9:22am May 8 2010
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((Yea. I guess I will put up a new rule and try to read the last two or three pages that I missed.))
9:22am May 8 2010
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((Sather all we did pretty much is stop Zhane from killing Angel and talk the whole time.but Ace is heading back to talk to Ash because she is annoyed and has absolutely nothin to do.)) Ace made her way back and sat against a tree"that was tireing," She sighed.
9:28am May 8 2010
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((*sighs heavily* I just absolutely dispise this.)) Lycander stood up and brushed him self up. He was still panting and when he stood up his legs felt like jello. However, he continued to walk away not quite sure exactly where he was heading. He sighed and swept his growing hair out of his eyes knowing what was happening. He finally found himself back in the forest, like he always did. He smacked his lips suddenly very thirsty...

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9:30am May 8 2010
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((Okay that gives me something to post for Ash now and I will just have to do something random for Hiccup and Aurora then.)) Ash still sat there on the ground, now alone. He looked up to see Hiccup glaring at him. He quickly looked away. Hiccup got up. She turned around and walked away. Her stomach growled as she became very hungry. She sniffed the air for any sign of human or blood.
9:31am May 8 2010
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Lycander crept into the streets crouching low, his knees almost touching the ground. His eyes glinted with lust...for blood. His fangs exposed as he stalked the streets looking for a decent human to take.

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9:39am May 8 2010
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ace finally returned to where she last was and saw Ash was still there."it was boring over there,"She said nodding back at the direction of the incident earlier.
9:40am May 8 2010
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((yeah rannis right, thats all that happened, sorry though i dint realize the conversation took a couple pages o.O and Silvia and Zhane are heading back to...)) Zhane followed Silvia back and came back to Morana, she greeted them with a cold glare... "well...?" she growled... "Well...what...?" Silvia replied smartly. "Silvia dont play with me right now, Zhane, What were you thinking..." Morana growled deeply... Silvia rolloed her eyes "why do you always asume it was ME..." she snarled...Morana turned to her "I dont know because when it involves death its always you..." she replied. Zhane looked up "I was going to quench my thirst when Silvia almost killed me..." Zhane replied in a calm tone. Morana looked up at Silvia..."...you stopped a kill...?" Morana said half surprised. Silvia shrugged, "I can be nice when I want..." Silvie snapped.
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10:32am May 8 2010
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Ash didn't say a word to Ace. He got up and sniffed the air. He froze, "Aurora!" He exclaimed surprised. He shot off running until he found Aurora asleep by her car. Aurora opened an eye as she heard foot steps. At first she didn't remember where she was until she felt the pain. She looked up and saw Ash standing in front of her, "Ash?" She asked.
10:35am May 8 2010
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((I have no idea what to do X3))

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10:38am May 8 2010
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((Hm...Maybe you could...Find Ash and Aurora or something. Idk))
10:40am May 8 2010
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((that wouldnt be safe for Aurora. if you had read ,y above posts you would notice he's trying to find food :/))

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10:43am May 8 2010
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((Lol. I know. I guess you could go find Ace, Silvia, Morana, and Zhane...Or He could find Hiccup.))
10:45am May 8 2010
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((ummm i gots nothing xD umm *goes to stall xD*)) Zhane rolled his eyes at Morana and Silvia...his ears perked when he heard Aurora's name... he silently p*censored*ed the phone to Silvia without anyone noticing. Silvia smiled and stuck the phone in her garments. Morana growled and looked at Ace..."were they nice...?" she asked about Zhane and Silvia
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10:46am May 8 2010
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((haha yeah shadow u could always find us :) ))
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10:46am May 8 2010
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"Yup," Ace said to Morana.She was still bored and left with nothing to do.
10:59am May 8 2010
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(alright)) Lycander saw the vampires talking but was in such a thirsty mood he wasn't sure if he'd be caable of being nice. ((im so so so brain dead while sneezing my guts))

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3:09pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm May 8 2010)
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Morana smiled..."good..." she anwsered a glare at Zhane/Silvia. Silvia was rather nice to Kyle and Angel in her opinion, but she knew she was a rather evil vampire for her age...and Zhane was a bit worse... at least she made conversation, he hated everything and everyone. ((brainfart))
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4:04pm May 8 2010
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((Hmmm.... I'm sorry guys for going so far. o-o I didn't even realize that I did. :( Anyways... Uhh... Let me think of something to post now. xD))
5:28pm May 8 2010
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Ash glared at Aurora, "I thought I smelt familiar blood. Too bad it had to be yours." He said. Aurora got up. She brushed herself off the best she could. "How did you find me?" Aurora laughed, "You found me, remember?" Ash growled, "What happened to you? You look like hell." Aurora sighed, "I got into trouble...They kind of surprised me so I couldn't fight back." Ash snorted, "I would like to watch that." He smiled, "So you have found me, Vampire slayer, what do you want?" Aurora hissed, "For the last time. I. Do. Not. Kill. Vampires." "Believe that all you want but I know how you play your game."
5:29pm May 8 2010
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Angel looked at Lycander. She shook her head, and looked away, there he was, Alex, the guy she mudered. " Oh, Come ON!" she whispered. " Please Alex, go away!' Angel sighed.