure," Bryn said, smiling. She took the earbud from William and placed it in her ear. She was greeted to the sound of a guitar and heavy drums. Bryn grinned, looking up at William as she recognized the song. "Eye of the Tiger," she approved. "A cl*censored*ic," she nodded, and leaned back in her chair, shutting her eyes, and letting the music into her. ((I couldn't think of anything else. XD))
9:44pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 548
William smiled and closed his eyes listening to the song. It wasn't one of his favorites but he enjoyed it. Maybe he should share music more often. It soon ended and another song began to play. MSI- Shut me up started and William's smile got wider. "I'm not sure that you'll like this one." He said chuckling humming along to it. Now this was one of his favorites. Holly barely had a chance to look around the room before he stomach started to make gurgles. She poked her stomach before rushing to the bathroom. "Great." She muttered sitting on the toliet.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:59pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
((Haha. I laughed at Holly. XD And listened to that song...)) Bryn shook her head no. "You're right," she replied, with an apologetic smile. "I'm not a big fan. It's a little too hardcore for my liking," Bryn explained, with a shrug. She wasn't exactly sure how this song categorized William as. Bryn shrugged, some songs were just good to listen to. She had to admit, that there were times she didn't even listen to the lyrics of some of her favorite songs. Bryn glanced over at William, as they listened. She giggled outloud as she imagined him headbanging to the song.
7:53am Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 548
William opened one eye when he heard Bryn giggle. He looked at her quizically wonder what was funny. "What's so funny? Is my hair messed up or something?" He asked. He touhced his hair and found it alright before making a clean swipe over his face to make sure he didn't have anything on it. He looked at Bryn not understanding why she was laughing.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
2:38pm Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn repressed the laughter, and managed to speak, "Nothing, don't worry, your hair isn't messed up," she rolled her eyes, with a teasing smile. Since when did boys care about their hair being messed up? She was sure her hair looked awful, and you didn't see her worrying about it. "It's just I imagined you head-banging to this song, and it was a funny picture." Bryn bit her lip trying to contain her laughter, but a giggle managed to escape, and she jumped into a whole new fit of laughter.
5:48pm Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 548
William smiled remembering when Holly laughed as he banged his head to a song. He never did it again after that. He then realized she must have thought he was some sort of pretty boy for wanting to know how his hair looked. "Abou the hair Holly likes to do funky things to it so it was um... sort of a reflex." He explained rubbing the back of his head nervous. "One time she dyed my hair pink and purple with green highlights. I was the talk of the town that week." he chuckled at the memory.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:04pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 222
((Feel free to wake up Aza, Leo. ;D)) "I'm sure you looked just as good with the highlights, anyway," Bryn said, speaking her thoughts out loud. She turned away from him, as she blushed, realizing she wasn't thinking in her head. "I mean, it probably wasn't too bad," she tried, attempting to demean what she'd said earlier. She kept her eyes looking forward, staring out the window, hoping William hadn't noticed what she'd accidently spoken. Where were all these feelings coming from? Bryn wondered, as butterflies tickled her stomach. Adon grinned, hearing what Bryn had said to William. He turned around, and winked, mimicking William, as he mouthed "Go for it," to him, jokingly. He then turned back to Aza, just as fast as he'd turned around.
5:16pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
((Should I rmail Leo to see if she is still doing this?)) William watched Bryn out of the corner of his eye and he smiled. He had heard the comment and he knew the fealing. He fell in love with a nurse after he got hurt when he was serving. He found out later that she was engaged so he gave up hope of becoming lovers. "I guess it was all for good reason." He said before coming back to reality. He blushed madly after finding out that he said it out loud. He looked over at Adon and smirked at his words of encouragement.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:54pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 222
((Yeah, that's a good idea!)) "What?" Bryn asked, turning to William, confused at his words. "How was your sister dying your hair a good thing?" she wondered, puzzled at what he meant. She of course, had no idea what was going on in his head.
7:01pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
((Alright I'll go ahead and do that)) "I wasn't talking about that! I was in my own thoughts and it slipped out of my mouth." He said not sure if it made sense. He jumped up and went over to Aza embarr*censored*ed that Bryn had heard what he said. He shook his head before looking at Bryn out of the corner of his eye. I'm so stupid sometimes. he thought doing a face palm.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V