7:12pm Mar 13 2012
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Volkenagrim nodded. Although he shown he didn't like the idea of being called dull. "Listen Patience this is a new magic. New Magic is new to me. So instead of calling me Dull, call me extremely Old Fashioned instead please." He explained to Patience, then he added, "I'll try it out. Meditation has always been a strong suit." He then closed his eyes and knelt down on the ground. His mark began to glow and he felt the familiar pulse that would lure him to her presence. Yet a sudden Jolt was felt as well. A new inner beast. A beast that was a relative to the Mongolian Giant Spider. It was also just as large. Once he saw this, his eyes snapped open. "I saw it... What Spider's Ruin was trying to show me but the shock of the sudden New Dark WarVoidal Magics invading me, rebounded on my Territorial Old Dark WarVoidal Magics forcing me into Maleck... It is a relative of the Mongolian Giant Spider, but you might be afraid of me... It is a Flame Orb Spider..." He told Patience. He then placed Patience on the ground and sighed deeply. He then focused carefully and his body seemed to give off an extra outline. It was the outline of a spider, one bigger than him. Suddenly Volkenagrim's body turned into the outline behind him. His body was round at the end in the shape of a red orange orb. His fangs of the spiders were glowing a deep red. His body was black except for the stripes on the abdomen and his thorax. His four eyes were red as well. After this change Volkenagrim collapsed and was breathing heavily. "Gaaarrrshss...... I'm definitely too Old Fashioned..." He hissed. He slowly stood up and staggered a bit to the left clumsily on his eight legs. He then caught himself and stood still on one spot. "Okay... Let's go Patience... If you can take the heat... Climb on..." Volkenagrim told him. For sure enough the ground began to singe at where he stood. It also sparked a bit as well. He then lowered himself so Patience could climb on. Diclino stroked Rabble's body carefully and smiled. "Well Rabble, do you think you could tell me something? What do you think about Volkenagrim? I'm just curious... You see I must know because he needs positive energy, the sort from good thoughts about him. So could you check on something for me? Find out if Arachne can one day come to trust in him? If the promise is good then that means he'll be freed of his Curse much sooner than expected." He told Rabble. He then set Rabble down and looked at Volkenagrim. The Donampyer seemed extraordinarily calm. "You look cool..." He sighed to Volkenagrim.
7:43pm Mar 13 2012
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Patience shook his head. "A spider that rides a spider is considered unworthy of a proper life and death." He led to the cave where Arachne should have been, but she wasn't there. Patience spoke to a few spiders, trying to figure out where she went. The most common replay was not a good one. "Erutaerc hsiflow yb yawa nekat." Patience turned to Volkenagrim. "Do you by any chance know any wolfish creatures? The spiders say it is white. Know any white wolfish creatures?" Rabble stared in Diclino's eyes. "If he feeds off of positive thoughts about him I might as well just not think of him. I have no positive thoughts on that flea bag." His red appearance gave way to his short-tempered and agressive nature. His purple eyes glared into Diclino's.
7:58pm Mar 13 2012
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Diclino laughed at Rabble. "No, Volkenagrim doesn't feed off of positive thoughts but feels safer. You know makes him feel more secure..." He explained to Rabble. Then he looked at Volkenagrim's stiffness. He stood up and walked over to him. "Everything alright?" Diclino asked Volkenagrim. Volkenagrim turned around and snarled. "She was taken by a white Wolfish creature, unfortunatally I don't know such a creature anymore. The white wolf we knew was a ghost. But he wasn't the sort to take anyone!" He growled to Diclino. He then walked towards the Shad-root Forest entrance. "I feel as if I know where she is...." He snarled to Patience. "Get on Diclino then, Patience. We are going to go in a hurry...." He snarled. Then he walked into the forest with Diclino behind him. But Diclino had made sure to pick up Patience. They saw the figure of the Wolfish creature about 5 miles into the forest. Then Volkenagrim saw Arachne. She was on the ground with the Tree's roots coming after her. This enraged Volkenagrim and he charged at the Shad-Root Trees that were trying to stick they're roots into her. He knocked them both down and then blast fiery venom on them, killing them. He then let out a screechy snarly hiss at the Wolf. His body trembled around as he walked towards it. The wolf wasn't a Wolf Spirit but a threat to him and Arachne.
8:07pm Mar 13 2012
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As soon as Volkenagrim was getting closer to the Wolfish creature, more of the Wolfish creatures came barreling towards him. Arachne shot about ten with her bow, but they kept coming. The spiders hadn't followed her into the forest, for they were too afraid. They knew they were in danger, but there were too many of the Wolfish. Arachne climbed up a large tree, then stood on a branch to get a bird's eye view. Millions were coming from all directions, not just the deep forest. She tossed her knives at a few, but they only snapped and fell lamely to the ground. Patience was hanging by his fangs from Diclino's shirt, still trying to hitch a ride on the shoulder. Rabble stood in a tree, amused. His eyes lit up like happy little lanterns, as if enjoying all the chaos. Arachne was so busy trying to shoot the Wolfish she didn't notice one had come up behind her. Before she could turn around and punch it in the face, her vision went black.
8:20pm Mar 13 2012
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Volkenagrim then understood. Only two types of creatures will these Wolfish fear. The Mongolian Giant Spiders. And Hyfearion Shadows. Volkenagrim snarled out a call that lures the Mongolian Giant Spiders. It was a loud screechy squeal that sounded as though as he was injured. Suddenly the Mongolian Giant Spiders began to swarm into the area. Diclino got Patience and put him onto his shoulder. He then lept towards the Wolfish that was attacking Arachne. He killed it with his sword. Volkenagrim then hissed at Diclino, "Diclino shift into Shadock, Your inner Darkness....!" Diclino looked as though he didn't want to at all. But then he looked down on the ground. Then he sighed and nodded his head slowly. Finally he unwrapped his arm on the left and a Darkness began to leak from it. Then this Shadowy Darkness flooded and began to take over Diclino. The skin turned into a Black shadow scale, and his eyes turned blood red. His fangs grew to the point they could be seen from out of his upper lip. The whole body seemed to billow from the shadows on him. He lept down off the tree with Arachne in his arms and laid her down. He the let out a loud snarling hiss of a roar. Volkenagrim and the Mongolian Giant Spiders were now fighting against the Wolfish. They were beginning to pull them back, but then the leaders joined the fray. This was now when Shadock took action. He slashed brutally with his clawed hands and killed the leaders. His red eyes glowed Evilly at the remaining Wolfish. "Flee or die, Never come back..." He hissed with a dark snarl.
8:27pm Mar 13 2012
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Most of the Wolfish retreated, but one stayed for a moment. He spoke with a low rumbling voice. "We will be back... You can't keep us away forever, neither can the spider girl... Spiders fear us, and we need to finish what we started... That spider needs to die..." He nodded his head towards Arachne, then retreated with the others. As for Arachne, she was in the worst of health. Her skin was more pale than usual, and a puddle of blood was leaking out her back. She was barely breathing, and the spider mark on her forehead was glowing violently. Rabble stood in a tree next to her, a deadly smirk on his face.
8:51pm Mar 13 2012
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The largest of the Mongolian Giant Spiders gazed at the Wolfish. "Not all us Spiders are afraid of you... We Mongolian Giant Spiders fear only one... And that is Volkenagrim... Yet now we know not to fear him now...." It snarled. Then it lunged at the retreating Wolfish. It then faced Volkenagrim and walked over to Arachne. It then bit down on her Spider mark. "This should heal you Arachne. For it's the venom you sought!" He then withdrew his fangs full of venom and backed away. It then turned to Volkenagrim, nodded at him then walked off, along with the other Mongolian Giant Spiders. Then the Oldest of the Spiders walked over to them. He then dropped an orb of containing the venom inside it. "Tell her to drink this so she will stay alive long enough for you to become free..." It told Volkenagrim. Shadock was still chasing after the Wolfish, he was still killing them mercilessly. His was grinning with each kill. "I'll not leave any of you alive long enough to come back...." He snarled at them. "Stay away from the Agent of Darkgrim... So your species can live. And stay away from Arachne... If not We will eliminate all the Wolfish!" He roared at them. He then killed a hundred more before being satisfied. Afterwards he rushed back to Volkenagrim. He then sighed and shifted back into Diclino. "Don't EVER have me do that again!" Diclino hissed then passed out of exhaustion from the change. Volkenagrim shifted back into his normal form and walked over to his friend and picked him up. He then lifted up Arachne and picked up the orb with the Venom and placed it in his pocket. Then he took them all to what he somewhat considered a safe haven. He placed them down and sat down next to them. "Rabble? What do you think? Did you like all that violence?" He asked Rabble. Then he looked at Patience. "You think she will make it?" He asked Patience about Arachne.
9:08pm Mar 13 2012
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Rabble glared at Diclino and Volkenagrim. A sort of darkness glowed behind his eyes, like the smell of death. Rabble wasn't Rabble. Rabble was Red. He stood there for a moment, hissed a warning, then crawled off. Patience watched this, then shook his head. "I doubt she will make it. The Wolfish have done this far too many times. Death could either take her at any moment, or give mercy. But I doubt she will live." Patience stared in Volkenagrim's eyes, then Diclino, then back to Arachne. "The least we can do is hope she lives. Wolfish poison is one of the worst yet, and she has a very large donation of it in her blood now. Any minute it can get to her heart and kill her." Arachne lay motionless, the rise and fall of her chest was very faint, meaning she was very close to death. The white wisp was back again, swirling up above them. Patience glared at it. "Shoo, Hanphreite." Arachne's cold ice blue eyes fluttered open for a second, but closed again. The last bl ink of life.
3:47pm Mar 14 2012
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Volkenagrim felt her die inside of himself. He looked down on the ground and closed his own eyes. "That's it then... My last hope at ever free... Has now been lost. And not only my last hope. But another of my last friends..." he sighed out while collapsing to the ground, on his knees. "Why can't there ever be one long lasting ray of hope...?" He added. His voice still lacked emotions but the air itself turned icy cold. The cold of a deep drowning sorrow. Sorrow that he couldn't feel yet wanted so so much. He slowly moved closer to Arachne and placed a hand on her forehead. "If only she still wanted to live.... I could bring her back... but who'd want to ever live again for me..?" He told Patience. Then he shook his head and stood back up. He looked at Patience then sighed again. The connection was leaving him. The connection meaning the mark of the Spider she'd given him. The mark that had saved him. Now it, too; was now gone, like Arachne. "Patience... I'm sorry but I can't linger.... All hope for me is lost now..." He then walked away leaving Patience behind. And now he knew one reason why. Rabble was Red now. And Red was Rabble. Now he sought out why this is so. Diclino was still weak and still laying down and sleeping to recover from his exhausting shift into the Hyfearion Shadow, Shadock. His breathing was barely noticeable but was still there. He was crying inside, for he felt the sorrow within his friend. And he also was in agony over a new friend's death. His mind raced on as to why terrible things was his friend always fated for.
6:48pm Mar 14 2012
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Arachne's body melted away into spiders, who scrabbled off in all directions. Most of them became human and kept running. Patience knelt down where Arachne used to be, a little boy. He looked off at Volkenagrim, tilting his head a little bit. Then he, too, walked off in the opposite direction. After a minute he started running. Hanphreite floated above. It lowered itself down to Diclino's side, though it was hard to tell that it was looking at him. Your freind is stubborn and hopeless. No wonder he forces you to become such a horrible monster at times... Pity. It bobbed up and down slowly, looking like a large ball of fire.
11:20pm Mar 14 2012
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Diclino saw Hanphreite and sat up to better face him. "It's not his fault.... He didn't kill me back then." Diclino snapped at him. He then looked around and saw that Arachne was no more and that Patience was now a boy, that was running away. Diclino's eyes furrowed down with sorrow. He wanted to help Volkenagrim but knew he couldn't. He then looked back at Hanphreite. "Listen... Volkenagrim didn't force me to become Shadock. I forced myself. He just suggested it hoping it would save Arachne and myself. For the fact the Wolfish poisons would perhaps kill me.... So in a way it was to save myself as well." added Diclino. Volkenagrim was still walking away. He was lost from the inside out. He was giving up. All the hard work he's put into becoming free from the Curse. But as soon as he found hope, it was diminished. Then he fell again to his knees and over his hands. The Agent of Darkgrim was now becoming Nekoryu again. All due to the rage and agonizing pain as to the fact, all his friends were dying by what he felt was because of him being alive. He was now believing, he shouldn't exist anymore. That he should shift into the purest form of his Souls, and that was to shift into Nekoryu, permanently. The shift was now close to completion. Nekoryu looked around and saw one of the former Arachne spiders, that was now human. He snarled at it trying to speak but now lost all ability to speak other than Beastial Tongue. He looked down at the ground and roared in agony. He then rushed back towards Diclino and saw Hanphreite. He arched himself low at him and looked like he wanted to attack. But stopped in mid thought. Diclino was gazing at him with that familiar look that meant, "Don't continue to punish yourself, my friend." Nekoryu snarled then laid down. He desperately now wanted to die. But wouldn't for the sake of Diclino.
11:27pm Mar 14 2012 (last edited on 10:14am Mar 15 2012)
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Hanphreite made a growling sound from the inside. "First, I know what you think. And I prefer to be called female, if you will. Second, your freind is still dying even now." She flashed a bright red, showing half of her anger. A faint face could be seen inside, but not solid enough to see any actual features. She calmed down a bit, but sparks were still popping out at times making zipping sounds. The face inside looked over towards Volkenagrim, who apparently was still on his suicidal run. "You two should really find a real life, because you have already destroyed yours. Thats why I'm here. I offer a safe passage to death if you would like, or atleast a shot at life." She floated atleast three feet off the ground, and her flames just barely touch the seared ground. "Well?"
3:59am Mar 16 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino laughed at Hanphreite's words. "One: My life is fine for what I am. It's not ruined. Two: I'll not allow my Friend to die. Not by his own hand, or anyone else's. And that brings us to; Three: If he dies, the world will suffer.... It will slowly die with him." He told her. He then glared at her. His patience was already running thin with her. But then he sighed and calmed down. He then looked at Nekoryu. Nekoryu looked down at the ground. He then thought, "If you truly can read thoughts then you'll know what I'm trying to say..." He said in his thoughts. He hoped she could understand for he'd no longer had the power of telepathy. "Then you'd also know that what I want to know.... Is Arachne still truly alive? And can she be helped?!" He then growled low back at her after she growled low. His spines flared up in rage at her, what he thought was a threat. He then walked closer to her and sat down. His eyes seemed to glow with a vibrant color of shadows. Diclino noticed this and frowned. "Hanphreite... I will speak for my friend. He desires a shot at life, for he MUST live... How can you help him? The only way his curses will leave his Souls, is if he finds a Permanent Soul Tamer...." He told her.
10:02am Mar 16 2012
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Hanphreite hissed back. "No. She isn't alive. Never was. Just another ragdoll." She glowed in thousands of colors, the only color unshown was blue. "No one believes in your kind anymore, not even in Soul Tamers. To them, your just a thing of the past. Pretty soon your going to end up like me, a hopeless little bundle of fire floating around in a sea of unconciousness." She felt an ounce of guilt, but felt more saddened for the rest of the things that turned into dust balls. She turned completely blue. "You are extremely old fashioned, you two. There is another way. All you need to do is tame a creature that no longer exists. Greatfully, I happen to know one just yet. Not so greatfully, I can only do it once a month." Her entire shape exploded into amber light, then reformed in the trees. A white thing trotted out, a horse-like with a donkey tail and blue fetlocks, mane, and tail. The most abnormal was a curved horn on it's head.
10:46pm Mar 16 2012
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Nekoryu looked down on the ground. He didn't believe a Beast that was wild could possibly tame another Beast not tame. He then shook his head and lowered his gaze down lower. His thoughts formed into more words, " You've no understanding towards the present things. I mean, I'm a Wild Soul Bearing Beast.... Such a wildness in me can be sensed by others that are Beasts and they too become more harder to tame... I have the only option and that is to have a Soul Tamer... Forget it! But my existence isn't nothing like the others..... My body may die but once my Soul Reawakens the rules shift, meaning No longer will I be Old Fashioned. But I must be killed in Battle... The Rules change only when I die by another's hand and the same goes for Diclino, he's a fellow Agent of Darkgrim, appointed at my hands...." He thought out to her. He then growled low and shook his head. He saw the look in Diclino's eyes. And his words confirmed them. "Nekoryu.... There are other Warriors somewhere out there that have the strength now for you've trained them for such a Deed.... To kill you and I.... If only I could remember where they held camp!" He hissed out of frustration. He then looked at Hanphreite as she had shifted into. "You've become a beautiful sort of Beastie.... But it won't work when it comes to Nekoryu's Soul. It is far more complex than all other "Old Fashion-eds" It is too Ancient yet at the same is of the Present Times as of now, and also of Future Magics!" explained Diclino. He then stood up and walked over to her and stroked the horn. "You now resemble some sort of Unicorn. Those do exist however. They thrive in other lands that Volkenagrim can travel too..." Then he remembered something. "That's it!!!!" He shouted in a low airy voice. He slowly turned around and faced Nekoryu. "Do you remember that Valley? You discovered? Valley of the Volcanoes?" He asked Nekoryu. Nekoryu nodded and sighed. He then shook his head and thought, "I don't remember how to get there.... By the way? Hanphreite? Is on of them there still a believer in Soul Taming? One must be able to remember the training!"
12:51pm Mar 17 2012
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Hanphreite lowered her head close to Nekoryu. "I understand everything, I've been watching everything's every move. I know what goes on in all your minds." She lifted her head, looking off in the distance. "You must not think of the things you can't do, and start thinking of the things you can do! And when you know what you can do, there will be nothing you can't do. Do you understand me?" Hanphreite turned away. "I'm sorry, I probably seem hard to understand. But there are none there. I am very sorry, but I believe the only ones who think of Soul Taming anymore are the two of you and now, me. But try not to take anything personally. It will only make things harder." She immediately turned in a random direction and her ears pricked up. She glared at a tree, searching around it with her eyes. "Somethings there, and it doesn't seem happy to find you." Hanphreite's legs were sprawled out to the point she was almost laying down. Her head was in a position where it could be as if she would stab something with her horn. "Unicorns are nothing like me. They've got such a prissy attitude that makes them think they are above everything. Bringers of life? Gah, they would rather be toads." She just may have been going somewhere in her mind, because there was seemingly nothing behind the tree... Yet.

1:12pm Mar 17 2012
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Diclino nodded then noticed there was something or someone behind the tree. He drew out his glowing golden blade, Horizon and blasted a flaming ball of light as a warning. "Come out now!" He hissed. Nekoryu however had already thought about charging at whomever it was there. And in fact he did. He let out a bloodcurdling roar with a terrible snarling hiss and narrowly missed the figure with his razor sharp claws. He growled angrily at the fact he'd missed his target and thus leaving himself wide open. Diclino pressed forward and jerked Nekoryu away from there, faster than the eye could track. Nekoryu absentmindedly slashed at him but luckily Diclino was unharmed due to fast movements. "Nekoryu! Calm it!" was Diclino's only response to this.
8:22pm Mar 17 2012
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Hanphreiti reared, stepping backward. The tree itself enlarged into a bear, twelve times larger than all of them put together. It stomped on the ground, forming large craters. It roared back at Nekoryu, a skin tingling sound. Almost like the sound of sharpening a knife, a crying baby, and a very angry lion on steroids all at the same time. Hanphreite stepped around cautiously, trying not to get swallowed by a crevice. The monster thumped up and down on the ground, making large cracks. It landed and stared at Nekoryu with bloodshot eyes and flared nostrils.
11:59pm Mar 17 2012
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Nekoryu roared back at the monster. His roar was far louder and even more menacing. It sounded like a dragon's roar, crossed with a serpents hiss it makes when striking at a target, a lion's snarl, along with a screech of a raven. His flames flared up violently with along his spines. Then the markings across his entire body glowed as well, just as viciously as the flames on the spines on his back. His eyes then glowed a violent red as he charged at the creature. Diclino sighed and waited for the next actions all around. He wasn't one to strike first under no circumstances at all. His eyes narrowed at the creature before them and was scouted it out for weaknesses. He spotted one. Right behind the head, below the jaw. He smiled and awaited for the moment to strike.
1:23pm Mar 18 2012
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The beast roared, knocking Nekoryu aside. It snorted, landing with a large earthquake. It searched around and saw Diclino, possibly a weak one. Bounding through cracks and crevices it charged towards him. The beast bit Diclino in the arm, not letting go until the arm would fall off. Hanphreite reared and stabbed the monster in the eye, black ooze dripping from her horn. The bear roared in pain and skittered away, but would be back shortly. Hanphreite chased it like a sheepherder.