8:22pm May 5 2010
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((....but he's running o-o.....))

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8:22pm May 5 2010
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Lycander growled setting aurora down. "I dont care who you kill. But not her!" he said angrily, not knowing why he was protecting her at all. "Theirs thousands of humans! Take them, but not her" he said standing in front of her with his arms spread. ((dude i feel like twilight now. XDDD))

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8:25pm May 5 2010
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((I must go. PLEASE dont go on withotu me alreight?))

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8:26pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm May 5 2010)
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((silvia is a swift/agile runner its her best qualities.... its in my bio :) omg ur right...and silvia/zhane are like those vampires that wanna killa bella....um james and victory or something like that, lol XDDD)) Silvia cocked her head... "Kill her? now what gave you the idea i would do THAT?" she said in a calm and sarcastic manner, her fangs revealed under her pretty face. "Aw does vampire boy have a small crush on the mortal?" she smirked... Zhane was almost there, he could smell Silvia...it wont be long now Morana was closer then Zhane, if Aurura was still alive she would stop Silvia
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:27pm May 5 2010
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((shadow, ok...lol then i will go too...other people... DONT go on without us! i will be back after school most likely tomorrow :D ))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:44pm May 5 2010
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((Lol. Who is Morana? Oh she must be Laurent or something! I won't go on with out you.XD))
9:20pm May 5 2010
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"You don't have to choose now." James, leaning over the counter again. "Yeah... its getting late..." Zoey said, puuling on her coat. "Its 9:30..." Jessie contradicted. "Then its your bed time huh little feller?" She said, rubing his hair. Jessie smacked her hand away and fixed his hair. "Cut it out you two.." James said, flipping off the lights. James, Jessie, and Zoeymade their way across the dance floor and to the door. "Can I stay with you guys tonight?" Zoey asked, butting her raincoat. "Yeah!" "Of course you can." They replied as they locked up. (( Sorry I havn't been able to reply Dx Where should these guys come in? o.o ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:35pm May 5 2010
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((I guess make them stuble upon Ash and Ace or something...Ash and Ace dont' really have much to do right now...))
9:53pm May 5 2010
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"i agree my kind are idiots and secondly ash i wouldn't have cared if you bit me earlier as a matter of fact i probly wouldnt care now either," ace said with a yawn.
9:55pm May 5 2010
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Ash looked at her curious, "Now that is stupid." Ash said, "Why would you not mind?"
10:02pm May 5 2010
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"i wouldnt mind for one is because i dont really haue a future to look to and its stupid because humans wont win anyway," ace pointed out.
10:34pm May 5 2010
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Ash laughed, "Yes, this is ture but if I had the chance to still be human I would probably kill for it!" He said.
10:39pm May 5 2010
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"really?," ace asked.
10:47pm May 5 2010
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"Yep. I mean, it is hard to look and smell all those food that you use to eat and know that you won't be able to eat them. And I don't like having to kill someone everytime I eat something." He said.
11:11pm May 5 2010
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"you'd hate my life then,i rely on the forest for everything.," ace said with a seriousness to her tone.
2:41pm May 6 2010
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"It just seems kind fo obvious." He flinched at the word "crush" "Maybe I do, maybe i don't. Its not any of your business" he growled standing his ground defensivly.

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2:57pm May 6 2010
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Aurora didn't know what to do. She tried to remember what she had learned about a vampires weakness but her mind was freaking out to bad to listen. She listened to Silvia. What is she going to do with me then. She thought curious even though she thought that the girl was probably just lying. She froze at the word 'crush'. She glared at Silvia still trying to remember what she had found out about a vamprie's weakness.
3:07pm May 6 2010
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((going to wait :)))

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3:07pm May 6 2010
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3:56pm May 6 2010
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Angel shook her head and caught up with the group. " It not that it just.. er.. never mind." she said, turning away. She saw red eyes, and blue faces. " Oh bloody hell" she mumbled under her breath.