4:57pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
well we have to wait for everyone to be here
5:05pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 5:11pm Nov 21 2010)
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Bio: Ivory Sky Age: 18 Gender: Female Looks: 6'2"  Personality: Ivory is a solemn child. She doesn't speak very often, but when she does, she is either very courteous or Very rude. Ivory is often found as intimidating, due to her tall height and dark skin. Her Platinum hair, is also questioned by many. She is a tomboy of sorts, Fairly violent, however wears a skirt that is very short and she doesn't get embarras.sed. Despite her cold look on things, she loves nature, Including tree's gras.s, and rivers. History: Ivory grew up, like most of the students, from a rich family. Her father was a business man, therefore he was away for the majority of the year, and her mother, an extremely beautiful woman With Fair skin, Ebony hair and astounding green eyes, was killed before her very eyes at the mere age of 7. Since then, she has never cried, and never shows Mersey. She has killed 18 people, the 18 who violated her mother, And that is all. she did all this with the utmost accuracy, and was only discovered to be the culprit of the missing, when she delivered a message to Scotland yard that gave the whereabouts of the bodies. She opted to go here, and confirmed that she would never try to 'Escape' Even though she is fully capable too. Orientation: Straight Other: N/A gift: Think, 'Jack the Ripper'. She is precise when it comes to surgery and dissection.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:05pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:32pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Ill start
5:39pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:55pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Eli sighed,he was completely relaxed at the whole sitiution except with a little irrattion being sent here.He didn’t mind lousiana.After all it was his home.He slowly walked down the main hall. His bare feet smacked against the dark wood floors. His venom piercing yellow eyes followed around the huge open marble hallway as he looked at the numbers on the doors “B124 B125 ah B126!” he whispered to himself.He opened the door to a small grey room with a large window and a two small beds in the corners he sighed “ugh I gotta roomate”.He put his small suitcese on the bed and sat down next to it looking out to a large apple tree.He studied it,large red apples weighing it down in the hot summer breeze. Dakotas eyes wondered around the school,his heart pumped battery acid through his veins,terrified of what was to come.What was going to happened to him.Such a Strange palce,a place he could never leave and like most things you can tell a book by its cover sure this school was beautiful but he was court ordered here and like everywhere else it was proabaly horrible.His large scared navy eyes looked for his room finally he found it and stopped to the door that read ‘F240’ he slowly opened the door to a white room with a bed shoved in the corner he slowly sat down and gulped trying to keep himself from crying.

5:57pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[How does the rooming work?]
6:06pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(well eli needs a roomate,but you can deceide for them to have a roomate or not.)
6:09pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Mine's a girl, and I meant the room numbers. xD]
6:17pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
Aza sighed carrying her luggage through the halls. She couldnt believe her parents had sent her here. She knew it was a bad idea to let them hear her play the flute. Frustration and sadness boiled inside of her. Not bothering to look at the the room number she shoved open a door to be welcomed with a room that had blue grey walls and a twin bed that was pushed up near a large window. She threw her backpack on one side of her bed while she sat on the other. She lied back not noticing the other bed that mimicked hers. Why? she thought. Why was playing the flute be called talent. "I suck at it!" She wispered sitting up and making her way to the window still not noticing the bed. What she did notice was the huge apple tree that stood far oustide her window. She shook her hed in amazement as she started to unpack, but first doubble cheeking that the room was truly B217. She now noticed the bed when she finnished unpacking. Frustration still boiled inside her and now did anger. "Uhg! A room mate!?" Her eyes widened so that the green in her eyes shone brighter. She suddenly was aware of her anger. She closed her eyes opened them and made her way to the bed. Taking out her flute and playing softly and quietly, as she let all her emotions flow out of her.
6:20pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
(boys and girls can room doesnt matter really and just make letter and number up,ha)
6:29pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 222
((Hey Leo, is it alright if Bryn rooms with Aza? I think it'd be kinda funny, because they look alike. ;D))
6:33pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<hahaha Yah its fine! Thats what I was thinking :D>>
6:38pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Right.] The heels of Leia's converse clicked softly on the polished hardwood flooring as she padded down the hallway. Glancing from left with a slight frown expressing her nervousness she mouthed the numbers on the plaques next to the doors. "B123, B124, B125...ah," she whispered to herself, the fingers clamped around a grimy piece of paper tightening slightly with apprehension. Using her other hand Leia brushed away the hair that was covering half of her face awkwardly, flushing slightly as she tried the doorknob.
The door swung open with a low creak and Leia poked her head in, flinching slightly as her eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness. Moving her hand away from her face she flicked the lightswitch on, breathing a sigh of relief as a soft golden glow filtered into the room.
Her surroundings were simple and had a slightly rustic feel to them. Her bed and side table were carved out of dark cherry wood. The sheets were white trimmed with dark blue and blue pillows were lain on top. "Perfect," she breathed, a small smile curling upwards on her face. "It's just right." Blinking she stepped inside the threshold and noticed another bed that had previously been hidden by the open door. "Do I have a roomate?" she wondered aloud.

6:51pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey Can I join as a guy and a girl?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:55pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
6:56pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 12,418
Akila sighed and moved her way to her room. "Room B116."She muttered. "Yay. A roommate."She growled. She sat her stuff down, feeling very depressed for no reason. She heard some music that was playing in her mind. She tried so hard not to dance, so she started unpacking her things. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:58pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 222
((Sweet! ^^ Okay, posting now!)) "Just drop me off here!" Bryn ordered her chauffeur, frantically, as the gate of her new school came into sight. "Please?" she added, her eyes pleading with the stern face of the man she'd known since she was born. Really, when she thought about it, she'd probably spent more time with this man than she had her own father. The middle-aged man's stern lips rose into a sad smile. "I'm useless with those green eyes of yours," he admitted, helplessly, as he stopped the cab a reasonable walking distance from the school. Bryn grinned, triumphantly, as she opened the limo's door. "Thanks, Roscoe." she said, as she stepped out the door, grabbing her medium sized suitcase and purse, and shut it behind her. Stepping a ways from the car, onto a paved sidewalk, she watched as her driver, Roscoe rolled down the p*censored*enger side window. "Nothing about this to your father, you hear!" he spoke, with a wink. As the limo pulled out into the street, again, Bryn answered in a sad whisper, "Of course," She watched the shine of the black limo fade into a speck, before looking back up at her new school. Strangely, it appeared to be more of a fortress than a school. With a shaky breath, Bryn walked down the sidewalk and through the black, iron gates of the school. Without knocking on the looming door that stood before her, she opened it and entered the school. Seeing a hallway labled 'Dorms,' Bryn wandered to that direction. As she p*censored*ed various rooms, she realized she didn't even know her room number. She dug through her purse for a few moments, before pulling out her cell phone."Room B217," she murmured aloud, as she read the last text from her Mother. Walking a ways farther, Bryn stopped in front of her room. Hesitating as she took hold of the door knob, Bryn doubled checked the number. 'This has to be it,' she thought to herself, as she twisted the knob, and took a step in. She was startked to see another girl in the room, playing a flute. "Oh!" she spoke, in a surprise. "Um... Hello?" she spoke, a fleeting smile of nerves flashing across her face.
6:59pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly walked steadily down the hallway. Her shoes made a dull thudding sound on the marble floor. She hummed dancing around while she waltzed to her room. She hadn’t noticed where she was going and before she knew it she was at her room. She opened the door to B126 and saw that there were already people there. She looked at her paper again turning it around. “Oh, B129. Sorry about busting in!” She said closing the door and walking down to a door. The plaque on the door was inscribed with the inion B129. “Home sweet home.” She said opening the door. The room’s walls where painted with a soft forest green that complimented the furniture nicely. The oak wood desk was stained dark that reminded Holly of the forest. The legs of the desk in the room where made from driftwood along with the frame and legs of the two beds. The beds where covered with lush emerald green comforters that encased gold sheets and mustard pillows. The room was divided into two sides with matching furniture on each side. “Roommate, this will be fun.” She said placing her stuff on the right bed. She gently placed Mr. Snufflies on the bed before she went to look out the single widow in the room. It overlooked a gorgeous apple tree that had fruit hanging from its tender branches.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:00pm Nov 21 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Sweet. Hey Det can my character be your roomate))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.