4:00pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Hrm...There is something strange going on with Angel but I can't seem to figure it out...Is she like seeing ghosts or something?XD))
4:04pm May 6 2010
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( yes, one's stalking her, because she murdered him, but he had a power, and she didn't know. So now, when she had a 10 minute relashionship with him, then killed him, he haunts her, torturing her everytime she murders someone)
4:07pm May 6 2010
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4:14pm May 6 2010
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( Thaniks, imma use her in every vampire rp that i join, now!)
4:17pm May 6 2010
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4:20pm May 6 2010
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( Anyways, why don't you post?)
4:29pm May 6 2010
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((I don't know what to post right now...))
4:36pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Haha. I took that test on your siggy...XD))
5:34pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((im waiting for the other user to come round that were talking to :) ))

Click please<3
5:36pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((i'm so bored,whats up?))
5:42pm May 6 2010
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((Gah! Sorry I thought I had posted for Ash.)) Ash looked at Ace, "I don't know. You would be surprised about my life before I bacame a vampire" He said.
5:44pm May 6 2010
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Ace said"and what was your life like before becoming a vampire?,".She was quite interested in what he ahd to say.
5:47pm May 6 2010
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Ash smiled, "I am not allowed to say. If I did my sister would kill me." He laughed.
5:55pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 4,310
(((you know sather i wouldn't mind if Ash bit Ace i want her to be a vampire just i didn't want to make her one automatically.)) "ok then," Ace said trying to hide the amusement in her tone.She would fail at hiding emotions for one they were hidden in her eyes if you knew what to look for.
5:58pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay...I will wait for a little bit...Maybe have Ash get really thirsty and almost kill her but Hiccup stops him or something.)) Ash laughed at himself, "I can't believe i am scared of my little sister." He said to himself almost forgetting Ace was there.
6:00pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((okay.)) Ace laughed"i know how that can be or atleast i used to,".Then sadness filled her she would never know that again because of the fire.
6:01pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 7,187
James walked a little ahead of the others, trying to ignore them and look as if he didn't know them as they walked. It was hard of course,seeing as Jessie was his twin and all. "You're the one who started it!" Zoey bickered, "But I can't hit a girl! It not fair!" Jessie complained, rubbing his sore arm. "Its not my fault you're a sissy." Zoey countered. "Im not! James!?" He stamped hid foot melodramatically. "Stop acting like your 2 instead of 20." James scolded. "You always take her side!" Jessie complained. "Of course he does. Im a girl" Zoey teased. "You sure aobut that?" Jessie asked. Zoey punched him in the shoulder again. "Aw!" James sighed. "Huh?" He heard voice up ahead. "Thats weird." He said, it was dark and there was usually no one out when they closed up and went home. "Anyone there?" He called, the voice were coming just outside of where the lamp lights reached. He held his arm out so that neither Zoey nor Jessie would p*censored*. ((He's calling to Ash and Ace ^^ Sorry if its an awkward possition, I don't know where Ash and Ace are... lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:03pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 6:06pm May 6 2010)
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Ash looked at her. He quickly looked away when he noticed her sadness. He hated pretty much all emotions because they were his only weakness. He heard someone call and froze. He sniffed the air smelling vampires, "You should probably leave...Like now." He told Ace.
6:06pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Ace pushed the sadness away and visioned that it drained from her to bother someone else."I rely on the forest because of a fire that destroyed all i knew and those i loved," Ace whipered under her breath.
6:08pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"Really, you should leave. There are more vampires around here." He said.