8:18pm Feb 27 2012
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The girl stumbled back against the wall. "Esj ovu! Esj ovu!" She looked around wildly, obviously over-frightened of the voice. She hissed, shriveling against the ground. Her red eye seemed to swirl like a hurricane, shadows floating around and dead people screaming.
8:59pm Feb 27 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim saw this from his Souls. He knew she saw where he was, a part of the Voids in which had Darkness for all the Souls of which he'd devoured. At this he sighed and soon opened another Void. But this one was a Void that would lead him to where everyone stood now. Right in front of where the girl stood, a Dark Shadowy Void opened. Out stepped Volkenagrim. He walked towards Aryen's Dead body and sighed. He wanted to help her. But as he wasn't in the Void anymore he could do nothing. "Aryen... This is what I predicted. I knew you'd die, but you'd not remember neither find out...." He told her dead form. Then he looked at Jabari. Then at Lydia. He soon walked over to the girl then knelled down before her. "What is your name?" He asked her. He brushed her hair out of her eyes and gazed at them with his own. "I'm sorry about what you sensed at where I was... It's indeed a terrible thing.." He added to her. Then he stood up and walked towards the nearby villagers still coming back to life. The Villagers now all alive again soon went about they're daily routines.
9:22pm Feb 27 2012
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The girl's red eye glared into Volkenagrim, staring into his soul. "Ez..." The horrible scenes seemed to quake in Ez's eye, as if frightened by her name. The eye faded into a normal blue eye like the other one. She dropped her head down, causing her short blonde hair to fall away from behind her ear. "The black..." She eyed Jabari, hissing.
12:20am Feb 28 2012
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Volkenagrim felt his Soul flinch at her name. His blue eyes flashed a vivid silvery blue then shined a deep red. He then gazed at the eye that became normal. "Ez... You... are the one.." He said to her. Inside of him the Darkness flurried and tried to go out of control. But it stopped suddenly. Volkenagrim closed his eyes and then looked at Jabari. "Why do you call yourself the Black? Or is it Jabari?" he asked her. The Warrior gazed over at Lydia. He stood up and walked over to her. "Are you alright?" He asked Lydia. Suddenly he turned to face Ez again. He walked over to her. Then stooped down over to her once more. Some reason he couldn't linger too far away from her for long. "Ez... I feel I am to be Tamed by your Soul." He told her. Volkenagrim shook his head a bit. His senses were fading. Almost as if his Soul was trying to lose control. Almost as if it was unwilling to be tamed yet then wanted to speed up the process of becoming tamed. It almost looked like from looking inside him, the Shadows were fighting over her and yet fighting inside him. The Shadows within, he knew, would make things difficult for her. But only to put her through the Ultimate Test. Defeat Maleck. Since the Taming Trio was broken apart. Now only Ez could hope to free him.
10:05am Feb 28 2012
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Ez glared up at Volkenagrim. "I am called the Black by everyone. Just... Look at my eye..." For once, she was actually acting like a normal ten-year-old girl. Her eye swirled back into a red horror movie, thousands of lost souls roaming streets that might have been the castle and it's villages. In the sky, it seemed as if a dark face were watching everything. Buildings were burning, animals were shreiking and hiding, people were laying on the ground, dead. Ez turned her face down, letting her hair cover her eye. "I am called the Black because all I do is cause deaths and scare people... I'm like Hallow's Eve come alive..." She shriveled back when Volkenagrim came closer. "If anything, I have no soul..." She looked away, staring at the charred village that went on as if nothing happened. In her mind, she thought As if they don't notice their own homes burnt to ashes... I better run before something happens again. She looked straight into Volkenagrim's eyes, then ran away as fast as she could.

10:21am Feb 28 2012
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Volkenagrim followed after Ez. "I know how you feel. My Soul isn't a Natural Soul at all... But Magic that's come alive and taken over what Soul of mine was real....." He told her. "Don't run from me Ez.... You don'ty cause Death.... I do. For I'm host to THE Vessel of Death, Maleck. And since the Soul Taming Trio has been destroyed.... Well... He's back..." He told her. "My artificial Soul feels threatened and yet calmed by you. Nekoryu the Vessel of the Wilds is calmed but Maleck is Threatened..." He continued to speak to her. Then he went in front of her. "If you don'tt mind, I'll tag along..." He then stumbled. "Grnn...." He mumbled to himself. "Let's find shelter in these woods or something shall we... And you do have a Soul but it is most like mine... Not a Soul but a Void yet not a Void but a Voidal Soul..." Then he stumbled again. He braced himself on a nearby tree. He slowly slid down the tree and collapsed onto the ground. "Darn... I've still been feeling the effects of my powers being drained.... I must rest... But could you linger... This night is still going to last a long time yet... For winter is about to come..." Soon after that Volkenagrim fell into a deep sleep. Diclino was rushing along the village. He was searching for any remnant of the thieves. But he could find none. He needed to find more blood. His fangs had gown out from his moth and were now showing over his upper lip. He was soon back in front of Aaron and Jabari. Obviously he'd run in circles. He shook his head and noticed his eyes were showing the true monstrosity within him. The eyes were red and glowing with slits of darkened silver shining in them as well. "If only there were people of Evil nearby...." He muttered aloud to himself. He noticed he was heard by Lydia. "What? A vampire is a bit of a monster so it is best that a monster feeds off of other monsters; wouldn't that be right Duchess?" he asked her.
6:11pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren was in a black room with a low ceiling. Do you wish to go back? A voice rang out. "what..?" Ayren asked, dully. Do you wish to go back? The voice repeated. "Yes..." She said searching around for the source of the voice. Go in. It commanded. A door opened and a bright light shone through. Ayren walked towards it and she held up a hand to her forehead. She passed through and was back in the human world. Though her wings had disappeared. She walked through town and even though she didnt remember it, this was the same village where she had killed other villagers. Ayren walked to a stable and looked at a beautiful black horse. She looked at the owner and pressed the coins into his palm. Then she mounted it, without saying a word. Her cloak was on, as usual, with the hood up. She left the town and rode into the mountains.
Jabari was still confused of what happened and was sitting in a tree with a hand on his head, sorting out what had happened. When things finally made sense, Jabari only shrugged. So she died. It was natural. So Lydia had stabbed her. She saved his life. Jabari looked off into the distance and leaned against the tree trunk.
6:22pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim then smiled in his sleep. He felt Aryen was alive again. Something happened that hopefully freed her of the Darkness. But he then became emotionless in ex pression again. Diclino found Jabari sitting in a tree. Then he climbed up the tree and stood next to him. "Jabari... Are you alright?" He asked him. He soon sat down next to him. "I've a feeling Aryen may have found her way back into life. So don't feel terrible. She was cursed with a Darkness but hopefully she's freed of them." He told him. Then he lept of the tree and gazed up to him. "Do you know where there are people who'd be better off killed?" He asked him. "I'll need to feed on blood from those that are monsters.... Since I'm considered a monster." he told him.
6:32pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari sighed. "Im fine. Though everything is a shock. I knew she was cursed. And.. i think i know of one. Though, its in a different country." Jabari looked faintly puzzled, as he tried to remember where the exact location was. "Yes. theres one on an island. Its full of people like those you need to.. er.. feed off of. " He jumped down gracefully and motioned for him to folllow.
Ayren had made it to the mountains where she hoped no one would find her. She sat down on the small floor of a cave where she recalled the memory of Neyrii. Everything was dark. It wasnt her who killed her parents.. It was something different. The same thing that still possesses her. There was a sickly voice inside her head, along with a terrible headache. You are valuable to us Ayren.... Everything passed, but Ayrens eyes were dark again. She got up and mounted the horse (Which she decided to call Knight) and rode down the mountain. She reached a dock when Ayren had snapped out of the trance. Her eyes returned to normal. From now on Ayren... You will remember what happens in your powerful times.. The voice said. Ayren figured "Powerful times" Meant when she was possessed. "Come on Knight" She said softly to her horse. "Lets turn around"
6:35pm Feb 28 2012
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Ez hissed, rolling her eyes a little bit. She grabbed him by the hands, huffing. "What have you been eating? You are very heavy..." She dragged him onto a platform, then climbed up the rope to her treehouse. She pulled a rope and Volkenagrim came up slowly, then she dragged him inside. She placed a large wooden board over the entrance, like a door. Ez stood with her arms crossed for a while, wondering what to do. After a few hours, she had opened the door to look around. The air was cold and frosty, and the village was silent. She lowered herself on the rope. "Stay up there..." She pulled the hood over her head, but it didn't do much good. Her eye still shone through, but it looked misplaced. Who could imagine something so dark and evil in the eye of a ten year old girl dressed in white? She rolled her head to let loose the kinks, then ran from tree to tree like a jungle cat. She got to a large tree and climbed into the boughs, not noticing Jabari somewhere near. She leaped to another tree, but the branch snapped and she dropped to the ground. She landed with her knees bent, a hand infront of her and the other straight out behind her. She landed with a seemingly loud thump, and her reaction was to curse.

6:41pm Feb 28 2012 (last edited on 6:50pm Feb 28 2012)
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Posts: 516
Diclino nodded and followed Jabari. Then he winced. "We best hurry..." He then snarled and shivered. "Something is not right.... She may still be possessed.... How can we free her of it?" He asked him. Diclino then noticed Ez was near them. He walked to her. "All you alright?" He asked her as he saw her fall down. The Donampyer gazed at everything around him. Volkenagrim was slowly recovered from his powers being drained from him. He was so slow at recovering and he wasn't really heavy. It was the weight of his Soul that made him feel so heavy. The Weight of many Souls he's slaughtered. He felt so helpless now. He needed Ez to be near.
6:53pm Feb 28 2012 (last edited on 6:58pm Feb 28 2012)
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Posts: 144
Jabari turned into a wolf and his ears twitched. Shes at the docks. We best go now. Or else she could be all the way in a different kingdom.
6:58pm Feb 28 2012
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Ez quickly shifted behind a tree, her back on it. She cursed at herself for being so careless of which trees she chose, but she was more interested in what Jabari and Diclino were chatting about. She slowly edged her head around, looking at them from the corner of her eye, which was now a regular blue. "I know how to free her. But it involves her death again..." Her voice was quiet like a whisper, but melodious like a violin. At her side, her dagger flashed with a silver light when she said death, and her eye had a red glow. "If you wish her to live, she will never be freed. Otherwise you will never see her again, because the possession returns with her."
7:04pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari growled at Ez. Have her Die again? He snorted. Diclino, We have to go now. Jabari continued, ignoring Ez's last comments. Shes about to leave. On a horse. He paused then explained, She bought a horse. Jabari was already leaving them behind. He was running fast. When he was at the edge of the forest he sat down. Jabari looked behind him and said Diclino, We may have to kill her again...
7:10pm Feb 28 2012
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Ez glared back. "It is not that easy. The blood has too be spilled in water, so she must be killed on a waterfall. The water will then turn red. The river of blood will then destroy the evil essence, but Ayren would have to remain dead forever and never come back." This was her eye taking over, like it did at times. Her eye was what made her kill people, and the eye was tricking her to kill Ayren. The eye was also part of the source of the possession.
7:17pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino nodded. Then he looked at Jabari and then at Ez. "Hmm Would the Power of Volkenagrim be able to destroy the Possession once and for all by it Devouring the Possessor?" He asked Ez. "I know it will be difficult for the Master of the Voids right now. But would it be possible...?" He asked her. He then looked at Jabari. "I've got to feed on blood first. Before we seek Aryen. Or I'll become even more a monster than her... A Vampire is of the Naturally Cursed Evil Breed..." He explained to them. He let loose a slight hiss as he spoke. Then he was soon to his knees. He snarled and held onto his throat. He was gasping badly. "Gaaahh... Time has run out...." He winced. Volkenagrim was still in the area where Ez left him. He knew what was going on around Ez. He saw Diclino speaking to her and suddenly losing control by the thirst. He soon detached his Soul from his body. His form as the Soul had shifted to his past. His hair was now golden as the sun but still had the blood red tips. His eyes were a blue silver and clear as a crystal. In his eyes were slits but cat's eyes. His wings were white as a doves and his tail was that of a tiger's, wolf's, and dragon's. He looked around and took to the air. He soon found Ez and landed without a sound next to her. "Ez... It's me, but in the form of my Past and not an actual physical body, but a Spirit that can be physical enough to kill." He told her. "I'm not heavy to most but you feel the weight of my Souls... The chains I've got on me..." He then looked at Diclino. "Diclino.. Hang in there... My Soul here as you may know can still transfer blood..." He then walked to Diclino and held out his wrist. Diclino's eyes flashed a blood red as he gently bit into it. He stiffened up as indeed the Body transferred the blood to the Soul to be given to Diclino.
7:23pm Feb 28 2012
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Ez shook her head no. "It is not possible." Ez stumbled backward, staring at Volkenagrim and Diclino. Her eye was still talking through her and controlling her actions, but Ez was still inside. Her hair was beginning to annoy her by tossing around her face, so she tied it in a side pony-tail.
3:10pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 301
Lydia walked alongside Jabari, silently listening to their conversations. Occasionally, Lydia would stop, her eyes growing cloudy as she began to mutter unintelligible words. It would happen every few minutes, seeming to take complete control over Lydia's body before she managed to shake it off, acting as if nothing had happened. It became clear that something, or someone, was trying to communicate with her. Soon, the phases came to a quick halt, no longer bothering Lydia as she continued to walk on.
Suddenly, a darkness spilled out of the shadows, running over the trunks of trees like mercury. It left behind deep scorch marks on the healthy wood of the trees, gliding towards Lydia. No one seemed to notice the darkness but her, and it wasn't before long that the substance started winding itself up her arms and legs.
Unable to scream or move, Lydia could only watch as the 'thing' made it's way up to her neck, settling into the slender base. Unexpected and excruciating pain followed, similar to being boiled in oil. Her mouth hung open in a silent cry, arms limp and useless at her sides. The creature began to grow smaller and smaller before disappearing completely into her body, leaving behind a mark.
Slowly, Lydia reached up to touch the fresh brand, kneeling down by a creek. Neatly pressed against her neck was an intricate 8 pointed star, the symbol of creation, intertwined with an equally detailed upside down horse shoe- the symbol of death. The thing that shocked Lydia the most was that it was not bright red, like the other mark on her arm. Instead it was a pitch black, pulsing and glowing purple everytime she touched it.
Not wanting the others to find out, Lydia covered the mark with her curly long hair, noticing the whispering in her head beginning to grow louder and louder. "My my. The infamous ex-duchess, the one with the insatiable lust for spilled blood, the killer of her very own fiance." The voice hissed. "Don't get too close. The girl might bite." Another voice answered, chuckling. "I hear you killed the master's victim. Shame on you, Miss Lydia. The master won't be very happy with you." They chimed.
"Watch your back, Miss Lydia. The master is after you. He isn't very satisfied with that Ayren girl of his. Ever since you killed her, the master's bonds with Ayren have been severed. It is only a matter of time before she crumbles and Master will have to go searching for a new host. To be more specific, you." They cackled, before falling silent.
Just when Lydia thought they were gone for good, the figures appeared in front of her, a twisted smirk on their face. "Don't worry, Lydia dear." They said, advancing towards her. "We won't hurt you- much." They added before breaking into fits of sadistic laughter. "No one else can see us, so don't you dare go snitching on us." One voice said.

4:23pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim snarled all of a sudden. He grabbed Ez tightly and gazed at her with his vivid intense blue eyes. "Ez... Why are you doing the things you do...?!" He snarled in a deep and dangerous voice. "I know the real you... The real you is a good person. Yet why are you doing this, letting your eye possess you..." He then took a clawed hand and pointed to the eye he was talking about. "I may be a Soul like this but one you can control. Not unless you'll tell the eye... YOU are to be in command... Not it.. It's your curse... that's causing people to become monsters..." He then brushed her ponytail gently off her shoulder. "I'd kill you to free them but a part of myself would die... My only hope at being free of my own curse.. Now let me strike a Deal with you... Once I find the Soul Tamer, that Tamer has complete control over my powers. I can still use them freely but my instinct would be only to serve the Tamer.... Yet I'd have the choice of refusal but I wouldn't do it... Because my instinct would lead me to not refuse..." He told Ez's eye. Then he looked into Ez's Eyes with his. "I believe your powers can be used for far greater things... Change the way you use them.... Use only on me... Not a single Soul otherwise... Free Lydia... and Aryen.. You gain so much more and you'll feel far freer." He added to Ez. Then he took off his shirt and turned his back to her. On his back were many scars. But two stood out the most. Markings that looked like they were burned into his flesh. They were Runeai. Ancient writing seared into it. The one on his right shoulder read, "Born Destroyer." On his left shoulder read, "Chosen Guardian." He then told Ez the hidden truth. "I was created only to Destroy. Yet in my Defiance to that fate I have been added as a Chosen Guardian... But the Darkness far outweighs the light. I need you to change that Ez. I believe in you. When no one else will I shall always..." He told her.
4:23pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino had caught up with Lydia. He sensed the Darkness surrounding her. The reason why was the fact he too had a possession of his own. But it took up his entire left arm. That Possession mark was why he never wore short sleeves. And why he now always wore black. The Arm had been overcome entirely by shadows. These shadows if not wrapped in Elvish bandages would be loose, turn his shadows into black scale like skin and overtake his entire body. He then somehow saw the figures in front of Lydia. Diclino approached them and then snarled. "You'd do well to not hurt her at all... For a Darker Shadow lies here in me..." He whispered with a Deadly hiss to them. "I know of your source. And My friend know how to rid of it. But he won't.... Somehow your source has opened the doorway that I've failed always to open... That was to his Shut Heart." He told the figures in front of Lydia. He then drew The Blade of Horizons. "I know however how to get rid of you for now in Darkness... And that is with light!" He then charged at the figures and slashed with the blade as it glowed brightly. He then faced Lydia. "Stay near me, my Duchess..." He told her. "The Blade of Horizons was specifically forged to only cut Darkness without harming those possessed by it. But they will be back..." He told Lydia.