7:35pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn slunk back in her chair, frightened by William's sudden outburst. Recovering, she managed to glare at him, half-heartedly. She used her inherited acting skills to pretend like his yelling hadn't bothered her. She let herself lean into the chair, her arms folded over her chest, a nonchalant attitude seeming to wash over her. Inside her, she was confused and a bit hurt. Adon raised an eyebrow over at William, next to him. "Not exactly how I would've 'gone for it', bro." he commented, shrugging wryly.
7:42pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
William groaned rubbing his hair. Great job you blew it! he thought growling."I'm sorry." He muttered angry with himself. He left the room steaming heading outside for some air. He sat underneath one of the trees and sighed. "Why must I screw up every oppertunity." He said to himself. "Because you're an idiot." Holly said appearing above him hanging onto the branch like a monkey. William sat up and swatted her. "Ow, what was that for!" Holly said landing on the ground. "Thats for scaring me!" He said. Holly shook her head and gave him some flowers. "Go. To. Bryn." She demanded. "Tell her that you are sorry and that you brought her flowers to make it up to her." She said pushig him back inside. He rushed back the the nurse and held the flowers out to Bryn. "I'm sorry and this is to make it up to you." He said panting.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:49pm Dec 15 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Dec 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
<<SORRY! I SO FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!! I THOUGH IT WAS DEAD... Ok well can some one re-cap for me?>> Azas eyes fluttered open. "Mmmmm..." She moaned looking around. "Where?- Where am I?" She brought a hand to her head and moaned again. "What happened?" Her head pounded. She didnt bother to look at the people because Adon would probably be there but instead she looked at the tacky sheet.
7:53pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
((William and Bryn are sort of getting closer, Adon's been really worried about Aza, and Holly has been poofing. William and Adon shared words of encouragement and Holly went to tell Ritz about Aza but she forgot about it and went to help William with lady trouble.)) Holly entered the room and hugged Aza lightly. "You p*censored*ed out under the tree and William and I brought you here. William went around and told everyone about you and Adon came first then Bryn, I think." Holly said. "I'm not sure what happened between Bryn and William execpt for the fact that he blew something." She said happily. "Oh you are in the nurses office. The doctor said you were fine!" Holly concluded.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:02pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Thanks>> Aza was still confussed. "Wait so I pa,ssed out? How-? When?" She accepted Hollys hug but then shook her head and giggled. "Of course" she said quietly to herself then looked back up to Holly. "Wait?!" Slight panic was in her voice. "Wheres my flute?" She closed her eyes and brought both her hands to her face, covering it compleatly.
8:08pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 222
Ecstatic, Adon watched as Aza awoke. He grinned as he spoke. His grin faded into a frown after noticing how Aza avoided looking at him. Sighing, Adon backed away from the bed, and sat down, heavily in the chair next to it. Seeing William bring in flowers for Bryn, he couldn't help but flash him an envious glare. Bryn's studious ex pression not to appear hurt, faded, as she looked up at the panting William. She sighed in defeat, and stood up, taking the flowers gently from William. "Thank you," she said, with a smile. As Aza awoke, Bryn hurried over to her, and stood next to Holly. Her face reddened when Holly said the part about her and William blowing something. "How do you feel Aza?" she asked, gently, wanting to get off the subject.
8:16pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Azas eyes shot over to the noise that adon made sitting down. He looked dissapointed. She smiled at him weakly before looking back at Bryn. "Uh..." She moaned but at the same time giggled. "I am feeling better than I did 10mins go." She smiled sitting up slowly. She brought up a hand to her head as she did. Another short giggle "I feel fine..." She said then added "Sorta" Quietly."Wow did I really miss that much?"She said sarcasticly as She turned to Holly.
8:18pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly rushed away from the bed and outside. The flute lay on the ground where Aza had dropped it. Holly grabbed it before this other girl got it. The girl tried to get it from Holly but Holly ran away going back to Aza. "Here it is!" Holly said presenting it to Aza. William went over to Aza and smiled when he saw how excited Adon was. "You know non of us left you except for Holly and I for a tiny bit but Adon here stayed by your side the whole time." William said trying to help his friend out. He pointed to Adon with his head before he saw his sister come in with the flute and he smiled.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:44pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 222
"I bet you feel better now," Bryn said, with a laugh, as Holly walked in, flute in hand. "And I didn't leave, either," she commented, with an inward glare at Adon. She was not fond of him at all. Adon glanced up, hearing his name. He allowed himself a smile at William, surprised at his kindness. "That's true," Adon admitted, his usual cocky grin appearing.
9:03pm Dec 15 2010
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Aza made a awkward giggle as Will mentioned Adon. She looked over to his grining face. "Nice to know some people care" She joked as she turned to holly. "Thanks" She said embaras,s and accepting the flute. "Soo?" She said getting up from the bed stumbling a little before she found her balance. She tried not to think of Adon too much considering that he was hitting on her most of the day. "How long was I out?" She asked looking at every one.
9:07pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 548
"Not sure, I wasn't keeping track of the time. I'd say about a couple hours." Holly said. "Oh! I should introduce you to Ritz!" She said giggling. She went to grabb Aza's hand as William slapped it. "She just woke up, give her some time." He said. He looked at her and then to Bryn. "Would you like us to help you to your room?" William asked seeing how Aza had stumbled.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
2:40pm Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 222
"Ritz?" Bryn wondered. "Who's Ritz?" She glanced over at William, and then to Holly, curiously. And then turning to Aza she announced, "It's okay, we're roommates. I can help her," Bryn smiled. Adon smiled, and shoved his hands into his pockets, feeling awkward and out of place, now that Aza was okay. She obviously had enough help, and he didn't seem to be needed, so he punched William lightly in the arm. "Hey, I'm going back to the room, okay? I gotta unpack my stuff," he lied, with a half smile. Of course, he had only a few items with him. Almost everything else he'd had, had been stolen items, that the government made him return, before they sent him here. Adon gave a half-hearted wave, leaving the room, after a last look at Aza.
9:01pm Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 548
William smiled and nodded before her headed outside again. He rested under the tree seeing a person run past him out of the corner of his eye. He shook his head before he began to fall asleep. If I'm going to fall asleep why don't I fall asleep in my bed? He though before he returned to his room flopping on the bed falling asleep fast. "Ritz is my roomate." Holly said. She waved at Bryn and Aza before leaving the room looking out of the windows as she p*censored*ed them. She saw a man run but she blew it off as nothing. She reached her room and opened the door. She walked over to her stuff and finished unpacking by placing her brush, toothbrush, and tooth paste into the bathroom.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:43pm Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<I cant post now cause I have some much home work... I will be able to post tomorrow or saturday... You can just do what ever like help her to her room or something...>>
5:22pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 222
"Aha," Bryn replied, turning to look at William, who was no longer there. 'He could've said goodbye,' Bryn thought to herself. Bryn shrugged, 'I need to stop being so hard on people. I'm not the center of the world.' she thought sternly to herself. "I don't want to turn out like my parents," she continued the thought, aloud. She glanced around the room, noticing Aza was still there. Bryn's eyes widened. Had she just said that out loud? Bryn set her face into a mask, not wanting to freak out if Aza hadn't heard her. "Come on, Aza," she smiled, "Let's get back to our room," she offered Aza her shoulder, encouragingly.
10:35pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly came out of the bathroom and looked at her bed. An idea popped into her head and she took out a marker and started to doodle on the bedspread. The thing about this marker is that it will come out in the wash so she sould doodle all she wanted and it would wash away. She made birds, foxes, a portrait of Mr. Snufflies, a couple of flowers, some rabbits, and fish. Then she started to draw people to complete the picture. Smiling she got up and looked over her work. "What do you think Ritz?" she asked not sure that he was even there.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V