8:58pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren Felt the wind knocked out of her. She lay on the ground gasping for air, when nothing filled her lungs Aryen panicked. Her wings were still in an open position. "Well.......Someome.......Help.... me!" She gasped. No one made any motion to move. They just stared at Her with dropped jaws. No one messed with Ayren and got away with it. Not until now. Then everyone took this new moment to seize her and Kill her. Of course they wouldn't let this pass. Aryen had told them, She hated her group. Aaron was even in this. Aryen cried out when her breath finally returned. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She Shrieked. They all mumbled answers as they carried her to a tree trunk and tied her to it. The group then began to argue who would throw knives at her first. Of course Aaron went first. He took out his best knife and aimed carefully for her heart. "Your going to regret this Aaron" Ayren said with narrow eyes. Aaron smiled and shook his head. "No. Im going to enjoy every minute of this."
9:08pm Feb 9 2012
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Neyrii let Aryen's life flow back into her, but Aaron's popped into her claw immediately. She squeezed it, pulling it back so Aaron would fall down. "Stop that." She stepped over to Aryen, becoming human to untie her. She gripped Aryen by the shoulder, looking into her eyes. "Stop killing people. The more you kill and steal, the easier it is for people to get you... Especially me." She let go of Aryen so fast that it made the girl topple over. Neyrii looked down at her in disappointment. Walking away, she drew her dagger and began sharpening it against wood. "I hate bandits."
9:16pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren stared at Neyrii again. "We kill, and steal for a living. Its not like i wanted this life" She spat. She then began to walk. She didnt look back at the Princess but said, "Thank you." Aryern ran and lept into the air flying again. She sighed. Neyrill's words stuck to her. No more life of crime She thought sternly to herself, but sighed. She is still on the run. Ayren dove down and landed in an ally way. She spotted a reward poster with her picture on it. Ayren pulled on her hood again and sat down. Aarons words were playing in her mind, the same Time as Neyrill's. Ayren clutched her hair and let out a small groan.
10:30pm Feb 9 2012
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Neyrii stopped and looked back at the bandits. She couldn't leave them there. Pulling the hood of her dress over her face, she walked over to behind a tree, and a group of lives flew into her hand. She squeezed them all, causing a pile of groaning pain. She smirked. Now thats more like it. The sun rose above the mountains in the distance, making a perfect shine over the mountain she stood on. She gazed up at the sun, walking out into the open. She slipped off her hood, blonde locks falling over her back. "I better get back to the tree before the dragon thing comes back..." She ran to the tree, looking at the drawings had made before. "Great, another set of people to add to my collection." In a pouch, she kept small versions of her sketches. She began moving her hand in random directions. Hephus. A pile of new sketches appeared in the pouch, and her mouth curled into a full smile for the first time in a long time. She sat down and braided her hair, which she desperately needed to wash and brush.

9:46am Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 516
The Dragon would not be the one to come back. Instead it was a severely weak and vastly exhausted Volkenagrim. As he walked in the tree where Neryii was, his whole body was trembling badly. Almost as if he was freezing. He looked at her and saw she was okay. He narrowed his sharp intense eyes at her and noticed all the drawings. He seemed like he wanted to grin but couldn't. He sighed and said, "Those pictures... look good.. You'd make a fine Artist and be famous.. But be cautious. A ton of this art is worth stealing and that means lot's of gold." He then turned away and very shakily walked out of the treehouse. He walked maybe 6 feet away and fell to the ground. He had no strength left and was awful starved of food, rest, and power. He shut his eyes and allowed the darkness of unconsciousness to overcome him. There he lay still and completely and utterly helpless. And with three Valuable blades that had numerous gems on the hilt. But something was very unnerving about these three blades. They seemed to give off power of an even more ancient and somewhat cursed sort. So cursed in fact the wildlife around grew quiet. Birds of all sorts, could be seen leaving the area in vast numbers. Same for deer, moose, and other game. But few types of creatures was actually lured to this power. These creatures resembled huge black shadow horses. The shadows surrounding the outline of the horses was dark and billowed like smoke in the wind. Their bodies seemed to be riddled with blood. A sign these were the dreaded, Grimshadow Stallions. Due to the fact they're breed was commonly ridden by Grim Reapers, Wraiths, and other Specters of Death. And that they are always lured to the Dying or Dead. But here they were. Being lured and close to the Living. They began to lay down beside Volkenagrim. Side by side. In a circle around him. They're bodies giving off much heat. Slowly warming the cold Volkenagrim.
10:10am Feb 10 2012
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Neyrii backed to the edge of the tree, shuddering in fear. But she noticed they were helping Volkenagrim. She made a silent gasp, for she had heard stories about these creatures. Ptah. She stepped out of the tree, a small bird identical to the larger version. She flew up to the boughs of a tree to get a closer look. She looked over at the bandits that were lying on the ground, motionless. She opened a claw, where she found a pile of ashes. Great, forgot about those brutes.
10:32am Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 516
The Stallion closest to the ashes breathed on them. The ashes disappeared the Stallion moved it's head to Volkenagrim's face. He seemed to be the leader of the herd. The Alpha Male. When he breathed onto Volkenagrim, the souls of the Thieve's within the ashes flew into him. Volkenagrim breathed the Souls in and his coloring looked alot better. He began to cough and squirm a bit. Then the lead Grimshadow Stallion stood up. As he did this the others did as well. They still surrounded Volkenagrim, staring patiently and intently at him. Volkenagrim began to sit up. He was still weak. That's when the big male and his mate took their head and put them beneath Volkenagrim's shoulder and helped him to his feet. They've been trying to help him. They then helped him walk into the Tree. They then neighed, reared up and ran off into the forest. Though they were scary when they did this together out of glee for Volkenagrim's health, was indeed a rare hidden beauty of a sight.
3:42pm Feb 10 2012
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Neyrii watched as the horses left, she flew down to the branch of the tree where Volkenagrim was. She sighed, with a loss of words. It was probably not such a good time to speak anyway, so she decided to go back to her hideout. Neyrii landed without a sound, becoming human when the ground hit her feet.
3:52pm Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim lay inside there. He was shivered as if he was freezing cold. He could do nothing but stare at her. Then he noticed her fear of the horses. "Those stallions.. They are way too misunderstood, they are gentle beasts. Love life but try to guide those that no longer live to find peace. That's why they are lured to the Dead and Dying. They intend to help them find the Souls they are lured to find peace. Unless they have only done Evil. Then they force the Soul into nothingness..." He told her. Volkenagrim then looked down and seemed hurt. The Warrior still seemed upset from last night, yet was trying to remember what he done. But he struggled with conflicted emotions. He knew if he remembered doing something terrible, he'd never be able to forget. He gazed up at Neryii and sighed. "Sorry about last night... I can't control Maleck... He controls me... Every night there is a moon that can be touched with a Lunar Eclipse." He told her. He then struggled to his feet and tried to walk away.
4:07pm Feb 10 2012
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Neyrii had gotten a blanket, and flew above Volkenagrim. When she got close enough, she dropped the blanket infront of him and flew away.
9:58pm Feb 11 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim then sat down and sighed. He slowly laid down and fell asleep. He twisted and turned in his sleep. It was a very fitful slumber. He was running a fever but this was normal to him. Volkenagrim sensed Neryii was still near. He hated to have become so weak in this so short a time. He still slept but needed to wake. He did so and stood up. "Neryii.... Are you good at hunting...?" He asked calling out for the princess. "I'll need help getting food. And quick.. Snacks like large Rabbits and things..."
10:49pm Feb 11 2012
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Neyrii was a giant bird by now, and she cocked her head. "How do you know my name?" But she dismissed the thought and nodded. In an instant, she was back as fast as she was gone. In her claws were two mooses. Meece. Moosen. Whatever.
11:09pm Feb 12 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim sighed. He flinched when she said he knew her name. He then narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, "How could I know her name... Unless..." His eyes shot open extremely wide. Almost as if he was shocked. He noticed the moose in her claws and weakly got up. He went to them and took out a medium sized, dangerous looking dagger from his boot. He then began to cut up the moose duo and carved the fur off them. He then gathered nearby twigs and leaves. Also some stones. He took the stones and placed them in a circle surrounding the twigs and leaves. He then sighed as he made sure the Stones would keep flames from spreading. Satisfied; he blew out a wisp of air, and sparks of an Unnatural Blood Red Flame hit the leaves and twigs; it caught fire and flared up much higher than expected. The small spark had caused a ten foot flame before retreating to a normal sized fire. Volkenagrim scowled and nearly cursed aloud but caught himself. Evidently he didn't mean to shoot a large flame out but the tiny speck of a spark he sent. "Drat... Too much power sent out again..." He huffed. Then he took the pan he had in his bag beside him and placed it into the flames. The flames lowered themselves to shape to the bottom of the pan. Then he placed the cut up moose into it. He threw a small amount of dust-like spice powder onto the meat and then added eggs to the moose. He waited for the food to cook thoroughly and got his hand and removed the intensely hot pan off the flames and then placed the contents into a plate he'd made out of mud and ceramic stone. He then put the pan back onto the flames and began to cook some fruit as well in it. Finally finished with the cooking he relaxed and placed the food into two dishes. The Warrior then looked at Neryii and spoke, "Here... I may need alot of food. But I still can't eat when others haven't eaten... So share some of all this with me. I've cooked some salted roots and things are on the plate." He then pushed a plate to where she landed. "After we eat, I'll need to hunt down more food. My body burns itself half to death.. Meaning metabolic issues.... Metabolism is something in the blood. A medical problem that VERY FEW know about... I know this already for I've traveled to slightly more advanced areas where people know more about medicine." He explained. He then added after stretching a bit, "High Metabolism can make you starve to Death real quick if you don't eat a huge amount of food a day, Everyday..." Then he looked away towards the woods. He felt something was watching them. He didn't like this at all. He was too weak to fight right now. But wouldn't refuse a battle if needed.
5:09pm Feb 13 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren scowled when someone bumped into her. Town was very busy today. She pulled her hood tight around her face. Ayren stepped quietly to the castle's giant door. She suppressed a sigh. I Cant believe Im Turning myself in. Ayren thought bitterly. Softly she knocked on the Doors. They Creaked and slowly swung open with. A guard stepped forward. "What do you need?" He asked in a very deep voice. Ayren tugged off her hood, showing her slim face. The Guards calm ex pression changed when he saw her. His eyes widened and he began to sputter. "Your Highness." the guard bowed. "What?" Ayren asked, clearly shocked as well.
6:47pm Feb 13 2012
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Neyrii's feathers bristled, and shook her head. "I do not eat. Have it for yourself- If you can eat all that- Because I am nothing but skin and bones... And feathers." She became human. She was fairly skinny, but didn't seem to mind. Her wings sprouted out of her back, and she flew away. She had always made sure that her shirts and dresses had two holes in the back for her wings. This time she forgot to put in the holes, and her dress was ripped as if scratched by claws.
9:39pm Feb 13 2012 (last edited on 9:40pm Feb 13 2012)
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Posts: 144
Ayren sat down stiffly in front of the King. She felt uncomfortable when the king examined her face. No one has ever been this close to her. Ayren stiffed a yell when the Queen poked her side. "Gotten a little thin my dear, havent you?" She laughed. Ayren nodded politely. The King spoke up this time, "At last! Demesne has returned!" His tone was full of joy. Ayren felt her jaw drop. He knows my real name She thought. The queen clasped her hands together. "And look! She has wings. Well, never mind that,Shes Home at last. Go go to your room." the queen motioned for her to move excitedly. "Take her to her chambers. Dresses are already in there." Ayren -Demesne- was then pushed into her room where the maids bathed her, Brushed her hair, (Leaving the natural curls in place) So it was silky and fell down beautifully. Ayren was then put in a dark green dress made of silk. There were holes cut in them so her wings could flow out easily. Ayren sat down and stared out the window and sighed.
10:37pm Feb 13 2012
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Neyrii looked down at herself- Her hair was a little ratty, and her dress was covered in mud, dirt, and blood. I better seal the door before I change... She stepped to the entrance, waving her hand. A large black voided door appeared in the hinge. She disappeared for a moment, but reappeared in woolen pants, a blue-ish shirt, and leather boots. Thats better. She had been saving that clothing for years, because she knew she would return to the mountain at some point. Besides, she loved traditional mountain clothes. But she did miss the castle, her little sister that never returned... Or did she? While she was gone, she wasn't too sure. She raced to the stables and hopped on Turnip. "I'm sorry, buddy. We will return soon. And I reward you with an apple for every time I forgot you." Turnip whinnied, and Neyrii smiled. They left for the castle at a steady gallop. She hoped not to meet Kasey, or worse- Paige. She shook the thought and tethered Turnip on a knot outside the castle walls. She slowly opened the door, and couldn't beleive her eyes. Ayren was there in traditional princess clothing, and Neyrii was feared that the royal family really did hate her, that they would replace her with a heart beat. Or in this case, a bandit.

10:48am Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren glanced at the king. He said, "Welcome back, Daughter! We've found your sister! Shes returned. Demesne, say Hello." Ayren was standing in shock. The king looked at Ayren then his face changed to the color of a tomato. "Where is her crown? Demesne needs a crown!" he said. The maids rushed in and placed a sapphire jeweled crown that draped near her forehead. "Better. Now Neyrii, welcome your sister home!" The king said, apparently spilling joy. Ayren stepped back a few paces. She turned around and walked briskly to her room
1:26pm Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim was busy eating when all this happened. Suddenly he winced in pain. Something was drawing him to the castle. "Yes... Neryii is the one...." He winced again. The tug even stronger. It felt like a powerful surging pulse in him when he felt it. He stood up and bagged his food. Then he rushed to the Castle. The Pulse in him was stronger than ever. ""Gnnn!" He winced. The Warrior saw the Castle and looked at the doors. He was known around here as a Monster. So as soon as he reached into the Castle he went into Stealth mode. He then heard a commotion in the Chambers. He lept off the banister and landed in front of the King and Neryii. Then he keeled down on one knee. "Your highness. I owe you Daughter my Life.... Please allow me to serve Neryii!" he snarled towards him in a gruff voice that was raspy and deeply powerful. He didn't know what to expect yet knew the King would perhaps summon the guards. "Your Majesty... Please do not send the guards... Allow me to speak." He then stood up and moved towards Neryii. He then bowed to her and said, "I was starving to Death back there. When you sent those moo-sen to me to cook and eat, you saved me. You were also in Trouble more than you can believe... I saved you many years ago... As a shadow.. So allow me to serve you... But understand this! I'll not really take no as an answer. I will watch over you... No matter what, till beyond Death takes my Soul..." He told her. His voice lack all emotions. But was still heavy in Truth, Sincerity, and a hidden Message, that he couldn't stay away from her for too long. He didn't rise. He stayed bowed down to her. Though obviously armed with three powerful and sharp looking blades.
3:51pm Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 144
(i think im just going to call Ayren, Demesne now. Since its her real name..) Demesne sat down, letting all the information to sink in. She made a mental list: 1.) The king knew about my real name 2.) He still remembers me from when i ran away 3.) My older sister Hates me. Or, at least i think so. Demesne sighed . She knew she was a real princess, but other people didnt think so. She got up and opened the window a crack, letting some fresh air flow around her room. Demesne shuddered. Hopefully life as a bandit didn't put her too far past Princess experiences. She softly sang a song she learned when she was a thief. When her throat grew sore, she hummed it. It helped calm her down. Demesne pushed open the window and looked out. She was tired of sitting. She had sat down for a few hours and her muscles were cramping. Demesne walked to her closet and slipped on some woolen pants and a man's shirt, which she tied so it fit around her waist. Demesne cut out holes for her wings and jumped out the window, falling. Her wings picked her up and she flew over to the forest.