9:05pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii looked at the void and smirked, only to be thrown off Nekoryu. She suffered deep pain in her paw but leaped back up and growled. Aaron, put away the sword. You will hurt yourself. Let the dog do the dirty work. She regretted doing it, but she winked at Aaron and leaped behind Nekoryu. Again she leaped onto its back and bit viciously at the scruff trying to get a hold. She bit the scruff, and immediately held the monster still. See, I hate doing this because it is what paralyses it for a while. Won't wake up for an hour. She leaped down and shook her head. This is so disorienting. Only mothers are allowed to do that. I am so ashamed... She loped off, holding one paw tight to her side.
9:14pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron sheathed his sword and Nodded. "But... Hey, Where Ayren?" He asked, Looking around. "I havent seen her since the battle started." Then Aaron froze. Shes in the Void Neyrii. She went into the Void. He thought. We should go after her. Volkenagrim explained its a dark place. Aaron headed to the forest and turned to Neyrii. "You'll get an explanation from her, about your family if you come. " He said, and continued to walk, Grabbing a piece of wood, from the fire that was still burning.
9:18pm Feb 21 2012
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Neyrii shook her head. It is not dangerous, only frightening. Fall down a few holes, and walk out. I'll show you. Neyrii leaped in, her blue eyes lighting up the dark. She lept down ten holes and found Aryen, smirking at her face. Come along scare face. She nudged Ayren onto her back and sprinted out of the void. Ta-da. She plopped Ayren down, unfortunately in the stream. Well, unfortunate for Ayren, Neyrii would have burst out laughing if she could.
4:08pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 516
Suddenly the Void became brighter. It wasn't dark anymore. A wounded Volkenagrim's Voice was heard in the distance. "That fighting with Nekoryu... My Beastial Instinct was entirely unnecessary... He was trying to tell you all to get the weapons out of sight..." Suddenly Nekoryu leaped through into the Void. He snarled at them but did't attack. In fact he just shook off the wounds and blood. He then walked slowly ahead of them on all fours. He sniffed the air and then turned to face them. He moved his head in a manner that said "follow". Volkenagrim's voice was heard again. "I'm no longer existent in the Living realms for Nekoryu has full control. My Soul is this very Void now. And I've just now stabilized it. Follow Nekoryu. He'll lead you to the areas you must go to learn about my past, and your own pasts.... To reveal lost memories and show secrets on how to put the pain behind you..." Nekoryu's spines flared up at Volkenagrim's voice. He reared up at the echoes. But soon settled down. He then glared at those that attacked him. Surprisingly there was no sign of injuries on him. Just the very old wounds. "As a Beastial Instinct my behavior is the exact manner of a Wild Animal.... A caged Animal trying to destroy those keeping it caged. If you'd not move to suddenly or have your weapons out you'll be fine..." He growled to them in an echoey raspy snarly voice. He then stretched and yawned, then scratched at his ear with a front hand. But the way he did so was like a cat would do.
6:30pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren stood up and twisted the water out of her hair. "Thank you. I needed a bath." She said, as calm as she could. She looked at Nekoryu. "But we should have stayed. We need to go back into the Void." Ayren said, walking away to a spot where she could change her clothes. Before she left, Ayren tossed down a bundle of clothes at Neyrii's paws. "For when you decide to be a human again." She said, then disappeared. She changed into some dry clothes, but left her cloak at the tree, and kept her hair down. Ayren passed by Aaron and Neyrii and nodded at them shortly before setting down her weapons and entering the void. She patiently waited for them to arrive.
6:36pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 516
Nekoryu shook some of the water that splashed on him off. He snapped at Neryii but not in a dangerous manner. He then walked into the Void again. But waited at the entrance. He was eyeing them curiously.
7:10pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron charged fearlessly after Ayren, figuring since he wasnt at the kingdom, he would just be body guard for her. Neyrii didnt need any protecting from him. Volkenagrim seemed to have that position covered. Aaron stood by Ayren at a position where he could guard her, but also able to fight without hurting her. He looked around with narrow eyes and reached for his sword, for reassurance he has something to defend himself, but remembered he left it outside.
7:33pm Feb 22 2012
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Neyrii glared at Ayren I don't choose to be this way, Demesne! Her voice had a sharp edge to it, warning Ayren that she could let out the claws she used earlier in a heartbeat. She made a growling sound, poised in a spawling action. She made a swift turn and padded off to Nekoryu. After a minute, she swatted towards Ayren with her tail to reassure dominance, as dogs often did.
8:47pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren just let out a snort and looked up at Aaron, standing next to her. "I think Aaron could kill you, faster than you could kill me" she smirked. "And please Do not call me Demesne. I do not use it now, since i left the life of a princess for the second time." She must hate me a lot. though, i didn't kill her family. I haven't killed anyone at all. I only threatened my other bandits. She thought. Ayren looked ahead, for the third time, and reached out of the void and grabbed a small log. She brought it inside the void and lit it. I'm lighting a fire inside someone's mind. She thought, then laughed to herself. Ayren stopped laughing and lifted the torch. Like before, she held it infront of her face, so she could see. But any light that shone, was engulfed in darkness. "thats strange.. that never happened before.." she murmured to herself.
9:04pm Feb 22 2012
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Neyrii stood on her hind legs and batted away the torch. Are you blind? Ah, Aaron Aaron Aaron. Just because your a princess doesn't mean you need to rely on others. And, Demesne, as so many people say so I am your sister so I don't care what your name is. Atleast I know how to track you down next time you steal gold from an innocent child or someone again. To a commoner, she would be in a snapping fit. She ended with a stiffly sharp growl that started with a hissing noise. She leaped up and rested her paws on Ayren's shoulders as if knocking her down like a bowling pin, looking in her eyes with hypnotic blue eyes. Lie to me again and the sky is the last thing you'll see. Aaron? He will go down almost as easy. She slid off with a push of her paws, her head deep below her haunches like a lion.
10:35pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren got up and scowled. She looked with a fire in her eyes that, If looks could kill, She would kill someone. Why do you have to hate me so much? and i am NOT your sister. I know you were raised by Mountain folk. But you dont have to hate ME. i did nothing wrong. I left the castle, into a band of thieves. Do you know how hard it is to rise to the ranks i was right now? And they never respected me. I steal gold, because i want to live. I make the best of my life. And I am not blind thank you. Ayren paused, and scowled. Shes fighting with a dog. Nevermind. Just forget it. Hate me or whatever. Blame the thief. Classic. Just, ignore me will you? She looked up at Aaron again and then added And please dont bring Aaron into this. He still has a life to live. Ayren then, charged into the darkness, wishing she had a light source. Ayren stumbled on her feet, before finding a memory. It was a blinding light, and She looked at it, watching it.
10:48pm Feb 22 2012
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Neyrii was crabby for another reason, from the recent fight with the wolf she had met the other day. That was the first fight she had lost to a male, or anything. She stopped in mid-step, one paw frozen in the air. She was lost in her own memory, but not quite her own. More like a doll memory that she herself never experienced. Something burned behind her eyes, she shook her head and sped up to the others. Atleast you have a life of your own, your own memories, your own mind... I have to stomp around in another strange world called Yezus... Everything is red as blood... I know nothing of my own life, if I ever had one... The last part about Yezus was talking to herself, but also almost directed to Ayren. Neyrii's icy glowing blue eyes shown like chrystals as bright as the sun. As soon as no one was looking, she padded to the exit and leaped out. She needed a bit of alone time. She padded in the direction of where she had the smack down fight with the wolf, seeking out a way to apologise in a way that he would understand.

10:59pm Feb 22 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron sat down with a small Huff. "They never stop do they?" He said with a small laugh. Since he possessed the same mind ability as Neyrii, he was able to hear what they were talking, er, thinking about. He looked both ways where each girl had stomped off, Torn. Aaron then got back up and charged to a different direction. He marched to a small area and sat down again. Aaron sent out a message to Neyrii You are Harsh. Then, He sent one to Ayren You are stubborn. Aaron looked up and saw a cage fall down on him. "Has Volkenagrim, Ever been caged before? Is that why im in a cage?" he muttered to himself. Aaron then let out a frustrated sigh. No sword. No weapon. No way to attack. He wasnt trained with fists. Aaron stood up, only to hit his head. He sat down and shrugged. So he was in a cage. ok. Well, at least there was no more Neyrii and Ayren fighting..unless they did it mentally. Aaron flinched. He didnt like fighting. His parents never fought, his brothers never fought. He just wasnt used to it. Aaron looked at the ground.
11:07pm Feb 22 2012
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Before Neyrii got too far, she galloped to the cage. She looked it up and down, and found a weak spot. She beared her teeth and bit the bars as hard as she could, and they snapped like a twig. I could have left you there. I could have let you suffer. I could have disappeared forever. But I have a heart too. Think about your words, sir. She quickly padded to the cave where she met the wolf. As soon as she saw the yellow glowing eyes appeared at the far edge, she almost smiled.
12:29am Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
(Volkenagrim isn't in a cage. He's in the Voids. A part of the Void itself but you know how a Wild Animal is at first inside of a Cage, Violent, Destructive, and very Dangerous.) Nekoryu laid down at all the commotion. He was flustered with all the fighting and almost wanted to join in and fight everyone again. Nekoryu then brushed against Aryen. He pushed her to the other memory. A memory that shown his mother forging his Soul with Darkness. Then this memory of Volkenagrim changed to show a life of a Monster. An individual that killed and was ordered to more than an assassin. Then after killing the people Volkenagrim would take their Souls and devour them, building the Darkgrim Voids themselves. But one sign of defiance was seen. The day Volkenagrim was known as Volcanotano, being demanded and forced to kill his Father, but knowing the father was poisoned refused to kill him. Then his mother issuing many Assassins to destroy her only son. And another memory. Him walking into the village of his surviving Father and being helped by two young cousins. These Cousins showing him Love and things he's never known. And a since of peace that was destroyed. The Assassins coming and killing one cousin. But leaving Volcanotano life enough to gift the dead cousin bringing her back to life. Nekoryu sat down next to Aryen and muttered, "That's my Vessel's first life. Back then he was the Born Destroyer. Now he's trying to break his chains and become free of his Mother's Curse...." He then looked at her and then left her alone in the Shadows of Darkgrim Voids. He then rushed to find Neryii. He found her freeing a wolf from the cage. Nekoryu snarled at the Wolf male and mocked a charge at him. The Wolf male ran away. He then stood over Neryii and growled out, "Come... Unfinished business between you, Aaron, Aryen, Volkenagrim, Maleck, and myself, you must see the answers of your Questions... And seek answers for Aryen supposedly killing your family.... The Voids are all over. They pass through everyone. Meaning you can see other's memories you wish to see. Including the memories of Aryen. But she can't remember anything about that subject." He then shook himself off and rushed back to Aaron's location.
10:06am Feb 23 2012
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(not you lol) Neyrii nosed the ground, and said goodbye to the wolf male, trotting to the shelter. She stood there like a brick, glaring at Ayren. If only I knew just one person with a real mind... She shook her head. After giving a swift sniff to the air, she opened her eyes. The sky was a rosy kind of color, but more like blood. In her new mind, the sky would appear to be dying. Otherwise the end of the world. Neyrii yelped and rushed for cover.
5:43pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren held the memory in her hand, watching it play over and over. Then, something crept in her mind, the memory of the mountains. Ayren remembered when she was little, The king had taken a trip to the mountains, and Ayren had gotten lost. She was left behind and was very cold. Then she stumbled upon a family... The memory had re-turned to her, but it stopped suddenly. Everything had gone black. But in the memory, her arms had moved. Ayren sighed softly when the memory was gone. "that doesnt explain much." She muttered. Then a thought entered her mind. "Maybe Volkenagrim's memories, trigger my own." She said, then pondered on it for a minute. She shrugged and walked on.
6:39pm Feb 23 2012
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Neyrii lifted her nose in the air, trying to catch a scent. Any scent. She leaped into the brush, landing in a playful position. She stood up, searching around. The light of the moon reflected on a dead pheasant, which of course Neyrii couldn't resist. She smelt odors of humans, very strong odors. She dropped down and crawled to the pheasant, then grabbed it by the neck just to be rewarded with the painful sensation of being caught in a cage. The cage, unlike most, was solid with no holes. She scratched at the sides but felt herself being lifted. The feeling was sickening, like being thrown off a cliff with an anvil taped to your chest while you were in the middle of vomiting. The empty feeling. She soon gave up and rested her chin on her paws. As soon as she felt a loud thump, she sprung to her feet and hit her head on the top. She had a bad feeling about this, either they were hunters or assassins who found out she used to be the princess.
8:24pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
Nekoryu's gut alerted him to something bad was happening to Neryii. He snarled out loud and rushed to the scene of the crime. He saw the large cage. At that instant, Nekoryu snapped. He roared loudly and charged at the cage. Then he circled around it and searched for the people responsible. He then roared and left the sight. Nekoryu returned to Aaron's location. He rushed at him, grabbed his sword in his mouth and threw it at Aaron. "Arm yourself! Now!!!!" He roared at him with a rolling snarly gruff voice. "Neryii is trapped in an Iron Block Cage!" He then rushed ahead of Aaron and sat down impatiently. He then grabbed Aaron's shirt in the direction of Neryii's location. He then let him go, knocking him down and rushed back to the cage. Again he charged at it the moment he got there. Another big dent in it. Again searched for those responsible. Another huge tackle at the Cage. Then he stood up on his hind legs and slashed at it. Huge gashes then were seen at the cage. Thus causing openings to see in or out of.
8:38pm Feb 23 2012
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Neyrii yelped, getting cut by the shards of iron. She was beginning to bleed. But it was no ordinary cage, every dent just popped out again, the gashes sealing themselves. Neyrii whimpered, her eyes flicking around wildly. Its moving! Its moving! That, was true. The cage was being pulled upward by a silk cord, but thicker than just a thread or a rope. She scraped her claws against the walls, but of course it failed. She bit furiously, but that didn'y work either. So there she was, her legs sprawled out beneath her.