9:01pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 43
Aaron stuttered "No... of course not... Ayren is a Princess. I just guard her..." Then he gaped at the wolf. Aaron clamped his mouth shut and turned his back on Jabari. "Everyone, Listen up. Today, we are going to a town." He said. "And staying in a Inn. Volkenagrim should be fine... we'll only stay there for a night." Aaron looked up at the sky. Morning. He looked around and said, "So, what does everyone think?"
9:14pm Feb 24 2012
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Neyrii had returned a while before, and tilted her head. Why do we do that? I think they may be a little scared of a giant... Thing, a few people with weapons, and two wolves? She was really trying to give them a point, because Red had probably spread the news that she was a wolf. And Demesne was a theif... Uh, remember that person who locked me in that cage? He must have spread a bit of things... People would probably try to catch Ayren, get alot of money... That was the upside. The downside was they may try to capture her too.
9:27pm Feb 24 2012 (last edited on 9:41am Feb 25 2012)
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Posts: 301
Name: Lydia (Aradis) Rank: Ex-Duchess. Age: 18 Looks like: Lydia has porcelain white skin, and rosy cheeks. Her face is slightly round, complimented by softly angled eyebrows and sepia colored eyes. Her hair is a light caramel-brunette, and she has a rather lean figure. She stands at an average height, not too small, not too tall. Usually Lydia wears her long hair piled up on her head in an elegant fashion, cascading down her long neck and past her shoulders. Deion: Lydia was once a Duchess in the royal court. She was born into the royal court, raised as a lady of the royal court, and when she turned 16, became a Duchess. Then, disaster struck, and the unthinkable happened. Someone was assassinated, and at the time, Lydia was around. Since no other pieces of evidence that indicated someone else was there, Lydia was accused of murder and sent off to be killed. But because of her high rank, Lydia was given a second choice. She could be branded with a mark that indicates her crimes, and her ti tle stripped from her, and then sent off into the wild to fend for herself. Scared of an early death, Lydia chose the second choice and has been living in the wild ever since. But Lydia was bent on revenge. What the castle had done to her was so unfair, Lydia couldn't bring herself to forgive anyone in it. Soon, she started to go into the assassination business, and worked as an informant, earning the ti tle Aradis, meaning She Devil. Other: She has the brand near her shoulder, a bright red V intertwined with an S that has been described in the past as a hissing snake.

9:27pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren nodded. "I think we should go to town. Ill wear my cloak.. people wont see me." she said, ignoring Neyrii. "Maybe, have the wolves pose as dogs?" She pulled out a small pan flute from her bag and blew a sharp note. Jabari came running to her. "I trained him to do that" She said with a small smile. Ayren then picked up her bundle of food. "Lets go!" She said, letting out her wings.
Jabari's ears pricked at the sound of the flute and sat next to Ayren. Did you need me Ayren? He asked, no longer talking like humans. Oh, Neyrii. Come to town with us. I think the sight of another wolf, would drive that... Red fellow to me. Or Ayren since shes wanted more. So, sounds good?
9:34pm Feb 24 2012
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Neyrii sighed. Fine. Jabari, come over here. Once Jabari was close, she said some words that made them look like modern Saruki dogs. (Their white, floppy ears and long fur on tip of the tail and ears. check em out, their cool) Now we look normal.
9:55pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 516
It may have been morning now but Volkenagrim was still trapped by the form of Nekoryu. He snarled as he suddenly awoke from the suns rays. He looked around and saw that he was in an area close to a lake. Nekoryu looked around and then rushed back to find Neryii, Aaron, and Aryen. He found them nearby headed to town. He trotted along side them. His spines on his back weren't flared up as normal. This must of meant he'd calmed down. Nekoryu eyed the new wolf Jarbari and snarled a him. "I saw you and Neryii last night." He then walked beside Neryii. He seemed confused at her new form. "You were just a wolf earlier now you are a dog?!" He growled. Then he walked ahead of them. He smelt someone nearby. ""Do you smell something Neryii?" He asked her. Then he flared up the flames of his spines and growled long and deep. He then rushed towards the smell. But stopped short. It was familiar to him. but he couldn't remember why. The nearby individuals voice was heard. It was light and low. Gentle yet by the words were hiding a dark danger. "You should calm down old friend.... Volkenagrim... Or should I say, Nekoryu...?" It said. The figure who said it was still hidden from sight. But would reveal itself in town. Nekoryu sensed this and then turned to face Neryii. "I'm going to go into town. Someone I may know is there, er, going to be there...." He explained to them. Then he went a bit ahead.
11:13pm Feb 24 2012
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Neyrii was confused, but looked up at Nekoryu. Just a disguise... Villagers get afraid of wolves. If I hadn't done this, I would get killed. Smell what? She lifted her nose, taking in scents. All she smelled was pies, jasmine, and beef. A bakery, flower cart, or butcher? Neyrii then noticed what he was talking about. The smell was strange, and alarming. She tucked her tail between her legs but let it loose when Nekoryu left.
10:05am Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 301
OOC: I edited my person's bio, if that's alright with you. ^^;
BIC: Lydia, known as Aradis to others but herself, made her way through the forest, keeping her footsteps light and her breathing slow and long. Lydia had always hated the forest as a child, constantly reminded of the gruesome stories of little children lost to the gaping claws of the woods and never to be seen again. Of course, these fables weren't anything but a lie, only made up to scare children into behaving. Still, Lydia had believed them ever since, steering clear of the mysterious woodlands and keeping herself content with frolicking around the royal courtyards and gardens.
But now, Lydia was given no choice. Ever since the trial, Lydia had been cast out into the forest and forced to make-do with whatever she found around herself and was given no choice but to get over the silly little children's tales. She was no longer a Duchess, no longer one of royal blood. She was a criminal, a traitor, and a murderer. In a silent rage, Lydia clenched her fist tighter around the long bow in her hands, her knuckles turning white.
Gritting her teeth, Lydia continued on her journey through the forest. Her stomach growled in protest but Lydia ignored it. She knew that she would have to ration the hare she had caught early in the morning, in order to keep herself from starving everyday. Glancing up at the thicket of trees above her, Lydia crawled up a tree and pushed apart some of the branches, revealing a wide open sky painted with the bright blues of the yonder and mixed with the soft white of the cirrus clouds. Sighing, she climbed down from the tree, casting a pointed glance at the large castle in the distance before landing safely back onto the ground.
Running a hand through her hair, she picked out the leaves, stopping quickly as she heard a faint noise in the distance. It sounded like growling, and a mix of talking. Occasionally, the growling would turn to snapping and snarling, but it quickly disappeared as the human voices commanded them to stop. Frowning, Lydia drew her dagger out from the sheath on her thigh, cautiously approaching the noises.

11:45am Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren looked at Neyrii, "Are you alright?" Concern filled her voice. "Maybe we shouldnt go to the village. But, we shouldnt stay in the forest." Then she heard the faint sound of rustling leaves. "Get down!" she hissed. "Someones here!"
Jabari stalked off to the forest. Excuse me.. im going huinting. Mumbling a few words, he turned back into a wolf. Running deeper into the forest. He came upon a stream and crossed over some rocks. He entered a small hut and sat down on the wooden floor. "Change me back" He said, to an old lady in a rocking chair. There was a crackle of laughter and the lady said, "But, your life is good. They call you Jabari now dont they?" Jabari nodded, "Yes, but im just another dog to them. I take up too much space. If i were to join a pack, i wouldnt fit in." The old lady turned her head so she could see Jabari. She let out a small sigh. "Fine. Seven years of a wolf is enough." She raised a hand and there was a small Pop. What used to be Jabari was now a human, with blonde hair and amber eyes. When he arose, he was in a white shirt, and black pants. Much like a pirate would wear. Jabari nodded his thanks and left the hut. He sneaked past Ayren to a small opening in the forest. He sat down and looked up. Sun shone down in small patches. Finally. Human again.
1:49pm Feb 25 2012
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Neyrii glared at Ayren. She stood up slowly, when Jabari ran off. I know your not hunting...She turned away, walking to the forest. She had changed back to the regular white wolf she was, so something moving caught her eye. She leaped onto a rock and became eye-level to Lydia. Its not polite to hunt kind people. With a large swat the bow flopped out of Lydia's hand. Neyrii glared into her eyes, as she did to the rude people she meant to be kind to. Your the murdering dutchess, aren't you? She sat down, one ear in the direction of Lydia, the other in the direction of Jabari. Or whatever he was called now. We may meet again... She tossed herself off the ledge and rounded a tree as fast as she could. She climbed a tree, awefully close to Jabari. I knew you were a lyer... But not one this bad. How could I have trusted you? She leaped down and trotted back to Aaron and Ayren.
3:20pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren looked towards the forest. "Wheres Jabari? oh, wait, here." She blew a sharp note but he did not come. "I think.. Jabari left us." She said still looking at the forest. She sighed and said, "Lets move without him."
Jabari looked past where Neyrii left. I lied? I was never a wolf in the first place. You were too stubborn to realize it. How else could i talk like a human? Besides, why are you so upset? Your a human too. With that Jabari got up and walked to the village they were suppose to go to.
4:06pm Feb 25 2012
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Neyrii stopped for a minute. I am not human... I never really was. I was never even supposed to exist. Consider yourself lucky to have a living, breathing, life. She looked back at some point, then walked off to her hideout she hadn't used in a while. Sure, everything was trashed. But she still had her paper to keep her company.
4:36pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 144
But, life isn't all wonderful as you think Neyrii. If you want some what a human form so that red fellow doesn't bother you, Come to me. Jabari walked off to a small weaponry and selected a sturdy sword. There was some writing going all the way down the blade, but it was in a different language he didn't understand. He paid, and left. He added later on, Im still Jabari though. You can still tell me your problems. He shut off his mind for any other thoughts from Neyrii and Jabari continued his walk down to a dock. He found a man with a ship and said in a different language, "*Habes Vir volo ut...Usquam Vere." He paid the man and boarded the ship. Jabari walked down to his cabin and sat on the bed, and put his hands on his face. Being a wolf, was a better life than his.
*Translation: "excuse me sir i would like to go.... Anywhere really." in Latin.
6:37pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
(I'm added a new charrie) Name: Diclino Age: 5,000 years Rank: Wandering Warrior Specie: Donampyer (Half Human, Half Vampire yet in which the two species are one.) Height: 6',11" Weight: 300lbs Looks: Dressed entirely in black and white. His skin is a pale Ivory hue. He has three visible scars, one on his eye, another that come from his right eye that crosses over his nose to his left cheek trailing down to close to his throat; and one scar that surrounds the front of his throat that goes over his chest. He build is tall and lean, slender yet very muscular (like Randy Ortan's). His cloak is torn but billows as if it's alive and made of shadows. Diclino's dressed in a tailcoat of an old sort and has a long coat of some sort. Nature: Diclino is a mystery of sorts. He almost always calm, cool, collected, and eerily gentle. Yet a hidden darkness lies within his blood. Other: Is old friends with Volkenagrim and has tried for many years to help him tame the Darkness within.
6:56pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia narrowed her eyes, wondering how a wolf could talk. Swiping up her bow, she quickly aimed it back at them. "How do you know who I am?" She hissed, wondering how they could have seen her mark if it was hidden by her sleeves. The string was pulled back tight, to send it with more power and speed- a killing blow, and if not, one that permanently damaged. Her angered eyes betrayed her emotions, as Lydia's gaze darted from person to person. She was suspicious. Lydia was far away from the castle, and in an isolated forest. How could word have spread that fast, and that far? Shaking her head, she took a few cautious steps forward, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
6:56pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia narrowed her eyes, wondering how a wolf could talk. Swiping up her bow, she quickly aimed it back at them. "How do you know who I am?" She hissed, wondering how they could have seen her mark if it was hidden by her sleeves. The string was pulled back tight, to send it with more power and speed- a killing blow, and if not, one that permanently damaged. Her angered eyes betrayed her emotions, as Lydia's gaze darted from person to person. She was suspicious. Lydia was far away from the castle, and in an isolated forest. How could word have spread that fast, and that far? Shaking her head, she took a few cautious steps forward, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
6:57pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 301
OOC: Sorry, double post. T-T
7:04pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Nekoryu was in town. He then saw a man clothed all in black. The man was pale in skin. Very light ivory toned. His eyes had a hidden red glow. But his face had many scars. One over his right eye. Another that was on his right eye that crossed over down his nose and part of the left cheek. He was tall and scrawny and was seemingly a dark gentleman. His cloak of black billowed about almost as if it was alive. Nekoryu then nodded at Diclino and together they walked back into the forest. They found Neryii, Aaron, and Aryen, talking to a lady named Lydia. "What's going on?" Nekoryu snarled at them. Then Diclino came out from the shadows. He then walked to them and stood close to Neryii. He then eyed Nekoryu for any reaction. Sure enough Nekoryu snarled at Diclino. "Don't get that close...." He growled. Diclino nodded his blat hat that looked sort of a long flat cowboy hat but of an ancient design. He then backed away from Neryii and smiled to himself, quietly.
7:20pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia rolled her eyes. "Another one?" She snapped, pointing her bow at Nekoryu and Diclino. "If any of you try and touch me, I swear to god I will slice you up from your nose to your knees." Lydia snarled, looking particularly suspicious of Diclino. Lydia took a step back, deciding that if she got any closer they might trap her and unable her to escape if needed. A slight wind blew, winding through the trees and blowing her loose clothing to the side. Her attire was not only shameful, but also one that a low rank commoner would wear. The court had purposely put her in such an outfit to embarrass and remind her of who she used to be and what she could have had, if not for the crime- the crime Lydia had never committed.
7:25pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino eyed Lydia and narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't think you committed any crimes.... I hear the way your heart beats.... And it doesn't beat like that of a killer. But more like a frightened child...." He told Lydia. Nekoryu slowly approached her even closer. "Use that bow and I'll kill you... My scales are too hard for most weaponry to pierce. Including Aaron's sword that I easily torn up..." He snarled at Lydia. "Especially when we are as you... Passing through looking for shelter...." He added. Diclino looked at Nekoryu and said, "Ill Tempered as always aren't you...?" Nekoryu spun around and snapped his jaws at him. "That's precisely what I mean..." Diclino added as he turned around and easily lept onto a nearby tree's branches.