8:35pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila heard a knock on the door. She put her things down and opened the door. "Yes?"She asked. (Fail. Thanks Snow for giving Akila something to do.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:36pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Aven bit her lip and nodded. She shook the girl, Leia's, hand. "U'mm, I'm bird- Uh, Aven. My names Aven. And I am new." She said. She looked towards the other bed that she had pointed out. She rolled her suitcase over to the bed and rested her flute and violin on the edge of the bed before plopping herself down. "So is it you're first year here too?" she asked curiously, hoping to make a little small talk. Ther girl seemed nice enough, not a total snob like some of the other girls at the the boarding schools she had went to. ((Last post for the night.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:45pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
((You're welcome)) "Hi my name is Holly and I'm new here. I was bored so I wanted to know if anyone was willing to talk or do something and your door seemed to speak to me. Can I come in?" Holly explained quickly with a smile on her face. She was glad that someone had answered the door to save her from her boredom if the person was willing to talk. "I heard that people come here because of their talents. What would you consider your talent?" Holly asked curiously as she looked past the girl into the room and out the window before returning her gaze to the girls face.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:50pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"Hi, I'm Akila Monteik. Come on in."Akila said, moving out of Holly's way. She smiled and walked back inside her room. "I'm new here too. I'm a pretty good singer, but my gift is dancing. My parents are professional broaday dancers and singers."She said, smiling.
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:56pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 548
Awesome! My mom was a baker and my dad was a mechanic." Holly said sitting on a bed. She looked around the room eager to make a new friend. "I guess my talent is prophecy. I tend to be able to predict things on the rare occasion like today. I had a vision that man would sit under one of the apple trees eating an apple and when I looked outside there he was. Things like this happen to me often." Holly said. "Have you tried the apples yet? They're really juicy and sweet!" She said happily. "What's your favorite color?"

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:37pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza looked at the picture. It was her playing the flute. It was amazing! Its like something she had never seen before. She wondered who drew it, so instead of thinking of it she said it. "Who drew it?" She stared at the deatails so long she didnt realize the wrighting on the top 'Early morning practice will make perfect and you can practice in peace!' Was this Holly who drew it? She shook her head and folded the paper in half and sat it next to her flute. "Was it Holly?" She mumbled not getting up but looking out the window to the tree.
9:45pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 222
"Who?" Bryn asked Aza. As she saw the girl stare out the window, she wondered if she'd forgotten Bryn was there. Bryn stood up from Aza's bed, and returned to her own, flopping onto it, ungracefully. Situating herself more comfortably on the bed, she gazed back over at Aza. "Wait-- Was that the girl who was outside with you?" Without waiting for a response, she continued, "How in the world does she draw that fast?"
10:21pm Nov 22 2010
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Aza flinched as Bryn moved but still stared out the window. When Bryn mentioned the girl oustide Aza was suddenly curious. "How did you-" She stoped in the middle of her sentence not needing to know what Bryn knew or what she didnt. "Yah" Aza nodded. There was a pause until she started again "Maybe... Maybe thats her special talent." She said now looking at Bryn. "Like my talent supposaly playing the flute and hers must be drawing fast or some thing?" She now looked confused. "Whats yours?" She looked at Bryn with her head tilt slightly/
2:27am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,792
*Etain comes in to listen to the converstion* "Hi I'm Etain" she says in an uninterested tone. Everyone stares for a second then goes back to chattering. Etain meanwhile, slips back into her room and clicks the lock shut.
3:07am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((I'm dropping this, bye))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:14am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 222
((Who's room did Etain go into? o.O)) Bryn frowned for a moment. Maybe she shouldn't have given away the fact she had been watching Aza. She felt relief when Aza seemed to just wave it off. Bryn froze when she asked her about her talent. Her head whirred as she thought what it could possibly be, but came up with nothing. Turning her blank gaze to meet Aza's she spoke quietly. "I don't know," She glanced down at her feet, still adorned with the expensive shoes her mother had bought them. Having a sudden burst of unhappiness, Bryn impatiently kicked the heels off her feet. The shoes clattered to the floor, loudly causing Bryn to wince. The moment of anger gone, as quickly as it came, she pulled her feet into her and sat cross-legged on the bed. "For how expensive those shoes are, you'd think they'd be comfortable," she said, a hint of laughter in her voice, as she turned back to Aza. A small smile replaced her frown.
10:15am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Awww why is every one dropping? Yay no school todday! It got snowed out :P>> Aza watched Bryn think about her talent. It seemed like she didnt want to tell her but she then answered. An answer that she wasnt expection. Aza sat there for a second thinking before Bryn flipped her shoes off. She chuckled alittle when she comented on her shoes. Aza looked at Bryn who was Cris-crossed on the bed looking at her. Aza sighed "I was an Orphan you know." She looked down to her hands. "I was adopted when I was 13 by Lily and Mary, They are a gay coupple but I love them tons! We dont live in the fancyest place, and dont have enough money to buy expensive shoes" She gestured to the ones Bryn kicked off then continued. "Gawsh, I love them so much. They spoil me alot! Every extra money they have they give to me or buy me stuff." A pause Azas eyes where wattering but she wipped it away as she looked up to see Bryns ex pression before continuing." I dont know exactly why they sent me here... They aaid it was because of my Beautiful flute playing" Aza laughed quietly looking back to her hands, she exagerated the beautiful 'cause she knew it wasnt true. "I didnt want to come but they seemed so happy that I gave in and let them send me here." She sighed not knowing why she told Bryn her story. "So whats your stoy?" Aza thought how people would not under stand her question, so she worded it. "I mean, your history. Before you came to Willow Brook." Aza kicked off her old sneakers and sat criss crosed facing Bryn.
10:57am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 222
((That's the same thing I was thinking, Leo. :/ Please stay, people! :) Oh, and yay! No school. ;D)) Bryn listened as Aza unexpectedly told her about her life. Was it really this easy to make a friend? The thought made her happy, that she could make a friend without the fame being an alternate reason. When Aza asked her about her story, she was caught offguard. Why hadn't she thought of an alias for her parents? She frantically racked her brain for some way out of telling Aza the truth. She couldn't tell the girl, not yet, even though Aza had been so open with her. She just couldn't risk other people finding out. Bryn's face appeared calm, as her nerves began to flutter again. Luckily, she'd inherited her parent's acting skills. "My history?" she repeated, deliberating. "Well, my parents just like to flaunt their money, I guess. I'm constantly being shipped from expensive private school to another just like it." She sighed. At least this part was the truth. It wasn't like she was lying, but still some part of her felt guilty for not telling Aza the whole truth after what Aza had just told her. Bryn leaned off the bed on her stomach, and grabbed the shoes she'd just kicked off. Handing them to Aza she spoke, "Here, you have them. I'll never wear them again. Besides, I think you'd appreciate them more,"
11:00am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Bird?" Leia asked softly, giving the other girl an awkward smile. Walking over to her bed she sat down on it quickly, bouncing slightly as she landed with a small thump. "Yeah, first year for me too. Luckily, not my first year at a boarding school." Pulling her face into a small frown she glanced at her suitcase, which lay on the floor, still unopened. "I'm used to being sent away," she said in a small voice. Shrugging her shoulders as nonchalantly as she could manage, Leia hid the piece of paper she had thrown onto her table in the pocket of her jeans, hoping the other girl hadn't seen the quick movement.
"But I''m pretty sure I'll like it here. Willowbrook...looks so quaint. And a really nice place." Glancing out the window Leia smiled as a bird crouching on a branch just outside the gla-ss chirped and fluttered away. "There's a lot of nature and stuff here. I can't wait to get drawing." Turning her head Leia wondered if the new girl liked drawing as well. "Do you have some sort of talent?" she asked as a sort of icebreaker. "Mine's drawing. Well, I'm kind of limited to animals and such, but I still love it."

11:23am Nov 23 2010
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Aza looked at the shoes that was handed to her. She was confused. Why would some one like her, with lots of money give some one like me something? Aza smiled and accepted the gift. "Thanks but-" But what? She didnt know what to say. She had never worn some thing like this before. Nothing with the slightest heel.She studied them. The 2inch heels where a purple color that didnt have much to it. The only problem was she didnt know what to wear with them. All she had packed was 3 tank tops; Blue, Green and Purple. Her hat, a indigo cropped sweater and 3 pairs of skin tight skinny jeans that where diffrent shades of dark[navy blue, black, blue-black]. She sighed and smiled biggeer "Thank!" Looking up to Bryns face trying to wonder why.
11:40am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn shrugged, like she gave people her shoes everyday. Which of course, she didn't. She returned Aza's smile. "It's no problem, really," she re*censored*ured her. "I have more where those came from," she said. "Unfortunately," she added, as an afterthought. She grinned as her green eyes met the almost matching eyes of Aza's. "Feel free to ask for some of my clothes, too. I'd be happy to get rid of them." She glanced over at her suitcase as she said this, then at what she was wearing. She still had her dressy outfit on that she had left her house with. Her parents didn't think wearing her usual casual attire would be appropriate for her first day at a new school. Bryn got up and rummaged through her suitcase. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, she turned back to Aza. "I think I'm going to go change. This outfit will be the death of me," she grimaced, as she adjusted the uncomfortable blouse. She looked around the room. "No bathroom? Well, that's inconvenient. Oh well! I think I p*censored*ed one in the hall. Be right back." She left the room and went into the hallway. The bathroom didn't take her too long to find. After she had changed into her jeans and a faded maroon 'Dr.Pepper' shirt, she went back into the hallway, to go to her room. ((Someone can meet Bryn in the hallway? Just trying to give people some way to jump in! :) ))
11:58am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza giggled and nodded as Bryn left. She found this more comfortable. She grabbed the peice of paper that she as,sumed Holly drew and unfolded it staring at herself on the paper. How could some one draw this good in a short amount of time? She wondered. She grabbed her flute and folded the paper back up stuffing it in her pocket. She put her sneekers back on and set the heels down on the bed as she got up. Aza put her flute in a little pocket she made on her thigh. It was simple really, and not really a pocket. It was a belt loop but on her thigh where the flute went. She scrummaged around the room for a pen and paper finding one and wighting 'Be back soon ~Aza' she threw the note on Bryns bed and headed out the door. No sign of Bryn or people. Aza went off to find Holly.
4:48pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Aven bit her lip. The girl had heard mistake with the birdy thing, it was what her parents called her, for it was a bird she was named after, she didn't even know Aven was her name til she started school. She looked back at the girl, she had gone back to talking about how she had gone to other boarding schools. She noticed that she girl had just shoved something into her pocket, but she pretended not to notice, it wasn't really any of her buisness. "Willowbrook...looks so quaint. And a really nice place." the girl said. Aven nodded in agreement with that. Willowbrook seemed more relaxed than some of there schools, and the campus, like most boarding schools, was abosolutely amazing. "Do you have some sort of talent?" she heard the Leia ask, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Mine's drawing. Well, I'm kind of limited to animals and such, but I still love it." "Oh drawing is nice, I'm sure your really good." Aven said smiling. She then motioned towards her violin case and flute. " My talent is music. I uh, play Piano, violin and the flute." She didn't mention anything about the singing because that was just for her ears only.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:26pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 548
((You got today off! Lucky)) Holly wandered around the room looking at everything. She studied the bed, the furniture, the walls, the window, and then she saw something strange. A door appeared on the wall opposite the bed. The door was made from cedar with wrought iron flowers nailed into the door. The knob looked like a bird's nest. Holly reached out for the door before it disappeared right before her eyes. She walked backwards before she looked back at Akila waiting for her answer.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:32pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Yah Its gonna freeze tonight too so I hope we get tomorrow off too *Crosses fingers* But I doubt it... Oh and Snow where is your charrie at, I would go back and read but Im to lazy :(>>