7:33pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren glared at Neyrii. "You know a simple no would be better." She said while setting down Aaron. "Now if you excuse me, ill be off. Whatever you do with Aaron and Volkenagrim is your problem now, not mine." Ayren jumped in the air and flew off just drifting in the air for a while. Then Ayren sighed. She would get a new home now. Just a temporary home. Ayren flew up high where the air was thin. She spotted a cave in the mountains and flew there. Once she was inside, she built a fire. Ayren looked outside. Snowstorm. Atleast, for her there was. She blocked up the cave entrance with stones and sat down by the fire. The cave trapped the heat, and the cave became very cozy. Ayren kept her hood on, but took off her daggers, and money sacks. The weight on her waist lifted, but felt weird to her. She shrugged it off and focused on staying warm
7:48pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii growled. I never liked you... She looked up and saw the darkening clouds, the swift snow falling down around them, she quickly got to work digging a den. She grabbed Aaron and tossed him inside, then dragging in Volkenagrim. I never thought I would babysit a knight and a daemon... She grunted, then layed in the entrance to block the cold snow. I hate it when my winter fur comes in late... The frost bit, sure, but it was better than watching the two others suffer the snow eating away their life.
7:59pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron got up and dusted himself off. "Your harsh to your sister" He said. "I was there the whole time. I was there when you came to the castle, and when Ayren left. " Aaron said, looking off into the distance where the snow was already falling. "And i know your Princess Neyrii, just in dog form" He added. He picked up some rocks and logs then looked over his shoulder at Neyrii "Better build some shelter." He smiled. Aaron took some water from his flask and poured it on Volkenagrims Face. "Rise and Shine. Im not going to build a shelter for people who dont help, if their injured or not." He said. Aaron squinted at the clouds. "Judging by the clouds, we have about an hour before it gets here. So we have to hurry"
8:23pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii tilted her head. She is not my sister, princess or not. I am not royal flesh and blood. She is. She looked choked in the statement, but turned away. Just... Just don't bring it up. Its bad enough I have to be a children's toy. She stood up, nose to the ground. She lifted her head, looking at the storm. It is a couple meters away, might want to hurry.
8:31pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron nodded. He understood Neyrii's emotions right now, so he obeyed her wish and He picked up the wood and stone, to make a make-shift shelter. "Alright everyone inside, Or you'll freeze to death." He shouted then picked up Volkenagrim and slung him over his shoulder, then nodded to Neyrii. He gestured to the shelter and tossed volkenagrim inside. There was a fire already going. I wonder what happened to Ayren.. Shes probally somewhere frozen like an ice cube He thought, then laughed to himself.
8:38pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii cautiously stepped into the shelter, then turned a quick circle. My own sister died years ago, but I have no idea what happened to my brother... She closed her eyes, squeezing so hard the thought might have popped out. She sniffed at Volkenagrim's head, then flinching. Hes surprisingly cold. She turned a circle and layed down next to him.
8:44pm Feb 20 2012 (last edited on 8:50pm Feb 20 2012)
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim's body felt Icy Cold. Like it had been touched by death. And in a way it was. The Daemun was a creature of Death. And Volkenagrim was a Vessel to that World and a Vessel of the Living, and surprisingly a Vessel of the Wild. Volkenagrim as the Warrior of Life. Maleck a Skeletal Beast of Death, and Nekoryu, the Beast of Wild. Volkenagrim soon began to stir. "Ugh... What's going on...?" He murmured. He shivered and it was obvious his was just now coming back to life. "Aaron? Neryii? Aryen...? You are all still here... Now it makes sense..." He then sat up. He shook even more. "We've got to stay put right here for a while...." Then he realized it is only Aaron and Neryii. "The reason why, is I'm not entirely back from Death.... Maleck is more than what you think. He's more than a Dark Monster. He's an Entity of Death, and I'm his Vessel of Such... As Myself Volkenagrim, I'm a Warrior for Life. And you've seen Nekoryu. Nekoryu is the Beast of the Wilds. I'm the Vessel of Three. A Trinity. Life. Death. Wild. I'll explain this in more Detail later. I'm too weak and may still be much closer to Death than you think.... My body is Exhausted, Starving, and to tell you the Truth, Still trying to tear itself apart. And we must have Aryen around whether you want her here or not. She's a a Soul Tamer too. Spirit is what tames the Wilds. Heart is what gives a Warrior, Strength and Courage is how you Deal with Death..." He explained.
8:51pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii leaped up and staggered back. Ew... Never do that infront of me ever again... She trotted away, only three feet, her tail sticking out flat as a board as if she was going to let loose her last meal.
9:05pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim snarled at Neryii and then snapped, "Where's Aryen?" He slowly stood up and looked at Aaron. He then looked at Neryii. "For someone who's the representative for Heart, you sure are Heartless... To her..." He growled at her. Then he stood up and shivered. Hew closed his eyes and focused. His outline began to glow and soon he was warmer. Much warmer. But so too was the area around him. It felt hot like a small blaze now. Soon afterwards, Volkenagrim stepped out onto the snow. When he did this, it began to melt away. His true body temperature was showing. It being over 108 degrees Fahrenheit. He then went off to look for her.
9:24pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii turned to him slightly, still looking at the ground. I... I... She dug a hole in the ground, more like a tunnel, then got out the other side. Her head and tail were drooped, and her ears were almost flat against her head. She looked back for a minute, then padded off to nowhere. If you don't want me, need me, like me... I should be off... Don't come looking for me... She walked for miles nonstop, for five days. She had gotten exceptionally skinny, and had leaped up for birds and raindrops. She layed down in a cave, still in a sad position, and fell asleep quickly.
9:38pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim was still looking for Aryen and somehow found Neryii again. His eyes were narrowed at her. "Neryii...?? It's not that I don't want you or don't need you.... I need all THREE of you. You are the most important. Only you can help free me of my Curse. For my Source of the Curse is Death. I was born of Darkness. Dark WarVoidal Magic. A force of Destruction! Of Death." He explained to her. "I can't help but be snappy and angry. I've no emotions. Nothing you have. It just ticks me off to no end to see Cruelty. Like you show Aryen. Because I've shown no end to it to thousands of others.. I've even stolen many and innocent Beings very Souls... That's why I say I'm a monster that should not have any hope or second chance..." He then walked up to her and sat down next to her. He had in his hands lots of deer meat, Turkey meat, and other kinds of meat. "Eat up... And listen up... Please..." He added. His eyes shown no end to his pain. In fact they looked hallow almost like you could actually see his Darkness within his Soul. The Blood he's spilt. The lives he's slain. He looked down breaking the contact. A tear of blood came from his right eye. "I may shed tears, yet know no Sorrow. I have desires yet know no Love. You are the one I envy. You can free me but are too reluctant. I understand why." He then dropped the meat and began to walk away.
9:46pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii turned away. You do not understand... What she did to me... Before I was like this... Before I was like anything. Like you envy me, I envy you. You do not have to feel the pain I do, the pain of my memories... She tucked her head under her paw, closing her eyes. I wish to help you, I wish I could... But I just can't... I am sorry if I am cruel to Demesne, but I cannot stand to be kind to her. Just... She sighed, the trotted deeper into the cave to drink from a puddle.
10:11pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim heard what she said. He then followed her and sighed. "It's not that I don't have to feel. It's that I'm forced to be UNABLE to... Now please... Let me know about this. You've got to put your past behind you or you'll become like me... Trapped for all Eternity. Neither or your living choice or against it." He told her. Then he went closer to her. "Trust me... Demesne must have changed for not a single Soul or Heart of Darkness can be allowed to be my Soul Tamer. Her heart is good. Like yours. She looked into the Daemun seeing me... A suffering spirit. Not a Monster. An Evil Heart would judge me for the way I seem. Like you don't..." He added. Volkenagrim then re-offered her the food. "Now your body is skinny. Time to eat this food." He told her.
10:27pm Feb 20 2012
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Neyrii lifted her head up, glaring at Volkenagrim. She killed everyone I cared about... Including my own sister... She killed me inside... It is not my fault I may seem heartless, atleast I have a sense of what is right and wrong. And, stop following me. I can't live around her, or... Any living being. Or any other being. She ran off in the opposite direction of Volkenagrim, leaping up to catch an eagle. She touched the ground and accelerated her speed. If you follow me, you know I have the power to kill myself...
1:25am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim grabbed her before she could leave. "She may be hurting the same as you... You'll never make things right inside yourself if you don't learn forgiveness... I can sense her Soul... It's in even more misery than yours... But neither of your Souls are in as much misery than mine... And having the power to kill yourself isn't anything to brag about. That's a cowards way out. And you are no coward...!" He told her. Then he drew her closer to her and stroked her fur. "Ye of so little faith and belief in yourself.... I'll leave you alone. But you must do one task... Go inside my Soul and see if my centuries of pain compares to equal your suffering or goes beyond it.... You'll see what I mean..." He told her with a whisper in her ears. He then petted her head. "I believe in you now. Yet you believe not in yourself..." His voice was now very gentle and sounded understanding. Eerily understanding. "What you've suffered at her hands isn't at all as bad as you think compared to my sufferings.... But I'll let you be the judge of that..." He then let her go and waved his hand. Where he waved it, a Black Darkness appeared. It billowed in a circular matter. And had a feeling of great Evil. Of never ending Darkness. The opening of shadows grew wider. "Step inside and it will take you where ever you wish to go. But wish to see the inside of My Soul.... It will take you to the core within it. It will also prove my many lives. My many identities and memories that I've no memory of myself.... All the pain and suffering it'll show." He then gazed into her eyes. "But eat the food I've been trying to give you.... So you'll have strength." He explained.
1:38am Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii closed her eyes and shook her head. I am sorry, and you know as I have told you I do not eat. If I do, I have been keeping down my appetite with all these birds. She looked up at him, understanding his pain and suffering. She still hated Ayren, and nothing could change that. She turned around and her ears drooped. I never should have left the castle... Will you excuse me for a moment? She trotted out of the cave, turned a corner, and lifted a leg (Hey, sorry. A dogs gotta do what a dogs gotta do! Your fault for bringing up ASPCA...) She returned shortly, wincing a little bit.
10:01am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren rolled away another rock. The cave entrance was cleared. "Finally" She sighed. Ayren After six days in there, it gets very dark. Ayren picked up her daggers and walked outside. She let open her wings and the wind brushed through them. It felt good. Ayren jumped down from her cave, then let the wind blow her back up. She had to pump her wings hard, they were stiff since being cramped up all day. She glided down to the place where Aaron, Neyrii, and Volkenagrim would be. She hit the ground with a small thump. Ayren looked around and groaned. They had left. Maybe to look for her? She shook her head. Then she looked down at her clothes. Ayren was covered in ash, and dirt. Her once white shirt, had become black. She looked down at herself, disgusted. Ayren flew to the nearest town and went into the store. She selected three shirts, and a bag to carry things in. She also bought pants, and some things for the group. She placed the coins on the counter and left. Her cloak hood fell down as soon as she left. Ayren flew back to the Make-shift shelter and sat down by it. She got bored, and walked around until she had found a stream. She pulled off her shirt and slipped on a new one, then washed the "white" one. Humming softly she wrung it over a tree branch and leaned her back against the trunk. She wondered where everyone went.
10:12am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron walked up to Ayren. "You left." He said. "Everyone left after you. I stayed though. I thought that maybe they would go back here." Aaron leaned on the other side of the trunk. "Neryii left when you did. Volkenagrim went looking for you. I have no clue what happened to them now." he sighed. "Maybe i should have gone with them" Aaron looked at Ayren with expectant eyes. Waiting for her reaction.
10:26am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren opened her mouth to speak but stopped. She turned and walked up to Aaron,Then, hugged him. It was a great relief to see that someone had some faith in her. She pulled away. "Thank you for waiting." Ayren said then walked away. She motioned for Aaron to stay there. She walked to the stream again and pulled the shirt down, putting it in her bag. She filled up her flask. Ayren thanked herself for buying a bag that drapes over her shoulder. These kinds were what she was used to. She looked around for a second and spotted a deer. Aiming carefully, she brought it down and walked over and retrieved her kill. She then walked back to Aaron and skinned the deer. Ayren built a fire and cubed chunks of meat, with her daggers. "Eat" She said shortly. Then waited for him to sit. Her face showed no signs of any emotions.
10:36am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron brushed himself off while Ayren was doing whatever she was doing. He was shocked that she hugged him, but dismissed it as, she was grateful to see another human. When she got back Aaron was standing where he was, leaned against the trunk. He sat down next to Ayren by the fire when she motioned him over. Aaron picked up a piece of meat and grilled it. He chewed it carefully after it was done roasting . He hadn't eaten in three days. "I know your a princess." Aaron said, and chewed on another piece of meat. His face, like Ayren, was wiped clean of any emotion.