5:32pm May 8 2010
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((Uh... Mercyme.. Angel is MY character... o-o))
5:32pm May 8 2010
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((Lag. D:))
5:33pm May 8 2010
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((What...*Confused* I guess we have two Angels...))
5:35pm May 8 2010
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( No, Angel is my charrie. Angel Arokial.)
5:36pm May 8 2010
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((One of you will have to change the name of your character. It will be too confusing to have two people with the same name.))
5:37pm May 8 2010
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5:37pm May 8 2010
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((I was Angel Hart.... And I posted my bio first so I think I should be able to keep the name...))
5:39pm May 8 2010
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5:58pm May 8 2010
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((*Dies* I hate having to choose. Mercy:Kink did have their bio up first so it would be fair for them to get to keep the name. Do you have a different name you could use? I know that you always use Angel...))
9:35pm May 8 2010
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((oh i didnt realize there were two angels...*is slow...*)) Silvia grimaced as Morana gave her a speech on 'torturing innocents...' although she never really listened, Morana reminded her of her mother...before... Zhane sat on a hollow log while 'his' girls fought, he usually liked to stay out of their fights, for Silvia almost always one the physical ones. ((super mega fail))
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10:14pm May 8 2010
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((I am leaving rescreatu for a little while. You can continue the rp without me but I will have to take out my characters until I return. Bye.D8))
10:24pm May 8 2010
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((ssather...what? D: We'll miss you!!!!!!! :())
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10:25pm May 8 2010
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(( D: Bye Ssather!! D:)) Angel opened her bright red eyes, her throat burning painfully. She saw Kyle in the corner, his head down. She looked around the room, everything seeming so much clearer than before she went to bed. Not remembering a thing that happened, Angel wondered why her throat hurt so bad. Angel found her eyes glued to the only mirror in the room. All her features were... the same, but somehow different. She noticed her eyes, they were blood red. "Kyle... What did you do to me?!?!" She screeched at her best friend. "You freaking turned me...!!!" "I need to get out of here..." Angel said as she started to run out the door. Sprinting, Angel found herself being chased by Kyle, she could hear his breath and the thumping of his feet. Suddenly, she felt her body hit the ground. Kyle had tackled her. "Angel... You need to feed..." Kyle panted. He grabbed her arm and led her to a fresh scent. He could tell Angel was about to go blood thirsty. Suddenly, Angel attacked the few people that happened to be camping, killing them all quickly, trying to block the horrible screams from her mind. Finally, her blood lust was somewhat fixed. "Kyle..." Angel started, looking down at her blood covered clothes. "Why?" Kyle stayed silent, again grabbing her arm. He lead her back to the scent of the other vampires, looking for Silvia. He wanted to show her what Angel had become.
11:07pm May 8 2010
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((Soorry, but i think im going to drop out =[ This is a fast moving RP -> which i love ^^ -< but im not going to be able to get on enough to keep up with it. Id love to stay but Id only delay the Rp... ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:00am May 9 2010
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Silvia had had enough of Morana, she growled and left the scene starting down a path, her fists clenched. She heard Zhane behind her bust just growled, warning him to back off. Zhane stopped and knew Silvia needed some time alone, it was clear she was regretting all her murders again. He turned and ran through the forest in a different direction, almost knocking over Angel and Kyle. "Woah, um excuse me." he said but then he looked up, Angel really was one of them. "You.one.of.us?" he asked slowly but confused, he hadnt really paid attention the night before. He glanced at Kyle, "Morana put Silvia in a bad mood, just a warning." he smiled before starting to turn. "Nice to um, see you guys again."
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10:01am May 9 2010
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((LadyTsunade, aww ok! we'll miss ya!))
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4:44pm May 9 2010
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Angel couldn't help but stare at Zhane with big eyes, absorbing him in. It was much easier with her new eyes. "Uhh.. Bye?" She said to Zhane as he turned. She wanted to say more, but she didn't know what. "Uhh... Thanks for the warning," Kyle said with a smile. "What did she do that made Silvia so angry?" He asked, just morbidly curious.
5:56pm May 9 2010
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Zhane chuckled and turned back around..."Talked to Silvia about manners, and killing, and our kind, and...her family" Zhane rolled his eyes. "Everytime those two argue I think it best to avoid them, Morana is kind of calm, but Silvia totally explodes in your face." he chuckled sarcastically. He glanced at Angel, "Im sorry, but I dont believe we have properly met...I'm Zhane, sorry for uhhh, attacking, the other day." he said to the newborn.
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6:08pm May 9 2010
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Angel just nodded as Zhane spoke, though it bored her. "It's okay... I guess I understand now... Sort of..." She mumbled. Starting to twidle her thumbs, Angel finally added," Oh, and I'm Angel..."
8:57am May 10 2010
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((Woah!what happend while i was gone?))