11:38pm Mar 9 2012
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Patience nodded, his back quivering. "I'm not afraid of fire, oh no, I love fire. Fire is freind." Arachne stood looking at the fog, surrounded by spiders, deep in her thoughts. She was shivering a little bit, staring off into space. Patience looked at her, shaking his head. "Oh dear, she is having what is called a spider fit. It causes her to remember horrible things and be motionless for hours, much like a poison. If she doesn't wake up right now she may never live again and help you! And..." He shivered a little bit. "You remember what I was talking about earlier?" He was talking about engagement and things, but tried to make it sound as if he were talking about something else. "Well, its the only way to cure her if she doesn't wake up. Oh no."
12:20am Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim rushed quickly over to her side. "Arachne! Wake up!" he yelled to her. Then he remembered what was used on him to revive him when he was having similar troubles. He touched his forehead then moved his fingers to hers. He repeated then leaned in closer to her. Then breather part of his Soul, the purified essence of it, into her body. It began to take affect in her. His purified Soul Essence began to work. Volkenagrim sighed more of his power into her. Finally with all strength drained, he collapsed and fell unconscious.
12:27am Mar 10 2012
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Patience stumbled off Volkenagrim's shoulder, tucking in his legs. "It won't work. Only a spider can do it." This was shone to be true, as Arachne still stood there. Spiders swarmed around her legs, and some even crawled over Volkenagrim. The curse of Spider's Ruins began to take effect, as Volkenagrim began shriveling up into a spider.
2:37pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Yet then a powerful energy began to reverse the damages of the Ruin on Volkenagrim. He was transformed into Maleck instead. Maleck snarled to attention. Somehow the Vessel of Death was immune to the Ruins. But allowed the spiders to crawl all over him. His flaming red orb-like eyes glowed brightly like fire. Heated air came out of his nostrils. He then slowly stood up and as a strange aura seemed to glow out of him. Somehow some way neither Volkenagrim or Maleck wouldn't or couldn't be turned into a spider. It was as if the Dark WarVoidal Magic inside of him was his Curse and Protection. Maleck then shook off most of the spiders and snarled at them. His mood was definitively the opposite of Volkenagrim's. He cared not whether the spiders were hurt. Neither was he kind. But a monster. Maleck soon stormed out of the ruins, breaking pillars along the way out.
7:00pm Mar 10 2012
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Patience, Rabble, and many of the other spiders rolled off unharmed. They made chittering sounds that were like maybe a squirrel making noise through a metal pipe. Patience was now not so patient. "Is that all you got? Why don't you come over and do something effective like stepping on us, you big old fire ant!" The spiders kept crawling over Maleck, biting at him. Arachne stood there for a moment, then collapsed completely. After a minute she stood up and glared at Maleck. She drew both her knives and waited for a good time to run in and strike. "This is why I don't trust strangers, Rabble." Then she dropped her knives, both of them becoming snakes. The snakes slithered towards Maleck. She ran into a tent and grabbed a bow and arrow. She thought for a moment. She aimed the arrow for Maleck's head, and released the arrow. As soon as it hit Maleck, a large blast of blood red water engulfed him. Arachne stood back and waited.
9:01pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 301
OOC: Woah. I really missed out.
Lydia sighed, sitting down at the base of a tree. The two shadows appeared again, setting a hand on her shoulder. "The Ms. is finally alone, eh?" One said, chuckling maliciously, the other slinking forward until it morphed into a shady snake wrapped around her ankle. "Don't scare her, Lucious. She might scream and that pesky vampire might come running back." The shadow snake hissed, rolling it's reptilian eyes. "Quiet Nigel." The other being snapped, lashing out it's claws at the so called "Nigel"s face. Glaring, Nigel pulled away, sliding onto Lydia's lap and up her shoulder until it was face to face with Lucious, turning into it's natural form.
"Don't try and fight me, Lucious. You know I can beat you." Nigel warned, it's nose inches away from Lucious'. Glaring, Lydia brushed Nigel off her shoulder, knocking him to the ground. "Go away, both of you. I don't need this right now." Lydia said, closing her eyes. Lucious grinned at Nigel, dancing around Lydia tauntingly. Irritated, Lydia grabbed Lucious' ankle and tripped him, frowning. Hissing, Lucious got up to his feet, walking over to Nigel.

9:22pm Mar 10 2012
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Arachne pulled her hood over her head, instantly becoming invisible. She heard the fight going on around Lydia. She sprinted over, trying to keep her hood on. She aimed her bow at the creatures. "You two leave the duchess alone or I banish the both of you so far into the darkness you will never get out again." She pulled the string back a little farther, as a threat. "Well?" She nudged her head back to get her hair out of her eye.
9:49pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Suddenly a whoosh of black fabric was seen just above Lydia. "Now you tow shadows... How many times must I shove you two away from her...?" Asked Diclino's voice. He was in the shadows, up in a tree above Lydia. "Now Lady of the Spiders, You can't trust Maleck unless you defeat him... But your target has already run off...." He told Arachne and pointed at a shadow in the distance. He then leapt of of the tree and landed in front of Lydia. He drew his blade and pointed the golden blade at the Shadows. "I've got them, please focus on Maleck to help Volkenagrim regain himself. Before night falls... Or Volkenagrim may be trapped as Maleck for all eternity. Hurry....!" He murmured to her in a gentle voice. He then made the blade glow and banished the Shadow again. "Alright Lydia?" He asked her. Maleck was retreating from the woods entirely. He was injured but somehow not exactly Maleck. Not yet. His eyes glowed blue instead of the normal red glare. He was panting with a labored breath. He then noticed Patience was still on him. Still biting on his head. "Ssh... Patience.... Calm down... It's me. Volkenagrim.. at least until nightfall... Please do me a favor! Tell Arachne I'm sorry... I meant no harm. The Snarls was meant only to prevent you all from being harmed. To scare... The Magic of those Ruins, is another form of Dark WarVoidal Magic. It reacted badly to what form is in me, and cursed me as Maleck... Tell her to help me and fast.... She can trust me... I was asking about her to see if I could do the same with her... I found out I could through you, my friend..." He told him. He then carefully grabbed Patience with his claws and gently laid him down. "Hurry..." He added. The voice this time didn't sound as Volkenagrim's but almost of Maleck's hallow hiss of a voice.
10:08pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 144
(Sorry.. ive been really busy... ) Jabari wandered around the forest, his hair slightly singed. Wearing a slightly frazzled smile on his lips he began to wonder what had happened. He recalled that Ayren had died when the ship burned. He managed to escape, though had his fur burnt. Jabari leaned against a tree, his shirt sleeve singed, with other patches. He sat down, hand resting on his knee. Jabari closed his eyes, the memory dancing around in his mind. He softly repeated words to himself. "Ayren has died. Lydia escaped. Ashlynn was alright. His smile fadded and was replaced with a blank look as he fell asleep.
10:11pm Mar 10 2012
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Patience nodded and skittered to Arachne. Arachne was halfway to Volkenagrim, but stopped and raised Patience in her hand. "Yes?" Patience stared up at her with his eight beady eyes. "Thats not Maleck, oh no. Thats Volkenagrim in there. He needs help to get out of there. Come along!" He lowered himself down on a spindle of silk and quickly crawled ahead of her. On the way Arachne was running things over through her mind like a horse on steroids. As soon as she saw Volkenagrim, she stood behind him. She dropped the bow and concentrated. Arachne's one regular eye was glowing a bright yellow. Thousands of white wisps floated over, under, around, and through Maleck. She bent down and dug up the root of a dead flower, then rubbed it between her hands. It became a purple dust which completed the process and turned Volkenagrim back into his regular form. After depositing so much power, Arachne collapsed, and her only seeing eye faded to blind.
10:41pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim collapsed from his own weakness. He had been weak enough from starvation. Now he was weaker from the Rebound of Dark WarVoidal Magic. The last thing he saw was Patience coming towards him, and Arachne collapsing. He gasped out two words, "Thank you... Patience. For bringing her" He then closed his eyes and fell asleep. Sleep now was the only way to recover. But as he slept, his Soul left his body and withdrew itself into his Dark Voids. Yet he kept watch. Watch over everything going on. In the voids, he saw Jabari sleeping. He also saw Diclino fending off Lydia's shadows as well. Yet he didn't see himself, sleeping. He was blind as to his own body. This meant his Lifeforce was very low. "Perhaps, my time is done, before my curse can be lifted..." He then looked down at the Void Floor, a single tear of blood falling down in them. Invisible to the world. Even to Ashlynn now.
11:09pm Mar 10 2012
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Patience stared into Volkenagrim's closed eyes, chittering. "You are welcome... Where are you going?" He stepped circles around the body, making clicking sounds. "You know that if you go then things will be unbalanced. People will die, for no reason at all. Look at Arachne for an example." He tilted his head towards Arachne, who was laying on the ground as if broken. "So many uncontrollable things... Unreasonable too. Because your curse has been lifted, doesn't mean you should give up on normal life..." Patience didn't know where he was going, but he did know what he was talking about. Patience had concidered his freindship with Volkenagrim a considerably long-lasting one. He wasn't going to be alone that soon. He stood there looking at the sky, as if he weren't going to take no for an answer.
11:36pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim answered Patience. "Patience... I can't help that my body is too weak to live anymore... It's Lifeforce is too weak to hold my Soul now...." He explained. Then he shown what he meant by making his body glow to the equivalent of it's strength. The body barely glowed to the amount of an ember. It was weakly shining. The body was evidently lacking the strength to keep even itself alive. "It happens at times.... My body growing too weak, but this is the worst.... I've not been eating properly. And been over exerting my powers. Normally withdrawing myself as a Soul in the Darkgrim Voids to allow my body to go into a deep sleep to build power. But I'm too late. Unless I find a powerful Soul to devour. And I'll not devour Arachne's! She is the Soul Tamer. But never been established yet. She hasn't marked me, neither has she accepted the Oath..." He added. But then he sensed another individual nearby. This figure was one who has been wanting to kill him for ages. One that will finish him off. "Patience! Someone is coming.... He has enough power in his Soul to refuel my body's strength.... But you must somehow be the link between my Body and my Soul. Hurry! Prepare yourself to hold half my soul while my body holds the other half!" he told Patience. The figure was now revealed. It was a male that was covered in blood. "At last, Vessel of Life.... I can destroy you... Now that you are too weak to fend for yourself!" The man then charged but tripped over a root.
11:51pm Mar 10 2012
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Patience snickered when the man tripped, but then prepared himself for half of Volkenagrim's soul. "Anything for you." Arachne weakly got up, but taking a bit of time. She blinked, thinking her eyes were still closed. Spiders melted from her legs, crawling everywhere then returned as sight. She bent down and lifted Rabble up, whispering to him. "I think I'm blind again, mind donating poison?" She kept her voice so low that only Rabble could hear, then raised a hand up to him. Rabble bit his fangs into her hand, depositing venom. Instantly, vision in her left eye returned as normal. She looked around. She looked at the blood covered figure. "Patience, have I missed something..?"
12:38am Mar 11 2012 (last edited on 12:40am Mar 11 2012)
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Posts: 516
Half of Volkenagrim's soul entered Patience, the other reentered his body. Volkenagrim slowly stood sat up. "It's alright Arachne... My body is too weak to hold all of my Soul.. This man here in front of me wants to kill me... Because I turned away from being my birth. The Born Destroyer. Now he's wanting to finish me off while I'm barely strong enough to stand. Patience is holding the other half of my Soul! Now Patience get onto my shoulder. We must combine our movements if I'm to punish him into an eternity of Suffering in my Souls..." He snarled to them both. He then picked up Patience. Then stood up again and saw the Man stand up from tripping over the root. His eyes were maddened by lust to kill. As it was visible he had already have. He drew his sword and charged. Volkenagrim dodged the sword and then attacked with flurries of his own blade. His blade was full of mastery and deadly skill. Each attack received by the opponent, was easily blocked. The foe was then quickly disarmed and grabbed by the throat by Volkenagrim's left hand. Volkenagrim's eye's glow Demonic Red. "For all the terrible things you've done, Alchime... You will now pay.. No mercy comes from me... Ever... I broke my chains... You were given the chance 1,000 years ago... But failed and once again began to serve Mother's Evil...." He then drew Alchime closer. Then bit down on Alchime's throat, draining his Soul from his body and all his blood, along with Lifeforce. Volkenagrim was now regaining his power. All through draining the life of Alchime. Once finished, he dropped Alchime's lifeless body onto the ground. His eyes still glowed a Demonic Red, but an evil grin set across his lips. The darkest instinct had now shown it's face. The thrill of the kill. But it was the Soul in Volkenagrim's body that was somewhat corrupt. "Patience! Hurry, bite into my throat now!" His soul screamed from inside Patience. "My Darkness is surfacing! Mother's Siren call is singing so enticingly in me.... Hurry before my Soul in you is corrupted!" He pleaded. "This will remove me from within you and also reunite the other half into my body. While the pain will cause the Song to be unheard!"
1:27am Mar 11 2012
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Patience immediately obeyed and bit into Volkenagrim's throat. He suddenly tucked in his legs and rolled off. He stood up, shaking off dirt. He backed up, bumping against Arachne. Arachne bent down and picked him up, stroking him. "Your mother is such a barley sack." Both Patience and Arachne said this at the same time, but not exactly noticing. Arachne stared down at the dead body, a plain look on her face. By plain, the regular ex pression on her face was both confused and angered. She then looked down at Patience, tilting her head a little. "I still don't understand why you entered Spider's Ruins... As a human you weren't so constipated." Patience snorted, as if he didn't care about the subject.
1:53am Mar 11 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim shook his head and shivered. "I know, thanks for that Patience. But you've no way to understand me. Unless you know about my species..." He told them. He turned around to face him and looked very sleepy. His eyes were the normal blue but still they glowed with a faded red. Yet no Evil glowed in them from before. He then looked over at his deed and narrowed his eyes at the body with anger. He outstretched his hand and shot a red flare onto the body. Archime's body burned into a pile of ash with ease. Then he looked expressionlessly at Arachne. His eyes shown no pity and no remorse at what he done. But something looked wrong with this. "You said that Ashlynn was a Bloody Child. I know exactly how that goes. I was born to Destroy. Yet I learned something, Love. Two cousins of mine taught that. When no one else would... Not even my Father would show that to me, due to what Mother made me into... The Agent of Darkgrim. An entity that causes Death. But I broke my chains that would keep me bound to doing terrible things, if it wasn't for my cousins... They healed me of my wounds. But they were attacked... My first Death.... I allowed it." He told Arachne and Patience. "Me being constipated as you said, is all because of the sins of my past..." He then looked down on the ground. His eyes shown many a tale. Volkenagrim slowly walked over to a nearby stump and then sat down on it. "I gave up my life then to save my lady cousin. But somehow my Death was reversed. I was then given new life. A new name. But all my memories I remembered. My name after then was altered to Afrihas. The Star Warrior. Due to the mark of a 12 pointed star I was born with on my forehead. I was then a Guardian. But I snapped and died. Several mores times I've died, and been given new names... Gaeruso, Gaerudo, Garaino, Garaikou, Afrihas, Chrono, those are all the names..." He then fell silent allowing all the info to sit through.
3:14am Mar 11 2012
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Arachne listened intently, watching Volkenagrim. "I see you've been having many different forms... And lives..." She folded her arms, tilting her head a bit. Rabble and Patience were perched among her shoulders. "I recall there were more of you, and I also recall that you left them on that boat when it burnt to ashes..." She looked in the direction of the lake, spotting Lydia and Jabari. She looked back at Volkenagrim, a puzzled look on her face.
3:31am Mar 11 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim nodded towards Arachne. "Never was a real connection. But understand this. They were merely people I'd try to remember the connection between friendships... But too long forgotten." He then noticed Jabari and Lydia as well. Diclino was with Lydia and was knelt over Jabari. He was looking straight at Volkenagrim. Volkenagrim looked at him. Then a memory of a better life was triggered. All because of what Diclino was doing. Being watchful over a sleeping body. This sudden memory jolted so heavily in his mind, he fell down and was suddenly asleep. Diclino saw this and rushed over at Volkenagrim's side. "Volkenagrim!" He yelled. But then he chuckled. "Ah... Rest them old friend... Hopefully, you'll remember better days. As you rest to recover." Diclino then looked up at Arachne. He gently narrowed his eyes at her, then smiled, showing his fangs. When he noticed the spiders staring at his fangs, he quickly covered his mouth. "Excuse..." he told them. "I'm named Diclino. The Fangs are due to me being half Vampire. But not to worry, I only feed on those who are killers themselves. Meaning I make sure nobody is Innocent when they're blood is drained." Then he closed his eyes and sighed out in sorrow. "Yet I still wished I didn't have to kill to live...."
3:39am Mar 11 2012
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Arachne flinched and stepped backward. Patience snorted. "We knew that." Arachne reached over and flicked him lightly. "Spider brain... He was smarter as a human..." She glared up at Diclino. "Another odd creature, yet not one that is confusing as the thing down there." She tilted her head towards Volkenagrim. "You seem to wish to be human. The spiders and I can help you with that." She glared at Diclino, the scar running over her eye making a threatening look.