5:20pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 222
(( Sorry, I'm back now. ;D Rocca says she's not doing this rp anymore... :P)) "I honestly have no idea!" Bryn said, cheerfully, as she continued walking besides Aza. "I was hoping you knew," she continued. "On top of being forgetful, I'm no good at directions," she stated to Aza. She thought for a moment, "As a matter of fact, why was I even sent here?" She laughed to undermine the seriousness that had overcome her usual happy voice.
8:12pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 222
((Bump! And-- Rocca says I can direct this roleplay now, since she's not doing it...))
8:23pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 548
((Hehe, looks like you’ve gone commando.)) Holly yawned opening her eyes. She never really fell asleep but she just felt like resting. Her stomach growled loudly with a hunger no apple could satisfy. She looked down at it and poked it getting an angry response. She giggled and jumped down from the tree and headed inside. She used her nose to direct her to the cafeteria before she realized that she needed money from her dorm. Running back to retrieve money she saw Aza and another girl that looked like her walking together. She waved to Aza before stopping in front of them. “Hey Aza!” She said before directing her attention to the other girl. “Hi my name is Holly. What’s yours? What’s your favorite color?” She asked happily smiling.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:40pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 222
((Ha! I suppose so. ;D Since a lot of other people have pretty much dropped out, also, I think I'm going to make a boy charrie. :) )) Bryn didn't let on her surprise for the random girl show on her face. "Bryn, and uh... green?" she replied to her questions. She smiled. "We're headed to the cafeteria," she informed the spontatneous girl. "Feel free to tag along!" she continued, an inviting smile present on her face. "If we can find the cafeteria, in the first place," Bryn mused. "Hey! You said your name was Holly, right?" Bryn, said a thought occuring to her. "You must be the one who drew that picture of Aza. It was really good!"
8:46pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 548
“Why thank you!” Holly replied. “I know where the cafeteria is but I need to grab some cash first. It should only take a minute.” She said walking around them before running back to her room. She quickly grabbed some money from her purse before running back down the halls to Aza and Bryn. “Aright, the cafeteria is this way. Follow me please.” She said. Leading them down the halls Holly noticed all the artwork that hung from the walls. She had no idea who had made them but she definably liked them. She arrived at the cafeteria and entered the bustling room and heading toward the food.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:01pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 222
((Sorry it's so short! DX)) "Sweet!" Bryn said, as she glanced over at a dessert table. "Literally," she added, laughing a bit. "Thanks Holly!" she said, appreciatively. "What are you going to get, Aza?" Bryn asked, glancing around the room. Everything looked so apetizing.
9:29pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Ahhh your back!!! Haha you got so far!>> Aza followed Bryn and Holly not talking much. "Awesome!" She split walking over to the table with fried chicken. "My fav!" She giggled before grabbing a plate quickly and putting two legs on it walking back to Bryn who she had ignored the question. "Chicken!" A bright smiled lit up her face as she asked the same question. "And you?"
10:35am Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 222
((That I am! ;D)) "Sounds good," Bryn commented, as she placed a chicken leg on her plate, as well. She then headed to the dessert table and piled on multiple cakes and brownies. When she was done gathering her meal, she went to the cash register. "That'll be 15 dollars, please," the cafeteria woman said, after entering all her items. Bryn pulled the ten dollar bill out of her pocket, and handed it to her. As she put it in the cash register, Bryn discreetly pulled a five out of her converse. She always kept extra money on her, just in case."Here you go," she said, handing her the five dollar bill. Bryn then left to find a table. Once she found one with enough chairs for her, Aza, and Holly, she sat down anad immediately started to eat. "Good choice on the chicken!" she said across the room to Aza, after taking a big bite.
11:44am Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly looked around at all the different food choices. Chicken, steak, salads, desserts, and so much more. She looked around and saw chinese food. She picked out a platter and paid the amount and joined Aza and Bryn. "Maybe next time I'll have the chicken." Holly said after hearing Bryn's comment. Takeing a small bite of the food she relaxed."This is really good too." She said eating more and more. Licking her plate she looked back at the food stalls. "I'm still kind of hungry. I'll try the chicken." She said grabbing a small portion of chicken and paying for it. She slowly ate it savoring the flavor.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
3:30pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza followed Bryn paying the $8 for the chicken and sitting down. "Ha It better be good." She said to Bryn. She took a big bite in the chicken Mimicking Bryn. Holly approched them and sat. Aza nodded. "Yah you should have this is good!" She said with her mouth half full. She ate like she hadnt eaten in days. "But the Chineese looks good too." She eyed the desert on Bryns plate though. Aza watched Holly leave and re appear with some Chicken. She laughed. "Seems like every one got chicken." Her food was gone and with two dollars left she wanted to get some desert. "hey I think Im gonna get a brownie." She stood up smiled and left. In the cafetria she eyed all the desert brownies. All of them looked the same. Brown. She looked over them once more finding one in the back that was a creamy light brown color with a green chocolat chip on it. "Ah!" She grabbed it and put it on her plate giving the lady $2 and walking back to the table. "hey look at this. It has a green chip on it." She smiled and poked it
10:00pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 548
((Do you know what the current gender ratio is?)) Holly looked up at the two with a small smile before Aza came back with a brownie. Holly's eyes widened at the sugary food and they narrowed in on the small green chip. She licked her lips but restrained herself from buying a dessert. If she did she would become hyper and no one would really like her after that. "Cool." Holly said laying back in her chair and closing her eyes. Besides her stomach was full of chicken and chinese food so she would not have much room left for dessert. She sighed remembering how her sister used to make special pastries for her since she was forbidden to eat sugar.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
11:14am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 548

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:14pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Nov 28 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 222
((Snow-- Since no one has posted but us three, it is all girls I believe. Should I make my male charrie now?)) Bryn looked up at Aza's dessert. "Ha! That's funny," she commented on the green chocolate chip. As she finished up one of her own brownies, she realized she was full. "Guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach," she murmured, sheepishly. "Anyone want this last cupcake?" she pushed forward a chocolate cupcake, topped with a light blue frosting. She hated to waste food, what with all of the starving kids in other countries. It just seemed kind of wrong. Her parents, of course, didn't quite agree with her opinion. Really, did she agree with anything with her parents? Well, there was coming here, to Willowbrook. She had agreed to that. And that was going well, so far.
7:03pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 548
((You could if you want. I might make a male)) Holly eyed Bryn's cupcake greedily licking her lips. "Do you have any siblings?" She asked in a rash decision before asking if she could have the sugary treat. She thought back to her two brothers and her sister. Her older brother, William, would always tease her and cause trouble. Her younger brother, George, would cling to her since she would play with him the most. Her sister, Clover, never was home much after Holly turned five so she didn't have a close relationship with her.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:02pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 222
((I suppose I will. I'll post his bio in a few.)) Bryn noticed Holly licking her lips and staring at the cupcake. She was a very perceptive person, and could easily read people's emotions. "Here, have it," she said, pushing the cupcake to Holly. "Nope. I don't have any siblings. I've always wanted one, though. It gets pretty lonely being an only child," Bryn said, thoughtfully. 'Oh yeah, except my parents are big time actors, so I'm constantly being followed by a camera.' Bryn added, in her head. In reality, she wished she had more alone time, although, a brother or sister would be good to share the burden with.
6:36pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 548
((Yes, no, maybe so?)) Name: William Age: 18 Gender: Male Looks: http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/57923/dark-anime-guy-image.jpg without sword (not mine) Personality: William seems cool on the outside but he has the worst temper. Most things set him off especially if he is provoked by his sister. On rare days he can be level headed although it is hard to define him since his personality varies with his mood. History: He grew up being the eldest in the family. He became very protective of his two sisters from ages three to nine. When he was nine Holly spent more time with her male friend Jonathan. Since Holly was the youngest of the sisters William was always more protective of her and he became jealous of Jonathan. When he was finished with him no male really ever approached Holly again. William turned eighteen and went away to join the army. While he was gone a shoot out happened in his neighborhood killing everyone except his sister Holly and a few lucky others. When he received notice of this he began a search for her eventually finding that she was at Willow brook. Orientation: Straight Other: none Gift: He can control fire

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:18pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 222
The Bio Name: Adonis (Adon) Rode Age:17 Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Deion: Not quite as girly as he appears in this picture. ;D I do not own this picture. Credit goes to original artist.  Personality: Adon is friendly and a little vain. He thinks he's pretty cool, and let's people know it. He is flirty and uses his looks and charmspeak to his advantage. Although Adon is vain and can be self- absorbed, he makes a pretty good friend. He's trustworthy and nice. History: Having grown up in multiple orphanages, and running away from each, Adonis was always getting into trouble. He was never adopted, nor did he want to be. He has issues with stealing and lying. The government finally decided to send him to Willowbrook.
8:25pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 548
"Thanks.” A voice said from over Holly’s shoulder. The cupcake was snagged by a pale hand and then eaten just as quickly as it was taken away. “Hey that was,” Holly said stopping midsentence upon looking at the thief. She opened and closed her mouth many times before she jumped out of her seat and hugged the stranger. “Good to see you.” He said hugging her back before looking at the other girls sitting at the table. When Holly released him from her death grip she whipped away small tears. “William, you’re alive!” She said. “This is my older brother William!” Holly said cheerfully as he waved to the two other girls. He stole a chair and sat at the table. “Of course I’m alive, once I heard about the incident I went searching for you.” He said. “So who are you two?” He asked leaning back in his chair nonchalantly.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:35pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn looked up, shyly. Hopefully this boy wouldn't recognize her, she hoped as she introduced herself. It seemed that the boys she met seemed to know who she was faster than the girls. "I'm Bryn," She smiled, politely. "Nice to meet you, William," she added, before getting up and tossing away her trash. She returned to her seat at the table, her forest eyes settling on each of the people she shared it with.
8:40pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 548
“Nice to meet you Bryn.” William said looking at the two girls. “You two look like twins.” He commented before looking at his sister. She was gazing out the window at some cloud or something. He chuckled having missed his hyper sister. Bored he snapped his fingers and started to play with the fire they created. It swirled and danced as his fingers made different patterns. This was the only reason he was able to get into the school and he intended to stay here.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V