7:54pm Jan 31 2012
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Kasey watched as Turnip and the Princess got farther and farther away. He clicked his tounge and kicked the horse a couple times to get it to go faster and soon caught up with them.
7:55pm Jan 31 2012
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Neyrii tried to calm Turnip down by stroking his mane, but it didn't work. "He is scared of something!" She called out.
7:55pm Jan 31 2012
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(looks good!)
Autumn's horse went up to a canter to catch up with the others... Still she was silent..
7:58pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 516
(Um one question? Is it night or day?)
7:59pm Jan 31 2012
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8:04pm Jan 31 2012
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She looked behind her, and behind Kasey and Autumn, was a shadowy blob. She couldn't see it just yet, but if Turnip didn't like it, it couldn't be good.
8:13pm Jan 31 2012
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"Oh shoot." Paige whispered as she opened her eyes after falling asleep and finding that the three had left. She rushed into the stables and hopped on a sleek gray horse and raced after them. The imprints in the ground were easy to find and made it easy to follow the group.
8:21pm Jan 31 2012
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Turnip suddenly wheeled around, Neyrii holding tight as not to fall off.
8:34pm Jan 31 2012
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Kasey pulled back on the chestnut horses reigns and jumped off of it stepping in front of Turnip and catching hold of it's reigns it stop, "Whoa." He said calming Turnip down. Kasey looked around the horse to see what had spooked them and saw a large figure in the distance and a lighter ob[injection]ject racing towards them. As the lighter figure came into sight Kasey culdn't help but smile a bit.
Paige finally made it up to the three and slowed the horse down hopping off of it and walking up to Kasey with a smirk.
"What are you doing here let alone with one of the Royal steeds." Kasey said but couldn't help the smile on his lips as he came in for a hug.
8:39pm Jan 31 2012
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Neyrii got off her horse, stepping back. She had heard rumors of Kasey's family hating the royal blood, but she smiled sweetly with her eyes cast to the ground. Her faded wings disappeared. She fingered her magic paper and pencil, but resisted the thought.
8:43pm Jan 31 2012
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Autumn got off the horse and held the reigns while looking at the others... She wanted to speak, and she could, but didn't want to say something that would get Neyrii upset... Most everything Autumn said, made her mad...
8:44pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 516
A loud roar was heard in the distance. Loud heavy, huge footprints was heard and felt shaking the ground. Red eyes could be seen in the distance and so could a silhouette of a giant terrifying beast. It stomped across the land and and seemed to sniff the cold air. The creature turned towards the direction of Kasey and Paige. It looked like he took a step towards them. Then it roared a roared that sounded like bones being crushed by a violent wind. The red eyes flared up as it ran at them. The charge could be heard a mile away.
8:46pm Jan 31 2012 (last edited on 8:52pm Jan 31 2012)
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((LOL wouldn't it be funny if Neyrii didn't know that Paige and Kasey are siblings.))
"Well I'm sorry you guys are up kind of late and how else was I suposed to catch up with you?" Paige said as she smiled innocently to Kasey. Paige looked at the other two girls and held out her hand to each of them, "I'm Paige by the way." She said.
Kasey turned in the direction of the loud roar and was stunned to see a large beast charging at them. It had glowing red eyes and a large body.
"Paige get on the horse and you to Neyrii. You guys need to get out of here." He said.
Paige rolled her eyes after taking a good look at the beast. Sure it scared her but she wouldn't run like a priss, "What and let you have all the fun?" she said and took a knife from Kasey's belt and took her ground waiting until she could get a good shot at the thing.
((EDITED. Sorry My compter is slow.))
8:47pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 516
8:52pm Jan 31 2012
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Upon hearing the loud noises, Neyrii ignored Paige and stepped infront of them. She kept walking forward until she saw the beast charging forward. She held her ground, feeling her shoes dig into the road. Feeling a huge bright light surge out of the circlet on her head, it reached out like a sphere and smacked the beast backwards.
8:59pm Jan 31 2012
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"Well um...that certainly isn't normal." Paige said as the orb drifted from a halo above Neyrii's head and hit the beast. Though what had just happened caught Paige a bit off gaurd she didn't let it distract her entirly from the beast at hand.
9:08pm Jan 31 2012
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Stepping forward again, she took out her magic paper and pencil. She drew a knife, and held it to face the monster. Millions of uncountable knives shot at the beast. As she heard Paige's comment, she turned around. Her eyes glowed a violent blue, an apparent anger. "How could you have brought this monster with you, if you knew your brother was here?!"
9:15pm Jan 31 2012
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"First of all we both know that what you ment to say was 'How could you bring this filthy thing with you if you knew the Princess was here!'" she said in her best stuck up voice as she put her noes to the air, "and second of all I didn't bring the thing with me alright." Paige, like her brother and the rest of her family, had a certain thing against the Royal family. After all they lived in the lap of lugsurie while her and her family had to live in a shack with giant holes in the roof and walls.
9:16pm Jan 31 2012
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(sorry guys... I am dropping..)
9:18pm Jan 31 2012
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((aww sorry Pancakez...))