7:16pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 7:20pm Nov 21 2010)
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There was a girl standing in the door way. Aza dropped her flute from her mouth and it was now sitting carefully beside her. This is my room mate?! Aza thought as the girl started to smile. It scared her, the girls bright green eyes looked like her own, though the girls eyes were more brighter than hers. If that was possible. The girls dirty blond hair was almost the same as her own sandy blond hair. Though the girls hair lacked the red tint Aza had. She studied the girl, taking in all her details. The girl was much wealthier than herself. It looked like she could be a modle, but hey for all she knew the girl could be. Aza felt silly in her skin tight black jeans and her dark purple tank top with one of those navy blue half sweaters on along with her grey waffle beanie she wore. Azas eyes quickly darted to the bed on the that teased her. She slowly looked back to the girl. "Hi" Azas voice was sharper than she intended. She cleared her throught. "Uh, Im Aza." Her fist clenched her flute as she just stared at the girl that looked like her.
7:17pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((hey guys im getting rid of dakota,cuz i really bad i doing two characters at once))
7:33pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Eli whistled to himself as he walked back into his room from going to the bathroom which the room inconveniently didn’t have. He sighed wondering if got his new roommate back. He shivered, not wearing a shirt as he never did showing off his nasty scars but decide ding that’s its best to put one o to fit in.HE stopped whistling slowly opened the door ans=d turned somewhat t surprised to see a girl there but he tried to act nonchalant. “I uh guess yer meh new rewm mate huh?” his thick southern accent echoed through cutting the silence. He walked into the room fully turning to his bed and opening his small black suitcase. He grabbed a white tee shirt covered in blue paint and threw it on.Hoping the girls wouldn’t say a thing about it.He plopped down on his bed “so eh what brings yew here?,I mean to this school” His yellow eyes wondered around the boring plain room that he would now sleep in for the next four years or until he found a way to escape this place. Then he turned back to her noticing her long auburn hair.

7:36pm Nov 21 2010
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7:37pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn stared at the girl, watching her curiously, as they both took in the sight of each other. They looked very much alike, she realized, as she studied the girl. "Hi, Aza." she replied, her face tense, as she watched the girl's grip tighten around her flute. "My name is Bryn," she responded, as she looked at the unoccupied bed in the room. Her purse suddenly seemed much heavier now. "I guess we are roommates, huh?" she stated, rather than asked, attempting to lighten the mood a bit. "I'm very sorry to interrupt your playing, by the way," Bryn continued, glancing at the flute, "It sounded very beautiful, from what I heard," A charming smile swept across her face, as she took a step closer. "May I come in?" she asked, more out of politeness than permission.
7:41pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Name|| Aven Hardwicke Age|| 17 Gender|| Female Looks||If theres one thing you notice about Aven is that she looks so. . . fragile. She stands at a height of 5'5 and her pale skin looks like porcelain. She has a thin delicate looking frame, but nothing sickly, she still looks healthy. She's not the most curvasious person but she does have some, and she really doesn't have that huge of a chest. She has raven black hair that has a slight wave to it, that reaches just bellow her shoulder blades. Her eyes are a clear cornflower blue and tend to stand out against her pale skin and dark hair. She has a small nose that fits her face, and her lips aren't exactly the fullest. Her face is normally emotionalless which can tend to freak people out, because she looks set in stone. She is also very graceful and she walks on silent feet, like a ballerina, although she not flexible so she could never be one. Personality|| Aven's personality can be easily compared to a deer. Loud noises scare her, she hates crowds, and she is rather spacey. She quiet, and would prefer to run from her troubles instead of facing them. She is rather soft spoken and is easy to take advantage of, she is a little bit to trusting and willing, she prefers to be a follower more than leader. Although she is rather old she retains a rather childish innocence. Around people she doesn't speak unless spoken too directly, as she child she was told that children should be seen and not heard so she still abides by that rule. History|| Orientation|| Straight Other|| Might like Eli, might. Gift|| Aven can play the piano, violin and the flute. She can also kinda sing but you'de never heard her. She has a breathy tone kinda like A Fine Frenzy.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:45pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly lay on her bed twisting her hair in her fingers. She looked out the window hoping that her roommate would come soon so she would have someone to talk to. She sighed and rolled over getting off the bed and going over to a small mirror that was on her desk. Turning around she admired the small mustard yellow suns that dotted the bottom of her hair. She always wore her hair down so the small symbols where visible to everyone. Summer was always the hard one to dye because she couldn’t really think of anything creative so she would dye ice pops and suns. Ice pops on even years and suns on odd. She looked at the door curiously before looking back at the suns. “Raining sunshine on the flowers of youth.” She muttered returning to her bed and lying down again. She sighed looking at the door. “Someone just save me from this boredom!” She yelped before she rolled over falling off the bed. “Figures.” she muttered getting up.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:49pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza nodded as the girl introduced herself as Bryn. She was feeling better about the girl but scoffed when she complemented her playing. "Yah so did my moms, that why I'm here." She smiled and lied back relaxed and care free like how a guy would, but she was uncomfortable in side. The girl seemed verry polite asking to come into her own room. Aza smiled a playfull smile. "Its your room is it not?" She chuckled alittle before looking down to her flute wanting to play more. She didnt really know the school so she thought she should explore. Maybe find a place to herself where she could play. Aza stood up and gestured to the bed. "That one is yours, of course." She stumbled over words trying to find the right words to say. "Um... er...Uh..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I think I am gonna get some air." She smiled, eyes fully open looking at the other girls eyes. It was like looking in a mirror. Aza nodded again and left shuting the door behind her quietly.
8:05pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 222
"Alrighty," she responded to the girl, before she left. She smiled at her, as she left. "See you, later!" she called, after her, as the door shut behind her. Bryn let out a soft sigh of relief. Sometimes it was hard to be so calm and polite when your nerves flipped roller coasters in your stomach. Of course, her parents were well known actors, so acting was in her blood. Still, as if it wasn't crazy enough, she was rooming with a girl who could easily be mistaken as her sister. 'Hey, that's not so bad! Maybe people won't notice who I am, since we look so similar,' Bryn thought to herself, as she walked to her bed and plopped her stuff onto it. She sat down on it, thoughtfully staring down at the wood flooring beneath her, before standing back up and walking to the lone window between her and Aza's beds. She glanced out it, into the yard she had entered, now noticing the beautiful apple tree that she'd missed earlier, on her walk there. A worried thought p*censored*ing through her mind. If this room had a window, then the others most likely did too. Had anyone seen her getting out of the limo? Bryn desperately hoped not, or at least hoped no one would make the connection between her and her parents. Or maybe they'd even think it was Aza who had gotten out. The butterflies flitted through Bryn's stomach as she stared absently out the gl*censored* pane.
8:18pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly stared at the apple tree for a long time before a drop of water splashed on the ground. Her eyes widened and she got out a piece of paper and a pencil. Rapidly she began to draw a man sitting under the tree eating an apple. The image flowed from her mind swiftly and she knew that this man would end up sitting under the tree eating apple. Prophecies would come to her in this way, a drawing. She wasn’t the best artist and would often draw stick figures instead of detailed bodies. However for this drawing she drew the man in full body with details and all. She chocked when she realized who it was. She whipped away tears that had formed when she realized that she had drawn her boyfriend Shadow. He had been playing basketball with his younger brother when the men came and killed them along with the rest of Holly’s family. She looked out the window and saw a figure under the apple tree with a red apple in his hand. The figure smirked before biting the apple. Holly closed her eyes and opened them again to find the man gone.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:56pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 9:01pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 222
((Do they go to clas.s now? Or how to do they know when to go to cla.ss?))
9:41pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza looked around not knowing where she was. Well obviously she was in the B dorm hall but since it was such a big 'School' she didnt know where to go. She didnt even know how to get out of the dorms. She looked down noticing the marble floors, acctually she noticed her shoes was untied. She bent down infront of dorm room B126. She want eavesdropping she was just simply listing while tying her shoe. Of course no one was talking, just slight shifts for movement. She sighed and stood up thinking of where to go. She then remembered the apple tree and how no one was around it. I guess I found my playing spot. A sly smile grew on her face as she switched her flute to her other hand, still standing outside room B126
10:41pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
btw,please dont get far ahend
10:59pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
12:05am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Just tell me when to jump in guys (sorry I wasn't here, I'm at school D:)
12:51am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(what happened??)
1:03am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory sat in a window sill, watching as some of the newer students arrived. Did they know what they where committing themselves too? She swung her leg over to meet the other on the floor. All, 'special' student? yea right. They are sent here so they don't make a mockery on society, but they wouldn't know that, would they. She ran her finger along the wall as new pupils darted past her. "Americans" She said out loud. Of course they would be here, the academy was situated in a state, however there where a few that where 'Escorted' here, herself for example. How she missed dear England, but she promised she would not attempt an Escape. B121. It had been her room for the past year now. One more year, and she would be moved to the "Senior" Sector. Where they keep "Her Kind". She watched closely as a bare lad p*censored*ed close by her. "How interesting." She said to herself.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:28am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((Is it too late for me to jump in?))
3:42am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(We just started. Everyone's going into their rooms.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:32am Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 4:40am Nov 22 2010)
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Posts: 2,895
Leading the way to their shared room, Hunter looked at the numbers until he found the one he was looking for. He fumbled around for the key, unable to find it. His brother, Char, silently reached into his back pocket and pulled out the metal key and handed it to Hunter. The older twin stuck the key in the hole and twisted it around then pushed on the wooden door. Seeing the two beds he threw his suite case on one. He and his brother started to unpack, grateful that they were roomates. Char carefully lifted a picture frame out of the bag and placed it on a shelf. It was a picture of their mother, her bueatiful brown hair was swept into a bun, held in place by dozens of bobby pins. Sighing, Char looked into her eyes, imagining what she was like.