6:59pm Nov 30 2010
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<<Ah! Can some one give me a short re-cap for me please? Schools been a pain! :(>>
7:02pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 548
((Well Bryn gave Holly her unwanted cupcake and Holly's brother William showed up. Thats it I think, we are still in the cafatera.))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:11pm Nov 30 2010
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<<Gotcha thanks! Do you want me to make a boy also?>> Aza looked up to the pale boy. "Aza" she mumbled not taking much intrest in him. She looked at her non touched brownie and pinched a peice off and put it in her mouth. She giggled when the boy said something about them being like twins. She took another peice of the brownie exept it was bigger. She leand back into her seat and crossed her arm. Aza looked up to the boy. "So you must be William, huh?" She said with a sly smile on her face.
7:04am Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 548
((I don't think you need to but you could if you want.)) William stopped playing with fire and looked at Aza. "That's my name don't wear it out." He said leaning back. "So why are you two here?" He asked. "I think it's obvious as to why I'm here." he said chuckling before looking at his sister. "Yeah he can control fire and do a bunch of fun stuff with it." Holly said waving her arms around for affect. Willima chuckled restraining her arms. Holly protested but gave up soon after and William released her arms.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
3:05pm Dec 1 2010 (last edited on 5:36pm Dec 1 2010)
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Posts: 222
"I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm here is because my parents have money." Bryn admitted, shrugging. She was obviously lacking of all these kids talents, and was beginning to feel a teeny bit out of place. "That fire thing is cool, by the way." she commented, a smile creeping into her voice. Adonis grinnned, as he parked the pink punch-buggy in the school's parking lot. He had lifted it of course, how else would he have gotten a car? Laughing dryly, Adon made his way into the building. He took a glance at his room number, written in Sharpie on his hand. He quickly found the room, took out a small silver key from the pocket of his jeans, and pulled open the door. He was pleased to find he had a roommate. He was a friendly person, and he often became bored when alone, leading him to do stupid things. He never could sit still. This was most likely one of the reasons he'd gotten into the habit of stealing. It had started small. Just a pack of gum from the local convenience store, here and there. That had been easy. Too easy. Before he knew it, he was breaking into people's houses and hotwiring cars. And now he was here. "Willowbrook, what a stupid name," Adon said aloud, as he threw his stuff onto the bed by the window. "They can't hide what they really are with a silly name. It's obvious this is where the government sends the unwanted," he continued, unaware he was talking aloud to himself. Shaking his head, he looked in a mirror in the room. Running a hand through his messy, blonde hair, he sighed. "Might as well find some food in this rotten place," he spoke, watching his mouth move in the mirror. Realizing he wasn't talking in thought, he shook his head again. "I've got to start socializing more," With that, he left the room and made his way to the cafeteria. Once he'd found his way there, he spotted a group of four kids eating. He narrowed his eyes, trying to categorize the group by what they had done to get there. The three girls looked nice enough, but Adon knew that looks could be deceiving. No one had ever thought him to be a thief. This is one reason he had gotten away with it for a while. No one ever thought to suspect the friendly flirt with messy hair and stunning eyes. At least, Adon as.sumed this to be the reason. As Adon's eyes wandered to the boy, his eyes widened. Fire was dancing on his fingertips. Grabbing an apple from a nearby stand, he took a bite, and headed to the group. "Ello," he said, as he seemed to appear behind Aza.
4:05pm Dec 1 2010
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<<I think I might...>> Aza laughed at William. "Why am I here?" She shrugged. Why am I here? She thought but then answering his question. "Im here 'cause of my talent" She giggled a little and took another peice of her brownie, bigger than the last. "Naw" She said looking at Holly then to Willam. "Its my Flute. I guess Im suppose amazing or something like that," She empathised the word guess cause she knew it wasnt true. "But im not." She shrugged not knowing a guy was about to approch. She jumped when she heard a voice appear behind her. She looked up to see a guy. She laughed once more than spoke. "Hey" She wasnt looking at him when she talked but her voice seemed to know where to go.
4:36pm Dec 1 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm Dec 1 2010)
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Name Rajanikant (Ritz) Goffer Gender Male Age 16 Appearance Not my art but I LOVE this picure! Personality He dosent like to listen and he does his own thing. He doesnt think age matters, meaning 'So what if you are older we have as much freedom as you'. He has strong opinions on things. He will do anything to prove that he is strong. He can also be quiet and emotional at times (Rarely). He like to fool around alot and isnt that sociable. History He live a good life in australia. His Father was monarchy or Australia. To him it was a duty of Honner, grace and Royalty but to Ritz it was just a boring job. Ritz father Hated him but he didnt care he was never home. He was alway in small places where it was quiet and easy for him to think. His mother died when she had her fifth kid, a boy and his father told Ritz that this year was his last year he would ever see his family again. The reason for that was 'cause Ritz's father thought it was all his fault for the deth of his mother. The only person Ritz ever talked to and liked was his younger sister Razailia who was 5 years younger than him. Gift What ever he draws comes slowly to life
4:55pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 222
"Hi," Adon replied, taking another thoughtful bite of his apple. Grabbing a chair from a nearby table, he swung it over to their table. "I'm Adon," he said, raising an eyebrow at the group, as he sat in the chair backwards. He watched the group, awkwardly for a second, before someone spoke up. "Bryn," Bryn replied, with a plastic smile. Something about this guy made her dislike him. She pushed this feeling aside. After all, she just met him. A first impression wasn't always the right impression. She'd learned not to judge a book by it's cover. Adon nodded in greeting. "And who might you be?" he said, with a wink at Aza.
5:03pm Dec 1 2010
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Aza held herself back from laughing at the wink. Instead she just smiled. "Im Aza" She said looking at him for a split second longer and then focused on the brownie this time taking half of a half and putting it in her mouth. She chewed for a sec then swallowed looking back at Adon. "So, its Adon, right?" It never hurt to doubble cheek. "What brings you here." Wow that was cheezy. She looked over at Bryn who had a fake smile on. She giggled softly not wanting to offend her. She looked at Holly next who wasnt saying anything then turned her glance back at the brownie. Aza wasnt really interested in the boys just her brownie.
5:14pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 222
"Government got tired of me outsmarting them, I suppose." Adon bragged, with a bored face on. "I'm a thief," he continued, training his green eyes on her, as she bit into her brownie. "I'm even capable of stealing some girl's hearts," He continued, with a crooked grin. Bryn coughed on her brownie. Who did this guy think he was? Ugh. He was the exact type of person who she disliked and frowned upon. She watched Aza, wondering what her response would be to this. 'Come on, don't fall for this, Aza.' she urged, with her eyes.
6:48pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly looked at the new comer with an intense stare as if she w*censored* going into his mind. She knew he was flirting and usually she would love to play cupid but he seemed different. Holly couldn't put her tounge on it but he just gave her a wierd vibe. Maybe it was because he said he was a theif but that could have just been for the pickup line. "Holly." she said bored. "Thanks." William replied to Bryn's comment before he looked at the new comer with interest. He was curious about his theifing past and how the goverment sent him here instead of putting him in jail. Well, if he was really dangerous they wouldn't send him here. William thought. He shrugged his shouldrs before reaching his hand out. "William. This is my sister." He said pointing to Holly.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:31pm Dec 1 2010
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Aza finnished her brownie with a smile on her face because of the lame pick up line. Once she finnished it she looked at him said "A theif huh?" She giggled a little but not a flirty one, it was more like when she was with her friends. "Now, is that suppose to impress me or something? And" She cleared her throught. "Whos heart are you thinking of stealing?" She turned to Holly And then to Bryn raising an eyebrow. She chuckled as she was playing hard to get. Or was she playing, maybe she didnt want him to get her. She looked back at Adon with a smile on her face. Her green eyes meeting his. She raised her eyebrows waiting for an answer. This is awkward. She thought still looking at him while the other 3 people looked at her.
8:38pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly looked at Aza with a smile on her face. Now She could have some fun playing her favorite game. William, seeing the look on his sister's face, sighed. "Don't even think about it." He said bored playing with fire again. "Oh why not!" Holly complained. "Because every time you play that little game of yours some one ends up getting hurt in one way or another." William said. "Just because it did not work out that time doesn't mean I can never think of it again." Holly protested. "Well every time an idea pops into your mind it never leaves and you end up putting it into action." William fired back. He closed his eyes and Holly stuck her tongue out at him like a three year old. He shot a small fire ball at her that expired before it reached her face. She yelped and he chuckled. "You're better off not doing that either." He said smirking.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:39pm Dec 1 2010 (last edited on 8:42pm Dec 1 2010)
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Posts: 222
((Gah! Late post! *Frantically edits*)) "Not meaning to impress, just stating a fact," Adon said, with a shrug. "And I don't mean to steal any girl's hearts, it just seems to happen," he added, with the cocky grin still in place. "Although, I could make an exception," he said, cunningly. He laughed, as he tossed the apple core into a nearby trash can. Turning to William, he gave him a head bob in greeting. "Sup Will," he said. Turning to Holly, he added, "Will's sister," with a similar head bob. "Anyways, what got you four put in here?" he asked, his eyes flicking through the group. Before anyone could answer, Holly and her brother got into some kind of argument. He raised an eyebrow, not really curious why exactly they were arguing. He watched in disguised amazement as William shot a fireball at his sister. "So, I'm guessing you're in here for arson?" he asked, curiously.
8:48pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 548
William looked over at Adon. "The only reason I came here was to find my sister. The fire just helped me enter." William looked over at his sister with a small smile. "I have the gift of propchey or something like that!" Holly said excited. "You think you do." William corrected. "I don't think, I know." Holly said proudly. "Our family is dead, only us left so the government didn't want to deal with finding a foster home so they sent me here. They were not expecting William to come home for a long time so they decided to play it safe and telll him that I was dead. But my little pyromaniac brother was smarter than them." Holly said proudly.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:06pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 222
"Aha," Adon replied, uninterestedly. "So, you weren't delinquents." he continued, a little disappointed. "We do have something in common, though," he said. "I'm an orphan, also. The only difference is, my parents didn't die. I was just abandoned." he said, his eyes glazing over, darkly. Bryn cut in, breaking the silence. "I'm here because my parents are rich," she said, in a sarcastically cheerful tone, a grin plastered on her face. Adon glanced at her, looking her up and down. The way she dressed certainly didn't make her look like she came from money. His thoughts wandered off to what he'd be able to steal from the girl. 'She's probably daft' he thought, although he was mistaken. 'It'll be easy,' Shaking his head, Adon cleared the heinous thoughts from his mind. "So, I'm guessing you aren't a criminal, either?" he asked, turning back to Aza.
6:20pm Dec 2 2010
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Aza laughed at his comment and looked at him. "Well...If you call breaking windows every night, robbing banks, hot wiring cars, and running from the cops you can say I am...but..." Her voice was sarcastic. Why am I acting like this? She asked herself continuing "... Most would dissagree." She smiled and sat back, her arms crossed over her chest. "I am mainly here 'cause my parents thought I had Special talents with my flute." She quoted Special Talents with her fingers and then added. "I was and orphan a few years back but I got adopted." A smile fadded from her face.Thif huh? She thought knowing the only valuable thing was her flute.
7:07pm Dec 2 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm Dec 2 2010)
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Posts: 222
"I see," Adonis replied, watching Aza, quietly for a moment. "Well, I can tell I'm not wanted here. See you guys later," he said, getting up from the chair, and returning it back to the table he took it from. "Bye," he said, sort of shyly, his eyes resting on Aza, before he turned around and left the group. He walked out of the cafeteria, without turning around again. As Adon left, an awkward silence filled the air. "Well, that was...interesting?," Bryn said, breaking the silence, she flicked her eyes back and forth through the group. ((Does one of the boys wanna be Adon's roommate? And, Adon isn't going to leave Aza alone, just so you know. ;D))
8:02pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 548
((Will can be Adon's roomate if you would like him to be.)) William watched Adon's receeding figure. He hmphed and relaxed looking over his room number again that was in his phone."Well it was lovely talking with you three but I must be going." He looked down at his bag before picking it up and waving goodbye. He ruffled Holly's hair when he past her. Holly shivered and combed her hair with her hand. "Looks like it's us girls again." Holly said chuckling. She looked at her dish before throwing away her garbage and placing the plate in its rightful place to be washed. She returned to her seat and streatching like a cat.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:14pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 222
((That works! ;D *Waits for Leo to post*