7:52pm Feb 2 2012
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Posts: 516
The picture didn't seem to look right no matter how she drew it. Almost as if the way he seemed wasn't the true form. Either it had too large a head or too small a body. Maybe even to huge a wing or tail. The man looked up and saw she wasn't going to come. Then he gather his focus and began to meditate. He focused the feelings he felt dormant about her. Then he realized his mistake. She wasn't much more than a child. He smiled a bit and sighed. "Oh how foolish I've been to a mere Child in a way to her.." he then stood up and looked at Turnip. "You want to help me carry Eggs and food to her..?" He asked the horse. It seemed to want to and he smiled. He then took the reigns after he'd gathered everything. Then he walked over to where Neryii is. "Shh... Don't be afraid... I just noticed you're not much more older than a mere Child. Sorry.. You silly girl. Left behind your horse. He told me I couldn't replace you no matter how many Apples he's fed.." He said with a slight nervous chuckle. Then his eyes looked serious. He then grabbed the princess and took her into some brush near the church. Old Turnip was ofcourse loyal to her and was right there. He put a hand over her mouth. "Shh... I want to see if you know them first..." He told her with a hiss. "If you know them, by all means run to them. But please eat some of the food I made?" he told her. His voice was dark yet seemed to try to have a good tone in it. Showing he wasn't practiced around people.
8:00pm Feb 2 2012
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Neyrii seemed to make a growling sound of discomfort, and tried to stretch out of his arms. Her wings stopped fading and sprouted out of her back. Springing up, she frowned towards him. Even if he wasn't courting her like many countless men, she wasn't giving up that easily. She fingered her paper and art supplies, then her dagger, but refused to let herself. She flew down to her hideout, placing the book on a shelf. Retracting her wings, she tried to understand the current events.
4:16pm Feb 6 2012
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Posts: 516
Turnip was somehow in the hideout. So was the man. He stood there at the entrance and sighed at her. "Listen... I know we've gotten on the wrong foot. But allow me to at least hand you this food and return you your horse. Quit leaving him behind now." He told her. His blue eyes then looked at the reflection in the water nearby. It shown half of his face covered in Jet black scales mixed with iridescent hues of a darkened rainbow. Also he had horns jutting from above his eyes that point towards those he's looking at. His eyes were also red and dark, deadly and dangerous. His hair was longer and thicker, almost like a mane. And his tail was was that of a Skeletal Dragon's. Not the furry tail it was now. The man saw this and backed away. "Water of Truth's Reality....!" He exclaimed and backed away from the reflection. He then pressed his hand over his face. His eyes shown pain in them. And anger. Anger at the truth. "I'm sorry... But if you desire my name just know it is the name of a Cursed Entity... And my name is Volkenagrim... I'll be leaving your horse here..." Then he rushed out of the secret hideout of Neryii and spread his four Raven wings with silvery white tips. Then he flew away.
6:30pm Feb 6 2012
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Neyrii gasped when the beast man appeared in her hideout, but gladly took Turnip's reigns. She hugged his long neck, kind of feeling bad for the man. Redolatus. She let go of Turnip who became a small gold horse amulet. She held the string, watching the pendant swing around. She stopped it with a dainty hand, allowing it to fall around her neck. She stood infront of a mirror, holding a raven's feather. She whispered an incantation, morphing with the words. The dress will sting, the eyes will dry. The beak will spring, the feathers fly. The urge to cry, spread your wings and fly. As soon as the chant ended, she became a large raven standing in her place. She took Turnip off her neck and set it next to her book. Walking out of the little hut, Neyrii closed her eyes letting the cool spring wind blow against her body and claws.
6:47pm Feb 6 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim had landed only 5 miles away from Neryii, and was in the treetops. His long hair billowed in the wind and his four wings had trouble going into the back again. He winced heavily. He was breathing very hard. He felt night would soon come. And that this night, would be the worst. He dreaded turning into the Beast of Darkness again. The Beast of Grim Reapers, The Dragon of Death, Darkened Dragon, Felldragon, Death's Destroyer, many other names were given to his Inner Darkness that ruled over his Soul, Mind, Body, Heart, everything in him; all entirely at night. And every night when the Moon is close to being Full. From here Volkenagrim could see Neryii shifted as a Raven. He sighed and looked into the sky. He was praying to the winds of Fate and Destiny that his Soul Tamer would be found. And will also be strong enough to use their own Soul to bind his and snuff out his Never-ending Darkness. He then sighed and tried to get lift off against the wind. He succeeded and flew on, flying over the church, past the town, soaring through vast forests; and stopped until he came across a ravine where there was no trees, no animals, and no people. He then landed and awaited for night to come. Hoping all this while, Neryii didn't see him; nor try to come after him. He dreaded what he may do to her, do to her terrible things he knew he would be forced to do; but what he didn't know. There was so many ways he'd be able to kill someone near him as the Skeletal Beast Dragon, he'd began to call, Maleck. He could slash her with his huge claws. Flatten her under his giant feet, slam her with his tail, blast her with powerful flames, drag her into a pit of darkness and death with his shadows, smash her with his skull of a head, impale her with his horns, cut her with his wings, so many way. And each way he would never do, but wouldn't have a choice to do. For as Maleck his Darkness of his Birthright was free. Free to do whatever it wanted. And be True to it's own Birth. "A Destroyer of all Life..." Volkenagrim said to himself deep with these thoughts of dread, destruction, and Death. "If Neryii comes, Heaven help her...." He then yelled in agony at the skies above, slowly growing dark as the cooling air was a sign of the soon to be deadly night. He would kill but would it be Neryii. He certainly hoped not. He'd do everything in his power to ensure he didn't. Like the first tie they met. The time he attacked her. Barely managing to take control. When his eyes flash blue. Then forced the Darkness to flee and find shelter. Shelter where the first rays of Dawn strike down to the Earth first. All to reverse the Nightly Curse. The Curse of the Daemun within. The Beast of Darkness inside.
8:06pm Feb 6 2012 (last edited on 8:06pm Feb 6 2012)
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Neyrii spread her wings, letting the wind whip against them. She sighed, a sound made like a whistle. Her lift off wasn't like any other bird's, she would push herself down and like a spring, pop up with her wings tight to her sides. She tucked her feet under, her wings curling up at the ends for a light soar. Instead of a standard black, her feathers were a bright blue, her complete underside was black including her wings. Her beak was curved like a falcon's, and now, come to think of it, she wasn't at all like a raven. Her eyes shone a bright red, so bright they acted in a flash light sort of way. A spectacular sight, she hoped not to be seen. If she was, she would immediately be shot with an arrow and sold to the king and queen. Becoming a bird was quite enough, she didn't need another run in with Kasey and Paige. Paige had scared her so much, she vowed to hide and immediately come a bird to stay away. But immediately she felt a sharp pain in her wing, and she fell far down to the ground.

1:53am Feb 8 2012
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Posts: 516
The Beast took over Volkenagrim's body and forced his force to shift into the Skeletal Dragon Beast. His red eyes saw an arrow pass through a bird's wings. He was still Volkenagrim for the time being. He could tell right away it was Neryii. He roared loudly and rushed through the forest and began to run as fast as he could. All to catch her. He saw he falling. He was right beneath her. Then he reached out with his long clawed hands and caught her. He then ran as quick as he could to his church home. "Stay there... I'll come back and prepare food at dawn's first light. But don't be scared of me looking like this.. Right now the Monster hasn't yet taken hold. But I now must go..." He snarled and hissed as he spoke. His voice was of hallow bones being gently blown through by rough winds. He then left the Church home and rushed deep into the woods. He dreaded what he'd do.
6:23pm Feb 8 2012
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Neyrii flicked in and out of consciousness, knowing only one name to the cause. Poison. As Volkenagrim left, she struggled to her feet. She saw the advantage, and flew out the window to a far off tree. Far as she could get. She scraped her talons against the trunk, struggling to land. She sighed in relief, but she looked back at her wing and the smile disappeared. Blood trickled down the black under-carriage of her wing, and sputtered on the blue outside. Her eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake. But she didn't know why she had to. Letting darkness take over her mind, she became unconcious. During this time she became a human once again, the sapphire in the circlet atop her head faded to grey.
8:56pm Feb 8 2012
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Posts: 144
(can i join? if i can heres my form.) Name: Areyn Rank:Theif age:17 Looks: Average height, Long, Dark brown hair. She has green eyes with flecks of blue and gold in them. Has an Olive Toned Skin, And has black wings Desc[injection]ription: Areyn leads a thief group fearlessly. Though alot of people are after her head, she always manages to slip away from the dungeon, and from their grasp. Other: Used to be a Princess Until she ran away. Nobody knows this.rn
10:54pm Feb 8 2012
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(Sure! It makes the roleplay faster, so be careful to wait for the others after every few posts.)
11:03pm Feb 8 2012
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Posts: 516
Volkenagrim saw her fly out. He followed her and found her on the ground. "You stubborn BRAT!! Stay in the Church! I'l heal you now." He then reached his head low to her side. He then opened his mouth and breathed out a mist into her. The mist pushed the arrow out of her wing. Then it forced the blood back into her. The poison was destroyed as well. He then felt the monster taking over. "Graaaghhaarrghh...." He growled. "Do as I say and you'll survive this night. I'll take you to the Church again... Stay.. And Maleck, who's about to force me into his Evil Conscious won't find you... Stay..." He snarled low with a powerful hiss to her ears. Volkenagrim picked her up. He forced her onto his back and walked back into the Church. The area around the Church began to glow. It was surrounded by a powerful barrier. He then took a hollowed out tree truck, put Neryii inside of it and then slid it into the Church. Now Maleck was in control. He now rushed wildly at the town but the barriers around it forced him back. He was zapped by a paralyzing energy. The angry Dragon of Death roared in pain and anger. Soon it wore off. Then he ran into the woods. Where he ran, the trees fell. Making a huge path in his wake of where he walked.
11:13pm Feb 8 2012
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Neyrii gazed at him, somewhat stunned. Reflections of the starry night glazed over her blue eyes, making them glow a ghastly red. She sat and hugged her knees, staring into space. Saed. She flicked into a white glow. Saed. She glowed again. This was a calming routine, but it didn't seem to work. She noticed the blank walls of the tree, her blank eyes staring at them. She took the dagger and lightly sketched pictures and spells. The air is cold, the light has spo-l. She was in mid-streak trying to finish the t, but something killed her daze. She snapped to attention, but when she noticed nothing, her blank haze returned to the starred sky.
4:03pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 516
Maleck roared into the starry night sky. He was rampaging amongst the many trees and rocks near the mountains. He felt her trying to calm him. But his Soul was possessed with too much Darkness. Too much a Soul of a Wild Destructive Beast. His urge to kill was overwhelming. And slowly killing Volkenagrim. With a sigh withing his Darkness, Volkenagrim began to fade. " Forgive me Neryii... The Daemun has slain me and is now using my Soul as his power... May he not see you, may he not kill you." He sighed to her through Telepathy. His energy then faded. The Dragon of Grim Reapers was now near the Church. He was here to find prey. Food in the forest, was numerous. It was full of Deer, Boar and other creatures. Large creatures. Maleck suddenly stopped at the Church. He smelt Neryii. With an Evil toothy smirk, he barged into the Church. "You're helpless now aren't you....? He snarled. His voice was evil and hallow. Loud and deep. Scarily deep, hallow, and loud. Almost as if it was blowing through a body made entirely of bones. He took a step towards her. He stopped and noticed she was wounded. His Red eyes looked extremely disappointed. He snarled and walked out. He then rushed out after the smell of a large moose. He hit the moose with his clawed hand, killing it immediately. He breathed flames on it finally cooking it. He then reached down with jaws to begin eating it.
6:27pm Feb 9 2012
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As soon as she saw the creature coming, her heart was beating like a wild drummer on steroids. She saw it moving away, and gave a sigh of releif. Ptah. She became a bird, curling in the very edge of the trunk, gathering every ounce of warmth. Her eyes remained wide open, incase the daemon would be back. "Life has limits... but not as short as those..." She whispered, She closed her eyes tight. Saed. Saed. Saed. Saed. Saed. She said the words over and over, concentrating hard to get Volkenagrim back.
6:36pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 144
Ayren paced around her dungeon cell, then paused. Where is he? She thought. Then there was the sound of light wing beats. Ayren smiled to herself, then said shaking her head, "what took you so long?" She said to the empty window. A head poked out. It was a boy, about 17, with shaggy brown hair. He spoke in an annoyed tone. "The group wouldnt let me leave. They Claimed that You wouldnt make it back." He snorted. "Aaron, we're going to be slitting a few throats today." Aryen sighed. The boy -Aaron- laughed. "Now Help me get out!" Aryen said. Aaron grabbed a rope and tied it to a bar. He gave it a small yank and a bar came flying loose. Aryen could barley fit her body through, let alone her wings, but she managed to squeeze through. She fell momentarily before flying back up. "Thanks" She said shortly. Aaron nodded. They both flew into the forest and landed with a small thud.
6:42pm Feb 9 2012
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Neyrii heard a loud noise, and poked her head out the tree. Apparently, she recognised those bandits. She made a low growling sound in her throat, but apparently it was a quiet spell. Ptah. She became a small white mouse, scurrying on the leaves of the trees. She found a messanger's treehouse, and lowered herself in a bucket. The rope was heavy, but she managed to do it. She got close enough she was almost touching Ayren's wings. She tried hard not to slip out of the bucket, much more to not make a sound. She curled her lips back in a hiss, but let them down as a pose to being quiet.
7:35pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 144
Aryen heard the faint scuffle of a mouse, but She dismissed it. It was probably just a forest mouse. Aryen but her hands on her hips, "Alright. Im out of jail. Those who doubted me, Get in a line" She Hissed. People got in a group. A small number of them though. She laughed wickedly. "today, you die" She snarled. Nobody should have doubted her. She always knew how to get out of places. No one should ever doubt her again. Not ever. Aryen looked at the first person in the group. She jabbed his ribs. "Your skin and bone anyways. It wouldnt matter if i killed you." Aryen normally would have let them live, but they knew too much about the Bandit secrets.
8:05pm Feb 9 2012
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Neyrii jumped out of the bucket. Ptah. She became human again, arms crossed. "And... What are you doing to these people? Its not right to harm people for no reason!" She lifted her hand, a glowing orb rolling around in it. "This is your life... In one fist, I can crush it. Do not crush others, or yours will be crushed." Her blue eyes seemed to darken and glow. The blue and black wings faded on and off on her back, and as that happened Neyrii lowered her face to where the shadow of her forehead cast over her eyes and her blonde hair dangled loosely over her face.
8:24pm Feb 9 2012
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Posts: 144
Aryen stared at Neyrii, then threw back her head laughed suddenly. She laughed very hard. Then Aryen sighed and breathed in for a while before speaking. "Ok. Fine. Kill me. I dont really care anymore. Aaron will just take my place." She snorted. Then she stared at Neyrii with a cold ex[injection]pression. "Go ahead. Kill me now. Kill me and let these people run wild. No fear in their body. They know ways of a thief. They will steal anything. Atleast i dont steal everything" With that she walked off, leaving everyone behind. Without a care, she threw on a hood and ran off. Then she jumped into the air and spread out her wings. "Have fun" Aryen called down, waving and smiled, full of sarcasm .
8:38pm Feb 9 2012
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Neyrii growled under her breath and squeezed the orb, causing Aryen to fall on her face. "Whos laughing now? Besides, I have seen you climbing through windows and escaping the dungeons... And I remember your name from the past." She squinted, as if trying to figure out which place to stab first. She fingered her dagger, but she knew nobody deserved that. Not even this rat. She tossed the orb into her other hand, causing Aryen to float back like a ragdoll. She whispered under her breath in which only Aryen could hear. Princess Aryen. She managed a quick smirk, but dropped it in a second. She growled under her breath. Ptah. She stood straight and became a large bird like the one she was before, grasping Aryen's life in her claws. Then she had an idea. She closed her eyes, and the life of Volkenagrim floated from her and hovered off in a random direction.