5:34pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 144
Jabari spotted Diclino talking to someone. Adradis? Jabari veered off course and walked up to her. Are you alright? He asked her, visibly concerned. He turned into a human and walked over and grabbed her arm in which Diclino was inspecting. He didnt see anything. But he did say "Aradis, you might want to come with us to see Ayren." He released her arm and stood there blankly.
5:37pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 5:41pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 301
Lydia frowned, pulling away. "I'm fine." She muttered, looking slightly shaken as she covered the mark with her hand, frowning. Is it...singing? She thought to herself, glancing back at the forest. The scorch marks on the trees were still there, and Lydia swore if she looked hard enough, she could see eyes watching her in the shadows. Shaking her head, Lydia kept her eyes straight ahead, scared to look back.
5:57pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren was clutching her head, while also holding onto Knight's Reigns. The voices were back. We have a new member... Should we dispose of Ayren? A new voice had entered her head. No. She could be of some use. Ayren got up when the headache passed. She walked inside of a cave where a fire was lit. I wonder where everyone is...She thought.
Jabari was looked over at the distance. "We should go soon. " He said, returning his gaze back to Diclino and Aradis.
6:10pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 6:15pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 301
Lydia nodded. "The best option we have is to camp out somewhere. I'll go gather fallen branches for the fire." She said, starting to walk off towards the trees. Bending down close to the ground, she searched around for a few sticks, quickly gathering an armful of them. She enjoyed the peace and quiet of the forest, but couldn't help but feel that strange watchful presence again. Shaking it off, Lydia comforted herself with off-topic thoughts, wandering along one of the creeks that trickled through the forest.
Then, she heard them again. "Miss Lydia is alone? What a stupid move they made to let you wander off unattended to." One of the voices snickered, appearing between the trees. "Master was pleased to hear that we managed to establish connection." It said, followed by it's partner. "Extremely pleased. He thought about disposing of Ayren, but he decided to toy with her a bit more before finally getting rid of that girl." The second voice sneered.
6:29pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 8:09pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 144
Jabari was hunting, darting out between trees. He was in human form, holding up a knife lethally. He brought down a deer when he lost his footing and tumbled down a hill. "ouch..." He groaned. Completely lost now, he wandered around clutching his ribs which were now starting to hurt again. He walked around the stream dipping his hand in occasionally, drinking water. He didnt bother yelling out to them because it would cause pain. He lifted himself onto a low tree branch and waited for morning where he would find a way to get out. Jabari noticed the sun was almost down, the colors of sunset were painted in the sky.
8:27pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino was stuck in the middle of everything. He felt the shadows were following Lydia again. He could smell a bit of blood from Jabari and could tell he was hurt in the ribs. But he decided to follow after Lydia. Diclino drew his sword again and it shined off a bright light. "Lydia... We've got to find out why this has happened to you. But if it doesn't stop, I'll have to skin off that mark..." He told her. Then he banished the shadows again with the Blade of Horizons. Soon afterwards the blade emitted light even more. He then placed it on his back and left it out of his sheath. Volkenagrim was waiting for Ez to answer him. He held her by her shoulders. "Ez answer me..!" he snarled to her. The warrior was concerned about her, but couldn't help her. He looked over at where he'd seen Diclino leave with everyone else, hours ago. He was getting concerned. Very concerned.
10:01am Mar 1 2012
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Ez growled at everyone, the tie in her hair becoming a snake and slithering away when Volkenagrim touched it. "The eye you adress is Ez. It takes over my body. I am not in control. It is." Her red eye glared, another fire raising. "If it ever goes away, I'm free. But it never leaves. It just gets worse." She shuffled around a bag in her treehouse, rummaging through knives and herbs. She brought up a dagger, but the blade was black. Ez, staring at it, cursed under her breath. She tucked it in a rope knot latched to her belt and leaped to a tree. "Excuse me a moment, I need to find a fire." She climbed down the base of the tree and shuffled through frost to get to a village. At that point, Ez had taken over, but the real girl inside was trying to beat it up with her own fists. She tossed the dagger into the fire, then it flew back into her hand, ablaze. There was a blank ex pression on her face but a small smirk made it's way. She held the blade tightly, as if afraid it would melt, causing her to drop it. She carried it back into the woods like a torch, flames waving side to side, back and forth.

1:41pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim watched Ez with every step she made. His voice echoed and billowed as he told Ez, "Do you wish it to leave? Do you wish yourself to be free?" It asked her. Volkenagrim voice sounded like a thunderclap but only to Ez. Only she could hear it. It had a flaming sense of power. For the flames of the dagger billowed and flared up even more. Then Volkenagrim saw her coming back from where she was. "Ez... I'll repeat the question... Do you want to be free? My power was to be sort of like a Wish Maker, only it involves; Life, Death, and Feralities.. Feralities being the essence of a Wild Untamed Soul within us all...." He told her, stepping closer to her. He stretched out his hand and grasped her that didn't have the Dagger. "My powers return... I'll see to it you are free.... But you must desire to WISH it!" He snarled. He then watched the dagger in her hand and frowned. "If you wish to mark my body... You'll have to have a far more unnatural flame and dagger... One forged with a Feather of a Volarune Demon... and a flame of mine..." He told her matter of factually.
6:24pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez shook her head. "I do not wish to mark you, its that I need to... Well..." She downcast her eyes, and ran off to a lake. She dipped the dagger in the water, and the Ez eye's dark red shadow billowed in the water. She glared at it, a clear frown on her face. "Get out. I can't stand you anymore, Ez." She dried the flames off, then stabbed the Ez eye. It then swanned out of the water, becoming a huge column of fire. Ez stumbled backward, looking up at the fire and the sky which was now black. She grasped a cross that had been hanging around her neck, which she had quite forgotten about. She crawled until her back smacked against a tree, and she almost shrunk down like a turtle. Ez's eye was now normal, but she could see the same horrible things and hear the screeching yells of pain coming from the fire. Ez held an arm over her head, closing her eyes, waiting.
6:33pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim went into a protective stance over Ez. He'd rushed over to her side earlier, now he stood tall over her. His instinct was entirely to guard her from herself. Or a part f herself. Volkenagrim snarled and spread out his wings. They shined with a flaming light and it shot into the skies. The flames of his power began to fight Ez's darkness. Volkenagrim then looked down at Ez and stroked her hair with his hand. "Calm down... I'll protect you... Now finish what you said... About not wishing to mark me, but needing to..." He told her. The warrior then saw a flash of Golden Light enter the skies as well. He smirked and saw that is was Amnor. The Bird of light, flying over. Helping Volkenagrim's powers with his own. Diclino saw Volkenagrim's power fighting a dark shadow that had hovered over the area now. At the sight of this, he'd set loose Amnor from his Blade of Horizons. Then sent it over to find Volkenagrim and aid him. Diclino still hovered over Lydia. "Lydia? Are you okay. Let's now go find Jabari. He's somewhere around here, not far. We've got to find him... Before something happens." He told her. Then he helped Lydia up and nodded out of respect to her.
6:45pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez's eyes were still cast at the ground beside her, flinching from Volkenagrim's touch. "I needed to take my real name back... And to do that I needed Ez to get out..." She looked up slowly, but her eyes melted down again like a wave of blue and grey.
7:23pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim nodded. He then smiled a gentle, yet emotionless smile at her. "I see. But you'll have to mark me, with that power.... Once you've defeated Maleck... Maleck will show himself soon. But don't cease to exist as Neryii did.... Or Maleck will become Wild again and I'll be even more cursed..." He explained to her. He then backed away and soon his body could be seen being wracked with pain. And to make matters worse Maleck Shadow was seen behind Volkenagrim. Then he jerked at Volkenagrim and pulled him into the Shadows. Maleck's claws then soon emerged from his shadow. Then his head and finally the rest of him. He was alot smaller than the last time. The moon was the reason why. It was an eclipsed half moon. Not an eclipsed full moon. Maleck roared into the skies and glared down at Ez. He snarled and hovered over her. He took a huge step toward her. But his claws were then near her. He looked into her eyes and hissed out dangerous words, "Challenge me with your powers.... Defeat me... And free Volkenagrim... Or die.... And become just another source of my Shadows...." His hisses could only be heard by Ez. Diclino had no idea of Volkenagrim's forced transformation into Maleck. All he knew was he'd needed to help out Lydia, and find Jabari. But Lydia was yet to give a response. He sighed and was slowly getting impatient.
7:32pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez leaned against the tree, not knowing what to do. She had no powers until her real name was given back. Ez shuffled around her pockets, daggers, and bags. Nothing but the dagger she used to banish the Ez eye. Maybe that would work. She slipped it out, and tossed it at Maleck's eye to distract him while she found an escape route. Ez leaped over a rock, then ran as fast as she could. She ran into Diclino, cursing under her breath. "Great, lose-lose situation..." She went the hard way and stumbled behind Diclino and Lydia.
7:43pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 301
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I know who really killed your-" The voice said, before being cut off by the blade of Horizons. For a moment, it took time for it to sink in. Lydia was finally going to find out who was the mastermind behind the crime she was accused of, but then, it was all swept away in a matter of seconds. Angered, Lydia spun on her heel to face Diclino, scowling. "Why did you do that?" Lydia snarled, beginning to advance on him, her hands balled into fists. "Why did you do that? Why? Do you think you're my protector? That you have to be there every second of my life?" She snapped, eyes flashing purple.
7:48pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez stared at Lydia with a scowl. "Shut up if you want to live right now."
7:57pm Mar 1 2012 (last edited on 8:03pm Mar 1 2012)
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Posts: 516
Diclino saw Ez wisp around behind him. "Ez? Hey! Oh..." Diclino muttered and then saw Maleck. He turned around to look at Ez. "Ez, only you can defeat Maleck. Lydia and I are forbidden to help.... I'm so sorry." He then grabbed Lydia and rushed her away to where Jabari was. He landed next to Jabari and sighed. "I'm glad we found you Jabari... We must stay put." He told Jabari. "The shadows around you Lydia will only LIE to you. That's why. I'm wanting to help you return you to your rank. And you'll not be able to do it without my help.. I've maybe seen your master. For he may have been the one to have killed me... And so awoken my own Darkness..." He told Lydia. Then he unwrapped his cloak from around his arm. Maleck wasn't harmed neither distracted by the dagger. It went down his mouth and then spat it back at Ez. "Ez... Don't run no more... Take your Dagger and reclaim your Eye... But have yourself as it's master... It's the only way..." Maleck hissed into her mind. Then he snarled low and looked like he was about to charge her. "I'll give you one hour... You are the one meant to tame me all along..." He added. Then he waited for her reaction. Maleck shook his head. The Dagger did some damage inside his hallow body after all. But it was only slight. He then blasted out flaming blood from his mouth at a nearby tree. It soon burst into flames.
8:14pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez glared at Maleck like a frightened child, a little younger than her age, looking like she was trying to be brave but did a poor job. She caught the dagger when it flew to her, then she thought of something. She picked up a rock, light but sharp as her dagger, then sprinted around to get behind Maleck. She held her objects to her side, then said some words. She clashed the stone against the dagger, making such a loud screech that she both deafened herself and caused a large bolt of lightning to zap at Maleck. Ez stumbled backward, feeling for something to break her fall. Please work, please work. As soon as the very edge of the bolt hit Maleck, a large shock went through him and burnt him to the core. She then rounded to where Maleck's back was again, then started tapping the bones with her knife causing them to fall out of place. She just kept doing it until she got close to the head.
8:47pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Maleck thrashed about trying to get her off of him. Yet as she knocked the bones out of place they went back into place. He snarled with rage and grabbed her with his clawed hand. "Try harder to regain all your powers as your EYE had!" He brutally yelled into her mind. It was like an earthquake inside her head with his shout. "Regain your powers and become it's master to where you'll still be free but you'll still have powers..." He added. This other snarl was different. It sounded exhausted and weaker. Time sounded like it was running out for Maleck. "Hurry before my metabolism causes Starvation...." The reason was revealed. He was burning up all his body's nutrients at a fast rate. Literally starving his body at such speed he'd perhaps die within the next hour. But that was if he didn't move. Yet Maleck wasn't going to go down without a fight. But a hint at this was certain. If Maleck wasn't attacked, he'd not strike. His energy was too low to keep up as it is.
10:19pm Mar 1 2012
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Ez, too, was a bit low on energy. "I don't need the Eye to have powers. I've got my own eyes." As she said those words, her regular eyes glowed a bright blue then faded to normal. She ran backwards with her hands behind her, as not to run into anything. She held her dagger tightly, as it was sparking with electricity. She tried to figure out a way to defeat Maleck. She ran around in circles around the giant monster, trying to dizzy him. She then leaped onto his head, stabbing at his eyes repeatedly and shocking him with electricity. She ran backwards into the trees, pointing her dagger upward. A large column of fire melted through the sky and engulfed Maleck completely.
9:40am Mar 2 2012
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Posts: 516
Maleck snarled and seemed unharmed by most of the assault. " Foolish child... Fire doesn't burn fire... Fire runs in my veins...." Maleck hissed at her. He then clawed at the flaming orbs as eyes and shown her just how hallow he was inside. No actually eyes. But wisps of fire. But then the affects of electricity was felt. He snarled with pain and thrashed around wildly. He then breathed in and began to heat the air inside him. Then expelled a flaming blast of raw energy. The forest around them began to burn. Where the flames struck, high temperatures began to overheat everything around them. This fire was indeed of the Cursed sort. Everything was dying that was touched by the flames. The land around looked like it was withering. Maleck's flames was the proof of what he was the Vessel of. Death. Maleck however was deeply wearing out. He was done thrashing and his breathing heavier and much more labored. He was slowly but surely weakening. "If you don't deal a powerful blow that's the force that gives Life you'll run out of time.... Dawn will come soon, but if I fall it'll be due to my low energy of my host not eating... Not your weak attacks... THINK What is the Element the brings forth Life?" He snarled at her with raw power. But the power was weaker than the last words. Much weaker. He was even beginning to show it now. He stumbled and nearly tripped on a tree root. He shook his head and hissed deeply. A thought rushing across his mind. "Should I tell her....?" He asked himself. His question was in his mind not aloud but if the connection was made as he thought and hoped for, she'd be able to hear it in her mind as well. The answer being, a flood of water, to be forced inside of him, to put the flames within; out.