7:34pm Feb 25 2012
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"Don't you dare threaten me!" Lydia raged, drawing out her dagger. "I am of royal blood. You should be bowing at my feet and begging for my forgiveness!" She snarled, drawing herself up to her full height and straightening her back as if she still were a duchess. "When I'm back in the royal court and they bring you in as a prisoner to be trialed, I will not be merciful." Lydia spat at Nekoryu, feeling slightly smug with herself as she crossed her arms, avoiding Diclino's gaze.
The tall, shady figure still made Lydia feel terribly uncomfortable, speaking as if he could read her mind. The way my heart beats? What kind of witch craft is this? Lydia thought to herself, glancing around at everyone's faces to see if she could sort out any emotion. Is this normal? She thought, casting a pointed glance at Nekoryu. If I was still in the castle this wouldn't have happened to me.
7:46pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino shook his head when she spat all that rage at Nekoryu. "Not even the Royal Courts would dare mess with Nekoryu. He's the embodiment of which gives us all a sense of uncontrollable rage. Which is also translated as the Beast within all our Souls..." He explained calmly to her. Then in a bl ink of an eye he'd rushed Lydia up another tree for Nekoryu had charged and was about to tear her apart. Nekoryu's jaws had gotten stuck at the tree's base. He got them loose and then gazed up at Lydia and Diclino. He roared at Diclino, "Why'd you do that?! SHE threatened you!" Diclino shook his head again and just calmly said, "She didn't know..." Then he sighed to Lydia. "Stay put right here please, Lady Duchess. I'll explain about me hearing your beating heart... Just let me calm him down first...." He then lept of the tall tree's branch then landed on his feet rather noiselessly. "Nekoryu... Only I learned of your true purpose... That nobody else knows and now these three Neryii, Aaron, AND Aryen must know. Now calm down..." He told Nekoryu. Nekoryu snarled and sat down.
7:55pm Feb 25 2012
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"Don't touch me! Don't talk to me, you worthless filth!" Lydia cried out, crawling away from Diclino. "Witch Craft! Witch Craft! This is all just some sort of evil sorcery! I'll have you hanged for this!" Lydia threatened, looking fearful. Warily, she watched Diclino as he talked to Nekoryu, confused throughout their whole conversation. What purpose? She thought, watching Nekoryu suspiciously. If that beast takes another step towards me I swear to god... Lydia thought, glaring at him. Her hand tightened around her longbow, held protectively in front of her chest as if she was expecting either one of them to attack her without a given notice.
8:36pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren scowled. Who was this stuck up piece of royal court? "Neykoryu, Calm down please. Come here." She held out her hand, taking a few steps in his direction. She had come up to him, showing no signs of fear, and no weapons on her. Ayren sat down next to him, staring at Lydia. She felt like laughing. Here she was, not afraid of Neykoryu but this girl was. Ayren repeated "Come on. Stand next to Aaron and Neyrii."She gently placed a hand on his back to show him, she wasnt going to cause any harm
Jabari heard in the distance Neykoryu. Ayren! He turned around from the dock and ran. He ran to the forest and skidded to to a halt. There was another person. He pulled out his sword. It was a girl. He scowled and sheathed his sword, placing it near a tree. Jabari took a few steps towards Ayren but jerked back. How she would react to him as a wolf, he probably couldn't handle. He just leaned against a tree trunk, watching the scene with reproachful eyes.
9:43pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino looked calmly at Aryen. "You know him? Hmm.." Was all he said to Aryen. He then looked at Lydia. "Young lady, his purpose to keep all of us from going insane and give in to that little voice that says "kill everything and everyone." We all have heard it when we are all mad." Was all he told Lydia. Then he added, "You are doing it now... Giving in to the Beastie within... We aren't so little in worth. When it comes to me... you are the peasant... But you don't see me treating you like dirt.." He then turned to Nekoryu. Nekoryu was growling low at Aryen. He didn't like to be touched. Not one bit. "Get your hand off me please, Aryen...." He growled. He then moved away from her and hovered closer to Diclino. "I know you are a part of the Soul Taming Trio Aryen but your past memories are needing to be remembered before you can actually play the part." He snarled. Diclino sudden;y gave Nekoryu a sharp smack to the back of his head. "Don't be cruel. Some memories aren't meant to be remembered especially in your case or you'd remember me!" He snapped. His voice even when angry was light and soft. But it also was heavy in a dialect of a Vampire's hiss. Then he sharply turned to Lydia. "What you call Witchcraft Duchess, is actually keen sense of hearing. I'm part Vampire. Thank you, now desist on your rudeness. You are no longer in Courts of your rank so stop acting as such.... Or you might get yourself killed...." He warned to Lydia. His voice was sharp and vicious towards her, this time. His eyes shined a deep and dangerous red as he spoke.
11:55pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren held up her hands, showing she wasnt offended in anway. "Though, in my case, i probally do need to remember. It would solve the whole, i am a murderer case." Ayren laughed. She then backed up, to let Diclino to talk to Lydia and Nekoryu. She turned on her heels and stood by Aaron. She turned her head for the slightest of moments and caught sight of someone hanging near them. There was something familiar about his eyes.. She gasped. "Jabari?"
10:35am Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia snorted, crossing her arms. "I will be back in the court one day, once they figure out it wasn't me." She said, keeping her eyes locked with his. What a strange color they are. She thought to herself, frowning slightly. Turning away, starting to walk off.
"What was that all about?" Lydia mumbled to herself as soon as she was away from the group, taking out the hare she had caught earlier in the morning and gathering a few sticks to start a fire with. Seating herself on a large boulder, she rubbed the sticks together in an attempt to make a fire, trying to get the tiny flame emitted to grow larger. Throwing in some dry grass to help it spread, Lydia held her hands out infront of it, trying to get warm.
Nightfall was quickly approaching. Lydia could tell by the change of temperature in the air, and how the shadows began to grow shorter and shorter until complete darkness began to spread. Shivering, she took out the hare and decided to cook it before nightfall came. Slicing it open, she gutted it before sticking it on a long branch, holding it above the fire.

5:56pm Feb 26 2012
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Neyrii growled at Diclino. Who the heck are you..? Her ears were flat against her head, obviously a sign of anger. I can surely snap you in half if you get any closer to me... She stepped back into a shadow, her head below her haunches. She would never had admitted it, but when Jabari arrived her eyes almost lit up. She made a small hissing sound, without knowing why. I'm in the midst of all you lyers, strangers, and idiots... As idiots was curling out, she eyed Ayren and Lydia. She turned around, in the depressed way she always was. Her eyes glowed like lanterns in the dark, bright blue chrystals that would shine no matter what happened. She looked back at the people she felt she no longer knew, let alone felt safe with. She trotted off into the brush. Life is never amazing, or happy, or disappointing, or even scary. Its always the perfect balance for everyone- Except me. As a human, I was cloaked in sadness and discomfort. As a canine I share a bit of that, and thanks to Ayren I get a little bit of happiness that I will never admit to her. All I wish is that people wouldn't just show up and get on my nerves for something I can't help. After that 'mouthful', she sprinted away as fast as she could.

7:02pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari was still hanging around the tree when he saw Neyrii. He turned into a wolf (an ability he picked up when the witch turned him back into a human) and sprinted after her. When Jabari finally caught up to her, he was panting. Sorry for lying He said, after he caught his breath. He turned around and said, Well... thats all. Im going hunting. For real. He snorted as a laugh and sprinted deeper into the forest.
7:05pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino caught up to her. "Calm down.... I meant no offence or surprise.... I've just wanted to see how my old friend of many years was doing...." He told her. "My name is Diclino. I can tell you have somehow changed him... A great deal... I am thankful a great amount to you." He told her. Then he backed away from her. "Please return to Nekoryu... He will perhaps go nuts out of worrying about you..." Diclino then left Neryii to her thoughts at what he'd said. Nekoryu sensed the surprise in Neryii's voice and snarled at everyone, then he rushed in search of Neryii. He felt something was dangerous about Diclino. And indeed he knew that sense was right. Diclino was a vampire. Or a Half Vampire. It being night now, meant he needed to hunt for blood. He was deep in the forest when he saw a group of thieves murdering people in town. "Aw.. No.. I better go back and get help with this." He said to himself. Then at least he found Jabiri, Aryen, and Aaron. "We've a spot of trouble.... Deeper to the west of this forest, ten or so thieves are slaying innocent Villagers. We've got to go there and help them!" He snarled with anger to them. The anger was aimed at those being cold blooded killers.
7:13pm Feb 26 2012
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Neyrii growled. I'm not one to forgive... Be happy with what you know, be scared of what you don't... She became a mouse and climbed a rope, reaching the top and climbing into a tree-house. She stood on her hind legs, becoming a wolf again. Or more than scared... She added that as soon as he was out of earshot. She stood on her hind legs and became a ten year old girl, with short blonde hair. She wore a long, white dress that reached her ankles. She quietly looked around, then crept down the rope. She tried to stay out of people's vision, but it was hard when she was in a dark forest in a bright white dress and the height of an oversized oven.
7:23pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia heard shouting in the distance, but she ignored it again, grumbling to herself. "It's probably those strange people again." Lydia said to herself, ripping off a bit of the cooked rabbit and chewing it slowly. Soon, the fire began to shrink, drying down into small embers in the pile of charred sticks and grass. Sighing, Lydia lowered herself onto her back, wrapping her arms around her self to keep her from freezing in the night. A small patch of the sky peeked through the thick canopy of leaves, glittering with diamond like stars on black velvet.
7:31pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 7:32pm Feb 26 2012)
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Before climbing all the way down, the girl stopped to grab a patched up blanket. She leaped onto a tree nearby Lydia, still trying to be invisible. She threw the blanket onto Lydia, sprinting away as fast as she could. The cape that hung from her dress got snagged on a twig, and she silently cursed. "Not again!" Slightly louder than she meant. She took a dagger out of her pocket and cut the edge of her cloak off, then kept running.
7:33pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren grinned. "thieves? My specialty. After all, i am an ex. leader of a thief gang. I can take them down easy." She looked back at everyone. "Ill see you guys there." She spread out her wings and Leaped into the air. She flew to the forest and landed at the village with a small thud. She was wearing her cloak with the hood up. She smiled devilishly and swung her leg, knocking over one man. As the others advanced on her, Ayren turned around and took the hilt of her dagger and hit a thief on the side of his forehead, knocking him out. There were alot more than Diclino had predicted. About maybe, 20. Alot for a group. The smile fadded from her face to a scowl. She wouldnt admit it, but she was outnumbered.
Jabari sniffed the ground tracking down a deer. His mind was closed off, from any messages anyone might have sent him. Jabari's ears pricked up and he spotted his target. Running fast, he jumped in the air and landed on the deer and grabbed its neck. He brought it down and licked his lips. He ate it greedily and looked up. It was dark. Night. Jabari turned around and found the cave he spent countless nights in when he was cursed. There was still the small "bed" he had made. Laying down inside it, he drifted off into sleep easily.
7:40pm Feb 26 2012
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The girl weaved through the trees, avoiding any creatures that would see her. She held the knife, just in case anyone did find her. She froze behind a tree, leaning her back against it when she heard Jabari. She was breathing heavily, because she knew the wolf was eating. Eating wolves were hungry wolves. Hungry wolves were hunting wolves. And with her size, she would look like a mutant fawn.
8:04pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino charged at the other thieves with a lust for blood in his eyes. "I'm right behind you!" He snarled. Then he spun into action. His cloak billowed about like a bunch of living shadows and seemed to grab about at the faces of each thief around him. The cloak then forced each thief down to the ground. Then Diclino couldn't hold in his need for blood. He snatched a nearby thief, then bit down on his throat with sharp fangs and began to drain the blood. He soon let go of his prey and broke his neck. Then he drew his sword. The sword shined like a golden light of the moon itself. It had a design of a golden phoenix on it. He snarled as he agilely swung it on another targets chest, cutting it to bits. Nekoryu heard all of the noise in the distance and came charging through the nearby brush. He charged one attacker from behind Aryen. His horns dug deep into the flesh of the foe. He roared viciously at the rest of the murderous thieving gang. Finally the leader stepped up. "At last... The Guardian of Wilds... The one who prevents all people from taking advantage over their inner Beast Spirits! I bet my inner Beast will be the Dragon if I take your powers from you!" he shouted. Then he charged at Nekoryu and jabbed him with a strange magic item. Nekoryu snarled in pain when he was jabbed. Soon he became weak and frail looking. The Magical Urn began to glow with Nekoryu's powers over Wilds. "We've got what we came for. Retreat!" But they sere halted by Diclino's cloak. It grew to become like a giant net. It halted them in their tracks. "Neryii! We need you here now! Nekoryu has been drained...." Diclino's voice shouted hoping to find Neryii and get her here in time.
8:20pm Feb 26 2012
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The girl snapped to attention. She leaped over and sprinted to the net. She raised her dagger and stabbed the theives, then stood up after slitting one's throat. "Don't ever help the people again. This is a village full of murderers... And I'm not Neyrii..." She turned around and walked away through the alley she had come from.
5:12pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino followed after her. "Listen to me. We need you with Nekoryu. He may die... And you WERE Neryii!" He told her. Then he placed a cold hand on her shoulder. "I know something you want to know... But if you need to know the answer please linger with us." He then left her to her thoughts and rushed back to Nekoryu's side with Aryen. Nekoryu had fallen to the ground and now he couldn't get up. He was breathing heavily. And so weak. "Nggnnnrrr... Aryen...?" He moaned weakly. Diclino was soon back and at his friend's side. "Shh... Rest... Nekoryu. We'll find a way to break open that urn that sapped you of all your strength. Just hang in there!" He told him with a very concerned voice. Blood was still on his lips from feeding on one of the thief's blood. He realized this and then wiped it off with his sleeve. Then he gazed at Aryen. "Get the others! And fast. He's practically helpless right now." said Diclino. He then picked up the Urn and laid it down near Nekoryu. It was shut tight and glowing with powerful Magics.
5:50pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari had woken up in a tree. How did I.... And i'm in human form.. Jabari was still thinking when suddenly there was a SNAP. The Branch he was on couldn't support his weight. He was falling, fast. Jabari hit the ground. Though he didnt feel any pain due to some shock. The wind was knocked out of him for a second. He groaned and tried to get up. He heard the faint sound of breathing and Jabari went stiff. He peered over. It was a girl, sound asleep. Frowning, he recognized her as the girl who had found the others earlier, but she had left. Crawling over, Jabari tried to see if she was awake. Her breaths were slow and even, showing the fall had not awaken her. Suddenly, Jabari felt a sharp pain in his chest, pounding against his rib cage. Gritting his teeth, he searched around her stuff to see if he could find any remedies, or a piece of cloth.
5:55pm Feb 27 2012
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Lydia heard something fall to the ground nearby where she was asleep. It seemed like the fall was heavy, the sound echoing through the clearing dully. Keeping her eyes closed, Lydia pretended to be asleep while she waited for the stranger to leave. The noise started to approach her "sleeping" body, making Lydia go tense. Soon, the noise grew quieter as the presence moved away, but was replaced by loud rustlings and things being thrown around. As slowly as she could manage, Lydia reached for her dagger before springing up and tackling the figure to the ground.
It was all too fast for Lydia to get a good look at who the stranger was, but in only a few seconds Lydia had him pinned and her knife against the skin of his neck. "Who are you?" She hissed, searching his face for any signs of emotion.