7:41pm Jan 25 2012
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Name: Neyrii Rank: Princess Age: 18 Looks like: A pretty young girl with long blonde hair, usually wearing a long blue dress with a golden circlet engraved with sapphires on her head. Deion: Neyrii is the only princess in the kingdom, but doesn't seem to mind. She has almost taken the steps to womanhood, but the last task is to be married. But she holds her head up high, a kind and spirited girl. Other: Many are jealous, just because she is the most beautiful girl in the world. But she holds a secret. (Wanna find out? Come and join!)
7:43pm Jan 26 2012
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Name: Kasey Rank:knight age:19 Looks: Kasey has chin length choppy black hair and dark gray eyes. He has tanned skin and a slightly muscular build under his black leather tunic. He also wares a leather jacket and pants along with riding boots and a sword slung over his shoulder in a holster. Deion:Kasey was raised by his mother and father and his older sister in a small shack in town. He grew up a peasant but was taken into the royal army at the age of 12. He is still allowed to see his family but not very often. Other: Nope...
Name:Paige Rank:Peasant Age:20 Looks:Paige has long black hair, dark gray eyes, and tan skin. She wares worn out tunics and tan leather pants along with a dark leather jacket and riding boots. Deion: Paige is Kasey's older sister. She helped raise him as a child when their parents were busy working and cleaning house. She was happy normal little girl untill Kasey was taken away. Now she resents the royal family. Other:Kasey's big sis.
2:51am Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 4,211
(Nice! So wanna start or wait for more people?)
7:01am Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 2,052
((If this is a medieval roleplay, then....can I play as a dragon? xD))
1:01pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 4,211
(Yeah, sure becky jasmine!)
5:58pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 5,578
((I would like to start unless you want to wait.))
5:59pm Jan 27 2012
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(go ahead!)
7:50pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 5,578
((Alrighty then.))
Kasey was out in the stables taking the riding tack off of a chesnut brown horse. He put away the sadle and bridle and then proceeded to brush down the animal. It was a nice sized creature almost 5 inches taller than Kasey but then again what else would you expect from one of the steeds of the Royal family. Kasey handed the horse a large carrot and filled a bin with oats and hay before walking out of the stall and locking it. Being taken at a young age to be a part of the Royal families army, Kasey wasn't exactly allowed to visit his own family very often let alone actually live with them anymore. Though being in this position limited Kaseys freedom greatly, he was still permited to do things such as take walks which was exactly what Kasey was about to do.
Paige rolled over onto her back looking up into the part in the canopy of leaves above her. Her dark hair was strewn around her picking up random debris that would be a pain to get rid of later but at the moment she didn't care. Paige stood up from the ground picking up the leather bag that was beside her. It was nearly empty except for a few brass coins some cheese and bread. Taking a right past a scrawny seedling Paige turned into a large hole in the trunk of a large dead tree. The top of it was chopped off about 5 feet below where the first branch would have been. Paige set the leather bag down on a ledge in the trunk that had been carved out by nature and sat down in another larger ledge that served as a sort of chair as she looked up out into the 'skylight' just above her.
8:30pm Jan 27 2012
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Neyrii had just finished a long lesson on poise, and she felt very tired. But who could resist free time out of the castle when the maid is away? Checking the hallway, she tip-toed out of the gallery corridor. Next was the door. She looked back, and quickly ran outside. The fresh breeze felt good on her face after sitting in the castle all day. Neyrii decided to take a visit to the stables, where her only freinds were. Taking a sack full of apples, she gave a treat to each of the horses. She smiled and stopped at an old stallion, who was gifted with a white spot on his right hind leg. He has the gift of swiftness, she thought. As Neyrii stroked his black muzzle, she spoke to him in her soft voice. "I told you I would be back today. As I did today, I may get off of poise lessons long enough to take you on a ride. See you soon, Turnip." As she strolled away, Turnip let out a joyous whinnie.
9:23pm Jan 27 2012
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Kasey let out a polite nod of his head to the princess as she rushed quickly past him. He didn't know why all the princes and every other guy in the villages that the Royal family owned had such fond feeling of the princess. Suposedly she was the most beautiful lady in the land but he didn't that way so much about her. She was just as full of herself as the rest of her family was and he didn't need to spend more time with her than he needed to know that. Even if he wasn't fond of the princess that didn't give him any right to be impolite to the daughter of the King and Queen that held the lives of his family in the near vilage.
9:43pm Jan 27 2012
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Neyrii slowed her pace when she passed Kasey, and when he nodded to her she smiled, waved, and continued to run back to her quarters before she was caught. She collapsed on her bed, looking up at her ceiling. She was close enough to the ceiling, that she would draw sketches of peasants she would see. Today she added Kasey. She thought he was an odd fellow, he was the only villager who wouldn't glare and spit at her or try to flatter her. She smiled to herself, but she felt saddened. She longed to be like the people who wouldn't live in the castle or even set foot in it. It just wasn't fair that she was a supposedly rich and self-centered. This was the day. She pulled on a cloak and made her way for the door. Again.
10:25am Jan 29 2012
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Posts: 1,053
(This sounds awesome! May I join? Like maybe as one of the maids?)
Name: Autumn Gamboa
Age: 12
Looks: Very long, straight, dark brunette hair, with dark blue eyes. Personality: Often gets herself into trouble, but has a very sweet side to her as well. Her whole life so far has been spent without a mother or father, and she grew up working in different places just to earn food to eat.
Other: She is very fond of the princess, and has always wanted to just step one foot into the castle.
(Sorry if its not long, I am on my ipod and its hard to type so much...)
11:30am Jan 29 2012
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(Yay! I'll join as a dragon xD) Name: Jasmine 'Rubialis' Brogan, Age: Unknown, Looks: She is a black dragon of immense size. She has red eyes and thin horns line her tail. Also, using magic, she can become human for brief periods of time. In human form she is an abnormally tall girl (who looks about 14 years of age)with black hair and one red eye, one lilac eye., Personality: She is a very mysterious being, calm in almost every situation. However, she also has a violent streak and has an incredbly destructive temper, Other: She has a reputation among humans becaus ea human angered her long ago, and in her rage, she burnt down an entire village. This is one reason why she spends time in human form; so she isn't recognized and killed. (my computer's messing up again...I'll post tomorrow. Ok? :-D)
1:04pm Jan 29 2012
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(Great! Your both in!)
1:22pm Jan 29 2012
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Autumn was walking down a dirt road till she saw the castle. "Finally! I have been searching for this all day!!" It was hard to find when she was on the road, cause there were some trees blocking her view... Poor thing is short... She skipped up to the big wooden doors of the castle, and knocked softly waiting for a reply... "I hope I can get some kind of job here! All the other places in town either already had people, or they just didn't want someone as young as I am... Who am I kidding.. This place probably has at least 100 different maids and stuff..." Autumn sighed a long sigh...
1:27pm Jan 29 2012
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Neyrii slipped outside with her cloak, only to see a little girl standing outside. "Um.... Hello..." She didn't like to get caught, and apparently it showed. Her eyes glowed by the reflection of the moon. "Why are you up so late?"
1:29pm Jan 29 2012
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Autumn looked at the girl. "I'm umm.. Just looking for a place where a maid is needed..." She didn't realize this was the princess she was talking to. She looked down at her feet and sighed.
1:33pm Jan 29 2012
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Neyrii felt choked. "Do NOT work for the castle! The duke who is currently staying there tells any passer-by to be his maid, and trust me... Ugh!" But Neyrii was happy that Autumn hadn't suspected her as princess yet. She did a quick curtsy, and ran to the stables to find Turnip.
1:38pm Jan 29 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Jasmine was in human form. The disadvantage of this was that she resembled an excessively tall 14 year old girl, and her eyes were of different colours. The advantage was that nobody could tell she was a dragon. Yawning a little, she looked around. Nothing in particular interested her. Her eyes started glowing, indicating that she was about to turn back into a dragon. She whispered a spell and the glowing ceased.
1:41pm Jan 29 2012
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Neyrii ran up to Turnip with a wide smile. "Hi, Turnip, its me again! We are going for a long ride before the castle catches us!" She jumped onto Turnip, without a saddle or bridle on him, and they started at a steady trot.