4:50am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,792
All Etain could do was drag her feet as she went to her room. Of course she had only packed the basics, toiletries, two sets of clothes, and electronics. Her ipod had died half way through the bus ride so she'd been bored for hours. She walked to a door that said her name on it and fumbled for the key she'd retrieved from the front office. When she felt her hand curl around a small, pointed ob ject she pulled it out of her pocket and jumped, throwing the ob ject across the hall. "How did it follow me here?" she whispered, a look of pure terror pasted on her face.
5:01am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((is the boys rooms in the same building as the girls and just on a different floor or are they seperate buildings?))
9:02am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 222
((I believe it's the same building, because one boy and girl are roommates...))
3:42pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 3:44pm Nov 22 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((OH, now I feel bad, I logged off suddenly so Det was waiting for me XP)) Aven lugged her suitc*censored* up the stairs. She looked and felt rather awkwars. She had he roller suitcase in one hand the violin in the other and her flute was hitting againt her lower back as she went up the steps. When she finally reached the top her face was slightly flush, and she was gripping onto the bag tightly, she has already dropped it down the stairs once, and she didn't want to go up the stairs a third time. She made her way up the hall as she dug through her black trench coats pockets. She finally got her hand on the little slip off paper with her room number on it. She looked at the numbers as she made her way of the hall. 214 . . . 215. . . 216. There it was. "Here goes nothing." she said to herself as she opened the door to B216. She sucked in a breath when she saw there was another girl there. I didn't know there were going to be room mates. She though to herself as she chewed on her bottom lip. She pulled in her suitcase and closed the door with a soft click. She smiled slightly, although she was sure it looked forced. "Uh, H-hi." She said as she looked at the other girl.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:03pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
((Anyone want to room with Holly?))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:05pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm Nov 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((is det coming back? she needs to reply to my post or i cant post yet...i might just give up on that. and i thought dets charrie was my roomate..they have the same number,unless it was a mistake)
5:11pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 5:25pm Nov 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
((Why are the posts' streached?)) Aza walked down the hall, up some stairs, back down a flight of stairs, down another hall until she reached a door she probably pas,sed before. It was a big black fancy door. As she pushed it open she began to think this was one of those 'rich kid schools' but instead the thought flew from her mind and she sighed looking up as she got oustide. It was a nice fall day. The clouds where low and the sun shining through them. The air was crisp and leaves blew as the wind started up and slowly fadded away. She smiled to herself and clenched her flute tighter as the wind blew again. She slowly made her way to the tree and looked up at the building. She could see her dorm and all the others. Sitting down, she leand aginst the tree sighing and holding her flute up to her mouth, but first cheeking if any one was around to hear her. She soon closed her eyes and played.
5:20pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory Unlocked the door with the keys she kept in her shirt pocket. Originally, it was a somewhat dreary room. Bland colours where not her favourite, but over time, she had learnt to like with the small space that would be her living quarters for the remainder of the year. She closed the door behind her from a basket removed a pair of latex gloves. She walked over to the window that was parallel to her current position androm the flower box, that hung ever so peacefully, Ivory removed a dead rat from the earth that lay in the bead. She walked over to her desk that was kept as clean as you could imagine, and removed a plastic sheet from one of the drawers. Laying the sheet on the desk, and pinning the rat to the sheet, she head over to the wardrobe and relived it from a heavy box. The box contained surgical equipment, scalpels and disinfectant, all necessaries when performing. She took the blade between her fingers, and pierced the skin, creating a perfect horizontal line down its stomach. "Death is a truly marvellous thing." she said to the rat.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:25pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly ran down the hallways wanting to find the mysterious person that was outside. She p*censored*ed by many students as she ran out toward the trees. She desperately wanted to get there until one of the kids tripped her. The guy laughed and walked away as she recovered bouncing back not mad at the person. "Thanks for waking me up!" She yelled back at the kid confusing him. She continued to run down the hallways until she reached a black door. She glared at the door remembering a certain person that used to wear black. She hissed and pushed it open and ran out into the garden. She stopped running when she heard a flute being played. She climbed up one side of a tree and made her way silently to the other end. She sat on a large branch and picked an apple watching the girl play. The music was fantastic and Holly enjoyed it very much. She forgot about her missing roommate before hanging like a bat in the tree in front of the girl. "Hi what's your name? My name is Holly!" She greeted.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:20pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza shot up letting her flute drop to to the ground. "What - when?" Aza stumbled over words not believing that the girl who called herself Holly was listening. Azas face was confused and shocked, maybe too confused though. "Uh..." She scrached her head. "Aza? Aza Leppie." Her answer was more like a question asking why she was here, and why she was talking to her. Aza shook her head getting all her thoughts away. "Do you need something?" Her voice was harsh not liking when people snuck up on her, yet when people heard her play. Her face was now a scowl. Maybe she was being to harsh but she was very mad. She bent down to pick up her flute really wanting for the girl to leave so she could play. She stood back up and crossed her arms, a little uncomfortable with the flute in hand.
6:54pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
"I want a friend, and to find out who my roomate is." Holly replied. "You know you should practice with more people around. It is selfish to keep your music to yourself. It might come in handy one day, ya know?" She said looking up at a blossom that was late to fruit on the tree. Sunlight filtered through the trees and opened the bud and soon the flower petals dropped and flew with the wind. An apple shortly took its place on the branch as Holly watched mesmerized. "Did you just see that?" She asked Aza. "Youth." she muttered. She looked at Aza before running back to her room. She opened her drawer and looked out the window at Aza. She tried her hardest to capture her on the paper but she didn't think that the figure looked right. She got a new peice of paper and drew a misty figure on it that looked like Aza. She nodded making the flute and placing it in the figures hands. She gently rubbed pastel to make the figure a soft blue color. She wrote on the top as a heading in a deep blue ink, Early morning practice will make perfect and you can practice in peace! She slipped it under Aza's dorm door with her name on it. Then she returned to her room and flopped on the bed.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:02pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 7:06pm Nov 22 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 222
((Ahh! Late post! Edited!)) Bryn continued to watch out the window and saw Aza playing her flute, under the apple tree she had just noticed. 'She must be shy about people hearing her play,' she thought to herself, about why Aza had left so suddenly. Bryn must have interrupted her calming process, she figured. She sighed, and shut her eyes, as she imagined the melodic tone of Aza's flute in her head. When she opened her eyes again, to look out the window, she realized Aza had stopped playing. She narrowed her eyes, searching for what had stopped her. Her eyes rested on a figure hanging upside down on a tree branch near Aza. "Well, that's interesting," Bryn thought, aloud, a quirky smile upturning half of her mouth. She somehow didn't think Aza would be in the best mood when she returned to their shared room. Bryn's smile faded into a slightly worried frown. As she continued to watch the two, the other figure ran off. Puzzled, Bryn looked away from the window in time to see a paper slip under the door. Walking towards the door, she knelt down and picked it up. It was a beautiful drawing of Aza and her flute. Mesmerized, she brought the picture to her bed, and took in the details. There was so much talent at this school, already. How could she fit in at all?
7:08pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Leia looked up quickly, her lips forming a small 'o' of surprise as she glanced at the new girl. "Oh..um...hi?" she said in a flustered voice, a red blush creeping up her cheeks. Fiddling with her hands nervously she dropped the paper she had been holding on the bed and walked over to the new girl.
"I'm Leia," she said with a quick grin, sticking out one hand after she had wiped it on her jeans. A shy smile spread on her face as she took in the newcomer, giving her a quick look-over. "Are you new here too?" she asked curiously, tilting her head. Brushing another lock of hair out of her eyes she gave an irritated little sigh. "Sorry," she murmured in way of explanation. "My hair really needs a trim."
Glancing around her Leia pointed to the other bed on the opposite side of the room, made of the same matching wood. "I think that's your bed over there. I kind of already claimed mine a few moments ago..."
7:23pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(rocca, im sorry. But im guna hae to drop this one. I can't keep up..)
7:28pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza shook her head. She was confussed on just happened. First the girl was there and now she wasnt? All she wanted was a friend? This confussed her, some thing had to be up. But remebering that the girl said something about practicing infront of people Aza scoffed to herself sitting back down and playing. If only she knew what I could do. If only she knew I could have made her do what ever I wanted if I played again. If only... She thought carefuly about what notes she hit but something just didnt sound right. It wasnt....Beautiful? If you can call it that. She gave up and stood up walking back to her room. Slowly and carefuly trying to figure out what was wrong when she played. She never played that bad. When she got to the room she took out her key that hung around her neak and opened the door. She steped in looking around and then to Bryn who was sitting on her bed looking at a peice of paper. Aza thought nothing of it, she just sat on her bed putting the useless flute at the end of her bed. "Whats that?" She asked being nicer that she was last time they talked.
8:13pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(:C i know ru..i might have to..)
8:17pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 222
((Sorry, it's short.)) Bryn glanced up as Aza reentered the room. "See for yourself," she replied, greatful that Aza had interrupted her moment of self-pity. She couldn't allow herself to think like that. Getting up, Bryn handed the paper to Aza. Sitting next to Aza on her bed, she watched her as she looked at the picture. "It's a beautiful picture," she noted, absently to her.
8:19pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 222
((Sorry, are we going too fast? Nothing has really happened... People are just getting situated in their rooms...))
8:20pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(I'm so confused! I don't know what to do with Akila.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:30pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly wandered through the halls wanting to talk to someone. She had the brilliant idea of knocking on someone’s door and talking to them but she had no idea where to start. She traveled along the vast corridors waiting for a number to pop out of her. She always hated being bored so she figured one of these doors had to have someone interesting behind it. After all this school was filled with talent or at least that’s what they said. Her eyes widened upon the number B116. She was drawn to the door for some reason, perhaps to save someone from boredom. She knocked on the dorm door awaiting an answer from the person inside if they were in.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V