One bite, and I am yours...

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8:59pm May 6 2010

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 Ash felt someone pulled him back making him release Ace's neck. He turned around and hissed ready to attack whoever had just done that. He licked his fangs that dripped with water and froze when he saw Hiccup.

 Hiccup stared at him. "Don't." She said looking down at the girl and back at Ash, "Don't kill. You don't have to."

 Ash growled, "What am I suppose to do? Starve to death?" Heasked sarcasticly.

 "You need to learn to control your hunger!" Hiccup  snapped back. 

 Ash looked down at the girl and sighed, "I can't. It is too late for me to change my ways, Hiccup." He said. He sat down next to the girl and crisscrossed his legs. 

 Hiccup froze, "Not them again." She hissed turning to see Silvia and Zhane walking down the stream.


9:01pm May 6 2010

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 Aurora growled, "You don't know me so I wouldn't be surprised." She frowned. "I just don't know what could make them so angry at humans."


9:08pm May 6 2010

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Ace was going through a pain that seared through her body. she awoke suddenly her mouth feeling dry."why is my mouth so dang dry all of a sudden?" she said horsely.


9:10pm May 6 2010

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((Is she a vampire now?))

 Ash looked at her. He looked up at Hiccup, "Urm...You probably need something to drink." He said.


9:14pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 9:16pm May 6 2010)

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Morana kicked the ground..."they grew up being feared and attacked, silvia fled 9 towns, Zhane 13... they were hunted, Zhane's family killed with a stake, Silvia's mother and 2 sisters are dead to." she sighed. "I never had to run, but my family is gone..." she sighed, "they were killed by a vampire some time ago and i was the only one who survived the transformation. if i had the choice I would be human...u are very lucky." she forced herself to smile.  "Silvia and Zhane are acting out of fear and anger, they dont mean it, and Silvia regrets everything shes done. I dont know about Zhane..." she looked at Aurora, "I have to find them...take care, ok?" she smiled before starting to walk...

Silvia landed next to Ash and Ace and Hiccup, it was apparent all the memories of her kills had come back and she regretted all of it..."So shes a newborn?" she questioned grimly.

Zhane glared, "I guess so..." he mumbled turning around.

Silvia looked at Hiccup "Im sorry the way I acted," was all she said, her eyes sincere and apologetic.  She smiled at Ace, "so how do you feel?" she smiled, glancing at Ash.

((i gtg dont go to far without me please!))

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be back tonight


9:18pm May 6 2010

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((erm i was thinking more along the lines of starting to change shes past the painful part though))
she said"i guess so."


2:37pm May 7 2010

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((Dropping out. It is so unfair that you guys went so far ahead with out me. Plus Funlover6 power played me :/))

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

4:48pm May 7 2010

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((shadow, i did? what happened?  im sorry i didnt realize.... D:))

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


5:35pm May 7 2010

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(( was very small. I apologise for being rude about that. But the roleplay is wow. way to fast, way to far >( ))

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

5:38pm May 7 2010

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((I don't think I ever even posted on this forum after I put my bio up. xD Sorry. :3

Uhh... Don't know if I should post or not. xD))


8:11pm May 7 2010

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((Shadowrider:A lot of it was some of my different characters but I am sorry because we did go a little far.



8:14pm May 7 2010

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((I just think it went to far... I dont feel like reading it and then i might miss something... plus no idea of whats going on o-o ))

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

8:21pm May 7 2010

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((I can tell you then.

 Silvia nearly killed Aurora but instead she took mercy and her and Zhane left to stumble upon Ash and Ace. Ash was was drinking Ace's blood but Hiccup stopped him from killing her and now she is changing into a vampire. Now Morana is talking to Lycander and Aurora trying to explain why Silvia and Zhane hate humans so much and that is pretty much it I think.))


8:29pm May 7 2010

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((shadow, no u have a right to be mad :( i wasnt trying to powerplay, i was trying to keep ur charry involved so you wouldnt think we forgot about Im sorry for that :(  but dont leave please! and yupp ssather summed it up xD))

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be back tonight


8:48pm May 7 2010

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Ace replied to Silvia"thirsty and like crap,".


8:52pm May 7 2010

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((Alright... i'll try to fall back in o-o But PLEASE dont go so far when i log off tonight o-o idk when/if i can get on tomorrow..))

Lycander sat on the gras.s still trying to absorb what he was being told and what was going on. He wondered if he had blacked out for a little bit mentally because he remembered nothing. It was probably from running so much and exhausting him self, so. He sighed and looked up wanting to hear more.


Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

9:08pm May 7 2010

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((Okay thanks.))

 Aurora looked around for her phone. She growled, "That phone cost me a whole dayss worht of snooping around trying to find out weaknesses!" She hissed,  "Worse. Day. Ever." She let go of the branch and stuck a hand into her pocket, trying to find her keys to her car. She pulled them outand started to slowly walk back to her car.


9:11pm May 7 2010

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Lycander remained watching her go. He sighed. "Ungrateful -" he cutoff hanging his head in his heads and sighing extremely loud.

((...braindead. *wracks brain for ideas* sooo tired...))

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

9:11pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 4,310
((Ugh what should Ace do.*Ace thinks and remembers nothing bu how she was bitten*))


9:53pm May 7 2010

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Silvia stares at the Ace, "welcome to our world." she greeted in a kind, cold whisper...

Zhane growled at them as he began to walk..."Im going to find Morana..." he felt Aurora's phone in his pocket and he remembered he forgot to give it back...

Silvia cocked her head "someones in a bad mood..." she growled looking back at Hiccup "I really am sorry," she said sincerly.

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight

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