8:08pm Dec 3 2010
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<<haha ok! Sorry... I was at my friends... *thinks of a way to bring Ritz in*>> Aza looked up as Adon left, then Will. She was growing bored. "Uh..." Her eyes never left where Adon exited. She shook it off and looked at the two left. "I... Uh...am going." She looked at Bryn. "See you back at the room?" She nodded to Bryn and looked at Holly. "See you.... when ever" She gave a quick smile and retreated to the door. As she exited the cafatiria she gave a little sigh then took in a deep breath. "To the tree" she whispered to herself as she slowly found her way out of the building. When she approched the tree and slid her back down the trunk until she was sitting on the ground, she looked around making sure no one could hear her. She looked down to where her flute was and took it out of the loop. She pressed her lips to the hole and relaxed letting the flute slip away from her lips only touching them slightly. She began playing her eyes closed. She became fully inveloped in her music.
8:24pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 548
((Holly still needs a roomate so they could be roomates if you want.)) Holly looked as Aza left. "Well I have nothing left to do here so I'm going to hit the road too." She got up and pushed her chair in before walking happily down the hallway. She looked out of the windows before going off into the space within her mind. She p*censored*ed many thoughts before she was brought back to reality. "Room B119 where are you?" Holly asked to no one. Some people gave her weird looks but she did not even acknowledge them. She opened the door, closed it, and went over to her bed. She sat on it and looked through her suitcase for Mr. Snufflies. Upon finding him she hugged him tightly before placing him on a pillow.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:34pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Ok! sorry to make this short but I gtg>> Ritz looked up as a girl walked into the room. He had been already in there for about an hour and no one had came in. "Hello?" He said looking at what she had put on the pillow. it was a stuffed animal. He didnt want to embaras,s her so he just looked away.
1:50pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly's head snapped toward the sound of a "hello". she saw a mn sitting on the bed across from her that she had overlooked when she entered. "Hi, my name is Holly!" She said with abig smile on her face. "I guess we are going to be roomates." she saw him look away before she looked at Mr. Snufflies. "I know I'm to olde for stuffed animals but you wouldn't get much sleep if I didn't have him." she said petting the small thing on the head. "So why are you here? You must have some special power or something. I have the gift of prophecy." She said proudly.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:52pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 222
Bryn watched as both girls left her. Sitting alone at the table for a moment, she zoned off, thinking of nothing in particular. Finally, she sighed and stood up. Off to her room, she guessed. Walking slowly, Bryn made her way to the room. Pushing the door, and pocketing the key, she walked in and sat on the bed. Before she knew it, she was sprawled on top of it, dead asleep.
6:20pm Dec 4 2010
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<<Ah! The internet went out for 4 hours today and I was SO bored with out RPing... Wow I have no life lol!>> Ritz looked at Holly. Wow, she can talk. He thought looking back at her. "Yah, I am Ritz. And i guess I have a gift of....er...." He didnt know how to put it. Well, It couldnt sound too weird so he said "Drawing things to life?" He was questioning his answer though he knew it was true. He nodded at holly "Nice to meet you." he didnt want to talk much so he scooted up to the top of the bed and leaned back, his back aginst the wall as he got out a pen and a pad. He looked down to his note pad hoping she would get the hint. ~~ Aza stopped playing and opened her eyes. She dropped her flute to the ground as she put her hands over her face. She wasnt sad, She wasnt mad, nor was she tired. Her stomach made a weird gurgling noise. She moaned. "Ah! Whats wrong with me?" She got awfully dizzy and her eye sight was out of focus. It felt like she was burning inside and out. She was fighting the feeling for about 5 minutes until she pas,sed out her flute rolling off.
7:03pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. A scene replayed in her head that she saw before the shooters came. A girl was happily doing something that she liked. All of a suden a sharp red line p*censored*ed through the person and they fell down. The scene was over and she went to the window. She looked over at the trees and saw Aza playing her flute. Getting a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach she rushed down the hallways trying to get outside. A couple of kids stood as roadblocks delaying her. When she reached the outside Aza was sprawled out on the ground. Holly reached her and checked her pulse and her breathing. she had a steady pulse and she was still breathing. I have to get you to the nurse, Holly thought seeing if anyone could help her.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:33pm Dec 6 2010
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8:00pm Dec 6 2010
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William was sitting by the window reading a book and he felt the urge to look outside. He saw a girl faint underneath a tree, a flute rolling out of her hand. His eyes widened before he sprang up from his seat and rushed down the halls leaving his book open to a page. He p*censored*ed many kids pushing some out of the way since they were in the way. He saw his sister out there when he p*censored*ed some windows. He jumped out of an open one and rushed over to the two of them. He saw that the girl was Aza and he shook his head. He helped Holly pick her up and bring her to the nurse. Inside the nurses office Holly waited playing with her fingers. William had been sent to tell the others what had happened. The nurse said that it was nothing serious and that Aza should be ok in a couple of days. Holly was still worried with her vision of a girl becoming seriously injured. The scene replayed in her head and she looked at Aza pleading for her to wake up.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:30am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Bump~ Im waiting for Pirate to post! >>
1:29pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 222
((Ahh! My bad! I thought this died! DX)) Adon entered the hospital room, his face slightly pale. "Is she alright?" he asked, as he looked down on Aza in the small hospital bed. After finding out William was his roommate, he had also found out that Aza had someone p*censored*ed out in the courtyard. Concerned, Adon was now standing over the bed, looking down at her worriedly. ((Haha! Adon is obsessive. ;D I'll post with Bryn on the next post.))
4:34pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly looked up at the man before closing her eyes again. "The doctor said she would be alright." She replied hoping William would hurry up and tell the other two. She looked at Aa before falling into a dream like stance trying to get the beast within her to talk. The beast was her power of course and she always tried to get it to come out whens he wanted it to. But the beast was stubborn and never really like to be awakened so it ignored Holly. She opened her eyes and saw Adon standing over the bed. "Whoa boy back up! We don't know when she is going to wake up and I'm sure staring at her won't help." Holly said flailing her arms around.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:30pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza moaned and shifted her body in her sleep. I was running. The day went to night quickly and they started to come for me. Hungry and drugged by a spell. Eyes red and Hungary. small fangs hung from there lips. "No!" I screamed as I tryed to run faster. Everyone I knew from the school where there and more where chasing her. "Leave me!" I ran into the streets that where filled with people. Weird. I thought as I kept running in a sea of red. Every one was dressed in Red robes and I, I was in a white long dress. "Why?!" I screamed Aza Twisted and turned in her sleep. Light beeds of sweat wasplaced on her hair line. "Eat them! Eat them!" I screamed once more tripping over some ones foot. I stumbled up, but finally decited to stay sitting on the ground once every one was in a circle around me. "Please." I whimpered. <<I took this from anoher Rp that I posted on but tweeked it alittle>>
8:15pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 548
"See what you did!" Holly scolded Adon as Aza tossed and turned. She shook her head and bonked Adon on the head. Holly tried to shush Aza before she started to sing softly a lulaby that her mother had taught her. "Cessabit tempus veniet aestas Ne contendas cum hiberni ictus Silete et auscultate ad autumnale Non gaudere ueris" She sang trying to calm Aza. ~*~ William bolted down the hallways trying to get to Bryn's room. Many students got in his way who he pushed out of the way preoccupied with the task at hand. Once he reached her room he bent down to catch his breath. "I'm not as fit as I used to be." He muttered before knocking on the door hoping she was there.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:47pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 222
Adon ducked his head as Holly whacked him. "Ow!" he protested, his face changing into a pout. He ignored her request to back up from the bed, though. His eyes didn't leave Aza's face as Holly began to sing something that sounded like a lullaby to Aza. It was in a different language, and Adon couldn't understand a word of it, but he hoped it was working. Adon couldn't explain this odd attachment he felt with Aza. He had never felt anything like it before. It was like Aza wouldn't leave his mind. Maybe it was the fact that his charm hadn't worked on Aza, like it had on other girls. Maybe this is what encouraged him to pursue the girl. Bryn's eyes shot open as a banging echoed through the room. She froze for a second, gathering where she was and what was going on. As the sound continued, she realized someone was knocking at the door. Bryn got up, and jogged over to the door. She opened it, and let out a puff of surprise, seeing William. Her face reddened a bit, wondering how terrible her hair must look after falling into such deep of a sleep. "Uh...Yes?" she asked, meeting his eyes, her forest eyes curious.
2:00pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 548
William knocked again waiting for Bryn to answer. Perhaps she is out. William thought but he waited a few more moments. Bryn responded and opened the door surprised to see him there. "Uh..Yes?" she asked. "Aza fainted while she was playing her flute. WE got her to the nurse but I have no idea what condition she is in. Holly told me to tell everyone and Adon is already there." William explained as calmly as he could. ~*~ Holly found herself falling asleep to the lullaby before she shook her head and looked at Adon. he had yet to back away from the bed and Holly started to become mad. She was not as hot headed as her brother who would have already dragged Adon over to a chair farthest away from Aza. "Back away and sit down." Holly comanded glaring at Adon.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
2:15pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 222
Adon backed up from the bed, regretfully, and not without an icy glare at Holly, and positioned himself in the chair, a little ways from the bed, a sulky look on his face. Bryn's face went pale for a second, out of surprise. She recovered from the surprise, setting her mouth into a thin line, of no ex pression. "Okay, let's go see her," Bryn replied softly, checking to make sure the key was in her pocket, before shutting the door behind her. "Thanks for coming to tell me," she told William, appreciatively, her previous worries of appearance forgotten. She was not a vain person, especially since her parent's fame. That had just encouraged her to care less about appearance and more about personality. Why would she go fix her hair, when her friend was in the hospital? No, her friend was much more important. Bryn followed William to the room where Aza was. She ignored the stony-faced Adon, as she walked up to where Holly was sitting.
2:50pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly looked up at Bryn and he brother. Ritz was missing but Holly didn't think he introduced himself to Aza. Holly hugged Bryn and then went over to her brother and punched him lightly on the arm. "The doctor said she is in stable condition but she was tossing and turning before. Probably a bad dream." Holly concluded looking at Aza. "And I have come to the conclusion that he is obsessive over Aza!" Holly said pointing accusingly at Adon. "You think everyone is obsessive when they like someone." William mutter rolling his eyes. "Thats not true." Holly defended. "Oh really?" William said under his breath so Holly would not hear. He looked at Aza and then to Adon. He winked and mouthed "go for it" before returning his attention to his curious sister.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
3:49pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 222
Adon grinned at William's gesture to him. He didn't think Aza liked him, but he would certainly try to go for it. He was not the kind of person he easily gave up. Bryn managed a smile as Holly hugged her. Looking down on Aza's sleeping form, she turned to the two that were arguing, and asked, "What exactly happened?" Seeing William's gesture to Adon, she rolled her eyes. How could the boys be thinking about that, while Aza was lying almost unconscious in the bed? Bryn suppressed the tiny annoyance, as she waited for the answer to her question.
9:53pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 548
"I'm not sure really." Holly said in reply to Bryn's question. "I was looking out the window and I saw a flute roll across the ground and Aza was out like a light. I ran outside to get her and William helped me bring her here. The docotors checked her out and said she was ok and that she just fainted. That's all that I know." Holly concluded. "So she sent me to get everyone while she stayed here and watched Aza." William said sitting on a chair bored. Now that everyone was here they would wait for Aza to wake up. William started to play with flames again since it was the only thing he could think of to do.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V