6:06pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari shouted at the girl, "Get off of me!" He tried to push her off, but the pain in his chest was unbearable. He winced and tried to clutch his chest, though both of his hands were pined down. "Get of of me!" he repeated and rolled to his side, trying to throw her off.
6:08pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 301
"Tell me why you're here." She growled, seeing him wince. For a second, Lydia thought about getting off of him and letting him escape with his life, but the realization that it might just be an act kept her holding him down. She kept her grip on him when he tried to roll her off, keeping her knife up against his neck.
6:26pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari said confused, "Uh... i fell out of a tree... and wanted to see if you had any cloth or herbs i could use to help the pain in my chest" He gestured with his hand to his ribs. The coldness of the blade on his neck sent a chill running through him. "Could you.. remove the knife..?"
6:36pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia frowned. "How do I know you aren't lying and you aren't one of those low life thieves that come around thinking they can steal from me just because I'm a girl?" She said, pressing the blade closer to his neck.
6:41pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
"Do i look like a thief?" He hissed. "There was a thief attack just down in the next village. Wouldnt i be with them?" Jabari had gotten used to the pain by now, so he didnt feel anything for the moment. He pushed himself up, past the girl but the pain came back when he moved so Jabari was forced back down. "Ah never mind. I cant get up anyway."
6:44pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia sighed. "Good point." She mumbled, climbing off of him. "What were you doing around here, anyway?" Lydia asked as she searched around in her bags for a second, handing him a bundle of herbs and ripping the bottom of one of her shirts off. "Eat this." She commanded, tugging his shirt off and wrapping the cloth around his chest.
6:46pm Feb 27 2012
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The girl hissed at the Diclino, much like a cat. "I never was... Never will... If you call me Neyrii or anything else, I will slit your throat and stab you until nothing is left..." She pulled away, a fiery light in her eyes. She ran away, trying not to trip over her dress. She caught eye of Jabari and Lydia, then lept into a tree above them. She opened a sack and tossed a jar of cabbage-like things between her hands. She gripped it tightly and dropped from the branch. She kept in the shadows, but rolled the herbs over the ground until they knocked Jabari's feet. As a ten year old girl the size of a washing machine, she preferred to stay out of sight, but she stepped out of the shadows. Her hair was covering one eye, and a red haze glowed from behind her hair and showed through. Behind her back, she was fidgeting with a dagger.
6:50pm Feb 27 2012 (last edited on 6:50pm Feb 27 2012)
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Posts: 144
Ayren had run off to find Aaron and Neyrii but she was held back with a sharp pain in her arm. She looked down and saw a dagger embedded into it. She drew it out, wincing. Ayren began to run again, but she stopped. Her eyes turned pitch black. She whipped around and scowled at the people of the town. She picked up her daggers and started to slash around at people. Someone managed to get a knife into her side. She ripped it out, and threw it at a man. He cried out in pain and sank to the ground.
"i have no clue how i got here." Jabari replied, looking at his surroundings. He ate the herbs, and the pain began to ebb away. Off in the distance he heard the screams of villagers and the cry of pain. "Ayren!" Jabari said. Not minding what he was doing, he grabbed the girl's arm and ran, pulling her along. He reached the town and saw a blood lust Ayren.
6:56pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino was confused. "Then what happened to her?" He asked the girl. "And where IS Neryii? We need her now... or Nekoryu may die..." He then turned around to see what the noise was all about. He noticed Jabari and Lydia together. Although they were over a mile away from his location, yet Vampire Eyes are a keen sense. Diclino shook his head and then snarled out, with his mind to all whom could hear, "Someone! Anyone! Nekoryu is injured and badly. If he dies Animal Spirits will begin to possess humans and turn them into beings like him. Man Beasts of great power and Danger!" He then waited for someone to have heard his cry for help. The Vampire Half breed was at a loss on how to help Nekoryu. Nekoryu's condition was getting worse. He was bleeding now and very weak. He needed to somehow get his power back. The Urn that drained his powers was in Diclino's hands, yet he couldn't open it. Neither could he reverse the damage done. "Diclino.... What has happened... to Neryii...?" He asked him weakly. Diclino shook his head and said "I don't know. Now hang in there...." With that Nekoryu was unconscious.
6:56pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia frowned. "Who's Ayren?" She asked, looking over at him and following his gaze. There, was a slim figured girl with inhuman black eyes. She walked with cat like grace, but a dark presence seemed to cling to her skin as she stabbed a man, the several knife slashes on her body not seeming to slow her down. "That girl is possessed, I can feel it." Lydia growled, gripping the handle of her dagger.
Lydia watched as the girl continued on her killing spree, and with each passing minute the girl seemed to kill more and more. "She's killing everyone in the village." Lydia said, voice hushed.
6:58pm Feb 27 2012 (last edited on 7:01pm Feb 27 2012)
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The girl watched them run off, and tossed her head back so the hair flipped back. The eye that was hidden glowed a bright red, and the reflection inside was literally chaos. Burning buildings, theives, dead villagers laying on the ground, and screaming children. There was no pupil or whites in her eye, just glowing red fire. She followed behind them, but from a distance. She stood on a rooftop, watching Ayren and Jabari. "Do you need aid..?" Her voice was quiet like a whisper, but a hint of danger inside. She tossed her dagger at the urn, causing it to shatter in peices.
7:02pm Feb 27 2012 (last edited on 7:04pm Feb 27 2012)
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Posts: 516
Diclino sensed the Darkness overtaking Aryen. He then narrowed his eyes. He knew of this sort of Darkness. Only light could dispel it. He drew his golden blade and rushed towards Aryen's direction. "ARYEN! SNAP out of it!" He shouted to her. Then he shown to her the golden blade. "Whatever has you possessed aim it into Horizon! Aim it into my Blade of Horizons!" He yelled to her. Then his sword began to glow a bright gold. A golden Phoenixes trill came from within it. Some The bird escaped the blades hilt and hovered behind Diclino. It's light was that like the sun. Diclino then muttered, "Horizon let loose The Bird of Light, Amnor and strike the Darkness!" The bird let loose a loud screech and made it's way at Aryen. The light brightening the area with every flap of it's golden wings. The urns power then faded then went into Nekoryu once more. Nekoryu looked up at the girl weakly and said, "Thank you...." then was out cold again. Somehow only this girl could break the urn. And nobody else.
7:07pm Feb 27 2012
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The girl turned her head and sheilded her eyes. "Does it have to shine so bright..!" A hissing sound came from her, and her eye gleamed brighter. "If you could put that thing away, I would break that thing and let the darkness out!" She kneeled on the roof, sheilding her eyes.
7:54pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino spotted the girl. "Are you sure you can free Aryen of what's possessing her?!" Diclino called out to her. The Bird Amnor stopped and gazed at the girl. Then at Diclino. "Would you like me to return to my power confined?" Diclino nodded at Amnor. The Golden Phoenix returned to the blade and the light faded. Diclino still had his Bade of Horizons unsheathed and ready for action. "If only Neryii knew that this isn't Aryen. But a darkness possessing her... That she can't control..." He whispered to himself. Then he looked at everybody's dead bodies. "If only Nekoryu would change back to Volkenagrim. These peoples Souls could return to their bodies and live again...." He murmured. Then he waited. Nekoryu heard Diclino's voice about Volkenagrim. He opened his eyes and then roared. A Dark Void opened in front of him. Nekoryu stood up on all fours and walked into the Void. He disappeared inside of it and the Void closed behind him. Also vanishing into thin air. Inside the Void, Nekoryu was face to face with Volkenagrim. "You must take over now..." Nekoryu told Volkenagrim. Volkenagrim nodded and faded within Nekoryu. Then Nekoryu was standing in the place Volkenagrim was. Then faded entirely. Volkenagrim was the only one left in the Void. He focused on the Souls of the recently killed and gathered each one to their proper body. Then waited for the time to revive them.
7:59pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
(Kill her now, pyrr! >:D)
Ayren lunged for Jabari, landing near him. She charged at him with a sudden force and was about to drive a dagger into his heart. She spoke in a voice unlike her own, "You lied...Now, i shall kill you." She Raised her arm
8:04pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 301
(Ok. o3o)
Lydia watched with horror. For a second, her muscles were frozen, disabling her ability to move. She watched as the girl raised her dagger, about to strike. Suddenly, without a word, Lydia took her dagger and drove it into the girl named Ayren's back, watching as the darkness inhabiting her body poured out, winding itself around the blade of the dagger and pouring onto the ground, snaking around Lydia's ankles before hissing and disappearing into the shadows.
8:06pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 4,211
The girl leaped down from the rooftop. She tapped her glowing red eye. "Death... Here comes another freind..." She kneeled next to Ayren, passing her hands over her. The dark essences flowed into her eye. She stood up and looked at the others. "What are you staring at..?" She stepped back into the shadows. "I know I'm a freak..." She leaned against the wall of a house, only her eye glowing in the darkness. Her voice descended to a whisper. "Neyrii no longer exists..."
8:07pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren sank to her knees and fell to the ground. Her eyes returned to the normal green, but she was only able to give one short breath before she died.
Jabari didnt know how to react. Ayren had died, but Aradis had saved his life.. He was confused momentarily, before he said, "Thank you." To Adrais (Lydia) and turned around and walked off to camp
8:12pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 4,211
The girl stepped forward, kneeling to look at Ayren. She pinched Ayren's arm, causing the blood to flow out and become a red stream of dust. The dust then flowed into her eye. The eye was still a scene of chaos, and Ayren was then walking around as a dark shadow. "Don't touch the body." She took her dagger and cut off a bit of skin, the body becoming dust. She looked at Diclino. "Don't ever ask me to do something again... Only death and sadness will happen..."
8:12pm Feb 27 2012 (last edited on 8:16pm Feb 27 2012)
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Posts: 516
Suddenly whispers of an even darker sort were heard. Many Souls appeared at the bodies of the dead. These Souls then reentered their bodies. Soon after that the wounds of the slain villagers, vanished, then they all breathed in again. Life had returned to them all. Volkenagrim's voice came from the distance. "Aryen, should you wish to life have your Soul return to your body while I'm in the Darkgrim Voids...." it echoed from out of nowhere. Diclino looked around and then sighed. "Volkenagrim.... You are in the Voids aren't you?" he asked the air around him. Volkenagrim answered. "Yes... Tis where my powers take their true purpose...." Then all was silent. The villagers stood up and looked bewildered. They had no memory of the horrors around them. There was no proof of killings. No blood. No nothing. It was as if Life had claimed Death and so reversed it's damages. Diclino looked at Aryen and the girl. "That's not true. Your powers can become something much different. Just ask Volkenagrim. As the Vessel of Life he can reverse Death if it wasn't meant to Die in the first place. Meaning Aryen may have a second chance if her Soul wills it." He told her. Then he looked at Aryen's body. He closed his eyes and then backed away from them. "I've got to go... Now if anyone wants to know why, don't ask...." Then he left.