5:55pm Mar 22 2012
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Volkenagrim snarled at Kade but calmed down a bit when Patience spoke. "Alright, Patience. You've changed a bit but now entirely, my friend..." He told him. Then he looked at Kade again with a sharp glare. His eyes flashed a deep dark red with the slits showing through. "The only one that has been killed that I know of is Arachne. But she was killed not by us, but by the Wolfish...." He growled to Kade as an answer that the only killings were many years ago to those that deserved it and now no longer Innocent beings were being slain by his hands. Volkenagrim then looked at Diclino. "You best go hunt for blood. Or you'd might be forced to drain them...." He told Diclino. Diclino nodded and said to Kade, "Alright. You are right about one thing. We do kill. But most of the time we've no choice Kade. Now if you get hungry while I'm hunting for blood, I'll hunt down food for you. So will Volkenagrim." He told her. Then he turned around towards Patience. "I hope you remember us from your days as a Spider with Arachne, Patience. These times for Volkenagrim have as you seen, worsened his curses due to the pain of Loss... Far too many timer..." Diclino added to Patience. Then he left them alone with Volkenagrim. He needed blood now and not a moment later.
6:44pm Mar 22 2012
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Kade glared back at Volkenagrim. Something on her face was almost other worldly, but it was hard to tell. The only thing that said this were her eyes. They were a mix of blue, red, amber, and red. Her pupils were so small they could barely be seen. "I don't need food," She looked at Diclino. "I have the mark of the Acrid Carcinogens." This probably wasn't a good thing to be for a nine year old girl, but she seemed as if she were quite oblivious to the fact it meant she was an asasin.
7:00pm Mar 22 2012
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Volkenagrim's were still more intimidating. But he was then different when Kade said he felt her real age. It being only nine. His eyes looked away and then he sat down. "So you are an Assassin...?" He asked her. Then he looked at Patience again. "How on earth is she an Assassin?" He asked him. He then sat down on a stump. "Oh, Patience. Do you need any food?" he added. Diclino had already walked into the woods and found some thieves. They were indeed wanted and monstrous. He had just witnessed how they've finished killing a young girl. His eyes glowed a demonic red and he charged. He then soon came back covered in blood. His lips were colored with the red liquid. "Perhaps I've just overdone it... But I couldn't handle those thieves killing children in that forest." He snarled as he came towards them. On his shoulders was a large elk. He dropped it down and began to carve it. His eyes still glowing red from silent raging anger.
9:47am Mar 23 2012
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Patience shook his head. "You do know I'm still a spider, right? I still have the same... Low maintenance." Kade was still glaring at Volkenagrim, scanning his every move. "If you were born in the town of Murder on dooms day, you would understand." She crossed her arms lightly, one hand fidgeting with a slightly glowing slingshot. On the other arm was a purple thing that looked like a swirling thing, moving. This is what she meant by 'mark of the Acrid Carcinogens'.
3:23pm Mar 23 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim smirked at Patience's remark. But it quickly faded at Kade's response. "Oh I do understand... In fact that part of Darkness was set due to my past... I've got only one weakness... Children..." He told her. The Warrior then walked closer to Kade and Patience. "Due to the fact it was two children I couldn't bring myself to kill... Whom helped me change most of my ways... My younger cousins..." He then stopped and placed a hand on Patience's shoulder. "Well Patience... In truth I'm glad to see you. But I apologize my actions can't prove it no longer...." He told his Spider friend. "But spiders do need to eat. So let me know when you get hungry." He told him. He then noticed Diclino still very angry about what he'd seen. And what he'd done. He also saw the blood was still upon his lips. Diclino stopped carving the elk and sighed. His eyes still glowed they're menacing glow. He looked at Kade and Patience. Then tried to fake a smile. But his eyes told the story. He was in pain. As if he felt responsible for the children dying in the woods. He then looked away and nodded to Volkenagrim. A sign meaning the Food was ready to be cooked. Volkenagrim returned the nod and walked over to it. Then he began to cook the elk with his flames.
6:24pm Mar 23 2012
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Kade glared at Volkenagrim, trying to sense some kind of trick. She still wasn't going to give in to someone like that. Patience nodded. His mind was off in the distance, while Kade was still staring at the other two. She knew Diclino was faking, and she knew the pain in his eyes. She felt his thoughts as if he were saying them to her.
10:06pm Mar 24 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim looked at Kade and then nodded to her. "I understand your suspicions. I'm the same way... And we both share the mark of a Killer hired to slay others... Yet mine was more harmful to me than yours is to you... Mine was made before Birth, and marks me to this day.... To remain cursed by it for all Eternity." He told her. He then looked at Patience. He then seemed curious as to what Patience was thinking. "What are you thinking about Patience?" He asked the now Human Spider. Diclino felt Kade reading him like an open book. He gazed deeply at her with silvery grey black eyes. The look was of the truth. Deep pain, pain he hated going through and sought Vengeance upon himself for even killing those whom deserved the Death he dealt, but not the way he dealt it. He looked away from her and sighed. He was thinking about starving himself as a plea for the spirits to rest in peace, of those whom he killed, and those that were killed by those he killed. "Kade, you called us Murderers... The Partial Term is true for us... But not the Full Term of it... Volkenagrim would beat himself up about Killing, if he could feel Emotions... As for me... I constantly starve myself of blood until placed towards near Death to make myself pay for the deeds.... To me Life is too precious, for not one can be replaced, and so should be cherished." His thoughts told her. His words in his mind echoed with his feelings. It proved his pain, his anger, and his sorrow. Meaning he was angry at the killers for slaying those children, in sorrow because he couldn't save the children from the thieves whom slaughtered them, and in deep pain at the way he'd slain the killers. How brutally he allowed his anger take hold.
10:40pm Mar 24 2012
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Patience was still staring at the sky. "Just thinking of one of those imponderable things..." Kade walked up and stood by Diclino. "You stop starving yourself. You know that isn't true. I was replaced just yesterday- You remember me, right?" She stared into Diclino's eyes, and it suddenly became noticable she was exactly like Arachne. "Just stop it. If you do die, you will then go on about everything you missed. It'll only make you more sad and maybe scared. Just let me say there is more danger in what your doing than in what you will ever be." Her multi-colored eyes burnt right through both Diclino and Volkenagrim, a kind of fire only found inside.
11:00pm Mar 24 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino looked right into her eyes. A tear shed from his eyes and he finally noticed that she was indeed Arachne. Just under a different name. Another life. "I thought you'd were forever lost, dear friend!" He told her. He then drew in close to Kade and hugged her. His grip in the hug was tight, and gentle. Yet was certain he was exercising extreme caution to avoid crushing her. Then he let her go and smiled. "I'm sorry... I just, missed you..." He told her. "Now you must find a way to get the message to Volkenagrim. It killed him inside to have seen you die. I destroyed what little heart he'd had slightly opened. It seems only you, can free him now. But it'll be painful a process.. But painless to you.... Painful to him for his powers and Souls will be forced under your Will's control." He told her. "He must be freed.. For as he continues to fail, the Curse Rebounds and slowly forces him back to the years of a Monster...!" He added. Volkenagrim was still unaware of Kade's former Identity. All he knew was Patience. He was still believing Arachne was forever lost. This knowledge was now just as Diclino said, slowly destroying him. Cursing him even more. Volkenagrim then noticed Patience had seen the Dark Orb at his feet. "That's the source of my Darkness, Patience. My Curses of many lives... It mustn't be shattered or the Darkness spreads throughout the entire world and threaten it's Doom..." He told Patience. The Warrior then picked up the Orb and covered it with a thick clothe. Then he walked towards the hollow out crop of stones and hid the Orb in the circle. He then sealed the opening of the stones and was now exhausted. He had to eat now.
11:12pm Mar 24 2012
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Kade looked over at Volkenagrim. "Now isn't the best time... I need to go now, good luck with Kade, she isn't... Nice as most children would be." She then backed up and looked as if she were shocked by a lightning bolt. Patience nodded, still looking off somewhere.
9:46am Mar 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino nodded and then sighed. He then looked at Volkenagrim and saw the shadows inside him. His eyes furrowed in sorrow at his friends deep darkness. "It better be sooner than later at revealing the truth.... Time has already began to run out..." He told Kade. Then he looked at her. "Don't worry. I understand why you aren't nice like most Children."
9:07pm Mar 25 2012
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Kade turned around and looked in the opposite direction of everyone else, closing her eyes. "Its not really my fault you know, I'm just.. Different." She turned her head and squinted in Diclino's direction, as if it were hard to see.
3:30am Mar 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Diclino smiled and nodded. "I know. At nine years old, Volkenagrim had already became a monster... He was born as such... You see, His people are born the size and development of a five year old, yet also the mind is that of an adult...." He told her. He then looked at Volkenagrim. He was still speaking to Patience. The old Donampyer then plucked off some Elk meat off the bone and began to eat it. "Funny at how my type of Vampire actually needs food and not just blood, yet also water like a human." He chuckled towards Kade. "Now I better get Volkenagrim here to eat...." He added. Volkenagrim slowly staggered and shook his head. "Sorry Patience, I best head over to the Elk and eat some meat...." He told his Spider Human friend. He then placed a hand on Patience's shoulder and patted it. "Good to have seen you again..." Then he walked over towards Diclino, and the fallen elk. He then sat down on a nearby tree stump and ate some of the meat. He then opened his bag and took out lots of bread, some wild fruits, and some wild veggies.
9:55am Mar 26 2012
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Kade looked back in the direction in which she was staring. The wind was blowing right in her face, making it hard to breath a little bit. While no one was looking, she took a feather from one of her pockets. There was a cord on it tied to a small little white needle. She stepped forward slowly to keep anyone from noticing she was walking away, slowly. She slid the needle into the feather, then she completely disappeared. In her place was a small hawk, still glowing white around the edges. She looked completely different from a regular bird though, the tips of her claws and beak bright white and her feathers a mix of amber and grey. She looked back over at everyone else, seeing that Patience had noticed. Patience had to squint in order to see her completely, but he smiled a little bit. Kade tossed herself into the wind and flew in the same direction as the breeze.
6:56pm Mar 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim had felt it as well. But didn't care at the moment. He was too busy trying to get food in him. Due to his fast metabolism, he was close to starving, yet again. He looked over a Patience and sighed out, "So she can shapeshift, too..." he asked Patience. He then looked over at Kade as she flew off. Volkenagrim then began to eat the food and feel a little better. Diclino noticed that Kade flew off, for his sense of smell noticed the smell getting weaker in the breeze. "Be careful Kade, and please come back safe and sound to us... Volkenagrim needs you... Very much so, for he'd began to think of you when you was Arachne as his own Daughter..." He told her with his mind. "It would destroy him to lose you again...."
7:51pm Mar 26 2012
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Kade nodded. Then she landed on a branch. Or so she thought. She had landed in a camp. A Wolfish camp. Atleast ten swarmed around, one getting very close. "Kadrael... Long time. Did the traps work?" Kade nodded. "Your rifts worked on the unicorn, the poison got into the black widow but didn't kill her. Shes still alive." The Wolfish growled. "Its because of the beast and its little blood sucking freind. I knew this would happen. How could I be so stupid... Have you seen Vadriel?" Kade shook her head. "He still hasn't come back from the war? I hope the beast doesn't catch him." She beated her wings and flew away. She heard the Wolfish calling to her. "Kadrael! Do not forget to send back Vadriel!" Where Patience was, he could see in the opposite direction a limping Wolfish.
8:27pm Mar 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim saw the Wolfish as well. He stood up and rushed towards the creature. His instinct told him to destroy it, but something else told him, no. He snarled and looked very dangerously at the Wolfish, "Come... Follow me... But in return for helping you recover, I require info..." He snarled. He then picked up the wounded Wolfish and placed it on his shoulders. "You must be hungry. I've got plenty of food for you and I." He then carried the creature to the Elk meat and looked at Patience. "I may be considered their enemy as well to them an enemy, yet I won't kill them while they're nearly helpless..." He explained to Patience. He then placed the wolfish down and wrapped up it wounds with his own shirt as a cloth. There was nothing left of his shirt so he just jerked it off. "Now Wolfish, Eat, but be warned, I'm also the Vessel of Nekoryu... So don't attack me or my friends and I won't attack you. Understand!?" he growled. Diclino saw the creature and was about to attack it but noticed it was wounded. Despite them being enemies of the Wolfish, he couldn't bring himself to hurt it. Instead he walked calmly walked over to the Wolfish and placed a lot of water into a bowl next to it. "Drink, now recover your strength. Just so you know, I won't tolerate all your aggression on us. Also I won't tolerate you killing anyone. Or consider yourself dead before you hit the first strike...." He hissed at the creature. Then he saw a bit of burns on it. "Pitiful... Let me put this Healing Balm over the burns..." He added with a pitied sigh.
11:08pm Mar 26 2012
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Vadriel glared at the two of them "What information?" His voice was raspy and shaken, like his breath. Patience stood far behind, watching. Vadriel growled at the both of them, his ears flat against his head. "I'm fine,I'm not injured or anything." He walked straight around them, cringing with every step. He ran straight into Patience, one more step he would be run over. Patience looked up at Vadriel. "Sorry, I'll move." Patience stepped out of the way, staring at Vadriel's battle wounds. Kade came back shortly, lowering herself when she found Vadriel. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Arsdel wants you immediately." Vadriel nodded, and then Kade landed nearby.
4:09pm Mar 27 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim knew Kade had returned. Now he needed info and badly. "Kade.... Are you with the Wolfish? If so, why did Arachne have to die...? And I'd began to think of her a my last child.... A child once again I'd had to watch fade in my arms... She was the only chance I'd had to being freed of the Curses... so once again Balance can return back to normal...." He snarled at Kade. He then stood up and walked towards Kade. "I'm no real enemy to the Wolfish. Yet WHY did ARACHNE have to DIE?!" he roared baring his teeth. Diclino shook his head. "Wolfish, stay put right now. At least for now. You can't fool me. You're hurt from my Hyfearion Shadow's attacks." He told Vadriel. He then forced the Wolfish to the ground in a laying down position. "You'll be fine.... I won't harm you while you're hurt. Don't act so strong, when you are in truth weak. It makes you that much more vulnerable. Especially to experienced eyes such as mine..." Warned Diclino to the Wolfish. He then smiled gently at the wounded creature and pet it's fur. He then picked up some Elk meat and placed it at the Wolfish's side. "I recommend you rest. And eat up. Trust us. We may be considered enemies, but we hate seeing any living creature hurt..."
6:58pm Mar 27 2012
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Kade glared at Volkenagrim. "I didn't choose to be. I was born as one. But I come in many forms because not being a complete Wolfish has a few side effects..." Vadriel growled. There were a few makeshift bandages on his arms and legs, but he didn't seem to care about the pain at this point. "Arachne had to die because Arsdel wanted her to, alright? He is a bloody murderer and acts like the king of the world. There would be peace between us if it wasn't for Arsdel! He uses Wolfish like puppets, he controls our every move. Its his fault!" Arachne couldn't take it any more. She took control over Kade and went off. "All of you, stop it! I'm still here! God..." She then let go of Kade and appeared next to her, not looking too happy. "And please stop screaming and yelling. Someone could go deaf. I never even died. Arsdel just pushed me out of the world a little too far." She was also glaring at Diclino. Her eyes were now mottled blue and grey. Then she turned to Volkenagrim in a faint disbelief.
