Morana felt her heart race. "A human! Get her out of here before Silvia and Zhane get back!" she screeched giving Aurora a hard shove.
Silivia dashed among the forest followed by Zhane. She stopped, allowing Zhane to p*censored*.
"What are you----" , "shhhh..." Silvia interrupted..".smell that?" she questioned her face turning into a wicked grin. "human..." she growled, her fangs being revealed.
Zhane stopped and breathed in the fresh scent of blood.... "split up, Morana will get her...we just ate though." he stated simply getting ready to run.
Silvia looked at him... "Morana didnt, she would be thirsty, were helping a friend...." she whispered coldly. Zhane nodded in agreement.
Silvia ran toward Morana while Zhane went in the opposite direction, hunting is fun thought Silvia.
Zhane ran and almost bumped into another vampire, ((it was Lycander/aurora)) it was apparent that he was on the hunt for his human prey...he stopped and smelled Aurora.... he closed his eyes..."human," his fangs came out and he was ready to kill