6:17pm Feb 19 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron stepped to the side, avoiding yet another hit. His theory was right. The beast was clumsy, but powerful. Aaron swung again, stabbing the daemon. His knight uniform was now covered in dirt and blood. Aaron scowled. He pulled the blue vest off, now wearing only a white long-sleeved shirt and the knight uniform pants. He moved his feet,almost gracefully, and made another blow on the daemon. Aaron was smiling. He finally got to battle. He took a swift glance over his shoulder at the dog, then say Ayren looking from the tree. "Well, dont just stand there like a dumb goat! Help me! this thing is eight times my size!" He yelled at her, not really caring if she was a thief or not.
6:36pm Feb 19 2012
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Neyrii layed there, listening to the battle. She knew Ayren wasn't really going to respond that quickly, so she trotted around the outside, nipping at Maleck's ankles like herding a sheep. She growled at it, weaving through it's legs to confuse it. Her speed made her look like a blurr, stopping to sweep at the monster's feet.
10:38pm Feb 19 2012
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Posts: 516
Maleck was now angry. He was tired of making himself look like a clumsy beast so he then stood up taller on his hind legs and slashed viciously at Aaron and Neryii with his claws in a calculated manner. He then moved his jaws in closer to bite at Aaron with jaws open wide. Then a look inside his mouth gave way to the horrible truth. He was hallow and only made of living shadows in the inside. Dark Evil Shadows. He then turned around to face Aryen then blasted a flaming blast at her. Soon after that his tail almost hit Aaron. He then spread his wings and began to climb the wall near him and leaped at Aaron and Neryii. He let loose a terrifying roar as he did so.
10:46pm Feb 19 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren landed on the ground, in a crouched position. She watched Maleck climb and Ayren un-latched her hood. It created too much of a drag. She began to climb up to Maleck and stared at him. She spoke in a very calm voice, "You need to calm down right now. They'll help you, okay? Ill help you too, if you need a thief's help." She said, with a light laugh. (Sorry its short, im a little brain dead)
10:56pm Feb 19 2012
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Posts: 516
Maleck gazed a Aryen. He was surrounded by people who could be potential Soul Tamers. Then it dawned on him. None alone were strong enough to fight until Dawn and defeat him. But together as a team, it was possible. He snarled and looked at them. Then Maleck roared with rage and then agilely leaped over the walls and began to rush through the castle. But he turned around and looked back at the people he was fighting. With a Dark smile on his jaws, he rammed though the walls with his horns. He then moved in a blurring speed of his own. He tried to impale Aryen with his horns to the other wall.
11:18pm Feb 19 2012
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Neyrii yelped and tried to dodge another swat. She got up again, her fornt legs shivering. You want a fight, fine. You'll get a fight. She trotted to the side, picking up a hammer in her jaws. She lightly tapped at Maleck, getting the bones to fall down one at a time. Soon she was knee height to Maleck. She leaped up onto the top of his head, then scratched and bit at his eyes.
1:49pm Feb 20 2012 (last edited on 1:51pm Feb 20 2012)
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Posts: 516
Maleck seemed to chuckle in a deep hissing voice. Then he slung off Neryii. His eyes were actually eyes but burning orbs of flames in the hallow sockets. But soon exhaustion took it's toll. He staggered and shook his head. This caused him to stumble even more. He hissed and groaned then finally the giant, almost 40 foot tall beast fell to the ground. He was still and then he saw the three of them. It took all three of them together as one to defeat him. The Great Dark Beast snarled and tried to stand up but fell back down. Maleck was now too weak to fight. Soon the sun began to rise, and the first ray seemed to strike down at the Wings of the Daemun. Several markings began to glow. They glowed bright and soon Maleck was nothing more than a shadow. And beneath the Shadow hovering above him was Volkenagrim. Volkenagrim was pale as a ghost and bloodied from all the fighting against Maleck from within. He was very weak and nearly helpless. Yet something worse was soon discovered. He wasn't breathing and his heart wasn't beating either. Then all of at sudden Maleck as the shadow roared and went inside Volkenagrim. The Warrior winced and jerked when this happened. Also not long after that his pulse was heard as a loud echoing "Thum, thump; thum, thump" He let in a full gasping breath of air as well and began coughing. The nightmare was over. At least for now. Volkenagrim opened his eyes weakly and gazed at Aryen, Aaron, and Neryii around him. He blinked once and then sighed. "It seems neither one of you are to be my Soul Tamer.. But ALL THREE of you... Neryii... you are the Heart, Aaron you are the Courage, and Aryen, you are the Spirit. I don't remember anything but I felt you Aryen gazing through the Darkness of Maleck. Thank you, all three of you..." He then shut his eyes, winced, and gave in the the exhaustion, and soon feel into slumber.
2:09pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren stared at Volkenagrim. She was about to say something but stopped. She just laid a hand on his back. She looked at Aaron and Neyrii. "We cut him to much. He lost alot of blood. Does anyone know any remedies?" She asked, taking some cloth and laying it on his arm, soaking up some blood. She took some water from her flask and poured it over Volkenagrim's back. I guess learning healing wasnt a waste after all She thought. Ayren got up and said, "Can someone help me find some herbs? Theres this one, which heals cuts, that i think grows around here" She looked off into the forest. Ayren looked from Neyrii to Aaron, waiting for one of them to volunteer.
3:26pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii stumbled to the ground, suffering a bloody cut in her front right paw. She limped over to Ayren, staring at her with a twinkle in her eye. I know where it is. She limped to the castle's garden, and hopped back with a large root in her jaws. She dropped it and nudged it to Ayren. Look at the theif... Helping... Promised myself I wouldn't cry. She thought that sarcasticly. She limped around the side, silently nipping at Ayren's bags of gold. This isn't yours! She tossed it in the air, catching it again. She trotted lamely to the church, tossing it to the preacher. She nodded then walked back to Ayren, Aaron, and Volkenagrim.
4:18pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren glared at Neyrii and sighed. "Fine. It goes to a church." She said. Then she squat down and pat Neyrii on the Head. "What a good doggie." She said, with a mocking tone. Then she mixed up the root into a small powder and sprinkled it on Neyrii's paw. It healed up right away and Ayren moved to Volkengrim. She poured the rest on him and his wounds healed up. "There we go. Now, i think im done here." She said, putting her hands on her hips with satisfaction. "Your Welcome" She added.
4:31pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron stood up, surprisingly unharmed. He picked up his vest and slipped it back on. "thats it?" He asked, looking at Volkenagrim. Aaron took out a piece of cloth and wiped off the blood on his blade. He sheathed it and looked at Ayren and Neyrii. Then he repeated "Thats it? Thats all?" Aaron waited for an answer from them, since they seemed to know what was going on. "You cant possibly think that, that Daemon turns into a harmless human?" Aaron was starting to wonder what kind of kingdom did he live in.
4:34pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Neyrii sneezed at Aaron, a kind of laugh as a dog. Eh, if you only knew... She smiled in the corner, then thought of something devious in her mind. She leaped onto Ayren, knocking her down, and licked her face. Take that! She snorted. She jumped off, then curled up close to Volkenagrim.
6:19pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren wiped off her face with her sleeve. "I happen to like dogs" She said, with a snort. Ayren picked up her dagger from the ground and cleaned it. Then she hung it onto her belt with the others. "What are we going to do now? Apparently we have to stay together due to us being a trio of tamers." She asked. And what does being the Spirit mean? She thought to herself. "If no one has an answer, i think We'll split up anyway" She continued. Ayren picked up her cloak and latched it back, though she kept her hood down. She then tied her hair back up, because it came loose during the fight. She looked at Neyrii and Aaron with Expectant eyes.
6:19pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren wiped off her face with her sleeve. "I happen to like dogs" She said, with a snort. Ayren picked up her dagger from the ground and cleaned it. Then she hung it onto her belt with the others. "What are we going to do now? Apparently we have to stay together due to us being a trio of tamers." She asked. And what does being the Spirit mean? She thought to herself. "If no one has an answer, i think We'll split up anyway" She continued. Ayren picked up her cloak and latched it back, though she kept her hood down. She then tied her hair back up, because it came loose during the fight. She looked at Neyrii and Aaron with Expectant eyes.
6:20pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
(double post. Sorry)
6:32pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Neyrii growled at Ayren. You think you got it bad... She almost batted at Ayren, but caught it short. She stepped backward and turned around. We happen to be on a cliff... Very close to the sky... We better move away from here if we have any less chance of meeting the daemon again... She turned around again, giving everyone a sharp eye. What're you waiting for? She leaped down the side of the mountain and hopped from rock to rock like a goat.
6:39pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren looked over her shoulder at Volkenagrim. "What are we going to do about him?" she asked, jerking a thumb over at him. She sighed and shook her head. Ayren lept off of the cliff falling for a little bit before opening up her wings and letting the wind catch them. This was how she normally got up into the air. She looked down at Aaron and Volkenagrim. Aaron couldnt fly. Ayren flew down and picked up Aaron. To her, he was surprisingly light. "Neyrii! What are we going to do about Volkenagrim? Hes still knocked out!" She called down to Neyrii.
7:02pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Neyrii groaned and made her way back up. She nudged her head on a rope, and trotted to Volkenagrim. She motioned for someone to tie him to the rope. If she cared the slightest, he would probably be heavy, but she didn't. Instead, she winced and barked. Tie him! She circled around tirelessly, and when she felt the rope tightened she leaped to the cliff. She slowly crawled down the face of the mountain.
7:14pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren looked astonished. "Your going to pull him down the cliff? I can hold two men at the same time." Ayren said. Aaron wasnt heavily, and she doubted Volkenagrim would be any difference. She landed next to Neyrii and offered a hand. "Here let me take him. And i could carry you to if you want. If you stay in dog form, it wouldnt make much of a drag." Ayren said. But secretly, Ayren doubted herself, even though she knew she could carry them all. She let out a soft sigh and motioned again for Volkenagrim
7:23pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Neyrii glared at Ayren, her ears flat against her head. She turned around and nudged Volkenagrim onto her own back, then sprinted down the mountain into a dark shrubland. And you thought I was weak. She bit off the rope, then trotted off to hunt, with her nose in the air. In about five minutes, she returned with a moose and the cougar that had been hunting it.