6:34pm Nov 23 2010
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"Oh, lucky! You know, I've thought of being an artist before...but my parents told me a very definite 'no' and sent me here. I bet they're fuming at the fact that this place if filled with nature. They know it's my favorite thing to draw." Leia paused for a moment and a tiny frown appeared on her lips as she recalled the spat between her parents she had had just before she had left for Northshire, a very harsh boarding school in England. Fortunately for her, Leia had just managed to change their minds and send her to Willowbrook.
"My parents...disapprove of my talent," she said after a moment, scrunching up her sheets in one hand, the knuckles turning white with the effort. "I don't know why, but someday I'm going to do what I love. I really don't want to be a doctor...or lawyer."
"Do you write your own music?" Leia asked after a few silent moments. She knew she had just talked herself into a corner, and Aven would most likely ask her questions, so steering the conversation away from herself seemed like the only option open to her.

6:41pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 548
((My charrie is with Akila in her dorm waiting for her to tell her what her favorite color is))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:56pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Ok... Its just cause Azas trying to find Holly.[Will post soon! Not trying to spam]>>
7:21pm Nov 23 2010
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Aza heard talking next door. In room B116. She wondered just for a second if Holly was in there. It sounded like her but was it? She thought she would take the chance. But first going back to her room. She pressed her ear aginst the wall to hear the voices but they werent talking any more. Aza sighed and walked back out of her dorm shuting her door and locking it before walking next door to knock. Knock Knock Knock. She waited for an answer. She took the picture out of her pocket and made sure her flute was safe.
7:34pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Aven listened quietly as Leia talked. It didn't sound as if she and her parent's got along. "My parents...disapprove of my talent," Leia said after what seemed like a minute. "I don't know why, but someday I'm going to do what I love. I really don't want to be a doctor...or lawyer." Aven opened her mouth to ask her what she meant before the girl quickly covered it over by asking her about her music. "Well I've tried." She said chewing her bottom lip. "But i just end up being something I've already heard. No matter what I try to right I end up sounding like Beethovens Moonlight Sonata. Thats my favourite." She looked down at her lap and twidled her thumbs. After a couple of moments she looked up. "Soo, Do you have any favourites? Artists I mean. I like Van Gogh and Thomas Cole. And that guy who makes 3-D chalk drawings." she said smiling slightly at the last part.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:48pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Three-d chalk drawings?" Leia asked with a kind ask. "I like those as well. I've become quite a fan of Emily Carr though. Her paintings are beautiful. And I love digital art." Nibbling on her lip nervously she felt her hands twitch, the one grabbing the bedspread flexing slightly.
"But no...I've never really found an artist whose style I really admire. I kind of go my own way. I mean, I'm self-taught." Lowering her eyes self-conciously Leia hoped she didn't sound too boastful. It was a habit of hers to show off her drawings and Leia knew that some people felt a bit put-off by her showy attitude. She'd been trying to fix that though.
8:05pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Aven smiled. "Emily Carr and Digital Art. Bit of an odd combonation." she said as watched Leia have a little hand spasm and grab the sheet. "Self taught? Self taught people always tend to have their own little...something I can't really find the right word." she said feeling stupid. "Anyways, I'm self taught in a way." She said to avoid the mess she had said earlier. "I play by ear, but then I learned who to read the notes so Its easier." she shrugged. She tapped her flute case absentmindedly. She looked back at Leia. "So do you have any of your art on you?" she asked. She was curious if the girl was any good. She knew some kids like to boast but they weren't always good. "But uh, you don't have to show me." She said feeling awkward again. ((Alright. I gtg soon. Dancing with the stars is on.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:49pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 548
Pins and needles struck at Holly's mind making her uncomfortable. "Ah!" she let out in a tiny scream holding her head. "Hey Akila, can I take a rain check? I'm developing a m*censored*ive headache." She rubbed her temples trying to get the pain to go away."My room is B119. I hope I'll see you again soon!" She quickly rushed out of the room and ran down the halls. She p*censored*ed many students and jumped over a foot that would have otherwise sent her hurling into the ground. When she got to her room she hastily got the key out of her pocket, unlocked the door, and then walked in. The pain became greater and greater until she p*censored*ed out of her bed.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:20pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<*Is confussed* Snow I thought Aza was standing out the door Holly and Akila where in XD>>
12:36am Nov 24 2010
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"Some," Leia said shyly. Letting go of the sheets she bent over and dug around in her suitcase for a moment before coming up with a small satchel. Flipping open the cover she pulled out a thick sketchbook that had a pencil stuck in the metal rings that held it together. "This is my new sketchbook. I only have a few drawings..." Leia shrugged and opened the cover. Since she didn't bother with ti tle pages, it began with a drawing of a dragon.
"Mesoamerican dragon. I like drawing feathers and I hate claws. It's perfect for me, really," she explained in a quiet voice. The picture was simply a sketch, but one of the ones she was most proud of. The girl cracked a small smile as she noticed all the bead necklaces she had draped on her dragon.
9:33am Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn made her way back to her room, feeling much more comfortable in her casual attire. When she arrived at the door to her room, she bent in to turn the doorknob. It didn't move when she tried to open it. "Of course, I need my key!" Bryn muttered to herself, as she began to reach to get it out of her purse. Only problem was, she didn't have her purse. "Whoops." she murmured, feeling not very smart as she knocked on the door for Aza to open it. When she received no reseponse, she yelled Aza's name as softly as she could, but loudly enough to get her attention in the room. No response. Brynley let out a small sigh, as she sunk to the floor, her back against the wall, and sat next to the door. 'Where had Aza gone?' she wondered. It didn't matter, Aza could go where she wanted. It had been stupid of her to forget her key. Bryn rested her forehead in the palms of her hands, frustrated with herself as she waited for Aza to return.
12:31pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Oh well Aza will go back to her room>> They person in there didnt answer. Aza shrugged it off. "Well it was worth a try. Maybe Bryn is back and she could help me." she mumbeled to herself walking back slowly to her room. She started twisting and dancing in the halls. Boredum has finnaly struck her. She finnaly approched her dorm room but for some reason it looked wrong. Was she really this stupid? It was Bryn. Bryn was sitting down with her head in her hands. "Bryn?" Azas voice was a whisper. She spoke louder incase Bryn didnt hear her. "Bryn you ok?" Aza crouched down next to the girl and poked her in a playful way.
5:36pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn jerked her head up, bewildered. Who was poking her? "Oh!" she let out in surprise, when she realized it was Aza who stood above her. "Yes, yes. I'm alright." she said, standing up. "Well, I am now that you are here. I just can't believe it's my first day here and I've already forgotten my key to the room! Really, my parents weren't joking when they were telling me how absent-minded I am." Bryn told Aza, as she waited for her to open the door. "I'm going to have to make a necklace or something for my key, so I don't lose it." she continued.
7:25pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Azas face was blank. She had forgot her key too! "Uh... uh..." She studdered for a sec then paused. "Me too!" Aza said. She chuckled a little "Cause the thing is I forgot mine too!" Her voice was quiet as she looked down to her feet. Her stomach growled. She looked up at Bryn. "Hey, you know we could just go to the office and ask for another... and on the way find the cafeteria?" She giggled a little and put her hand to her stomach. She stood up and examined the lock. "Maybey..." Her voice trailed off. "Hey Bryn do you have two bobby pins?" Aza had done this many of times. She looked at Bryn with a questioning look.
7:52pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 222
"You're in luck," she told Aza, pulling two bobby pins out of her hair. She had forgotten to let her hair down when she had been in the bathroom. She didn't like it up, anyways. Her mother, of course, did. Bryn's hair fell into golden curls on her shoulders as she handed Aza the pins. "I'm guessing you are going to try to pick the lock, huh?" she asked her, before she started. "I've done that a couple of times," she admitted, her mind wandering off as she thought of the actually numerous times she snuck out of her house, just to walk around the streets in disguise and see what life was without the fame. Unfortunately, her parents weren't stupid and caught on pretty quickly of what she was doing. They put an end to that adventure immediately. "Hey, when you're done, you think maybe we can head to the cafeteria, anyway? Now that you mentioned it, food is sounding mighty good."
8:29pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,329
"Ah ha!" Aza exclaimed taking the bobby pins from Bryn. Bryns hair looked even more like her own. Aza nodded to bryns question and knelt down, being eye levle with the knob. She stuck one in and then the other. She nodded and spoke, taking both of the bobby pens out handing them to Bryn. "Well here we are!". Aza walked in before Bryn grabbing her own key that was on her pillow and the turned around to see if Bryn followed. "Ha! We kinda look like sisters in a weird sorta way." She said examining the girls hair, though hers was ringlet curls in stead of just lose curls. "So cafeteria? I am starving!!" She smiled and nodded at Bryn once more.
10:18pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 222
"We do!" Bryn said, a grin splashing onto her face. "Cafeteria!" she repeated, turning around and heading out the door. She froze and whirled back around. "Ahh! I almost forgot my key, again!" She grabbed her purse, rummaging around in it for her key. Taking a ten dollar bill from her wallet, as well, Bryn slid the money and the key into her front pocket of the faded jeans. "Now I'm good to go!" she informed Aza. "Let's go get us some food," she said, smiling as she walked into the hallway with Aza.
10:26pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly yawned waking up just a short while after blacking out. She looked toward the window and smiled. "What a beautiful day." She muttered rolling out of bed and going over to her desk. Rummaging through the drawer Holly found her key. She tied it on a small string before tying the string around her wrist to make a bracelet. A smile of satisfactory slid its way on her lips. Her stomach growled fiercely demanding food. "Oh shush, you'll get food." She growled at the stomach that replied with a sharp pain. Holly left her room and locked the door traveling back to the black doors that led to the gardens. She opened them and ran over to an apple tree. She climbed the tree fast wanting to reach her reward quickly. She gently plucked an apple from its branch and bit into it. Juice poured from it as she sucked it all up. She munched away on a couple of apples before her stomach was satisfied. She lay back on the branch and yawned closing her eyes.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
10:47am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Bryn and Aza are going to the Cafeteria if any one wants to meet up with us :D>> In the hall Aza was suddenly forgetful. Though she had her key and she always kept a ten dollar bill in her back pocket she didnt know where to go. "Um..." She looked down the hallway one way then the other. "Bryn, do you know where to go from here?" Aza had only went out side so she didnt know where anything else was, and she doubt Bryn did either. She thought re tracing her tracks. When she was up stairs there was no other doors except the dorm rooms. Down stairs...? Just like up stairs except colder. Cause heat rises. She thought remembering her forster parents informing her on that. Aza shook her head and looked back to Bryn
10:15am Nov 26 2010
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