1:59pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii, after doing her business, sprinted back to the shelter as fast as she could. In her jaws was a bag, a spherical ob ject glowing inside. She stopped short as she neared the stream a little bit, watching Aaron and Ayren. Oh, good greif. Now I feel like Autumn. She wandered to a random tree and let herself slump down under it. She hadn't felt safe before she had the little talk with Volkenagrim, but now that she told him everything she felt as if the world was crashing down on her. Oh knock it off, atleast I told someone... Still not forgiving her! And don't say I don't know how because I do! But I'm still not! She was currently at war with herself, which to an average human would sound like a series of barking and growling, and maybe a bit of batting at the air, the things stupid dogs do. But no, she felt prior to opportunities now. She was a wolfdog. She could just, wander off without any chains called a castle holding on. Day, night, any time. She sat there with her eyes closed feeling the cool breeze whip her fur.

2:30pm Feb 21 2012 (last edited on 2:34pm Feb 21 2012)
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim sighed as he caught up with her.. "You do eat. I was not far when you stole those meats..." He then looked at the distance. "I know I can't change anything but please try to get to know Aryen this time and forgive her. And should she try to do anything she may've done in the past, I'll hurt her for you... But I'm getting to the bottom of the Truth. That's the only way to set you free of the chains you are unwilling to break. But do my task.. Enter the Void I've summoned for you to see... About my sufferings... I've suffer the exact same fate as you and far more than just the one time you've witnessed from Aryen..." He told Neryii. Then he walked ahead of her, stroked her fur on her back and said, "I've faith in her Spirit. She needs that as you need Faith in you Heart. Trust me..." He then led her into the Void that appeared before them. "Go inside it and you'll see what you must see. You once asked whom I was. And what was wrong with me. In there you'll find answers, answers to all the questions you seek.... about me... And why I'm so desperate to get you to try to get along with her." The Warrior told her. He then sat down and waited. "You must do it. For I'm prophesying Doom and it will come from me if my Darkened Wild Souls aren't tamed by all three of you!" He added.
2:57pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii was a little bit frightened, partly because he might have been losing it, and all this nonsense was getting creepy. She stepped forward, then looked back, and entered the void. Or whatever it was. Whatever she saw, she was more frightened than ever. She yelped and leaped out, making a swift run for it. She looked back once, but she was moving too fast to see anything. Even though it was now spring, she was shivering in the cold wind rushing past her. She finally stopped, somehow in a dark, bare, wasteland. She wandered around for about 10 hours, looking for water or atleast a decent vulture.
3:22pm Feb 21 2012 (last edited on 3:25pm Feb 21 2012)
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Posts: 144
Ayren ran up to Volkenagrim and gave him a hug. "Look you've healed all up! Wheres Neyrii?" She said, looking confused. "oh. She didnt come because of me right?" Her voice dropped. She looked over her shoulder at Aaron. She waved her hand, telling him to come. She turned to Volkenagrim and let out a soft sigh.
3:34pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii's tail and paws were now a dark shade of black and brown, because they were dragging on the ground the whole time. She was much too tired to go back, and a little more interested in finding water. She had begun scratching at the tough ground, searching for a small spout of water. Or atleast a geoduck, because it probably used to be an ocean that had burned away because there was a dormant volcano in the distance. It wasn't cold anymore, but she thought she was just numb. After looking around a bit, she decided to dig a small den. Before she knew it, she was asleep.
4:38pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim sighed. "She was frightened by what she saw.... in my Soul..." He told her. He came to her and went with her. Then he sat down. "I heal fast... But she saw my darkness..." He added to her. Then he closed his eyes. "Do you see that Void Circle there? She went inside it and saw many people being slain by me. And before I was a full monster, my families being murdered before my very eyes. Also the Souls of many people I've killed and how they are suffering still. And many more Souls that are in-between this world and the many others." He sighed out. Then he looked at her. "Both of you enter the Void and see what she saw. But first, tell me why she hates you. And why she can't forgive you... She told me you destroyed everything she held dear." He added to her. The Void billowed again in a circular matter. It was dark and sinister. Very cold air came from it. Evil air. There was another Void where Neryii was. Volkenagrim's voice came from the other end of it. It had told her, "Neryii this Void is different. It will enable you to travel back here.... Where I'm at... I'm going to find the Truth and I know what you saw... You saw my Mother filling my Soul with Dark and Evil Magics. Condemning me. Saw me be a murderer for 100 years. But saw me change to save my lady cousin. Saw me become Afrihas, then Gaeruso, then Chrono, soon after that Garaino, then Gaerudo, Garaikou, and Gaeruso again, finally Volcanotano as the beginning name. And now my most cursed ever form and name now... Volkenagrim. All throughout this my families I've had to watch die. I've had to destroy and rebuild. So many things. And my only friend had killed my last family I had. But once my own brother murdered my only son. All I had left. And I later found out he was being controlled by someone else and was forced to do it." He explained to her. "I forgave him..."
4:58pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii awoke and stumbled out of her den, staring up at the full moon. Great, when I get back I will be attacked again. Oh well, I had a good run. She leaped into the air and sprinted back, claws beared. She entered, leaping through a bush, landing with all fours half-way sprawled out infront of her.
5:02pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren shrugged. "I dont know why she hates me. My past has been, well, foggy." she sighed. She stared off in the distance, almost as if the memory lies there. Ayren looked at Vokenagrim. "How do i enter your void?" She said, with a sudden determination in her voice. She picked up her bag, and stapped it over her shoulder. "oh, here" She said holding out a bundle of clothes an medicine. Ayren looked over at Aaron and let out another faint sigh. "And i want to go alone"
5:09pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii snorted, making her way slowly to the stream. She leaped in, washing dirt, mud, and ash off her paws and tail. One paw, the previously wounded one, was tucked up and harshly injured from walking for days. She hopped out of the stream and lay down on the riverbed, licking her lame leg.
5:28pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron stood next to Ayren, his mouth forming a tight line. "She should go alone. It would give Ayren a good chance to Redeem herself. " He said. Aaron struggled with the words, since his duty was to protect her. To him, this was defying the kings orders, which would mean, death. His parents died that way. He had to remind himself, they were in the middle of no where. Aaron turned around and picked up his sword. "ill stay here and guard the camp, in case you turn to Maleck again."
5:41pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii pointed her nose to the moon. Perhaps you spoke too soon... She weakly stood up, in no condition for a fight. She beared her claws, waiting for Maleck to take over Volkenagrim. In her mind deep down, she knew what everyone was thinking. Her species had the weird ability to read minds, understand everything, but for some reason it only worked with Aaron and Volkenagrim. Looks like your trying to do more than protect her... And I am pretty sure she would be willing to speak to the king to keep you from getting killed. We are both very good freinds with him... Neyrii was speaking to Aaron in his mind, the only way she could speak at all. She snickered in her own mind, but ceased as soon as she thought of the looks she might get.
5:52pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron had the look on his face again. The look he always got before battle. It was a twisted smile, as if, he knew that he would be victorious. Then the face faded away and thought to Neyrii, what do you mean by that? Aaron paused then added Where are you? Volkenagrim and Ayren are worried. And yes, i said Ayren. His hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. He braced himself for Volkenagrim to turn. Aaron took off his vest again, since he knew, it was better to fight without it. "Volkenagrim, Its night" He said, anticipation creeping into his voice.
6:08pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii smirked. I am right behind you. Too bad she has already been married off, for some reason. She met a suitor earlier than expected. And we know how that turned out! You think it'll work with my so-called sister, your wrong. She is tough as a rock on the outside, but on the inside she is as soft as a linen pillow. But, she will turn the cold shoulder at some point. Just you wait. Neyrii, as a wolfdog, was naturally sinister and sly when it came to Ayren and many others. If Aaron would stop acting as if Ayren were her sister, then maybe he might get the nice side. But no, everyone has to compare her to Ayren. If she would be allowed to actually fight her own battles, she would actually be considered the older and more mature one. The one others would look up to, like she was meant to be.
6:16pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron stepped back a little. Married off? Aaron turned around expecting to find Neyrii. Married off. He repeated. Then released his sword. "Volkenagrim hadnt turned yet. I think we're safe tonight." He said, sheathing his sword. Aaron turned to Ayren and said, "Get some sleep. Ill guard tonight. Neyrii, you too." Aaron postioned himself so he could be on watch. His eyes remained focused on the forest, or anything that might cause as a threat.
6:28pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii trotted in the direction of the forest to hunt. I am alot happier being a dog than a princess, I would never need to be married off. Whoever they chose will just have to marry someone else next month. When she returned from the forest, there was blood from her chin down. In her maw she held a sheep, also covered in blood. She lay it down in the shelter, walking off in another direction. If any of you follow me, its your fault you return with the memory of something very unpleasant. And no, I'm not doing business. She trotted far off to a cave, the one she was in before. As she progressed farther inside, she heard growling from the cave entrance, in other words another wolfdog. She backed up, watching the yellow eyes glow in the dark. Sorry to intrude your cave sir... She made a run for the exit but got wacked backwards with a large paw.
7:17pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim listened to the words of everyone else. He knew why Maleck wasn't going to come out. He was too weak to shift into this world. "Maleck won't come out, but Nekoryu will. But Nekoryu isn't Evil. He's more like a Wild Caged Animal... I'm going to head into the woods... So you won't have to watch the pain in my body shifting into him..." He explained to them. Then he added to Aryen, "To enter a Void all you have to do is walk into it. But do that at first light. You've all got to see what's inside me and what you're getting yourselves into...." He warned to them. Then he stood up and walked into the woods. He paused briefly and winced. But he recovered and then ran off into the darkness of the shadowy woods. He was now out of sight. Once out of sight he then felt it was okay to become entrapped by Nekoryu's mind, body, and conscious. When he began the change his hair grew longer to his tail. His head grew out 7 horns. Two horns were above his eyes and one was above his nose. Two were on his cheeks pointing forward and two horns pointed backwards behind the horns above his eyes. His eyes were red and body grew out scales of Violet hues and Black coloration. His back sprouted out 8 spines that was surrounded by flames. He had two slits in his back for large powerful wings to come burst out. His tail resembled Maleck's yet the spines were larger at the end of the tail and were black instead of grey. All over his body were Blood Red Markings that glowed brightly like Cursed Blood Rubies. He had saber teeth out at the front of his jaw. After the shift was complete, Nekoryu let loose a loud roar of great power. He then sniffed the air and rushed towards the camp. He saw Neryii, Aaron, and Aryen's weapons. He reared his back up like an angry cat's and snarled. He evidently didn't like the weapons being visible. In fact Nekoryu's very form was based entirely on a Wild Beast. Hence the meaning of Volkenagrim being the Vessel of the Wilds.
7:25pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii stood infront of the other wolfdog, rearing up every few minutes to remind him she was a threat. After an hour of circling and identifying, the wolfdog leaped up and bit at Neyrii's maw. Neyrii swatted at him, racing for the exit again but got bitten in the hind leg and knocked out from blood loss.
8:43pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron sat up and grabbed his sword. He ran up to Neykoryu, swinging his sword easily. "Someone get the left side!" He shouted. Swinging again, Aaron curved around to Neykoryu's back. He stabbed his sword through it, and jerked it out. "How many forms does this guy have?" He shouted over the roar. He circled around the wild beast, waiting for an attack.
8:48pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii, after waking up and noticed the wolfdog gone, galloped to the shelter. She was still covered in blood but didn't break a sweat tackling Nekoryu from behind.
8:55pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren stood up, pulling on her hood. She gave a sly smile, and then whispered some words. Instantly, Ayren became a shadow, Hardly seen in the night. She waited for the right moment, when Neykoryu was distracted by Aaron. She ran, the shadow version of her cloak trailing behind her, she looked at the battle, her hand gently on the tree trunk she was hiding behind. Then, Ayren disappeared into the void. She landed in a position where her hand was placed firmly on the ground, and her leg was sticking out. She looked up, and stood. It was dark in here. Very dark. Ayren pulled out a small candle she had kept in the bag. She lit it and looked around, moving the candle so she could see ahead of her. Taking a few steps she looked around. Then suddenly, She was falling.